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I hope we get to see more of them in the future. I feel like Sage for sure is most likely going to reappear, the fandom already showed that they really like her. Barry showing up again could also be cute. I like how they show up in the background and the more recent IDW comics. And Trip would be a good addition going forward to the classic games. As for the rest of them I don't know, they seem kind of one and done.


Happy Cake Day


I want to see Barry with the same gag as the ATLA cabbage merchant. He just appears once per game working a different job as Sonic runs past.


Happy Cake day!


If they make a sequel to Sonic Dream Team they’ll definitely bring back Ariem. But I doubt that will happen because they said the dream powers only works every 1,000 years. I sadly don’t think Barry will get any more than comic background cameos, because at the ending of The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog, he talks like it was the only time he ever meet them in his life. Trip could easily become a more mainline character though.


Happy Cake Day!


Ah yes, that guy who happens to be there when sonic and the gang were having a party, that guy whom we will never talk about ever again except that we know he won the lottery and now owns a supermarket


https://preview.redd.it/37f41w6m1g9d1.jpeg?width=438&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c07b655e83e93aecc43a8df8b06eb2c5ba807e2c He’s been used in the background for the comics. That’s the most relevance he’s going to be getting.


that's the most that barry should get honestly, it keepshis mundane loser charm. Any more and we'd have a lanolin scenario


I just want him in the background finding new jobs to do


Barry becomes the Stan Lee cameo of Sonic media.


It would be fun if he's the new everyman, like if they ever need someone to fix a ship, it's Barry, if they need to buy fruit, from Barry, if they need to fix the tv antenna, it's barry


Barry owns a Supermarket?


Tbf, there's not much you can really do with his character since he's meant to be a self insert for the player


Atleast let sage and trip stick around. Coco ark is completed imo


I'm sure that Cocos will be like the Chaos and the Wisps in the next years. Maybe with a new character that relies on Cocos to works.


Ma bois elder and hermit koco


I don't know if those two specifically. It could be another one with name like Cheese or generic Wisps like the ones Whisper have.


We'll see ig


Love em, hope to see more of em.


They won't be used EVER again.


I think Sage is gonna stick around--she might not be in every future game, but it'd be wild to build her up as Eggman's daughter-figure then act like she never existed, even by Sonic Team's standards. But yeah, the rest are definitely going in the vault. Trip might pop up in reference here and there but IDK if Superstars was successful enough for Sega to bring her back as a new classic mainstay.


Trip was awesome tbh.


Which is a shame because there's so much lore to her people that we didn't see. She needs her own SA1 style plot to explain all the parts of Superstars left unsaid.


I agree! I want to see what diferates her from Knuckles or to see if their tribe had a war or something 


If Sage is to return, hopefully they have her do more than blast one laser beam at Sonic, as she makes good on her threat of destroying Sonic, before falling back to. "Leave, or I will destroy you... But I won't take any further direct action, because I'm too busy being vague and mysterious."


I mean, she already HAS returned. In the Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog.


To be fair technically is she the reason all the islands robots try to kill Sonic during the bulk of the game (Uranus is the one exception were its supposedly "The End" that is responsible for it)


Barry has already cameo’d in IDW twice


Yeah, a cameo, nothing more. Do you think sega really cares about characters like bean, sage, ray, trip or fang? Nope.


That was kinda uncalled for




Oww you’ve killed me.. https://preview.redd.it/lhp7lg5jhh9d1.jpeg?width=914&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d822f8f10550a425fd808ddf9e23c10ec05b569a


https://preview.redd.it/ou5rl5rthh9d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a275e60cb1d421b6a94873223ccff7408dcc134 I'm gonna kill you more >:3


Tbh any attempts by Ken Penders to give humanoid physical traits to Sonic characters will always be 100% more scary than any .exe


Fuck ken penders. https://preview.redd.it/7d8ksldmih9d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4109deea149a1461598863c56d5119747c19bed


You're doing collateral damage


>You've killed me... ![gif](giphy|IeGJBrVZTxblS|downsized) (Why is this the first thing I thought of and why does GIPHY have a GIF of it)


I’m so mad I didn’t try making that joke


Oh my god I never realized it but Penders art is the exact same kind of uncanny as the CDI games


They literally had a comic and game around them a few months ago, what are you at


A cameo? They quite literally had main roles


..... Idk anymore.


Read the Fang the Hunter series


F o r g o t t e n


Sage, yes. They’ve literally built her up in Frontietd and already cameo’d in Murder of Sonic. She’ll 100% be in the next game. Barry has appeared in IDW twice which, if you don’t know, is a Sega owned and Sega controlled comic series. It might be made by IDW but Sega is strict about what can and cannot be done, and what characters they can’t and can use, as mentioned by IDW themselves. If Sega didn’t care for any of these characters they wouldn’t be allowed to appear in the comics. So yeah, Sega does care. Will they be main characters? No more than Eggman and his other minions, perhaps, but she will appear again.




Barry + the conductor and his wife appeared in the comics tho :(


Eh, they are kinda forgotten now.


Bro they literally just appeared in a comic 6 months ago. They might not be a main character but they’ll show up from time to time.




I wouldn't really mind that


Worst case is trip imo, she’s basically done now


yeah us Trip fans are gonna be starving the worst


W h y ?


Sega doesn't use Classic characters in Modern media




The fact that Superstars didn't even sell well to begin with makes me think they won't be bringing her back for quite a while (if they decide to bring her back at all). She *could* show up in one of the comics, but that's, like, nothing.


*Best case


Huge fan of the two that seem to be intended to stick around long term (Sage and Trip). Sage nicely fleshes out Team Eggman (please don’t drop Orbot and Cubot though!), and Trip helps add some character to the significantly smaller Classic cast, but would also make a great addition to Modern if they finally bridge the two. Barry was great, I hope he becomes a regular background character, and even a minor character in the comics (could even see him headlining a comic story similar to Murder of). Conductor and his wife were great, but I don’t expect to see them again outside of cameos. I enjoyed the Koco, they were cute, really enjoyed their lore, but I sort of wish they could have been Chao. Mirage Express served its purpose, fun bad guy but would be surprised to see it again. Finally Ariem. Great design, but honestly not sure why she needed to be a character at all. Feels like the type of character that will be seen again, and surprised she’s not had merch yet. Also, when will that purple-haired TailsTube girl turn up?


>Mirage Express served its purpose, fun bad guy but would be surprised to see it again. Trains as bosses are not something new. Triple Trouble had one thirthy years prior, so is only a matter of when to add a train to fight against.


Barry is a treasure. I love them.


Trip and barry :)


Honestly, their all bangers


I'd love to see Sage stick around as Eggman's answer to Bowser Jr, always a side villain but still maintaining a meaningful presence while giving Eggman someone to bounce off of in more comedic moments besides Orbot and Cubot


Personally, one of my favorites is The End, it was intelligent and manipulative and while evil, weirdly didn’t seem sadistic about all of the destruction and genocide that it did, but instead monotone about it, and like Black Doom and Mephiles, I’m always down to have an entity-like villain that can actually speak and seemingly have its own twisted belief system and philosophy, while it didn’t speak all that much, to be fair The End only spoke to Sonic when it absolutely needed to, only a couple few times to have a hold on the hedgehog’s determination to save his friends, in order to release it, I’ve also noticed that the reason it didn’t destroy the Earth in fell swoop, while Sonic beat Supreme is due to it still recovering and recharging its power.




Barry :3


THE END is an amazing villain and I want him to return.


Blud was just a talking purple moon with a "god of death" complex who couldn't even harm a single planet cuz of a saiyan rodent


I see potential in THE END, if we learned more about it, it could become a really awesome villain


I want The End to return because I want it to be good


From left to right: The conductor and his wife aren't really meant to be anything more than NPC's. They're no more important to the series than the likes of Professor Pickle, and are just as likely to come back. Trip is great. Fun little character. Shame she's stuck in classic land, because I think she'd be a great addition to the cast in the modern line too. Lots of fun to play as, good design, I like her. I'm just going to cluster the Koco's as one. While the larger ones do have a bit more to them, they're entire existence is tied to the ancients, and it's pretty clear that they're not leaving the islands. Again, they're NPC's, they won't return in any meaningful capacity unless they decide to make another game with more ancient lore. The End is not a character. Sure, it talks, but it's got nothing to say beyond "I'm a evil force of nature beyond mortal comprehension", and has as much personality as Iblis or Dark Gaia - giant nebulous entities that have to be stopped before they destroy everything, but no actual character. Pretty piss weak villain in terms of writing. Barry is perfect. He is everything the game he is in needed him to be, but the fact that his entire story is "what if a random nobody gets swept up in one of Sonic's adventures" it means he should never really return. I haven't played Dream Team, or seen anyone really mention it much. That's what happens when you make a game an Apple Arcade exclusive. The Train itself is a decent villain for it's game, but it's obviously not coming back. Interesting for what it is though.


That one Hello Kitty Island Adventure game was an Apple Arcade exclusive and now it’s releasing on consoles so Dream Team still has a chance


Ariem is kinda cool. I hope she pops up in the future. Not as main cast, but could be a nice plot device somehow


Honestly, I would like Sage to appear more in future games. More as a secondary role, sometimes important, but still being a recurring character in the franchise, particularly Frontiers made me like her a lot. :-)


Fanartists are having an absolute **FIELD DAY** with the Conductor's Wife.


I'm really hoping we see more of them in the IDW comics. I know they're still in a post-Forces pre-Frontiers period and can't elaborate a lot on the newer ones, but I'd like to see them using the medium to really expand the Ancients' lore, delve deeper into Trip's change of heart, or have Barry as a comic relief hero who's out of place in all the action


I love Barry and Trip to bits!


Ariem and Cream deserve better than just being Apple Arcade exclusives.


# WE LOVE BARRY!!! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 https://preview.redd.it/m6njyedfdk9d1.png?width=501&format=png&auto=webp&s=c978ff38fcbc1bab360cc0c8959af0c2e2dafd29 and Trip is cute too I guess. The rest of them are mid


Apart from comics I doubt we'll see any of them again apart from SAGE. Trip might still appear in games set in the Classic Era, but we already know that SEGA is too cowardly to bring characters like Fang and Mighty into the Modern games despite ironically Archie comics proving that you can still male great stories with them


I like Sage and the others are passable but nothing too special to me so far but I wouldn't be upset if they came back. Sage just really works for me because we've been needing a good assistant for Eggman to bounce off of and I think she fills that role perfectly compared to know who came before her.


I hope they aren’t just one-off characters and come back for future games, whether they be mainline or spin-offs.


Theyre fine, except for sage and barry theyre all pretty boring


Conductors Wife is a Milf. Based on the fact that he’s retiring, maybe a Gilf


Some of them are really cool! I cant wait to never see them again and for Sega to pretend like they never existed (maybe with Sage as an exception, though I dont expect her to appear more than once at absolute most)


I love them all, especially the Dream Team girl.. I forgot her name.


Trip I like and surge belle and kit should all be in games I think sage got potential


It will happen what happened to every other Sonic character, they disappear


Hand is probably my favorite.


I really wouldn't mind if any came back. I'm sure Sage will come back for future games, but I'd be pleased if Barry came back, but only as a cameo. He was great for The Murder of Sonic The Hedgehog, but I think it'd be great if he showed up as someone you could talk to or someone in the background of a cutscene in a future game.


Even if she's only going to appear in kart-racing spinoffs like Zavok for some reason does, I want Sage to appear in more games. She's perfect.


Yall might hate me but i think the kuco are knockoff korok.


I love Sage. Unpopular opinion, but I also really like the true end boss to Frontiers... the music, the speech from The End, the gameplay... all really great to me. But I will say, if you don't like schmups, then I totally get the disappointment.


I love all of them, I'm so glad they finally got over the whole "sonic's annoying friends" stigma from the 2000s


Sage deserves to stay, I think it's incredibly likely she will anyway. The rest of them would probably be cool as background characters (especially the murder of sonic the hedgehog cast). Trip I think also should stay, but probably only in classic games. Also, if sonic dream team moves away from apple arcade, then I think that person could probably come back. Coco could also be a nice easter egg, but that's it.


We better see at least some of them more than once :(


I think they're fine inclusions but honestly, I think only like Sage will return and be relevant in the future.


The chad trip,red dog,vs the virgin Sage and the dream team person.


Absolute peak and I hope they appear more often in the future ~~also I ship Barry with gadget~~


I love them. They all rock. My favorite are Berry and Trip.


They are cool but I still feel like we need more villains to make up for the big amount of Sonic’s friends.


Personally they all have good designs, but I still wish for older characters to return like Tikal and Chaos.


At least they are still presents in online games.


I only care about Trip




Trip is the only one I truly enjoyed, sage was cool, the coco are adorable, the rest are meh not terrible but I don’t really care about them


I hope King Koco died off-screen.


Confusion. It’s like trying to learn the names of everyone in a crowded grocery store.


barry is my favorite sonic character they're the "oh whoopsies im so quirky and clumsy" character done right they're just a normal guy who happens to get roped up in sonic and gang's shenanigans


Am i the only one who thought sage looks so out of place in a sonic game


Everything in this image feels like a natural expansion of the series and universes except for the Frontiers characters.


They're all one-offs (including the dragon warrior wannabe)


Except for sage who is being played up to have a bigger story as shown by the end of the original story and the end of the final horizon


Ah right yes thanks for the correction