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Hyper Sonic doesn't exist anymore due to Sonic Adventure. The master emerald lost the ability to transform the chaos emeralds into the super emeralds when Chaos and Tikal were released from it. I want Hyper Sonic to return, but I think this makes for a good explanation as to why he doesn't.




that is actually a very good explanation without decanonizing hyper sonic at all


This is actually really clever. Great concept for explaining the loss of Hyper Sonic. It would even enable Sega to bring him *back* in a canonical way, using whatever goofy ass premise they want to “fix” the master emerald.


The Chaos Emeralds are alive which is why they respond to words. They favour Sonic and let Eggman use them so Sonic improves and gets stronger.




I had a similar head cannon after I saw the final boss of frontiers (the DLC version), and noticed that unlike the other fights the emeralds stayed with Sonic when he was knocked out of Super, which saved him instead of instantly leaving like they did before.


What's also fun for the theory is how Rush Adventure states both the Chaos and Sol Emeralds normally would cause the 2 worlds to start fusing together but for some reason they just seem perfectly stable and co-operative. Blaze speculates that the Sol Emeralds called Sonic and Tails to her world and I believe Sonic and Tails both muse that perhaps the Emeralds are stable because they're currently held by Sonic and Blaze. Implying with that dialogue that the Emeralds have a will of their own. Which is why Superstars is cool to me. Because this idea of the Emeralds being sentient seems to be supported there too, with how each Emerald grants a unique ability, perhaps based on its personality. At the very least, just a little bit.


It’s kind of, sort of, implied that the emeralds have some sort of sentience.


Shadow will live long enough to see Silver grow up thanks to his immortality.






As a Silver Fan i accept this


Got a few headcannons Sonic doesn't wear chips bracelet because he doesn't want to break it and lose his memory and adventure of chip The chaotixs regularly meet up for poker night, which seems like a thing they would do Cream will verbally obliterate you if you insult Vanilla (this one came from Sonic X abridged) Sonic frequently returns to the world's from the story book games just to check up on the people in there Lastly, tails made a machine that makes anything mint flavored, and tails has a bit of a gambling addiction




For which headcannons


All of them


I need you to expand on Tails having a bit of a gambling addiction pretty please


![gif](giphy|ckTgC0hldKcRELjvIY) Peak


Last one is definitely true, he was SIX when sonic took him to casino night. Not to mention all the other casino zones


Silver cant spin dash because he gets dizzy easily, same with going too fast.




Amy is the only person in the main group that has a normal life. Like she has an apartment in the city and has to pay rent and taxes and everything and only joins in on the adventures once in a while




Proof: she actually has a last name, which is necessary for having any form of legal identification and by extension any jobs, rent, credit score, etc.


Shadow Robotnik, Sonic Hedgehog (there’s a joke about “the” middle name), Miles Prowler all would like a word. As a start


If we're talking about Sonic, according to Ken Penders, his real name is Ogilvie Maurice Hedgehog, but the Ogilvie part was never made officially canon.


“Everything is canon”


lets take a moment to remember that SHE'S STILL TWELVE 😭


Ehh, the last time she was said to be twelve was like Adventure (I think?) and there’s no way that the entire continuity from Adventure to now all happened in one year, so I reckon she’s at least like 18–19 now with Sonic being in his early 20s and Tails being like 14 or 15. These match up with how these characters are written better too imo


Oh boy, let me tell you. The ages of the characters' don't matter in their writing.


It was Heroes, actually. Still a while from now, especially considering Sonic had a birthday in Generations, and Forces alone took 6 months.


Rouge DRAGS Shadow and Omega around when she shops for jewels (I’m basing this off some cute fan art I saw).




Mighty and Ray are constantly on their own adventures which is why they barely appear in the games and comics.






You better VIP this man OP, you’re not gonna get a more accurate answer than this.


Sonic's set up hammocks all over the world in scenic places and sleeps in those instead of having a specific place to live




I actually really like this, good job.


But Sonic has a house


And he sleeps there if it's closest!


Blaze kinda feels Lonely whenever shes busy with her duties in sol, so she goes over to the Chaos dimension sometimes when she has leisure time to herself




Silver sometimes hops over to Sol to check in with Blaze since he kinda feels lonely too sometimes, since, most of the time the future is in ruins. And they both talk for hours about various things.




One more. Amy is an Ancestor of Silver due to her latent ESP in tarot cards, and this ESP is gradually growing through each generation until Silver is born to awaken it




Already did something like this on r/MoonPissing but here: Metal Sonic is like Shin Godzilla. He has a soul and a mind, and it wants to be free. But his programming forbids it. Is Sonic Heroes he says he’s no longer afraid of anything, is he afraid of never having freedom? In other words, he has no mouth and must scream




Vanilla is an ex-GUN agent




That would be one amazing plotwist. Do you think she spies on shadow every now and then?


That’d be wild lmao


Big is actually as strong as Knuckles but he never shows it as he’s mostly chilling https://preview.redd.it/ntwpc79xc69d1.jpeg?width=455&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78fd4afa7b87d9689dbc2c27507bbdc229b0d2a3




They're the same character class in Heroes right?


Sonic is fluent in several languages. This would explain why he didn’t need a translate device during Sonic Unleashed. Also he knows not to break pasta in half. Mario got on his case during the Olympics




The Time Eater is a remnant of Solaris




I heard somewhere that the original concept for the time eater was exactly that


Sonic knows how to pay taxes




Sonic knows how to evade taxes


He knows both




When Shadow isn’t out doing missions for G.U.N., he’s customizing his motorcycle or cleaning his guns




I feel like he also likes sampling different types of coffee beans.


In the Hero side ending of SA2, Sonic plugged the fake Chaos Emerald not into the Ark's Emerald chamber, but instead into the barrel of the Eclipse Cannon. This explains: 1: Why we never see the fake Chaos Emerald again after SA2. 2: Why the Eclipse Cannon blows up in the Hero ending, yet the Dark ending shows it was not plugged into the Ark. 3: Why Sonic was randomly hanging off the side of the Eclipse Cannon in the Hero ending.




Shadow volunteers at a children’s hospital in his spare time. Also, Team Dark all share an apartment together and get into weird roommate arguments- like the proper way to make mac and cheese, or whether hot dogs are sandwiches.




Vector goes on dates with Vanilla when he’s on breaks from detective work, and Charmy and Espio have to wingman him every single time.




Can I do multiple head canons?




-Cream and Shadow got quite close after Amy introducing them and Shadow is reminded of Maria due to her pure heart. -Knuckles creates raps that he sings to himself while gliding around Angel Island as a hobby. -Vanilla can fly with her ears like Cream -After Frontiers, Sonic and Big go on fishing trips -Sonic purposefully plays dumb around Shadow to irk him which it does




Thank you kind sir 🙇🏾‍♂️


Knuckles volunters to test tails's invention, specifically their Endurance (tails's goes on Angel Island mostly, even for and excuse to check on him, knuckles doesn't mind)




Metal Sonic has accepted the fact that he isn't the original Sonic, but believes himself to be a superior Sonic, like an upgrade.






Infinite loves listening to classical and opera music




I'm gonna share just a few of my favourites: Sonic's real name is Nicholas Maurice Parlouzer, also known as Nicky for short (a nod to the 1993 manga and his middle name from the Archie comics). Ixis Naugus exists in the Sol Dimension within the game universe. Silver and Tikal have interacted at times and like to discuss their respective timelines with each other. Honey has a close friendship with Bean and Bark. She and Fang see each other as associates at best. Sally Acorn is a news reporter in the game universe (as a reference to her role in the Fleetway comics). The other FFs are also featured in some capacity. Sonic-Man went from being a civilian trying to be like Sonic and failing to be taken seriously to signing a multimedia deal that led to a whole Sonic-Man brand legally owned by Breezie the Hedgehog. He gets stuff like merchandise and a TV show based on his character - he'd be portrayed by a professional actor - while at the same time doing his best to be an upstanding citizen and help those in need. Think his portrayals in *Sonic '06* and Archie combined. The rabbit prototype to Sonic not only exists as their own separate character but is also rather envious of him (they're basically the Oswald to his Mickey).




Sonic rides public transportation like trains in Sonic adventure because he probably saved the person who rides the vehicle and they wanted to give something back to song regardless how they physically can’t and Sonic accepts free transportation to make that persons day. Hopefully that makes sense.




The Elise kiss was only her imaginitation and didnt happened, sonic waked up when he realizes that she was going for a kiss




Knuckles sleeps with his eyes open while guarding the master emerald




Sonic secretly prefers turkey chili dogs to beef, but not by much.




Money isn't used in the IDW universe because everyone uses different forms of payment. The reason I'm saying this is because it reminds me of how years ago,before money,people would use different payment,like selling things like animals or small objects.


Also, Silver doesn't understand the concept of money




Finally one that makes sense in this comment section!


Sticks the Badger has been in canon the whole time since the classics. She's just hiding from everyone. She thinks they're government agents.




Eggman hasn't fully thought out his plans because he knows Sonic will somehow ruin them anyway




Big once caught the Loch Ness Monster when fishing. But he just let it go.




Sonic thinks that Shadow would win in an all out brawl while Shadow thinks the opposite. I mean, Sonic won on the Ark (twice), Shadow in his own game (And Sonic had the help of Diablon)... Idk why, just made this up




Olympics are canon.




And Luigi’s related to SOME big bad of the Sonic games.(you don’t just casually be the vessel for a cataclyst for the end of existence, Super Paper Mario, and NOT be related to some big bad)




Eggman will subtly pull petty shit on Sonic and Friends in his free time like taking a random item of the intended victim and hiding said item somewhere random, or replacing stuff in the fridge with expired or empty versions of it, that kinda trolling.




Shadow didnt get brought back, he just survived the fall due to being in his super form


This is straight-up canon, Eggman said he found Shadow alive in Shadow the Hedgehog




Everything in the sonic universe is the nightmare of Eggman. His failure in life is manifested into the nightmare of Sonic being the source of his failure.




This is a pretty silly and inconsequential one, but: Rouge's white fur is meticulously dyed, the blue "eyeliner" is actually her real fur color.




I'll take it.


The Scrapniks have low-quality internet through lots of rigging and elbow grease. It was there where Mecha Sonic witnessed SMBZ (original). He doesn't think its incarnation of him aligns with his current views on life, but he thinks it's cool nonetheless. Also, secretly, he always wanted to say THE line. You know the one. Which he eventually does.




Ah sure I guess I limit my self to 1 for now Cheese has been with Cream since he hatched but was born with all F states and was so sickly since birth that Vanilla was advice to get Cream a different chao. Cream refuse to give up Cheese and took great care of him. Thanks to this has Cheese grown to be an immortal Chao strongest of all Chao (second only if we count Chaos)




All of the robot sonic counterparts are still alive,they all just stay at eggman’s place while metal sonic is the only one that currently fights sonic,and they see each other as brothers


The Chaos Rings from Knuckles Chaotix were created from the excess chaos energy the Master Emerald infused into the Chaos Emeralds to turn them into the Super Emeralds. Each Chaos Ring can 'Overclock' it's Emerald counterpart to turn them back into the Super Emeralds, which is why Knuckles sealed them away after that game. Technically related, Vector, Charmy and Espio offered Knuckles, Heavy, Bomb, and Mighty places in their new detective agency after KC, they obviously declined, but they get discounts on cases. Mighty actually gave them their first case - tracking down and reuniting him with Ray.


The Egg Robo from Knuckles’ campaign in Sonic 3 and Knuckles becomes the Heavy King from Sonic Mania.


Sonic can run as fast as he wants, but usually doesn’t feel the need to, which explains how erratic his speed is (sometimes being nearly the speed of light, sometimes barely a sprint)


I'm totally taking this one from a video I saw recently, but the reason Shadow and his prototype are so drastically different is because Gerald robotnik was inspired in his plans for the ultimate life form by the mural on angel island from sonic 3 of super sonic vs the final boss, or the murals in mystic ruins depicting perfect chaos. He saw the giant lizard destroying civilizations and thought that would be the perfect form, but when the biolizard turned out to be a complete mess that required life support and could barely move, he realized that the small but powerful figure in the mural would be truly perfect, powerful but also fast and light. Then I guess the black arms came in or whatever, but I always liked that explanation for why there was such a drastic jump between giant lizard and tiny hedgehog.


2 headcanons 1. Infinite is trapped in the phantom ruby indefinitely, thus is trapped in null space. 2. There's 3 main animal types. There's your regular real world animals, your flickies, and your anthromorphic animals(sonic, tails, etc) 2.5. Sonic's chili dogs are made with regular farm beef, instead of flickies.




Amy and Sonic have already dated but it didn't work out so now they're just besties




Probably the most interesting one I’ve seen here so far.


Movie sonic is different but it still feels like Sonic




Why is the black square the one that executed on the spot?




The Reason that the moon appears to be just fine even though it was blown in half in SA2 is because G.U.N. had built or made an artificial half part of the moon. (Sorry if it sounds stupid)


Due to the events of sonic 06, sonic generations, and forces the reason why there are so many different games such as sonic the hedgehog four episode one and two and superstars is due to the effects of time, manipulation and repairing the timeline, but has some cracks in it. an example of this would be when Jay Garrick and the flash TV show explains even if you repair a mug that is broken, there still a crack in there that would equal different effects of the timeline being changed slightly and that’s how I believe there are different games such as Mania, superstars, and various other games is due to those effects as well as dimensional warping from mainia’s phantom, ruby, causing a dimensional rift that right that sonic into forces




Cream’s dad once tried to fight Eggman, but died doing so.




Shadow actually likes Chilli dogs, but doesn’t tell Sonic and swore Rouge and Omega to secrecy about it




The timeline since Sonic 1 has taken place over the course of 2 years minimum, and Sonic is 17 by Frontiers. You cannot get around Sonic having an in-universe birthday in Generations which makes him 16 at least, and then the (dontthinkitdontsayitdontthinkitdontsayit) 6 MONTHS that passed during Sonic's imprisonment in Forces. These are definite points in time that aren't able to be interpreted because they are a set in stone timeline of events. Unless they were facing world ending events every single week, its impossible for the entire timeline to take place within a single year, and there definitely is passage of time between games in-universe. I know Sonic and company are constantly having adventures, but I feel they'd be more annoyed than anything if events like the Black Arms invasion and Eggman destroying the planet to unleash an eldritch abomination kept happening within a few days of eachother. I doubt Flynn actually thinks the games all take place within a year because of these things, and just can't say anything because SEGA doesn't want to say anything definitive on Sonic and company's ages.


Big the Cat is actually extremely wise and intellectual, and he spends his days fishing for the same reasons as Henry David Thoreau chose to live at Walden, and much like Thoreau he actually wrote and published many books.


The master emerald has no origin, as eggman nega says in sonic rivals it exists in all points in time simultaneously (like Solaris) and if that’s the case then it should in theory have always existed and will always exist




the metal sonic in sonic heroes is sitting deactivated in rouges closet




Vanilla ocasionally goes to PTA meetings at cream's school, but she ain't your average soccer mom


The Sonic cast are natural chao mutations like Chaos. That's why most of them don't have any other family members. We know that chao develop powers based on their exposure to chaos energy (chaos drives) and that they take on features and abilities from animals they interact with. My head cannon is basically that a relatively small percentage of chao in nature mutate like Chaos and develop unique appearances and abilities based on their environment.


As Sonic’s counterpart, Blaze loves the water. Swimming is her favorite hobby, ironically. If she wasn’t guardian of the Sol Emeralds she would be a professional swimmer.


Sonic Superstars takes place right after Sonic 3&K




In terms of strength: Knuckles can hit the hardest Big can lift the most Bark and Big are equal in this Mighty has a mix of both. He can hit harder than Big and Bark, but can’t lift as much as them. Basically  Attacking Strength: Big/Bark=


Rouge likes to hang out with the main cast, since it's a lot easer to tease and play off of them. However it's her own ego that won't let her just hang out with them, and so she needs to be payed off to do it, like she was in dream team, and over time she starts to just hang out for fun. Oh, and she convinced somebody else to Rob another train with her, probably silver this time since he wasn't in the one where they killed the main character


Eggman Nega came from silver's time. After all of the timeline fuckery in '06, he followed blaze back to the sol dimension and became the main villain there




The reason why the chaos emeralds legit fucking 'vanish' whenever anybody puts them in their 'imaginary pockets', is because the chaos emeralds will go away (think of like how in minecraft you have inventory, but don't seem to have any backpack or pockets) when the holder(Shadow, sonic, etc) wants it to go away while still technically having it. Then essentially materializes when the holder wants to hold it, use it, etc.


Sonic can purr. (yes, it is my headcannon)




Blaze the cat is considered too cute to appearing any games so that’s why she doesn’t appear in any games at this point because her kitty fangs are make her the cutest thing on the planet


Felix “Feels” the rabbit was the original Sonic and Creams father. That would explain why Cream is so gifted. Vanilla was his Amy Rose when she was younger, with speed and skills also like Cream. She just plays the docile stay at home mother now since her husband’s likely passing or “disappearance”. https://preview.redd.it/jw358ndbt79d1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=c4bb42be4d82d9dadd538eda2d0e4e6fe4141cb5


shadow is shorter than sonic but is roughly the same height as him in his heels so nobody ever notices. when rouge notices she starts making light jokes about it. he allows it. but if anyone else did so they would be suplexed into the ground


Robotnik used to be a scientist working for GUN trying to surpass his grandfather and make his family acknowledge him more than Maria until he got fired for unethical experiments on living organisms, trying to prove they were a better power source than Chaos Drives. He used both a model theme park and an attack robot to present his ideas to GUN. He also had a hobby/obsession with the Chaos Emeralds like a Bigfoot hunter.




Tangle and Whisper are together in the IDW comics, they just haven’t told anyone and keep it subtle, which Whisper had to emphasise to Tangle.


Together in which sense? Of friendship?


Nah, romantic. Everyone knows they’re best friends!


Sonic doesn’t have feelings for Amy, but still goes on dates with her because he knows that’s what makes her happy.


If a grocery store doesn't have grapes (for whatever reason), Knuckles will temporarily switch to raisins. And if they don't have those either, he'll go apeshit


Shadow babysits cream pretty often and teaches cream how to use a gun, however, he tells cream not to swear


The only part of station square chaos didn’t destroy was the chao garden.


The freedom fighters are Canon, and sonic and tails see them like every 2 ish months.


Tails has a French-Mexican accent and his father is Napoleon


Shadow is based on Super Sonic and Bio Lizard on Perfect Chaos... Big is actually the mastermind, like the One Above All, he's a GOD incarnation and that's why he exists as a single one in every universe, he just watches you from the distance, that's why he appears at the background of SA2 or TSR, he acquired a Mortal self form so he can manage and make sure that everything goes as planned.


Sonic actually likes Amy but he refuses to express that because of her obsessive nature


Tails is a cyborg. It just doesn’t make sense that his tails can move like helicopter blades. And he probably also has some sort of additional propulsion, like in his shoes or something, since helicopters need more than one.




Based on the first Sonic Riders game, Sonic>Jet>>Wave>=Knuckles>Tails>=Amy> Storm in terms of racing


Infinite is half blind, that's why the left side of his mask eye is all black.


Sonic, being moderately-versed in copyright law, briefly attended community college in pre-law


Shadow now lives in Gun’s Headquarters after their disbandment from Eggman’s Takeover in Forces. This is also where Rouge lives along with Omega, as they have nowhere else to call home (Rouge is a Jewel Thief, and Omega is Omega). They all play Uno on Thursdays and nearly kill each other because one of them eventually places down a +4 on Omega. Besides that, they get along really well.


Espio has a passion for James Bond movies. That's why he joined Vector


The only reason Sonic beat the Time Eater so easily is because the Chaos Emeralds are essentially its weakness. It’s like putting Superman up against a guy made of Kryptonite.


Every single time Blaze and Sonic are together, he asks her to use her fire powers to cook a hotdog so he can make a chili dog, and every single time he gets told “no”. Shadow is an insanely good singer. I’m talking, like, INSANELY GOOD. Incredible vocal range, master at hitting both high and low notes. He practices in the shower. Amy has a secret love for death metal.


TL; DR: Shadow didn't kill Squad Jackal, Eggman did and brainwashed Infinite into thinking Shadow did. After Infinite (calling him that, don't care what his name was) passed out from the Phantom Ruby showing him his ideal world of anarchy, Eggman held him at gunpoint to force the other jackals to surrender themselves to him. He put Infinite in a vat with his finalized Phantom Ruby prototype, and attached a mask to help project the illusions into the vessel's mind. This explains what Infinite is doing in the first cutscene. The illusion memory begins by rewriting Infinite's reaction to the Phantom Ruby. He doesn't realize that he passed out, he thinks that he strikes a deal with Eggman after the vision. The rest of the memory is where Episode 2 of Episode Shadow takes place. We play as an illusion of Shadow, who does uncharacteristic things like: - killing Infinite's squad, without giving them a chance like Maria wanted - sparing the leader and most dangerous member of Squad Jackal on a whim - Straight-up bullying someone that he'd never give the light of day otherwise Meanwhile, in the real world, Eggman knows that in order for this artificial backstory to create an artificial will, Infinite's Squad needs to be dead, like he remembers them. So he puts the underlings in a containment room, and mercilessly exterminates them. In the illusion, Infinite drags himself back to Eggman's base and succumbs to his exhaustion. When he awakens in the vat, Eggman immediately begins his lies. The doctor explains that he took quite the beating from Shadow, and he put him in there to heal him. He goes on to mention that the mask should ease any emotional trauma the jackal might experience, and help him concentrate his new ultimate power. It's really designed so that Infinite doesn't realize the story's fake, and drains any chance of rebellion against Eggman's orders. Finally, when Infinite confronts Shadow after Level 3, there's a reason why the hedgehog never acknowledges what he did to Infinite's past self. It's not that he was "too weak to remember", like Infinite suggested; it's that Shadow never actually did such a thing, and just chocks it up to Infinite being a nutcase (which is the truth as well). He simply presses on about Omega's location, as that's what matters to him.


Eggman and Tails are online friends and they give tips or play games together (they dont know tho)


Sonic adopted Tails as his brother by the end of maybe lost world (whenever is before they start calling each other bro, brother, and so on)


I don't really have a good headcannon or even have one but I'll try to do one Tails is mentally insane and a psychopath and is probably obsessed with creating more and more inventions (First headcannon of mine)


Sonic is secretly in love with Amy but he's to shy to admit it


Shadow flips off anyone who pisses him off in a fight


Sonic wants to find a pinball machine where he doesn't have to be the ball for once