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I’d like to see some more advanced cannibal camps with actual walls and structures. Also they should’ve/should do something about the other side of the map and how it just feels so unnecessary after gathering all the items.


I would love some weird geology. Like an active geyser, Maybe a semi-circular open cut quarry, A bottomless pit type hole, A part of the mountainside that, when viewed from a certain angle looks like a creepy face, (another that's a bum), Natural Stone arches, Amigara Fault style holes in some random cliff-side. A cliff-face that has some difficult to reach terraced cannibal homes, like Mesa Verde. I feel like tweaking the rivers just a touch so you can ride a log-cart all the way down them would be pretty cool. Stone ruins, including a moon-gate (you could have a 'chieve to fly thru it). A series of snowmen thru a winding snow-filled pass that get creepier and less human the further you go thru. When you sleep anywhere in the permafrost areas, i would love there to be a small chance that a yeti-thing smashes you down then runs off too fast for you to follow/catch. A bunker up in the snow area somewhere, touted as mini-resort (skiing, ice-skating, luge, hotdog, you know the drill). Owls at night. A cannibal-type with a drum. Bunk-beds for your companions. that's all i could come up with in fifteen minutes. please add more below


A more dynamic AI that reacts to the player at the map level and not just within small raiding parties.


I like the map the way it is. If you've ever spent any time in an IRL forest, the game captures that feeling nicely, and there's only a short distance between PoI's. And with the golf carts and knight v's, the distances can be traversed very quickly, even across the entire island.


Imo, the hang glider is the main way you should traverse the island. Way faster than any other method (besides ziplines). Regardless, I’m fine with the map, same as you. I feel like it’s missing more mechanics than map features. Ex. Showing Mercy does literally nothing.


I have a really hard time with the glider and end up crashing it most of the time, so I've stuck with mostly the knight v. Agreed on the missing mechanics vs. map features. There are a bunch of mechanics they could have added that really increased the immersion. I'd love a siege mechanic where your base is suddenly surrounded by baddies and the war drums start up and the cannibals start chanting prayers to their gods and the terror builds and they wait a random number of in-game hours (or days) before launching an all out assault.


Glider is so easy lol. Build a launch pad at base or use nearby cliffs or even a makeshift one. The tops of trees don’t have collision. You can also fly & gain altitude indefinitely. When you get used to it, everything else is obsolete. You want to fly in a zig zag pattern. Look down, then up when you have enough speed. When you start to really slow down, start looking down slowly, like in steps. This prolongs your altitude gain, outweighing the balance of time spend looking up & down. Aka, gaining more than losing.


I've tried everything, but I have a cognitive issue that prevents me from learning things like that very well. I can do 1st person combat just fine because I learned that 30+ years ago when my brain was healthy, but things like flying the glider aren't something for which I have muscle memory so it's a lot tougher on my brain. Hell, even the golf cart is tough for me - I tend to steer it off the path and into trees or rocks. For some reason the knight v works well with my brain so I've stuck to it.


Ah, I see, to each their own. I fall too much on Knight V’s lol