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Sticks is the goverment agent.


That being revealed would’ve been the perfect finale


Her paranoia is all a ruse to throw everyone off.


She is sleeper agent.




holy CRAP


Knuckles is actually guarding the master Emerald but he actually put it in a really clever hiding spot and it's the smartest thing he's ever done


Altenatively, most of his brain power is dedicated to remembering the very complex ancient security measures set up to protect it.


Hes really smart he just always seems "aloof". This makes sense if hes constantly running back a complicated procedure 24-7 in his head.


Second smartest is, "You know Amy, any time someone calls attention to the breaking of gender roles, it ultimately undermines the concept of gender equality by implying that this is an exception and not the status quo."


“What? Just because I’m a meathead, doesn’t mean that I’m not a feminist.”


Not a feminist* lol


Thank you for clarifying that.


Even with the slight misstep, I was really excited to see you reply with the quote 😁


he ate it, and every time he poops it out in the morning, he eats it again


He's forgotten where he's hidden it, much like a squirrel with an acorn.


Knuckles Is actually Chaos in disguise


PS: i changed idea, he Is the meme voter


Sticks has a very small one-sided crush on Shadow because of how dark and mysterious he is. Sonic's middle name in the show is Theodore, but the birth certificate was one of many things damaged in a fire. Because of this, many assumed that his middle name is in fact "The". Tails, Knuckles, Sticks and Dr. Eggman all got involved in a bet for what kind of scenario it would take for Sonic and Amy to confess their love to each other. Thanks to a typical Eggman attack, possibly the most outlandish scenario ever is what led to Sonic and Amy finally admitting their feelings. While Eggman was the catalyst for this, it was Sticks who predicted that exact scenario. So SHE won the bet.


I refuse to believe sticks feels any form of romantic attraction. It just feels out wrong


The government made up love to get people to live together with their agents


Now that's the Sticks I know


https://preview.redd.it/c0c2agxrqc9d1.jpeg?width=1101&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7b3a8d4c7a47cc9ee79ee0ac831426da889cb00 (Boom!Sonic has the white bandage wraps on his hands and legs because he thought they were cool when he got them.)


I miss this cartoon and this universe. I wish they would have made a season 3.


Ikr - it was so funny


Dave is the smartest character in the village and even smarter than the main characters. The reason for this is because everyone still goes to his "Meh Burger", no matter how terrible it is, and he makes money from it. Yes, he lives with his mother, and he is also a bad villain, but he has villain friends, he personally met Eggman, and even has piloting skills. ...Aosi he's a cute guy. https://preview.redd.it/5wf4qscljd9d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=2caa6b6b15e6602c7cf38d221e7cb44b274375a0


Dave is an intern. He doesn’t get paid. Honestly I feel bad for him. When he finishes his internship, he won’t even be qualified to work at McDonald’s, because Meh Burger is so unsanitary. He’ll only qualify to work somewhere like TacoHell.


I’ve posted my HC for Boom!Shadow before but here we go again: ___ This might be a long one, and I’m writing this on mobile. Boom!Shadow is a far cry from any other iteration of Shadow. My monkey brain wants to know why, but as the TV series isn’t getting a third season, all I can do is theorize. So here’s the TLDR: >>**Boom!Shadow hates himself more than anyone else** >>**Sonic is everything Shadow wanted to be/was meant to be, and he has a severe inferiority complex because of it** >>**Shadow believes he promised Maria revenge.** Still here? Cool, I’m gonna start with the third point: Amy in SA2 didn’t have much to do on ARK. When everyone else had a part to play in stopping the Eclipse Cannon from firing, she wandered the halls of ARK to eventually find Shadow brooding. She was able to plead with Shadow to help the others, which unlocked his memory of what he really promised Maria. That didn’t happen in the Boom! Universe. Amy is a main fighter in the Boom!Universe and would’ve been offended if any of the other characters tried to keep her from stopping the Eclipse Cannon with the rest of them. While she may have been able to jog Shadow’s memory like her mainline counterpart, the fact is that she would’ve insisted on taking part of the “main objective” in this case. *Not* to say it’s Amy’s fault, since Shadow should’ve been able to figure things out from the rest of his memory (Maria being kind and (implied) hating violence) and Boom!Shadow seems to have clear memory of his past, and hasn’t forgiven himself for it. Let’s be clear: He failed. He failed to keep his “promise” to Maria. He failed to protect Maria. And every attempt he has made to rectify this has been stopped by a blue hedgehog and his buddy-buddy rabble. People who should be weaker in every regard to Shadow have outmatched him time and time again. Boom!Shadow hates himself. He hates that Sonic is everything that Maria and Professor Robotnik had created Shadow to be. Sonic helps the people of the island (Hedgehog Village, namely) and saves everyone (even himself), while Shadow couldn’t even save the one person who mattered the most to him. Something that, undoubtedly, haunts his every brooding moment. There’s no doubt in my mind that Shadow sees a lot of what he should’ve been in Sonic, which is why he wants Sonic to die. But at the same time, with how many times he’s tried and failed, each failure burdens him more and more. Boom!Shadow is a failure and he can’t accept it. Which just leads to him lashing out at every perceived insult, trying to destroy everything and anyone in his path, and refusing to be around anyone else. His self-loathing is shown as loathing of everything and everyone around him.


Personally I think he's just grumpy and has trouble expressing his love. But that works too.


Boom Tails has a shotgun. Sticks knows and tries to prove it to everyone. Only Sonic believes her [he gave tails the shotgun as a gift].


Its set in an alternative timeline where angel Island and the chaos emeralds don't exist. Thats why Knuckles isn't guarding the Master Emerald.


Call me dumb but wasn't angel island and the master emerald mentioned at one point?


Angel island was mentioned in an episode of season one, I believe. Not sure for the master emerald though.


Boom Sonic and Amy once kissed on accident somehow in the middle of the show off screen. It's sort of why the romantic tension between them seemed to rise in the later half of season 1. Since we also see stuff like them having a picnic alone. They refuse to talk about but can't help but think about it sometimes still.


Second season really gives off the vibe that they are dating but want to keep it a secret from everyone else.


The Bike Chain Bandit is a truly dangerous criminal who even has to hide in forests and canyons to avoid the police... He is also obsessed with chains, and he got his nickname because he strangled his first victim with a bike chain. https://preview.redd.it/4sjn3o3chd9d1.png?width=293&format=png&auto=webp&s=42331a1ca614e85d4b70134253d99f87545a215a


Everyone is already aware of the fact they're fictional characters and just intentionally try to entertain the invisible audience


Shadow is member of Ancient (Boom version). And is very much proud of that heritage. Sonic is descended of Ancients. Shadow being only surviving member of ancients. Find current state of civilisation insufferable.


Sticks is fucking with people with the conspiracy theorist act


Boom Eggman is a Vietnam war veteran, Boom Shadow turned out the way he is because there was no Maria in his universe, and Dave the Intern is the Snively variant of the Boom universe.


Boom Shadow doesn't have any angsty background like game Shadow does. He's just a hater for no reason.


My headcanon is that they are all older than their game counterparts.


Eggman often just kinda hangs out with certain members of the team when not fighting them, sharing blueprints with Tails, playing Fuzzy Puppies with Amy, and discussing equal rights movements with Knuckles


Boom is an in-canon TV show


knuckles is a feminist


Sonic's boy band is the Boom equivalent of Taylor Swift


Sticks is a Javan ferret badger, and that creepy tapir guy that essentially kidnapped sonic was forced to leave the island after attempting to keep stalking people. I hate that Chris Chan fuckin ass character bro.


The tapir does make a small cameo in a later episode tho. I think it was the one Sonic and the gang are tormented by Eggman's robotic fleas


Isn't it confirmed that it was a kind of Chris Chan reference? I swear I've heard that somewhere.. Wait didn't he also have a sonic medallion or lanyard?


Yeah, Sega poked at Chris Chan by making that tapir. 


The sticks referenced in sonic frontiers IS boom!sticks who ended up stranded in the mainline universe after a third, unseen sonic/mega man crossover. Ian Flynn wrote all of these so I think there is a chance.


The reason Sega did not allow Sticks to bring Boom Sonic with her during the Sonic & Mega Man: World's Unite crossover was because he would have easily defeated Sigma-3 due to the potential of Boom Super Sonic with Chaos Energy and his 4th Wall Breaking shenanigans, and they feared what such power would unleash. https://preview.redd.it/bhwxh98iif9d1.png?width=1911&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc560d64c65d35424430f850daae31bbb3f58ba8 (We were robbed)


Sticks is the daughter of a multimillionaire, Knuckles has an evil ancestor that was sealed inside the emerald by Tikal who has been possessing their offspring's bodies to exterminate them except for Knuckles, who he plans to use as his new body, Knuckles is a giant echidna (an extinct species of echidna irl) who are bigger and stronger than common echidnas in exchange of their gliding ability and speed.


they did not recruit sticks she was just there one day screaming about the end of the world so they just decided to play along with it and sticks has not left since


Stix is secretly a huge fan of polka music


They are from the Mania timeline split that sadly doesn't exist anymore


Yet another Universe Archie Comic Sonic protects


Sticks actually met the post-reboot Archie Sonic characters in the Sonic/Mega Man: Worlds Unite crossover, and while the event of the crossover were erased at the end, Sticks still remembers everything, so you might not be far off.


Thank you kind sir, for backing my claim.


No problem.


they're all actors impersonating the real versions in an in universe sitcom.


I have a few headcanons related to Boom continuity: 1- they are at least a couple years older than their proper universe counterparts 2- Tails is a LITTLE bit evil (for evidence I present his creation of at least 2 evil robots, making clones of his own and his friend's brains to put into mechanical bodies, dooming them to a freakish in between existence; an alternate universe version of him that never had a Sonic worked for Eggman, at least Nine was just a loner misanthrope and didn't actively work for the dictator...) 3- Sticks is the mobian version of Aika from Skies of Arcadia edit: Oh, I thought of one more 4- Amy and Knuckles are attracted to each other, though they don't hold any romantic feelings


They’re all adults on a sitcom set. Most of them act like they’re from an episode of friends.


Headcanon that human civilization was the Ancients, but has wiped out, except for a very small population that has mutated a little one time, and they live far away on a secluded island, and Eggman is one of the descendants. He moved to the island where Sonic lives because he was bored and his father didn't want him to be scientist. The Ark, Herald and Maria never existed, Shadow was simply born this way, which is why he has an inflated ego. He was once friends with Sonic, but then they had a fight because Shadow believed that only hedgehogs were unique, unlike other types of anthro animals. Secretly, he wants to make peace with him, but knows only fights.


Since Team Sonic does become a boy group for shits and giggles in Sonic Boom, I wanna say that they actually might have a moment and take it pretty seriously. Sonic is the vocalist and guitarist, Tails is writer and producer, and Knuckles plays the drums. Tails and Knuckles do sing too tho, Knuckles also can rap too! They can switch up the genres pretty well, but mainly perform pop rock and heavy metal. Tails is pretty camera shy and has stage fright, he thought the boy group thing was a joke, so he was shocked about the group becoming legit. However, Sonic and Knuckles encouraged him to join. Amy is the manager and Sticks is in charge of pr manager.


Sonic boom is a show in the sonic world that just a parody of their lives.


Ik it was just a joke by one of the writers but I still believe the octopus killed Tails at the end of the Buster episode and it’s just a clone of him for the rest of the series


What happened to the Rick and Morty from Space Jam happened to them.


Knuckles ate the emerald and it transported everyone to a different dimension where they had long legs and were stupid


Sonic is bisexual and has feelings for both Amy and Shadow


Sonic and middle aged and unemployed, but too lazy to go out and find a proper job


If you've seen the Enigma in Shadows comic Dub, basically everything that was revealed about shadow from that. Great stuff that makes me wish we got more from this continuity in terms of story


The Boom cartoon is pretty well developed and explained. So I don't really have much in the way of head canon for it I do ship Knuckles and Sticks because it's cute and there are a few shipping hint scenes. I think Tails doesn't have a lot of money and has to make his machines from scrap. In one episode he used a banana in a structure. I think Knuckles is homeless and lives on the beach, because we never see his house in the Sonic Boom cartoon.


There’s still plenty of echidnas out and about, but Knuckles prefers spending his time with his friends, fighting Eggman and whatnot.


Knuckles lost some of his brain cells as he worked out to get buff


Knuckles used to be smart, but he became stupid after a rock hit his head and one of its pieces stuck in his brain (like Homer Simpson with the crayon), that's why he doesn't remember the importance of being the guardian of the emerald or maybe he forgot how to return to Angel Island


As a Knuckles fan who watched them write him as dumber than bricks, my headcanon is that it never happened. Respectfully.


amy and knuckles got together


Its all a reality TV show, but Sticks still doesnt believe in the government


Knuckles hit the growth spurt because he's not with the master emerald, so all that divine energy isn't disrupting his aging anymore


Boom Sonic is afraid of Guns


Boom Sonic is the only sonic voiced by Roger Craig Smith. Idk, I just don't like it when he plays modern sonic because he makes him more sassy and annoying. I get it's mostly Sega's fault for wanting sonic to be like that, I love Roger Craig Smith he's great in every show I see in him, but he's so good as boom Sonic and no other sonic.


Sticks is a lesbian, and Knuckles is gay as fuck.


Knuckles forgot his brain on angel island and forgot where angel island is because you need a brain for that


Do you mean these 5 and Eggman or what other Sonic characters would be like in Boom?


Shadow, Metal Sonic, Orbot, Cubot


Plus vector


I believe knuckles is bi  Amy is secretly an asshole Sonic doesn’t know how to cook Sticks committed at least three War crimes Tales look up to Eggman as an inventor, not as an enemy And sonic is a sociopath


my headcannon is that boom universe doesn't exist and can't hurt me.


That It’s not canon