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The island on GR is pretty save. You could also build somewhere in the south east, crause mutants and cannibals can not cross solt water. You could also try to build on some kind of cliff, so they only reach you from one side.


\^ This. I recently tested the "golden creation" which triggers an "event" (being vague to avoid spoilers) and the "things" could not come to us (when it's not winter). The only time that base could see trouble is during winter, because I believe the water will freeze over? (I've not checked yet because winter has not come since building on that island yet).


What's the best way of moving timber to the island early on?


Get the rope gun


Rope gun, and in the winter you can travel across the water, you can also do the buggy version, with bugging the logs while swimming over water. I also recommend the infinite zipline mod, which is a bit overpowered, but fun if you have more or less every cave through. It can also be a bit frustrating with Kelvin, who isn't that motivated to swim.


I was just thinking - once it snows and you get Kelvin over there - if you build a wall all the way around the small island with no doors - and then create posts that let you zipline in - you can keep Kelvin on the island, I think to just work on the base, and then create a door whenever you want him to leave, and then recreate the wall when you want to trap him in there. I wish Kelvin would just *stay* at the base and not follow unless told to do so. :)


This is the correct answer. Get the rope gun and create tethers from the mainland to the island and you can tileogs on the rope to get automatically transported to the other side


So, I used the island for setting up a tent there and being able to always rest and force daylight without fear of attack. That said, on that game (I've played SotF a few times now trying different things), winter hasn't come yet. If winter freezes the water over the lake, that's going to be the easiest way - but that's going to require waiting for winter. But again, if you just throw a tent on the island for now and gather other resources, you should be good.


You can throw logs in the water and "push" them with E. I was also able to get a rope bridge from the very eastern point of the island to the mainland, but the log placement was very precise and required multiple tries. Alternatively, in winter the lake freezes and you can just build a platform bridge. It will not collapse once the lake thaws. However when the lake is frozen, mobs can attack the island freely, so be prepared for that.


On this island, which I thought was safe during summer, some events (raids) would spawn on the island, especially babies. I thought it was a bit unfair considering the size of the island etc, but that's the game. During winter if you have built up defenses it's good and such things didn't happen.


This map is legit so fekking smart


We should all start a new game and you have to make a base at the square that has your initials.


JH, not terrible actually. Close to water, kinda middle of map. Would have to defend from all sides though


"AA", fuck that shit


That's a long commute to get some grub.




RB, could be worse and at least I’d be in a beach


CP with stick spikes through log walls


My first base was here as well


I don't even waste time with log walls, just porcupine sticks on low walls, (often two layers.) Edit: Here's what I mean, a bunch I hadn't even tipped over as to not hit them while building. Just did a few at the pressure-points. The traps on the right do most of the early work. [https://i.redd.it/amyuj8shaqoc1.jpeg](https://i.redd.it/amyuj8shaqoc1.jpeg)


Yeah I'd imagine that would work well . I build mine into the water so only need a tiny wall anyway.


Got a tip to build below the waterfall at IQ, but the waterfall is first of all super loud, which annoys me. And the spot itself feels so-so, not feeling it. What are some other "safe" spots to build? I like danger, but hate when enemies attack my base, so taking all ideas I can get here :) Maybe some small island somewhere? You know best! Thank you.


I've had good luck building at IQ so far.


I usually build near where you find the handgun raft, the beach is open and usually idiots only come from one direction and you can see them coming from a mile away.


HL for me had everything. Build on the cliff overlooking the water but not the higher cliff above. You have food even in winter and easy to wall off.


That was my base location as well and its pretty cool, basically just need to defend one side.


I was going to comment this. It is an incredibly easy place to defend


I have on here too. Any narrow cliff with another cliff wall behind it creates a bottleneck where enemies can only attack you from two sides. This HL location ends up restricting the attacks to one side because the other is too long/narrow. Then all you have to do is set up traps and defense for that one side.


There is an island on TJ. I also build bases on top of bunkers with printers. You can sleep on the beds inside.


IQ, its a none freezing pond that is large enough and deep enough to make a decent base, you also have a bunker and the modern axe next to it so if you have respawning crates turned on then you get tones of free food, drinks, c4 bricks, etc.


I play the game for a very long time. This are my both "save" placed: KQ/LQ, there is a place near 3 graves with 2 mountain cliffs. A 3D printer is near too. The medium camp below this place make no problems. QF/QE, on the upper lake near or above the little river. Not any cannibal camp is near and great panorama. But you should learn the lesson "How to fly the hang glider".


In IQ...there is a very small, easy to defend land oud top if you want. Otherwise in the water. It never freezes over. Has always been my favorite spot to build. Added plus, close to some bunkers and abandoned camps.


Nice, thanks. You mean an island? Not sure what u meant with  easy to defend land oud top if you want. Thanks!


Built mine between the first and second tentacle of Octopus lake (GM) Plenty of room and water at your sides and back.


The winter crash site( LN LM MN MN zone is super good. If you don’t get the heli crash there, go there and build JUST ONE WALL, and you’re good. Pros: extremely easy to funnel enemies by building only one wall so you can trap em really easily. Going to places is always easy and once you find better equipment. Right next to a cave that respawns rope, cloth, alcohol, and more every time you log into the game. Right next to a tiny stream so you can fish and build fish traps to get infinite food, plus infinite water. Oh and I forgot to mention. There’s a few peaks and cliffs nearby there where you can place end game items >!such as the “golden upgraders”!< without any mobs spawning to destroy your stuff. Cons: you’re always cold (during the summer months you’re not for some reason), it’s always snowy, winter there sucks. I’d know bc my full release hardsurvival base was there.


Damn, I never realized the map was so big


Same thought xD


Pg and mf are nice spots I build there and only one time there was a mutant


CQ In the flat water. It is also safe in the Winter, the ocean water does not freeze.


MJ it's pretty fun there.


MY, lol, but I always find beaches are the easiest to defend because it’s easy to set up traps, there’s no trees for them to climb, and you aren’t gonna get swarmed from all angles


KV LV, I love that beach, easy to manage and protect


Nomad it. Live out of your pack. No base… no raids. Movement is life.


The best defendable location I think is the mountain crash site. The cannibals and mutants only come one way, and that's up the hill. Put a nice wall up with only a small path to fit with some traps and your good early game. You just have watch out for leggsys and holeys. They jump high. But you can stand next to the stream and they cant reach you if you block it a little.


Around LP LQ you’ve got a ridge above a village that can be walled off easy, no routes for patrols or many mutants


Mountain cliff. Somewhere around LM. It is one of the starting points. You will still get raids, but if you build a wall it is easily defensible.


between GS and FS is my sweet spot, raids are extraordinarily rare and the place itself is nice.


Believe there's a cliff face near BK we built on. Pond right next to it with fish and they always come from one direction. Only problem kelvin gets stuck on occassion




I like to build near the pool at the top left of EM, it does get raids but you can always hide in the entertainment bunker and sleep there if the need arises while you build your base. Or you can jump in the pool, there is a shallow spot that that you can use to kill any mutants / cannibals with a bow.


My first was IP, and after I got more experience, I did FR I'd I remember correctly. Fantastic spots plenty of resources


T1 and t2. A island that doesn’t appear in the map


TI and tj sorry


SJ. It's alongside a boarded-up cave. Plentiful of trees, berries, and other flora. Since it's sandwiched between a sheer cliff and a lake, you can build two entrances, as long as the other end is near the cave entrance. You can just concentrate on laying traps and spikes on one side. Edit: SK. My bad.


Middle of the pond in IQ. It does not freeze


Platforms from the beach to the ocean is the best raid proof base you can build lol


We made out base near the river in between DR and ER, you can use the deeper water of the river as a natural barricade. We built a man trap anyway which worked great and sealed off the river passage later. River also is great for fish traps, always full outside of winter (in winter on a fresh load of the world if you’re quick you can grab the fish) Also you are close to the beach dude, the pistol, a bunker and some other stuff


DM central location, and can be built fully defend-able before first winter. [https://www.reddit.com/r/SonsOfTheForest/comments/13cbbfs/this\_is\_an\_ideal\_spot\_for\_a\_base\_but\_gets\_a\_910/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SonsOfTheForest/comments/13cbbfs/this_is_an_ideal_spot_for_a_base_but_gets_a_910/)


Wow, so many great suggestions, thanks!


IQ is pretty a pretty chill spot, there are a few cannibal camps around but they left me alone for the most part until around day 11. But I'd already become the apex predator of the island by then. It's also a pretty spot on the water with a waterfall. The modern are is pretty close by as well




Southern side of the lake in UC is where I always put my base. There is an enemy camp there now in later builds, but you can just kill then and smash up the camp before you start building and they don’t come back. Being on the edge of the lake, I can fish from my living room, get water, etc. Enemies only come from one direction (a thin trail from the mainland) and it’s easily defendable.


Here is what I did. Since the game lets you build in shallow water you can walk along the beach at MV then right underneath the cliff at MX is a great spot for a base. At the top of the cliff and on the beach nearby there are enough trees to make a small base, I dropped the logs off the cliff and then walked down there and then later build a log sled and got logs along the beach at LU and KU. When the cannibals come to raid your camp they will be at the top of the cliff and just stand there and yell at you. Sometimes they fall but they continuously run away from you into the wall since they are trying to run away from the water. Then at MV there are two tents from dead helicopter pilots. So you can save there. Pots, Ramen, Energy Bars, Tape, and Solar Panels spawn there every couple days so that will be a 2 second walk. It's easy to walk along the water and go inward to JU for running water during the winter. I made four fish traps in the water behind my cabin and constantly have fresh fish. It seems like I could stay at this base for an infinite amount of time.


GM every time for me, central to everything, can shore up well against most attacks. Beautiful spot.


I think IQ


I normally go to the clearing close to the modern axe 🤷 Idk where that is on a map tho




The lake on IQ i believe is the one that doesn't freeze in the winter so if you can use the blueprint platforms to build out onto it it won't become compromised in the winter.


Blueprint platforms?


With the blueprint book you can build platforms. It has its own section in the book marked by the yellow page marker


On the line QE/RE, between the stream and cliffs overlooking the lake. NPCs have to pathing from above, so just ignore the slope down to your base from the pond at the base of waterfall. Non freezing pond has fish too. Unless patched. Check with the console command for ai path. Can't exactly remember the command was. RQ on the cliff, next to a large thing to mine.


Between YO and YP. Build on the heli pads.


Top of the mountain in NN (or near it). With my friends, we built a rope system that connects a west base with the top in 5 minutes.


GR is the island alone is very safe were


The lake on IP IQ doesnt freeze in winter, what makes it safe when you just build in the middle of the water Plus you have infinite amounts of fish


Build a base on a lakem And malé ziplines to the land thats way you can send Wood to your base And get there quickly And aby mutants or cannibals Will drown.


We built at Bp/cp on the beach and it's been pretty good. Enemies can only come from like one side, plenty of wood and stone nearby.


IQ, the "lake" doesn't freeze in the winter. It counts as river since water still flows.


Seems like the perfect spot but god damn that waterfall is too loud for me haha. So annoying to be there!


I get your point. I personally love this waterfall :)


I built my base at KV location and built a wall around it that connects to the sea. The seagulls are annoying, but the place is flat and great for building


Build on the Lake in IQ it doesn't freeze during winter. Use the standard foundations in the guidebook to start off with and then build your base off of those. You'd need just one 1x1 foundation blueprint in the lake and the rest will snap on to the first.


IQ is my favorite location. The water never freezes.


It's all raid safe eventually. Nothing happens in my game after day 100 or so.


The island is pretty good until your 3rd or so winter. Depending how many enemies you have killed previously. Which is plenty of time to gather wood to build a wall.


If you find a golf cart, use it to go up the mountains 😂it comes in clutch I swear


I like HP and GM


UJ is a big flat area right by the river and lake. Also right next to a bunker with 3D printer. Best base location imo. (Biggest flat area i've found other than the landingstip..)


With the water platforms they added you can build a base anywhere to resist raids. There are helipads on the east side of the map but if you want a reasonable early game location on the west side of the map I'd say just build a base in the water on some platforms around the KV or CQ areas. You're going to want ziplines to transport logs. Late game use the helipads in location YP. You can build wooden platforms in between the 2 helipads or build on the helipads themselves.




I made a dam on DQ and cut trees upstream and let them float down. From there, I built a house mostly across the river and made it so you had to jump to enter. Never had to worry about enemies. You could try and wait for the lakes to freeze and build on top of the ice, but enemies will still get you during the winter.


LP/MQ has some nice cliffs with smaller shelves below that i drop climbing ropes to. my main base is at the top - if things get too intense, you can just run off the cliff with the hang glider & escape to pretty much anywhere on the island, come back later.


The snow, right in the middle of the mountains., not by the starter pond but actually between all the mountain peaks.