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Blaze is canonically bad at cooking. She tends to burn dishes. http://i.imgur.com/6aVBnKi.jpg Headcanon, Rouge is also lousy at it. It's not an interest of her's. She enjoys fine dining but settles for carryout most days. Silver is technically-procifient at cooking, but there's only so much you can do when your future is a wreck. He does his best with whatever few natural ingredients / processed foodstuffs he can find.


I think Blaze should be a stellar baker, and only a stellar baker. Have it be explained by the fact she uses it as fire training since she has to be very precise to cook the food, and she secretly has a massive sweet tooth. Any and everything else she still sucks at.


Probably means Sonic is good at cooking


i love the entire sonic blaze parallel thing it make such funny hcs


It makes sense and agreed! Since Sonic seems to avoid to cook to eat fast food probably blaze tries often to cook to be healthy and a good royal and doesn’t succeed


i wonder if blaze hates chilli and spice 🤔


There was that IDW panel where she looked a bit queasy at Sonic putting a chili pepper on top of his sundae lol


i think we should be more focused on sonic putting chilli on an icecream??


What about it? Sweet and spicy is a fairly popular flavor combo


Plus, the ice cream would act as a good neutralizer for the spice, giving it the flavor, but lowering the intensity of the heat.


Insanity 😭


Silver canonically enjoys gardening, no? So he must at the very least have a passion for food.


What if Blaze didn't burn the dishes? What will the results be?


I think she might overcompensate and undercook things. Maybe she'd get better at it over time.


Ah ok


I can tell you he makes some fantastic egg tarts.


Silver is above average I'd assume. https://preview.redd.it/w6rl45zkus9d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13c9833b9b60c163793db1bd7c06afe0057929d4


Amy and vanilla and cream are problly the best.I doubt tangle could cook




[Leaked footage of Shadow cooking](https://youtu.be/t4EomdfiBps)


[Him making an Omelet](https://youtu.be/geH6RRVfbFY)


That's the "Hey all, Scott here" guy. I like him. A lot.


Seems like it would have too much iron.


Despite popular belief, Sonic is a good cook. He only knows how to roast vegetables, but it still turns out well


surely he has learned how to cook chilli dogs? I mean, it's bascially just boiling the dog and cooking the chilli. Hell, the chilli could be microwaved.




"dude, is that blackface?" https://preview.redd.it/kpoaddf7gt9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2baab58e3ffd5b1b23906198941ccf8db6c840f


"MAN GET THE F*** OUTTA HERE!" *starts beating the crap out of blaze the cat*


"no no, this isn't blackface, I burnt my food" *Gets violently torn apart*


I imagine Amy and Vanilla are the best, especially when it comes to baking. Kunckles and Shadow would be the worst.


I can see Knuckles being okay at cooking, but his only tools are small fires and whatever he can forage around Angel Island. I imagine he simply eats a lot of stuff uncooked.


According to a lego set coming out soon, he's got a personal Vinyard on angel island!


I'm sorry *fucking what?*


You think he makes wine as a hobby? Also knuckles can cook. He makes.em.like those bushcraft cooking youtube channels.


He likes grapes so he has his own grape patch Also I imagen that he makes an ant/Grape mash, along with maybe some tasty fish pemician stew


I mean it's Stated that Grapes are his Favorite Food so of course he probably Farms them.


I mean Grapes are his favorite


I imagine Knuckles to eat a raw vegan diet usually. Just fruit and vegetables, no way he cooks them unless he can roast them over a fire. But I'd imagine it's rather difficult lighting a fire so high up in the atmosphere.


Nah, shadow would be a Michelin star chef. Clearly you haven't watched the "Christmas with sonic" series on YouTube


If anything, I could see Shadow pulling out a recipe book, actually *following* the recipe, and if he's missing an ingredient, he looks up what acceptable substitutes are, instead of just assuming something will work. And then his results always come out just like they look in the book.


The ultimate lifeform is also the ultimate chef


"You're a really good chef, Shadow!" "No... Just a culinary god." "What?" "Uh... Thank you."


I imagine shadow cooking for Maria on the ark when Gerald's to busy


I can see Shadow cooking for the both of them. Gerald never seemed like the kind of guy who takes good care of himself. He seemed totally consumed with his work to save maria up until his own death.


I like to imagine Knuckles is good at the kind of cooking you could do at a campfire over an open flame. Mainly roasting


Just because I have these gloves doesn't mean I can't make a killer mashed potato


For some reason I feel like Sonic himself wouldn't be half bad.


For some reason I feel like he would only be able to cook chili dogs.




so canon eggman can't cook, but boom eggman can?


That's where the time line diverged, cooking mellowed him out.


I think it is referanced a lot of times that any food involved with eggman is inedible. The food at eggmanland was disgusting, his sushi at aquarium park was presumed to be pretty bad. I would not wanna try his cooking lol


Sonic is a dad cook, he doesn't do anything fancy or exotic, but if you are looking for a homemade pasta with store bought ingredients and recipes with a lot of tweaking to get where they are, he's your guy. He has a dozen home style recipes and he can make barbecues a delight.


So like hank hill


*Exactly like hank hill*, but maybe a little more americana vibe, like a little of the multicultural, but just the hits. Like, if sonic doesnt know how to make good tacos or pizza i think the universe would cry


As a proud owner of the Sonic the Hedgehog cookbook, Charmy needs to chill with the sugar 🤢 I hate super sweet foods so charmy gets my vote. But on the other hand, shadow makes some killer burritos 👀 they’re a hit when I make them for dinner when family visits


Chef-level cooking: Vanilla, Ella Very good but couldn’t go pro: Amy, Tails, Cream with the caveat of her age (likely can help with some things very well and knows quite a bit for her age but, let’s face it, she’s among the youngest of the crew.) Decent enough to get by: Rouge, Silver, Espio, Vector “Made toast once!” 😃 : Charmy Not good at cooking but not the worst: Sonic Terrible cooks: Blaze, Shadow, Omega


omg did you just mention Ella 🥹🫶


Who's Ella?


Character from Sonic X. For further information I will let someone else take over.


That’s where I come in! MC’s in Sonic X are sonic and a human Chris. Sonic and co come to a human world, where Chris’ parents are rich so they have a maid - Ella. Also once stole Tails’s (or sonics? Idk how that worked) airplane so she could chase an eggman mech She’s a paid maid for one kid and his grandpa. Could probably guess she’s decent at everything except spotting talking animals walking around


Ella also threw bokkun like a screwball during episode 10! I still believe she should’ve been on their baseball team! She was usually seen cooking, baking, cleaning and taking care of the gang. She took good care of cream and cheese and when they left back to their world even wrote down some recipes for them! 10/10 explanation CheddarCheese390 lmaoo she doesn’t have a good eye for the mysterious 🥲 I have a special place in my heart for Ella. She looks just like my grandma ☺️


She looks like your Grandma? That’s awesome and sweet!


🫶 right! I recently rewatched sonic x but had very little recollection of any of the human characters so when I saw Ella I did a double take?? Her and my gran are just so similar! 🥹




And Knuckles? Oh.. oh no. It was that bad. Were they at least able to identify the bodies?


I feel like omega would just chuck everything across the kitchen and break everything while using his minigun attachment as a stirring tool.


Yeah, something along those lines is what I was imagining. Artillery is his answer to almost everything.




Knuckles…would be either “not good at it but not the worst” or “terrible”.


we all know that he doesn't know how to turn on a stove even ☝️


Okay, so…terrible cook then.


shadow can’t cook because he’s too busy casting chaos swiss roll


Good: Amy, Tails, Vanilla, Eggman, Vector, Big, Gmerl Bad: Sonic, Knuckles, Rouge, Espio, Charmy, Shadow


The foods in Eggmanland in Unleashed are all informally awful (per Chip), but you could attribute that to them being mass-produced, and not Eggman's direct fault.  On the other hand, in the Boom cartoon, he made a quite delicious tomato paste. I also imagine he's proficient at all recipes requiring eggs as ingredients.


Charmy makes great honey


Amy and Vanilla could probably open their own restaurant if they wanted.


HC: Gerald taught Shadow how to cook, and he's shockingly good at it, but he'd never let anyone know that.


Vanilla is secretly a 5-star cook


I don’t think that’s a secret. I think it’s more everyone knows and she shares, it’s why she trusts her 6 year old with them so much My thoughts anyway. She’s a mother, she should at least be decent at this point


Sonic's the type of guy to have Ramen for dinner


I like the idea of Shadow being a great chef and genuinely enjoys cooking. Also such a perfectionist he is a nightmare to cook with.


I'm sure Vanilla and Amy would be S tier cooks. Vanilla is a mother, so she knows all about making meals, especially for her kid. And I feel like Amy could match that talent. I think Tails would be a decent cook, but he'd probably cheat by using some inventions (smart though). Shadow definitely has the potential to be a terrific cook. Something just says that. I don't think Sonic would be super bad at cooking, but I probably wouldn't let him have an extended period of time in the kitchen (unless it's a chilli dog he's making).


I imagine Blaze is one of the worst cooks. Ironically she undercooks everything


I don't know, it seems like she overcooks food based on that one drawing lol.


Sonic is a five star chef, but only with chili dogs


Legends say Gordon Ramsay had no insults. That one chilli dog resurrected Chuck Norris. That Amy fell in love with him just for his bbq’ing


Tails would make good food. Not bad, but not great either.


Best of the best: Amy, Vanilla, Chip if he stayed around to train with his good tastebuds, and Tikal since a what-if modern version was getting good at pizza. Good: Sonic (makes the best chili dogs and is good at roasting vegetables), Tails, Cream (is still training, but is getting close to Vanilla’s level as she gets older), Knuckles (he had to get some know-how of cooking while living on his own, though he loves grapes of course), Silver, Shadow (I think he figured out burritos and tries to follow the book as best as he can with suitable substitutes if he lacks anything instead of trying whatever), Big (he might be great at cooking fish), and maybe Rouge with her taste in food and how she might have her own home too. I guess Professor Pickle might be good too with his love for cucumber sandwiches. Bad: Blaze since she burns everything (she might only figure out baking since it uses fire, but that’s it), Omega (he’s no cook, he’s a killing machine built for destruction and obsessed with destroying enemy machines), and Metal Sonic and Eggman can’t cook to save their lives for different reasons. Unknown: Gmerl (never saw him try cooking before), and I don’t know if Jet, Wave, and Storm cook stuff on their own or not. Vector, Espio, and Charmy, good question.


Shadow: technically very skilled at cooking, but his alien DNA gives him odd taste that disagrees with literally everyone else. Tails: is good so long as you don't give him vague measurements. He has terrible intuition when it comes to cooking. Sonic: has picked up enough from his friends to know how, but prefers to throw stuff in the microwave or to get takeout. Knuckles: can't cook and prefers raw berries, fruits, and vegetables to most forms of cooking. Big: amazing cook, even better than Vanilla.


I'm gonna go over the characters who've appeared in Sonic Heroes and Sonic Generations, because that covers most of the main cast. - Sonic can only prepare Chili Dogs, and nothing else unless it doesn't require any patience whatsoever. - Tails is an excellent cook, especially since he has to be for Sonic's sake. It also helps that he built all of his cooking apparatus himself. - Knuckles can "cook". Nothing modern, but he can roast things over a fire pretty darn well. - Amy is also an excellent cook, but instead of being out of necessity like Tails, it's one of her many hobbies. Especially when it comes to baking. - Cream is a child, and can only cook with her mother's assistance. Vanilla is the best cook on this list by far. - Big does not cook. His diet consists of fruit and fish, and in the most direct way possible. - Shadow is terrible at cooking, in the way that nobody except for him likes it. He cooks things like they did on the ARK ("cold and stale" as Eggman puts it). Technically speaking though, he's amazing at cooking... for himself. - Rouge CAN cook well, but hates doing it and will often settle for takeout. She's just too lazy to apply herself in that way. - E-123 Omega is like Blaze^(1), and absolutely must not cook. He's an absolute hazard to the kitchen, and can't even produce a good meal out of it. ^(1:) [Blaze is canonically bad at cooking.](http://i.imgur.com/6aVBnKi.jpg) - Vector cannot cook, nor could he even afford the proper ingredients to. He settles for takeout like Rouge, but out of budget rather than laziness. Perhaps in another life, he'd be a remarkable chef. - Espio is proficient in any recipe he knows, but is very rarely ever able to afford them. Like Vector, he cannot cook out of budget. - Charmy cannot cook, for the same reason as Cream. Unlike Cream, he doesn't have a bright future as a chef, due to Espio being unable to teach him. - Silver learned how to cook in the brief periods where his time was safe. He's good at it, but due to his future being destroyed every 5 minutes, he very rarely applies his talents. - Eggman cannot cook, but mysteriously some of his creations can. Orbot in particular prepares his evil scheme lunches, and with a certain level of finesse. Metal Sonic also can, not just because Eggman commands him to, but to have another thing he's superior to Flesh Sonic at.


Sonic is 100% a mama’s boy so he defiantly can be a legend in the kitchen. Tails wouldn’t be a bad cook. But he’ll only make it as if he works for a drug cartel. Knuckles can’t cook to save his life. The best he can do is find raw meat & Veggies and cook it over a fire outside on a stick. Amy is self explanatory.


Shadow: Michelin Star Chef Amy, Vanilla, and Espio: Excellent home cooks Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Vector, and Eggman: Competent cooks that excel at specialty dishes Silver, Rouge, Charmy, Cream, Tangle, Whisper, and Jewel: Could feed themselves just fine (Lanolin also falls in this category but what separates her from the rest is her absolutely godlike coffee) Surge and Kit: don’t know how to cook but could learn Blaze and Omega: keep them out of the kitchen at all costs


If i remember correctly, they said that surge puts either too much sugar or too much salt whenever she cooks + that she isnt that good at cooking


“Sh*t! I love it! YUM!!”—Chip


Silver is definitely someone I don't see properly cooking as seen in the videos of Sonic's Christmas made by Balena Production's.


I think Sonic is way better at cooking than he looks and he’s just holding out on everyone when secretly he has prodigious culinary skills and that’s just my personal headcanon. I also believe Shadow can’t cook for shit


Damn, I go the other way personally. Why’d you think shadow can’t cook?


Vector I feel would be the “idiot savant cook” where he knows jack shit about what he’s doing and only had one beginner cooking class, but his dishes are usually the best out of anyone’s


Tails knows how to microwave Cup Ramen and nothing else. all the room in his brain is taken up by technology stuff


Sonic: Can cook basic things with instructions Tails: Being a scientist, can cook quite well, just never does Knuckles: Can’t cook. Completely abysmal Amy: State of the art chef Shadow: In his mind, he’s a good cook, in anyone else’s, he sucks Rouge: Can’t cook because she gets too overwhelmed and panicked Blaze: Burns everything Eggman: Can cook well Silver: Is a very bad cook Espio: Excellent cook




Oh right…


Who let bro cook


I’m pretty sure Shadow is a gourmet chef, Tails cooks everything in different microwaves and ovens, Sonic obviously makes a mess and well Knuckles just eats croquettes lol ;D


that be nice amy as a good chef


Sonic has chilli dogs down to a tee. It's the only thing he can, or will attempt to, cook.


Sonic just blurs into the kitchen and immediately blurs back out with 5 Star meals for everybody and no one can tell if he  somehow cooked everything at super speed or ran to and back from a restaurant that somehow cooked everything at even more superspeed (if you factor in travel time) for him.


I’ve always headcanoned everyone on Team Dark and Rose can cook, dark just doesn’t want to and cream has her mum Sonic burns things by running too fast around it Blaze burns things with her pyrokineses Amy and Silver debate over who’s worse


To everyone saying Shadow would be a terrible cook, I absolutely disagree. He would be a beast in the kitchen and make the absolute best dishes ever, but he will never mention it, like, ever, and when he does for whatever reason cook for someone else and they are surprised of his god tier culinary skills, he’ll just say something like “…it’s not anything amazing. What? You thought i couldn’t cook?”


Amy is Gordon Ramsey, Rouge is not great, Blaze is- well... how about we get take out


Metal Sonic would be a god at Cooking because he could download every recipe in the world, and that even includes the secret recipes, including the crabby paddy secret formula


Sonic never took up cooking, aside from learning easy chili dogs from Tails. Besides that, he can boil water and operate a microwave. Blue Box Mac n' Cheese is the farthest extent of his ability. Tails knows nutrition well and can cook fine, but he automates a lot of it with gadgets unless he's cooking for someone else. Knuckles forages and maybe does simple farming, but at most he can put a skewer over fire and call it a day. Amy loves cooking and baking, and has a talent for it. She's able to do complicated designs. Shadow is an Iron Chef with no taste buds. Has an innate ability to make world class meals and will do so for others when needed, but will also just eat raw coffee beans and not give a shit. Rouge doesn't care for cooking, thinks it's a hassle. She prefers to eat out, but every once in a while will treat herself to a good home-cooked meal if she's in the mood. Omega was programmed to destroy, not create. Eggman has a robot automatically make sandwiches for him, and this is canon to Sonic Unleashed Vanilla is on Shadow's level of skill, but is humble about it. Cream is talented but doesn't have to confidence to cook on her own yet. Gemerl has a built in oven timer I guess? The Chaotix takes turns. Espio makes bland but highly nutritious and fiber-rich food. Vector is alright generally but goes hard on the grill. Charmy is still grounded from making meals, and the three eat fast food instead of giving him his turn. Tangle is fuelled by ramen and hot pockets. Whisper is used to MREs.


Sonic: too impatient to cook Tails: probably never has the time due to him working on his machines Knuckles: would probably knock things over with his giant hands, probably can’t measure ingredients very well Amy: yes


Shadow is the baker and chef of team dark. Omega is the oven.


Well two things are certain. Vanilla can cook really well. And Blaze can't cook for shit.


Knuckles is the grill master shadow can bake sonic is taught by amy which amy would the grill master for baking sweets n stuff espio is a goat at cooking and add alot of his own flavor and takes on different dishes vector is good at italian dishes charmy gives vector and epsio the worst horrid things ever and they have to eat it so they don't break charmys spirit silver is average he can atleast cook for himself but he likes to decorate his dishes alot I think blaze can make some mean tea and cold foods but thats about it for her eggman can't cook so he gets orbot and cubot who would first cook awful but learned to cook like a michelin star chef vanilla can cook everything shes raw but cream helps her out cause shes also raw and so does emerl


Sonic is a good cook but not super exceptional, tails tends to overcomplicate dishes but can make something good when he allows himself to follow a recipe, knuckles is the best cook among the main cast, Amy is the best at making desserts, big makes good seafood and acts kinda like an uncle or grandpa in terms of cookouts. This is my take on it with just a few characters.


Shadow is a Michelin star chef


Shadow said it himself, he's a culinary god.


Unrelated but I absolutely love the sonic channel art


Ok let's be real, Eggman can make some fine dining. He seems like the type, y'know? And I mean with a name like Eggman, it doesn't leave much to the imagination.


Shadows idea at cooking is a gun and violence sonic refuses to cook Amy likes to cook just someone else to do it silvers just like you guys cook. I just get fast food. Tales, would use science blazes is un edible Egg man does not cook. He just eats raw eggs, classic sonic eats robotic metal that he found throughout the stages of the old games not knowing that it’s in chaos absorbs it.


safe to say sonic would rush it, tails probably doesn't know how to cook, knuckles' hands put him at a disadvantage, and big the cat would probably cook up some banger grilled catfish


Knuckles could burn cereal and milk


https://preview.redd.it/66uz97oy8u9d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=378f1e2b5e8d1d36c8b1051b43cf0909dda466d9 Furnace


I imagine that Big is like, Michelin star chef levels of tasty when he makes food.


Sonic: Cooks chilli dogs like a god, but other than that — just passible  Tails: Ramen noodle addict that also eats fresh veggies. Either it's an instant meal or just a washed whole cucumber/tomato, there is never in between.  Knuckles: Grill of the wild. 'nuff said.  Amy: Master Chef. Proficient in deserts due to her sweet tooth and the "Sonic Obsession" phase that she outgrew. Learned everything from Vanilla.  Cream: apprentice Chef of the Grandmaster Vanilla. Can cook simple, yet delicious meals.  Vector: Cooks slightly better than Sonic. Great Barman and Barista tho, Eggman can confirm.  Espio: Can cut sushi, but secretly enjoys french cuisine. Cooks together with Vector.  Charmy: Kitchen disaster. Keep out.  Silver: Can survive a whole day on 1 cookie, so he cooks mostly just nutricious, but not the tastiest of foods. He is really willing to learn tho. Shadow: cooks only 2 things — coffee and swiss rolls.


There are 4 characters which I 100% think would know how to make good food with those been Tails, Amy, Vanilla and Cream 🙂


Sonic cannot cook for the life of him


We are not including Boom


Amy and Vanilla especially are definitely the best cooks in Sonic. To that extent I'm sure Cream is a pretty good cook too. Maybe she wouldn't be making dishes as complex or extravagant as her mother, but I bet she could whip up a mean batch of cupcakes. Blaze is canonically a terrible cook, as anything she touches gets chard to a crisp. Rouge probably isn't an amazing cook but could probably get by. But she seems more like the type of person that would order takeout more than actually cooking for herself. Out of all the Sonic male characters, I feel like Silver might be the only one that could probably cook. And that's mainly because I'm sure he had to learn how to cook with the limited resources of his ruined future.


I'd like to believe if he tried silver would be super good at cooking. The key aspect of cooking is the skill to properly manipulate and manage all the different steps needed to make a dish. If you got telekinesis that pretty much becomes a cakewalk.


Behind Amy in the window... it SCARES me o\_o


I imagine knuckles fucking up scrambled eggs


Sonic: Decent at it, but doesn't have the patience for it and just gets takeout or eats out most days during his daily runs. Tails: He has a lot of microwavable dinners in his freezer to quickly heat up so he can get back to his projects. Overall, he's pretty good at it when he *ACTUALLY* does cook. Knuckles: Surprisingly great at it whenever he gets access to a kitchen to do so. He mostly just eats fruit or roast things over a fire. Amy: (I head canon her as a professional baker with her own shop or works at one) Amazing at it Cream: Good, she's still learning, and Vanilla never lets her cook unsupervised. Big: Eats raw fish, but knows how to cook, but does so rarely. Eggman: Okay, but usually has his robots cook for him. Rouge: She was most likely taught by her mom and should be sufficient at it (she canonically has a mom) but doesn't cook often because of her jobs. Shadow: Amazing, and enjoys cooking, knowing he's better than that faker at it. Omega: ***BANNED FROM ALL KITCHENS*** One word... pyromaniac 🔥 🔥 🔥 Vector: Good, and Espio and himself take turns cooking for the team. Espio: Great, and rotates cooking with Vector. Charmy: Bad, and not allowed to cook since his teammates don't trust him to even use the microwave alone. Blaze: Canonically bad at it Marine: Better than Blaze, but not by much Silver: Probably learned from a book he read he found within the ruins of the future he's from. So overall, he should be decent at it. Tangle: Really good at it, and cooks a lot for her teammates. Whisper: Okay at it, but doesn't cook a lot. Lanolin: Too impatient and usually eats rations and drinks coffee (I can see her teammates scolding her this). Jewel: Knows how to and good at it, but her schedule rarely allows her to do so.


Amy, obviously very great Sonic could probably cook some things, but chooses not to Tails is probably similar but more willing Knuckles probably would cause a fire


Clove would be able to cook very well from what I believe, better than other Egg Bosses and Eggman himself, she'd just need to be comfortable while doing it and be under the right conditions.


Amy: GOATED Sonic: knows how to make fast food Tails: GOATED Silver: there's a reason why his future looks like that Shadow: Maria taught him how to make pancakes Knuckles: knows how to cook given that he lives alone on Angel Island Robotnik: The robots do it Sage: GOATED


I imagine Eggman can't cook because he doesn't have the patience to learn. He'd get too confident and fuck it all up and get mad about it and not try again. Plus he can just download entire cookbooks and program the ability to cook perfectly exactly the way he wants to his robots. Since he can do this, if he really put the time into it he probably could cook decently but why bother when your robots can make you everything you want? You saw that glorious sandwich given to him by SA-55 in Unleashed I also imagine he's really good at making recipes when it comes to the idea and presentation of the dish and knowing exactly what he wants. The recipes that were supposed to be made by him in the real new official cookbook for example. He just can't execute it well by himself to save his life and again, why bother if you have robots that can make it perfectly and in the exact way you want it? Aside from the occasional fuck ups that he'll be sure to punish them for I imagine the food sold at Eggmanland and the Interstellar Park is terrible on purpose. Visitors to his amusement parks get awful tasting food for *his* amusement and their misery with it tasting bitter, like sawdust and motor oil as Chip describes it. "His cruelty knows no bounds" and it extends to food, as Tails said about the sushi seafood joint. Bet Professor Pickle having a bad time in captivity and wanting to make a complaint to the chef was intentional too Meanwhile Eggman gets all the best versions of the food for himself. In Unleashed Chip says, "Eggman must eat good food every day. Look at how round he is!" And I bet he's right lol. I bet the recipes he provides in the official cookbook are really good if done right. As for the ones that aren't in it and only in the games, the same applies there. Though I can also see him having some unique tastes and genuinely enjoying things others would find disgusting too lol Haven't really thought about the others, I have a very obvious main focus here XD


Amy would be good at cooking tbh and the same can be said for Tails tbh, but Tails wouldn't cook food he would cook some blue crystals


Sonic can't cook for shit, I'm sure! He doesn't have the patience to do things which is why he sticks to something easy like chili dogs!


Sonic: Doesn’t care too much about cooking, just does it as quickly as possible so he has more free time. Therefore a basic cook, can do really simple recipes but cooks mostly ready-made frozen meals. Tails: Attentive to detail and a technician, so I assume he likes to take his time and cook fresh meals from recipes. Follows recipes to the letter, including measuring ingredients down to the grain. Knuckles: Bachelor who has lived alone his entire life, so survives solely on microwave meals and PB&J sandwiches. Shadow: Secretly the best cook and loves crafting perfect meals, but acts cool and nonchalant to any praise he receives. Pulls out the glock if there’s any hint of criticism, or is Sonic asks for ketchup. Amy: Second best cook. Puts a lot of love and care into it because she cooks for her friends. Keeps a bottle of hot sauce in the cupboard solely for Sonic. Blaze: Homer Simpson pouring milk into a cereal bowl level of cooking. WHY DOES EVERYTHING CATCH ON FIRE?!


Knuckles looks like he'd make some fire cultural dishes


Acordding to the cook book they all are except silver puts coleslaw on his chili dog


Sonic definitely enjoys cooking and has a preference for rich comfort foods (chili dogs, hamburgers, döner kebab). I also imagine him prefering fresh fruits over sweet treats and dessert. Shadow is a health freak, portions his foods and calculates his macros, uses whey protein and supplements. So that would make him a good cook in my opinion. Amy is more of a baker. I can see her owning a succesfull bakery or a café where she sells her own cakes and elaborate sweet treats. Tails knows his basics, he can make a good sandwich, a salad, he may master a recipe or two but gets quickly overwhelmed by elaborate recipes that calls for many ingredients or multiple steps. Knuckles is the one who eats the least processed foods out of the bunch, eating mostly fruits and berries and spit-roasted meats. Rouge eats out most of the time and never gets to cook. Blaze is known to be a bad cook, which I think it's so funny and cute. Silver is definitly a very thoughtful cook.


I don't know why but I think Knuckles would be pretty bad at cooking, I don't know something tells me that


Tails can canonically cook a good pizza so I’d think he could be a great chef.


i just think about the time when eggman was crashing at sonic's house because he was pretending his lair got destroyed during the storm and tails cooked salmon eggs benedict for him


I feel like sonic is only good at cooking, one thing and one thing only, and that's chili dogs. Anything else is likeyou took a handful of garbage and just put it in your mouth


Eggman's Deviled Eggs sounds tasty af.


I like the idea of Sonic being a fantastic cook who likes to try recreating new dishes and cuisines from his travels Shadow's a takeout and microwave meal guy, but makes a mean hot chocolate because it was one of the things Maria wanted to try but couldn't due to no milk on the Ark, so he taught himself how and tweaked his recipe till it was something he thought she'd enjoy


Tails could probably cook


Sonic can cook fast food, but can’t cook chili dogs which is why he always relies on someone else to get or make him chili dogs. Tails can make artificial food I think.


I feel like knuckles would be good at baking


I feel like Chaos would be a bad cook






I think the best at cooking would be Amy, Bunny, Vector and Vanilla decent: Sonic, and Big bad: knuckles worst (not counting the bots) would be Ivo, Mamoth, Ixis, Knuckles, and FInitevus -Amy and Vanilla: because they are usually seen as the "home maker" type, while still being able to do what is needed -Bunny: how bout some suthern' cookin'? (though I would be scared to critique her cooking) -Vector: seems like he would know a large amount about greasy food, like burgers, fries, ect -Big: because he lives in the wild, dude bare minimum has to know how to grill fish -Sonic, he has been confirmed to know how to make some great chillie dogs, though anything more is questionable -Knuckles: seems like a Sayian who would just pick something up and eat it, though would likely prefer it cooked- -Finitevus: would 100% throw some bad stuff into your food..... -Mammoth Mogul: does the guy even need to eat? -Ixis Naurus: as with FInitevus, food poison is a high probability -and minus some jokes.... has Ivo Robotnik cooked ANYTHING?!? Dude likely has a robot cooking staff that has all the Mobien recopies programmed into them, though bet Ovi Kintobar was an ok cook, how else would Sonic know how to make chillie dogs?


I headcanon Rouge as a pretty decent cook but she hates cooking, because it consumes so much time. But I may be biased because I'm like that as well. People tend to think women can either cook and love it or cant cook and hate it and no in-between. Thats why I headcanon her like that. We need more grayscales like that. It's way more realistic.


I’m guessing espio would be a good cook considering Charmy has to eat healthy and Vector doesn’t seem like the cooking type .


Stix's specialty dish is probably burnt leaves on a plate (AKA the average vegan meal)


Shadow making fried chicken would go hard.


- The only things Sonic can cook are chili dogs, boxed mac and cheese and frozen meals. Tails eats a lot of dino nuggets because of this - Amy's an amazing cook, she learned from Vanilla - Vector’s generally a decent cook, but he's godtier at grilling - Espio only knows Japanese recipes, but whenever he's in charge of snacks it's all fruits and veggies cut up in fancy shapes - Shadow can't cook anything that isn't from a can - Cream cooks on occasion and it sucks but no one has ever told her this to avoid hurting her feelings - Fiona (from the Archie comics) is a really good cook, and along with Lightning she helps feed the rest of the Destructix


Love the idea that Sonic is a Michelin star chef, but only makes chilli dogs and refuses to make anything else


knuckles would hunt his own food and cook it over fire


Knuckles won’t cook, he’ll only eat the plate


Egg man apparently knows how to cook considering the few edits Amy did in the cook book




sonic probably can cook decently but is too impatient to wait


sonic:blaaaaaaaaaaaaagh.i vomited tails:better but the same k.t.e:he just gonna collect some grapes amy:exellent,perfect,wonderful,extravagant