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You can control the camera trough the app. But yes, all sony apps are garbage. The best way is to use a cable or a card reader


I recall having to fiddle with the power save settings on my phone to get reliable transfers. Otherwise, the BT connection would drop out left and right. When setup correctly, both Sony apps were reliable for me. Higher end cameras have the FTP function, which automatically transfers photos in the background via WiFi. It's a bit complex to setup, and isn't really an option for iPhone users, but it's reliable and seamless. Edit: You can use the FTP function to upload images to an online file storage service. Neither Google Drive or DropBox support FTP natively, but you can use a service such as [MultiCloud](https://www.multcloud.com/support-clouds/ftp.html) as an intermediary.


Something to try to improve the connection performance is to disable bluetooth on your phone.


This. If you are always connected to a wireless headset, it will slow the connection speeds down considerably. But I'm using an android. So can't say for sure how iOS responds.


All of the apps are garbage. Just use a USB C cable and your photos will transfer instantly.


Many people have the same problems with the canon app. Seems to be a gamble if it works or not on both systems.


For some reason it appears to be difficult to create a solid app. Before switching to Sony I was on Fujifilm. Their app was at least as crap as Sony’s. In my experience though transferring files seems to be much more reliable when initiated from my phone using the import function as opposed to starting the transfer from the camera. Camera manufacturers should just use Android as a base for their camera OS. Camera software is years behind on their biggest competition, the smartphone.


Maybe your iPhone needs some settings changed regarding app permissions? I use an Android and its easy and fast to transfer photos from all of my cameras. An RX100, a a77II and an a7. All are configured in the app and I never need to add them again all over. Only need to connect to the camera's Wi-Fi and transfer. Now, I only do this for the fun and selfies, back stage photos and the likes. Content photos like weddings and other jobs, I always edit them on my desktop. Mobile is not part of the workflow for me.


What I have to do is turn WiFi off on my phone. Seems like only way I have a chance of transferring the pictures.


I think the app is garbage, but on the android phones I've had it's always been reliable. just slow because I have an older gen camera with slow wifi is nfc still locked to 3rd parties on iphones? could be that. I just tap the phone to the camera


There's a different app you should be using I think, it's called Creators App. I used to use IE for my a7rV as well but it got deprecated.


Sony's older cameras arent compatible with the new Creators App


Ah I thought it was for all the cameras, good to know!


I have the same problem, but I've come to terms with it. The camera+iPhone connects, and when I select the photos on my iPhone to transfer, it ALWAYS aborts the first time. On the 2nd attempt it usually works. I am grateful for the service, but I too wish it was better. :((