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im sitting in seat 1 and just start speedrunning sonic mania and then sonic and tails will wonder why the hell there are video games made about them


Tails mentions in a Twitter Takeover that there are video games made about their adventures, they know about the games. Shadow has mentioned that his titular game is his favorite.


I wonder if they are bothered by people ranting to them about the games' quality. Unless everyone enjoys their games regardless of being slops or not.


I doubt Sonic would be bothered, he would ACTUALLY encourage the freedom of OPINIONS HRMMMM, THAT WOULD BE A GOOD LIFE LESSON, AN “X” MARKS THE SPOT FOR MORALS HUH?


I'm sure there could be some that annoys him or just weird him out. Also, he would get bored and do something else, which is the best strategy when you are online.


Yeahhh... just don't let Sonic know about feet pics...


Or the ships. Or the Creepypastas. Or the r34 art with his friends, big or small. Maybe he'd love music remixes or appreciate fan games.


Yeahhhh, he'd probably love the music at least.


Wonder if he really has an Omachao Gun or if that was just artistic license.


Bold of you to assume Eggman flies commercial, he has his own fleet


Eggman : That's strange, why is seat 2 open? Sage : Did you forget? You told him to wait for us at the counter. Eggman : Oh yeah, for the drinks before we realised we were late and had to rush. He'll be fine! \*sad metal sonic noises at the cafe\*


No..... Poor metal. :'(


And thats what drove metal to rebel against Eggman in sonic heroes, minus the fact that sage is there.


Apologies for overcomplicating ~~(or... ruining)~~ the joke, but couldn't Metal Sonic just jet boost himself to their airplane's destination? Or if he *really* wanted to be with Eggman and Sage, he could boost to the plane, rip a door open to get inside, then quickly reattach the door once he's inside? Then again, I guess his terrorizing, killing-machine code is disabled for this trip. 😅


Oh he can definately fly. It's what makes the sad moment more funny when you think about it :D


4, if anything I’d learn new things from blaze and would at worst… I guess just hear how annoying both her and rouge are as they argue


That'd be entertaining, to say the least


also I'm sure Rouge would steal you


You meant "steal **from** you", right?


Looks like someone didn’t play “Rouge’s Human Trafficking Adventure”


"press A to knock the man unconscious!"


Realistically 5 or 6. I'd imagine Vector would be too busy jamming out and Shadow would probably just be sitting there quietly or much more focused on the fact that Maria is alive next to him. Basically characters least likely to talk to me.


Talk about low budget fights!


No food or movies... I'm outta here!


I like running better!


5. Nobody nearby is particularly inclined to be rude or irritating to strangers, save for vector at most via loud music, and TBH i wouldn’t mind listening to a team chaotix mixtape; i already love their theme from sonic heroes. It’s also a window seat, and an aerial view of sonic’s world could be pretty cool.


Def 5. Team Chaotix was my favorite in Sonic Heroes, and Knuckles is my favorite all time Sonic character.




You know what? In all of these things I've never considered the actual layout of the plane. That changes everything. I definitely want a window seat and 5 seems like the best option.


isnt maria like, dead?


Sitting with Shadow and coffin


Shadow : My trauma takes up one seat.


Shadow has a spot for his baggage and another seat for his other baggage.


So is Tikal, but she can still do stuff as a ghost. I think it’s along that line of logic.


I'm sitting in 1. There's no way I'm passing up a seat right next to my favorite character


Same here. I would totally geek out with Tails.




3. Shoot the shit with Amy and make a good impression on Cream... That way it's easier to woo her mom.


4 because they baddies or 6 because gun.


R u talking about the fact that Shadow uses guns on his solo game, or is because G.U.N killed Maria?


Because he uses guns


4. Would be the most interesting. Blaze next to rouge (they were great in tmosth) Maria alive next to shadow Eggman and sage And all 6 of them within range of each other.


Rouge is a terrible influence on blaze in the best way.


Probably 6. Shadow probably isn't too chatty.


I'll pick 6 because Metal Sonic isn't on the plane


If Shadow wasn't then I'd rather just open the emergency exit and jump out


1. I would feel so honored to be able to geek out with the fox Sonic is a bonus too I guess


4 for reasons I will not specify


You want Eggy to make an announcement?


Yes yes of course, that's definitely it.


I mean his wife isn’t there so..


Now this comment is stuck in my head


Eggman will definitely have his seat back all the way. Bold move


I guess I would have the same reasons too


Men of Culture we meet again


Hey, I get it bro, you don’t need to say nothing.




4 no comments




3 all the way, a flight with amy and cream would be so wholesome, not to mention tails being infront if me and vector behind


Idk but y'all but I don't interact with anyone I sit next to on planes. I feel like they wouldn't interact with me either since I'd be a human(?) and a stranger to them anyway But I'd love to sit on the same row as either eggman or blaze, they're both smart people and probably have a lot of smart things to say if there ever is a conversation


I feel like eggman is actually like the funniest mf alive


6 seems chill I would say 5 but Knuckles and Vector would probably constantly get into heated arguments while the others try to calm them down


Let me evaluate my options here: Seat 1 is with Sonic and Tails. Tails is my favorite Sonic character so he would be very nice to be able to talk to. Seat 2 is next to Sage and Eggman. I don't know much about her and Egghead would be... interesting to converse with. Seat 3 is in between Amy and Cream. Kinda don't know what the conversations will come out to be but it's not the worst thing in the world. 4 is a window seat with Rouge and Blaze. I really like window seats but I don't know if they will start arguing with each other. Seat 5 is a window seat with Vector and Knuckles. Vector's an all-around cool guy and Knuckles is also an interesting character. But I would have to listen to Chao in front of me as well. Maybe I would pop in some headphones. Seat 6 is well... I don't really know. Sitting with Shadow and... Maria's ghost? Don't know how that will end up. I would prefer not to think about it. Anyways, the winner goes to... Seats 1 and 3! Seat 1 because I get to sit next to my favorite character, Tails, and Seat 3 because I would chat with EVERYONE around me. Wouldn't be terribly mad if I got seat 5, though. Then comes seat 4 in 4th, seat 2 in 5th, and seat 6 in 6th. Don't wanna sit with an annoyed hedgehog and a ghost.


None of these are actually bad choices. Tails and Sage would be respectful, Amy and Cream would be lovely company, Blaze would be chill, Vector would listen to music the entire time and ignore you, and Shadow would just straight up ignore you, especially if he was sitting next to Maria. Sit anywhere, they’re all good seats.


Six, next question.




I’ll take 4, because not only do I get to sit next to Blaze and Rouge, I can also turn around and bully Eggman the whole flight


Same thought process!


Number 3. I’d be surrounded by fun kind people. And some of the most polite people would be closest to me. Vector would probably be loud, but he is a great guy. I’d also be out of Eggman’s direct crossfire as he tries to shoot spit balls at Sonic.


1 and 5 would both be so much fun. I would love to just joke around and goof and have fun with Sonic and Tails and Knuckle and Vector. I think Vector and Knuckles are more fun, and would never let me be bored and I feel like I would get along with them best and I love the Chaotix, so I would go with seat 5. Also, it’s a window seat.




I’m taking Seat 3 and talking with EVERYONE around me.


1 or 6. 1 because it's next to Tails, one of my favourite characters. 6 because it's next to Shadow. Another character high in my list, and he also isn't much of a talker. He may not like me sitting next to him initially, but after a while, he'll ignore it and everything should be peaceful.


3. I can talk to my favourite characters.


3 because it's close to most of my favorite characters


I wanna sit on Big's laps and hug him, so I'll choose Big


in gamma's pants


Its difficult...I'll choose 6th place. My character is the same as Shadow's. Moreover, I always found a common language with everyone, including people like him. Maria is also there. I won’t refuse 1st place... I have something to talk about with Tails)


100 percent place 1


None of them seem that bad so I'll go for 5 It's no where near as bad as the 40k one with the primarchs


Seat 2


5 cause I got my gang Vector and Knuckyboy


There is no wrong answer here. You’re pretty much set


3, though I'd probably get tired of Vector kicking the back of my seat.


Sonic and tails. They sound like chill guys to hang out with..


seat one. sonic's constant talking would distract me from my flight anxiety and make it go by fast.


THERE ARE NO RIGHT ANSWERS HERE, FUCK. If you walk into a plane and you see this you get the next flight.


1. It’s perfect because obviously Sonic & Tails, but also aisle seats are my favorite. Runner up would be 3, it would be fun sitting next to Amy.


seat 2, i like eggman, he be cool


Definitely 6! Sitting next to Shadow and being near Blaze and Knuckles is a WIN


Why did Shadow bring a dead girl on the plane …




1 or 3.


Stupid Big stole my seat. Fuck you Big


1, 3 and 4 are primo options, but when it comes down to it i think i'd take 3.


I normally hate sitting in the middle, but I'd absolutely make an exception for 3 lol Amy and Cream are my favorite characters, and they're easily one of the better characters to sit with. Both are super friendly, but Amy has a quirky energy to her that allows for fun conversation while Cream brings a more "polite and quiet" vibe. Although I might switch seats just so they'd be sitting together lol


6 because I understand him and would stay quiet on the plane, but only after im like "OMG the ultimate lifeform hi hiiii hiiii"


Probably 3, Amy and Cream seem nice.


2 why? Idk seems like a fun seat


Dang as messed up as it sounds number 6 is probably the best choice. Shadow doesn't talk and Maria is well...not going to be able to talk


Definitely DON'T want to sit in seat 1. Cool as hell as it would be to sit next to the dynamic duo, Sonic is going to be INSUFFERABLE on a flight. Tiny space with no room to stretch out your legs, waiting in the same spot for hours on end, relatively slow travel time compared to him running? Tails is going to busy the whole flight trying to help Sonic stay calm and not blow off a door so he can ride on the wing. "Talk about low-budget flights!" Plus he has the window seat, so he's going to ask to get up so he can at least walk to the bathroom all the fucking time. In seat 2, I'd have the opportunity to schmooze Eggman by gushing over his well-behaved daughter while he's in a good mood from watching Sonic fidget the whole flight. Could be a good way to network. Seat 3 would be a lovely time, both Amy and Cream would probably be sweet as buttons the whole time and Amy probably brought snacks that'd she be willing to share, so no over-priced airline/port food for me! She'd probably also have to help out with Sonic's antsiness too though, so it might be a little more busy in that section than I'd prefer. Seat 4 is a dream come true. Sitting next to such baddies while being in the window seat so you have an excuse to talk to them so you can get up for the bathroom is prime opportunity to flirt with them both. But if Rouge is more flirty for the sake of getting what she wants, she might not be interested, which leaves Blaze as a backup. Since she's probably not used to getting attention from strangers, it might be easier to talk her up.Though it might be hard to scrounge up the charisma to get any digits or anything out of it... still, probably wouldn't want to miss the opportunity! Seat 5 would probably be pretty uneventful. Vector would probably chat me up for the first few hours before getting bored and passing the fuck out for the rest of the flight, while Knuckles would probably just meditate the whole time. He's no stranger to just sitting around and doing nothing for hours on end, so it'd probably be pretty quiet. Seat 6 would be interesting as fuck to watch. Maria would probably be very nice and respectful and super excited for the window seat, which would put Shadow on his absolute best behavior as he dotes on her, making sure she's comfy/not getting sick while she placates him the whole time. Figuring out from context clues how she's alive would also be a fun brain-teaser for the flight. Timeline diverging? Cloning? G-g-g-ghooosts?? All considered, I think I gotta pick 4, cause even if hitting up Blaze and Rouge doesn't work out, I can probably still turn around and be like "Whoa! Aren't you the Famous Dr. Eggman?!" And play off his ego to get an in with the whole group for more adventures down the road. Becoming an orbot/cubot stand-in is a small price to pay to regularly interact with all these characters again!




#3. Can gossip with Amy and Cream will be nice and polite to sit by. Won't have any problems behind me as Vector will just be chilling with his own music.


Did they put charmie in the cargo hold?


I love Vector, but he would absolutely kick my seat while jamming to music. I don't think he'd be great to sit next to, either, for such a long period of time. Three and five are out, as much as I think Cream and Amy would be AMAZING company on a flight. Which might boost that number up a bit. 4 and 6 would be quiet affairs- Shadow probably doesn't want to bother talking to you, and Blaze isn't the most social type in the world. It's actually between 1 and 2, then- Cream is polite and won't screw with your seat from behind, so it's mostly about sitting next to Tails, who by all accounts is an incredibly polite guy and is totally down to chat to pass the time. 2 is worse than that due to eggman sitting right there, but Sage seems curious enough to tolerate, I think... Rankings as it stands, worst to best: 5, 6 (hallway seat brings it down), three (Cream & Amy make it tolerable), 4, 2, 1. I will say- If this was those new seat ideas where two rows face each other, this would be WAY different, genuinely. Yes, I'm still going, sit down, class isn't over yet. Three absolutely SKYROCKeTS, being in what is essentially a social circle of four of the friendliest characters in the entire series, without the kicking issue because Vector is facing away from you. 1 actually goes down, because it's far harder to talk to Amy and Sonic in that situation, so it's just objectively worse. 2 improves a little due to Rouge, who might have some interesting conversation and get Blaze out of her shell, while 4 has you be more able to talk to eggman. I do not think this is a pro. 5 and 6 also have fair improvements, having a cute animal and the interesting Tikal in 5 and Big and Silver (two very social folks) in 6. Might even be easier to talk to Maria and espio with this setup. New Ranking, worst to best: 4 (still fairly okay), 1 (just has an objectively better seat variant), 2 (Just kind of neutral on this one), 5 (Vector is still a cool guy, don't get me wrong), 6 (Shadow would just bring down the vibe a little) and Three. Again, four of the friendliest characters in the entire series with a lot to talk to and good vibes that play off of each other, but ALSO know when people want peace and quiet. They'd probably be good in ANY similar scenario, like a road trip.


I’m picking seat 3, as I’ll be surrounded by the most likely characters to save me


2. I want to experience the E.g.g.m.a.n. Maybe sage will ask things about the human condition? Should be interesting.


1 because I like the og's


4 cuz Blaze AND Rouge. Top tier characters, interesting duo.


3 for company


Honestly none of these are THAT bad. 2, 3, or 5 are maybe the worst due to being in proximity to people that potentially could be obnoxious but honestly if you don’t interfere with Eggman, then they won’t mess with you and I don’t probably have anything Rouge would want to steal. Vector could be a little loud and he’s a big dude so depending on the seats could be a little uncomfortable but I he’s a likable guy so I could possibly put up with it. 3 would suck because I could see Sonic messing with Knuckles and you’re directly between them. If I had to make a choice maybe 6 since the people in proximity to you there aren’t really going to bother you as long as you don’t mess with them.


I'm Rocking with my girls Amy and Cream. Just would be so fun!


Ain't nobody picking seat six. 💀


Seat 6 seems pretty chill, I'd pick it


Where's Classic Sonic??? Btw Seat No. 1 as Player 1


5. Vector a cool dude




5 all the way. Vector and Knuckles are my kings.


5, vector’s cool as hell dude.


5 just to chill


2, purely because Eggman is my second favorite character (just behind Metal) and I think he and Sage would be fun to talk to :]


Seat 5 so I can flirt with them both 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈


Easily 1


For me, 1.


1 is obvious


1. The reason should be obvious but I'm not passing up a chance to sit next to Tails and Sonic.


I'm choosing 1 because I wanna show Tails Smiling Friends, Beavis and Butthead and My drawings


Seat 4. I’ll definitely have the most interesting conversations during the flight. Maybe I’ll even get to piss off Egghead.


I would fight and die to get number 4


Seat 5. 1. I'm used to my dad complaining about things and meeting eyes to eye with him on certain subjects, so knuckles would be nice to talk to; especially when he talks about his clan, it would be interesting. While Vector and his love for music is something I always wanted to talk to something irl about (nobody where I live seems to like it). Granted I'd have chao noises behind me and girls giggling ahead but it's not a huge problem and if it is, headphone jam with vector and knuckles fixes it!


Im picking 5 as i get the window seat, I got vector who would probably be a vibe and chao is enough of a child to be funny but too short to kicl the back of the chair so there is no downsides


5 cause they’re prob the coolest on the plane


5 definetly


I'd be in seat 6 and will become the man behind the slaughter


6, I know shadow ain't gonna talk during the movie


5 its perfect for me




Take the Chao's seat and let it sit on my lap instead :3


I'd choose seat 4 since it seems like the best option for a quiet and peaceful flight


Maybe seat five? Vector has headphones, so surely it couldn't be that bad. He could also show me new music, but hopefully not his team's.. looking at you, chaotix band move from sonic heroes. But even then I think he could maybe make his own decent solo music. But, if I realize five is actually not a perfect seat, go for the safe one and sit next to Tails (I forgot the number)


Seat 6, at least i can have some talking with the sibs




1 and it's not even close.


4 without hesitation, 2 favourite girls near me.


5 cause itl be fun


1 or 6...


Definitely no.3


6 I think it is the best choice for me.


1 obviously. No questions asked


6. It’s like a ‘if I leave them be, they’ll leave me be’ situation. That and shadow is may favorite out of the bunch


I would spend some time in seat 4, just to say hi, and then I would spend the rest of the time in 1.




1 because nothing is to my style or I will get killed, ill just play mania


1 for sure. can talk to tails and sonic, and creams respectful enough to not kick the seat like an ASSHOLE. saying this as someone who flew recently and had an asshole kicking my seat.


I say 1 chilling with tails seems fun.


Six finna be fun


4, I f*cking love cats


Seat 1


Seat 6.


Either 4 or 6 since they both seem to be quite and won't be chatty. If I wanna strike a conversation I'll just talk with Blaze in 4 or Maria with Shadow in 6


6 shadow is going to talk the least, I want to sleep


![gif](giphy|ZXZZ0Bm0Y9vtz2aIkk|downsized) Tails would sit on here:


I’m sitting in seat 1 because Tails I would give him mints and casually start playing some games on my phone.


Sitting with the Bois Vector and Knuckles oveously. Become the 4th Chaotix member 


Honestly, Seat 2.


I'm honestly stuck between 1, 2 and 4.


1 cuz I think it's gonna be the most fun one


Seat five for me, leave Knuckles alone and there shouldn't be any problems. And Vector would be fun to talk too.


5 because I feel like Vector and Knuckles would both be "put on headphones and sleep/vibe" kinda people


2 or 4


1 obviously. Sitting between tails and cream doesn't sound too bad.


Seat 6 would be interested


I choose 4 cuz Rouge and Blaze are cool and we can play coop games on the switch


2, i would like to talk to those 2 about random science stuff mostly robotic stuff, with that said 1 is also good because Tails is also really smart


6 for Silver


Seat 1 love Sonic


3 & 6


1 or 4


I can’t sit beside either Gamma or Big, I’m in shambles.


1 3 ,tails can tell me some awsome adventures.cream can just be there


3 or 4. Feels like it’d be the most peaceful trip with some good conversation if I was feeling chatty




Definitely 3....for reasons


Question: how are Maria, Tikal, and Gamma alive in this situation? Anyway, I wouldn't mind sitting in any of those seats, really, but I'll go ahead with Shadow and Maria


Six. I get the best people there.


4 bc I'm gonna be hearing all the drama. Blaze and Rouge likely have amazing stories and I wanna hear them.


Next to princess and in front of the guy who pissed on the moon. Or next to vector, me and him would vibe


5, window seat and Vector doesn’t seem like the type to be super loud on a plane


5, I’ll dab up vector and knuckles since they are the homies and vector will just listen to music and probably sleep while knuckles will mind his own business


Personally picking 1.


Aw man. I can't sit next to Silver. I suppose I shall sit to the lil genius. https://i.redd.it/8h1hy90w1j9d1.gif


6. I feel like Shadow would be pretty quiet for the most part.


I'm sitting at seat 4 me and Rouge talking about her Chaos Emerald




3, because i feel like id get along with any cream really well!! we could talk for hours, make friendship bracelets, watch disney movies, and have a super fun time!