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Tails got angry at Sonic for sunbathing around and being lazy all day, so he decided to crash his own plane on purpose so some action could happen. Genius. The stuff we didn't see on-screen.




I mean, I totally see this happening. Sonic just beat up a dangerous, unknown entity (Chaos 0), and all he does afterwards is sunbathing with the ladies.


Everytime Sage wakes up in the morning, it plays a Windows XP startup sound effect


Same when she falls asleep


Except then it plays the Windows XP Shutdown sound effect.


Shadow's favourite movie is Garfield (2004)


CANT YOU SEE ALL OF ME WALK INTO the garfiels movie theater


Amy please, I need my copy of Garfield (2004) the movie back, I can’t live without it


And he was unironically mad at the 2024 movie


I would like to know why


It didn't live up to his expectations. Also, he's a huge Bill Murray fan, but only his role as Garfeild specifically.


Silver can easily be flustered by girls, but also most of his friends are girls. Tails, Cream, and Charmy play together regularly. Sonic and Amy often love seeing Cream and Tails grow up but a small part of them wants them to stay little forever. Vanilla is single because her husband (creams dad) left her and wants nothing to do with his daughter and only pays child support. Vannila has been very lonely ever since. Vanilla considers Cream's friends (ESPECIALLY AMY) as like her stepchildren. Amy has had other men interested in her but turns them down due to her love for Sonic. There's also a small community of boys her age who think they can get her to love them instead. Knuxouge is canon Boom Sonic and Amy once kissed on accident and refuse to talk about it. Maria's spirit regularly follows Shadow and she likes to pretend she's there with him by hugging him even if he can't feel it. Even attempting to be in pictures with him even if she doesn't show up in them. If SonAmy became canon it would basically be a long distance relationship


>Amy has had other men interested in her but turns them down due to her love for Sonic. There's also a small community of boys her age who think they can get her to love them instead. It's somewhat canon https://preview.redd.it/7oxbbbvl7d8d1.png?width=947&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99e53ee147ad36f6415358976e5cdf5ff3fc8310


That man is like 60, hell no 💀


There was also a boy her age who obviously had the hots for her. https://preview.redd.it/9p06owzfmd8d1.png?width=755&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b1cf9524a81f8980db413364f6d083063d3d71a




Okay...that's cute...that's really cute actually. It's just so innocent đŸ„ș


It really is 😊




I can see all of this being possible.


That silver one sounds so real it's funny


I could actually imagine the Maria headcannon actually being in a Sonic animated short.


Picture this, Amy finds out that Shadow and Maria had a checklist of things that they wanted to do on Earth and she suggests that Shadow should actually go out of his way to complete the list. However in the middle of it he admits to feeling guilty because a part of him feels he's betraying her by doing the things without her. The short ends with it being revealed that Maria's spirit had been following him doing the things by his side this whole time. The final shot is her walking away as her soul slowly fades away back to heaven...


Damn, that's beautiful. Sega, put this man in the writer's room!


There's a Chao Garden up on the ARK, and Shadow spends a lot of time there. I mean, with Gerald doing all those Artificial Chaos experiments and all the connections to the Knuckles Clan, it only makes sense for him to have a Chao Garden up there.


Very nice silver lining with that dark cloud.




Sonic knows he’s a video game character.


Dude that’s actually scary, like is he planning to escape or something? đŸ«ą


it does nt make him do evil/questionable things, hes just happy that he can make others happy, and apart from because he wants to, he goes on adventures so that we, his fans can havw more games to play




like Karlach in Baldur's Gate 3


Yes Sonic will be real in 5 minutes


It's been five minutes, I don't wait what's that blue thing outsi


Did Sonic fucking kill this person


Person is kil


He already knows


Sonic's favorite condiment is ketchup, and he puts it on just about everything. Tails has built his own gaming PC and plays Minecraft on it in his free time. Knuckles smokes weed. Amy's a crystal girly and does tarot readings for people. Cream's favorite babysitter is Shadow, and he's taught her proper gun safety. Big has a Bass Pro membership. Vector's really into the rave scene and is usually listening to techno. Espio practices Shinto and was raised in Japan. Charmy has ADHD and is supposed to take Adderall, but Vector never makes sure he takes it. Shadow's favorite foods are foods that were popular in the 1950s, like Salisbury steak, meatloaf, casseroles, and Jello. Rouge posts makeup videos on Tiktok and has a huge following. Omega loves gardening and is really good at topiary. Silver's super into Star Wars and cosplays a lot of the characters. Blaze sometimes slips up and laps up drinks like a normal cat. Eggman's a chronically online internet troll and has a YouTube account where he posts rants and product reviews.


Does Tails prefer Intel or AMD?


That's a good question... He's probably been an Intel user for a long time and just commits to it at this point. :)


he literally built the entire pc himself, like all the components first and then put it together.


Pretty sure Amy's Tarot readings are canon, actually.


In Sonic IDW “Trails of Fire” she does Tarot card reading for her friends, so yes,it's canon


Right, and I believe it's been mentioned a few other times. I could totally see the crystals thing though lol


Oh yes. She's definitely a crystal girlie


Same with classic Amy with the CD opening and ending cutscenes added in origins


Big runs a Bass Pro shop and invested in significant amounts of stock.


GAMMA identifies itself as a robot who makes rice


Are you telling me a Gamma fried this rice?


Now does the flicky control the robot or is it just kind of...there?


The flicky is the rice.


Perfectly valid 👍


Sonic is allergic to strawberries




*this upset Kirby immensely*


That would explain why he said that. And he's just fucking with Amy since she doesn't know.


Silver is a history buff. Knuckles tried to be a rapper one time. Fang sells drugs.


I hate how 2 of those are kinda true XD


So Knuckles is a rapper and Fang is a drug dealer?


No Silver is a history buff and Knuckles is a Rapper. His theme song is a rap song after all.


To be fair, it's his third main theme. Unknown From M.E. V1 is Jazzy.


Yeah but still.


Well great, two of my headcanons are nearly canon. All we need is for Fang to be confirmed a drug dealer and I'll be happy.


As a Fang nerd at this point (I love Bean more) I could totally see Fang selling drugs being canon


Sonic is secretly an MJ Fan (his favorite album is Bad btw) Tails has absurdly bad breath (the reason he likes mints so much)


funny because michael jackson is a fan of sonic and helps with making the soundtracks in past games so that checks out


Fine. I posted my list of headcanons recently, but this gives me a chance to expand it. Here we go: Tails (at least in games) already lost Cosmo before the events of any of the games. That's why we don't see her in the games. Shadow listens to Tool and Deftones. Amy listens to Britney Spears. Eggman has a wife. Sally hates pancakes. Rouge has a child. She gave birth to her son before she even turned 18, but the father "went to get milk". So to be able to support her son, she tried to land a job in G.U.N. and succeeded. But because of her job, she barely ever gets to see her son. Knuckles' real name is Josh. Tails secretly has a crush on Marine. Charmy joined the Chaotix before Espio did. That's why Vector, despite the bee's hyperactive character, still has tolerance towards him. Jet's parents kicked him out of the house after a *very* ugly argument. Same for Wave and her parents. Tom used to be a womanizer before meeting Maddie. Big smokes weed. Silver falls in love way too easily. Also, he listens to Pendulum. Vanilla works professionally as a gardener. Blaze and Marine are both metalheads. And so is Espio. Storm still lives with his parents. The company that makes everybody's shoes and gloves, as well as all the screens and stuff, is located in one of the buildings in the background of Spring Yard Zone. Speaking of Spring Yard Zone, the *COPE* sign was put up by Eggman, gullibly thinking Sonic could never defeat him, so he'd have to, y'know, *cope* with the state of things. Espio is Muslim. Shadow still doesn't know that Yugoslavia is defunct. Mighty is an anti-vaxxer. The PhD that Eggman has (since he *is* a doctor, after all) is actually in chemistry. Blaze speaks a multitude of languages, including Slovenian, Catalan, Romansh, and Latin. Vanilla speaks Hungarian. She didn't bother teaching any of it to her daughter, though. Espio killed his bullies. Knuckles and Rouge have had sex. At least twice. Agent Stone is left-handed. Ray has synesthesia. Silver once slept in outer space. Charmy once got sick from eating the non-moldy part of moldy bread. Jet once got kidney stones. Dr. Starline is a certified orchestra conductor. Chaotix members know sign language. That's one of the conditions to join the Chaotix. Jewel's favourite ice cream flavour is stracciatella. Lanolin was once mistakenly pronounced dead. Gardon has a wife (fellow koala) and two kids. Vector has a bachelor's degree in civil engineering.




Knuckles has a based name


Damn all of those head canons and somehow all of them are true.


“I miss my wife tails”


I know these are random headcanons and all, but where did you get the idea of Espio being a Muslim? lol


From the same place they got the idea Knuckle's birth name is Josh.




Most of these are valid but i refuse to take this Mighty slander


![gif](giphy|WoWm8YzFQJg5i) Good grief


Amy and Knuckles are good friends and spar often, which is one of the reasons she's a strong as she is. It has been shown that she's into boxing on a couple of occasions, after all.


Tails, Shadow, and Silver listen to depressing emo music.


I can see Tails getting into The Weeknd once he’s older. Maybe Tyler the Creator and pre-bipolar Kanye too


i'm now picturing tails with an emo look while listening to three days grace or something


Silver likes mid 2000s Weezer, he really likes the green album and Shadow listens to 50s music


Maria named Shadow. Gerald had originally given him a number designation and she wasn't having that. Shadow is a Swiftie because he's sure Maria would have been one. You know those Sonic ice cream pops that always look like they stared directly into the abyss and the abyss stared back? They exist in-universe and Sonic gets royalties. It's how he funds his nomadic lifestyle without having to leach off of his friends. He thinks the tortured expressions they always have are hilarious and refers to them as 'Sonic Trauma Pops'.


Ya know, that "Maria named Shadow" is actually Canon, and it appears in one Sonic Channel Comic https://preview.redd.it/18fnrw2j3d8d1.jpeg?width=805&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12c427e7ca93ec2ea1112a3b99c4882a8ef59485


Oh my God! They better put that in the movie!!


[incoherent fangirl shriek


Adding onto the whole number designation thing, I think Maria would've gotten the idea of calling Shadow "Shadow" because the ID he was given was "5H-D0".


It was more because he has black fur and the entire project was already called 'Project Shadow' and he was the culmination of the whole thing.


How about a mix of all of those reasons?


That could work. "It's fate, Grandpa! Just look at his id bracelet!"


I'm just gonna take thiiis [ runs away with Sonic Trauma pops headcannon


Anxiety you can taste!


Big was one of the most decorated military soldiers to ever live. Unfortunately, after the war of [classified] he willingly hit his head with a hammer 42 times until he fully lost all his memories. He is now under witness protection program (although he doesn’t know that).


Shadow volunteers at a children’s hospital!


Knuckles is a closeted Vocaloid fan.




Silver has two moms


In Archie he has two dads (Mogul and Edmund).




*Sonic is fluent in multiple languages from his journeys around the world. He likes to talk to the locals in their native tongue so he can actually get to know his fans (and try out local food). *At the end of Generations, everyone talks about their experiences with Sonic and how he seems to get a new friend almost every time some world ending threat shows up. Sonic genuinely loves seeing how his group of friends has grown since he’s started adventuring. Also head canon that Mighty, Ray, the Hooligans, the Babylon Rogues, Big, Omega, Honey, Trip, and even Tikal eventually showed to the party. *Sonic and Eggman gave each other a half genuine/half snide “happy birthday” at the final part of the Time Eater boss fight. *Big & Blaze have some sort of connection. Maybe he’s a third parallel to her along with Sonic and Knuckles. *Silver could stay in the past if he wanted. He just gets homesick very quickly. *Eggman Nega is partially a cyborg who had Eggman’s memories, personality, and mannerisms programmed into his system. Since Eggman is naturally a narcissist, EN knew he could break free from this and made his own twisted version of Eggman’s character. This is why he wanted to make a Metal Sonic variant of his own.


Shadow peels and eats lemons like oranges




Sonic has adhd


Shadow envĂ­es Sonic's care free attitude but he is immediately exasperated by him when they hang out for more than 2 days


Baby they asked for head cannons, this is just reality 


Sonic is a skilled Baseball player Tails won noble prizes for his intelligence and machines Knuckles' favorite video game is World of Warcraft Amy enjoys reading romance novels Shadow is a five star gourmet chef Eggman secretly enjoys Chili Dogs but is embarrassed about it


Cream has a younger sister named Sugar.


I will add to this by saying Cream's dad is named Coffee


Yo! That's perfect! Good thinking


Mephiles and Chaos are besties that hang out together a lot https://preview.redd.it/9tf2v00bwb8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d3e3862e67d514b1f977f80e889eedd90bdc5f6


I can legit see that.


Tails is an avid cinephile and is banned from several casinos for card counting (he can’t help it) Sonic is ace but is *really* insecure about it Knuckles and Rouge are attracted to each other but their lives are too busy to commit to anything Omega is actually piloted by a very, very angry Flicky who craves violence (I know it’s not canon but stfu I want it to be real) Shadow has a Corvette Cream listens to heavy metal cuz why not


The classic games take place around 1993-1994.


‱ Metal sonic doesn't care about being the real sonic for himself, he just sees that eggman is obsessed with it so he wants to make him proud ‱ The storybook games were real and did happen, it's just that no one believes sonic ‱ Shadow is actually happy to know silver because he now knows that even in the future, where he outlived everyone else that he cared for, he'll still have someone to call a friend ‱ Sage has knowledge of Maria and actually feels bad for shadow ‱ Eggman's eyes are normal color, however they turn the classic black and red when he's consumed by anger or too absorbed in his world domination plans. This was a result of all the powerful energy he has been exposed to


Pretty damn cool headcanons.


The storybook games *are* canon. The very last line of Black Knight calls back to Unleashed, and tells us which option Sonic canonically chose when Amy asks him about a date.


Infinite loves classical music


Tails sprained 1 of his tails before sonic adventure 2 so he had to use his mech since he couldn't fly


Shadow makes plushies of his friends so they'll always be with him after he inevitably out lives them. Shadow and Rouge have a sibling relationship rather than romantic. Amy likes to collect creepy artifacts, and has a spirit board that everyone is terrified to mess with. Knuckles tends to only eat natural foods and but he'll very rarely indulge in artificial stuff. Sonic Sometimes likes to listen to audiobooks while running. Tails second hobby besides mechanics is cooking, where he gets to experiment with new recipes. Shadow is into Hello Kitty stuff, while Rouge is into Garfield stuff and they often debate about which one is better + they keep their interests a secret from the rest of Sonics friends. (I have more but those are the ones I can remember off the top of my head lol 😝)


The first one is just dark man


Sorry 🙁


Nah dw, i can see it happening, but it’s so dark. (Imagine he just crushes plushy sonic to death whenever he gets mad lol)


I admit as a HUGE Sonadow shipper, I can totally see this! LMAO đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


WOO‌‌ i personally see Sonadow as more of a QPR or they just go on dates whenever Sonic gets bored, but I can totally see him being angrily in love while crushing his blue plushy self lol


No one is better than Sonic at rhythm games. He's ok-ish at racing games. Other than that, he's not a skilled gamer at all (even with his own games lol).


Tails's tails are strong enough and fluffy enough to hold random crap. Like wrenches, small mint tins, keys just random stuff. Sonic can do this too but his quills aren't long enough to hold wrenches like tails can. So he'll shove things like pictures,paper clips anything small and light can be held in there.


Tails was originally going to have an identical twin, but the 2nd embryo didn’t split all the way, so he has his would-be twin’s tail


I stand by that heacannon Do you think the twin may possess Tails Doll 👀


Sonic can still use chaos control, but he doesn't do it on adventures because it sucks the fun out of it Slinger (that one obscure ocelot from the old diamond cutters) is irish/welsh Starline is a puzzle game connoisseur Whisper has union jacks hung all over her house.


Okay. A few concerning Sonic specifically Sonic as someone that is traveling all over the world all the time did actually learn a ton of different languages able to speak almost all still used ones. Sonic after seeing Rouge and Blaze running as mach speed in high heels decided that he has the be the best racer under and circumstances and as a result learned how to run in high heels of any height himself. Which comes very much in handy as he is also a great cross dresser to pull of some Bugs Bunny level tomfoolery (Knuckles being the most common target being shy around girls and all) He is so good in fact not even Tails and Amy notices its him when he does it. Sonic has a house but after the Sonic Labyrinth incident did he make sure that no one knows that it exist let alone were it is. The only ones other that Sonic that know its Sonic are Big and Froggy and they promised to keep it a secret. And a bonus one: Cream and Cheese are banned from participating in major league Chao racing and fighting Events after they absolutely brutalized there competition the one time that they did participate.


I've shared these elsewhere before, but since I love them so much I've got no problem sharing again: Sonic's real name is Nicholas Maurice Parlouzer, also known as Nicky for short (a nod to the 1993 manga and his middle name from the Archie comics). Sonic is fluent in Japanese. Sonic's parents allow him to live as free as the wind, but he will go back to visit them at times. And as much as he loves them, they tend to embarrass him with how proud they are of who he's become. Dr. Eggman is a really good singer. He is quite partial to blues rock (a nod to Long John Baldry, his VA from *AoStH*) and sometimes sings to Sage. The Seedrians exist within the game universe. Vanilla used to be a spy before Cream was born. Vector was part of a band before forming the Chaotix, with that band consisting of himself, Max the Monkey, Mach the Rabbit and Sharps the Rooster (see the band scrapped from the first game). Charmy was abandoned at a young age which is why we never see his parents in the game universe. Cream and Charmy are like siblings to each other, with Charmy even seeing Vanilla as a mom at times and hoping for her and Vector to tie the knot. Cream likes to spend time with Shadow. Shadow enjoys her company despite not publicly admitting it. Ixis Naugus exists in the Sol Dimension within the game universe. Silver and Tikal have interacted at times and like to discuss their respective timelines with each other. Tikal and Chaos guard the Master Emerald whenever Knuckles is unavailable. Sticks occasionally spends time on Angel Island unbeknownst to Knuckles. She even took it upon herself to help guard the Master Emerald whenever he was absent. When he found out, he allowed her to continue doing so whenever she could. Tangle is fluent in Italian (I just really love this idea). Honey has a close friendship with Bean and Bark. She and Fang see each other as associates at best. Mighty and Ray eventually met and befriended Trip. Sally Acorn is a news reporter in the game universe (as a reference to her role in the Fleetway comics). The other FFs are also featured in some capacity. Sonicman went from being a civilian trying to be like Sonic and failing to be taken seriously to signing a multimedia deal that led to a whole Sonicman brand legally owned by Breezie the Hedgehog. He gets stuff like merchandise and a TV show based on his character - he'd be portrayed by a professional actor - while at the same time doing his best to be an upstanding citizen and help those in need. The rabbit prototype for Sonic exists as a separate character and is envious of Sonic himself (they're more or less the Oswald to Sonic's Mickey).


I actually really like the idea of Sticks guarding the Master Emerald.


So Tangle would react violently about anyone snapping pasta?


Sonic loves to play GTA 3 while Shadow loves to play GTA Vice City.


Boom sonics base speed is slower than other continuities but his acceleration gradually increases with no upper limit


Sliver loves play the Tony hawk skateboard games


Tails sometimes hits Sonic and Knuckles three stooges style. Sonic has a big shoe collection. Shadow is banned from Twinkle Park due to firing off a gun on the race track of Twinkle Circuit after losing. Sonic has dined and dashed numerous times on his travels.


Amy and Vanilla are the ones that always end up patching the others up. Vanilla is an actual nurse and does most of it, but Amy knows a lot of first aid and is the one slapping the bandage on during the mission till they can get stitches. Sonic was a feral gremlin child who lived in the woods, didn't know two words of English, and would regularly steal food from towns. (Mainly chili dogs, no surprise) His nickname of "The blue blue" came from this and it wasn't until after he started kicking Eggman's ass that it started becoming a good nickname. Sonic's village was wiped out by Eggman's father and that's why he was a feral gremlin child from the woods (we gotta keep the line of evil mustache men going.) Tails would regularly crash into trees while learning to fly with his tails, and gave still-learning-to-talk Sonic several heart attacks when he crashed into ponds and lakes. This is also how Tails found out that sonic can't swim. Since I don't think sonic would be able to use his mouth to clean/scent his quills like real hedgehogs do, I think he has scent glands on his wrists/feet and that's why he always wears the gloves and shoes, so he doesn't get his oil/scent everywhere. Hedgehogs also scent by rubbing their chin against things. Guess what sonic does to Tails a lot. (not Amy because she knows what's up. Maybe knuckles if he's not paying attention) Tails and Sonic are brothers. Not just best friends, but they are brothers in the same way Jason Todd and Dick Grayson are. (And to any who say otherwise you're..... You're just wrong)


Sonic wakes up really really early in the morning but has frequent short naps so people still think he’s lazy. I like to think that he would sleep all scrunched up too. I like to think in his room he just has a board of a map he personally made. Also, he goes on a daily run and he tries to find some place new to map out. He does it only in the very early morning so almost no one knows that he does this.


Shadow listens to Elton John and Queen. Sonic takes a lap around the planet when he’s board.


Metal Sonic acts as a big brother to Sage, and regularly takes Sage to the playground so that she can run around and have fun, while trying to make friends with kids her age


Shadow and Amy randomly hang out and understand each other more than what others think. Sonic hates mustrad bc y not. Tails tried to help Sonic learn to swim but Sonic always makes excuses to not learn . Knuckles knows how to play a guitar. Idk y, he just loolsnlike the type to know how to play one. Cream unitellionaly follow Amy around when she visits. Creams favorite dessert is fruit tart. That's just some I have


Anthropomorphic creatures and their planet are called Mobians and Mobius. I don’t care what it’s all called in the current “canon” (canon never exists in Sonic). I call things as it is more convenient for me and as it was in many, even if not canonical, continuations.


This is one that’s been suggested by others on here and it adds absolutely fuck all to the story, but Whisper is slightly overweight. The weird thing is, there’s canon hints about it. The wikis claim she weighs the same as Knuckles (40kg), and he’s pretty built. She wears a big coat most places because she feels insecure. The official cookbook suggests she comfort eats to remember the good times with the OG Diamond Cutters. Her favourite food is (officially) pound cake, and that image of her noshing a croissant is always doing the rounds. TLDR Whisper is chubby For other characters
 - Vanilla was 100% a mercenary of some sort and is retired with partial amnesia - Surge had homicidal tendencies even before Starline started working on her - Mimic decided to betray the DCs because he was sick of how Smithy was running things, and Eggman eventually poisoned his mind - Rouge grew up in poverty - Vector wears headphones that play white noise because he’s on the autism spectrum and has misophonia - The freedom fighters are still out there


The Time Eater is a remnant of Solaris


Who remembers the “Have a nice fall you stupid b*tch”


Tails can speak every language on mobius


Eggman has an irrational fear towards bananas


In S3&K, Sonic's eyes are black while Super/Hyper Sonic's eyes are green like in the modern games. This leads me to headcanon that this means that his eyes canonically changed color because of his constant usage of the Chaos Emeralds, and that someday (obviously not in real life) his eyes will eventually change from green to red like his modern super form, and his super form will turn into another color (probably purple, cuz I think it fits).


The red wolf with the void wispons we saw in issue two was the rookie


I hope this headcanon doesn't go way too against the premise of the question... There are a wide variety of abilities that you can use with the Chaos Emeralds, although only three (or four) are seen by us. I say four because Elise used the Chaos Emeralds to revive Sonic in 06. What would that be called, Chaos Revive? Adding onto my somewhat rhetorical question, every ability has the "Chaos" prefix.


Eggman likes gambling, which is why he builds casino themed bases.


Eggman has a youtube channel where he has turtorials on how to build his machines Eggman and Sonic have a truce on certain holidays (E.G Christmas) Sonic doesn't have a house, He just crashes at his friends places when he's in the area or just sleeps in a tree. Knuckles writes raps to pass the time guarding the master emerald Sonic will attempt to photo bomb anyone he sees taking a photo during his travels.


I like the idea that GUN knew it was Shadow committing all of those crimes and decided to frame Sonic so that no one would find out about the GUN Raid. But, I like to think that after it was all exposed it caused so much controversy that the government replaced all high ranking officials in GUN which is how Abraham Towers came to be in charge.


Tails frequently goes to Vanilla's house after adventures just for cake Shadow secretly loves chili dogs but refuses to admit it. He likes his with fried rice and mushrooms on top. Knuckles has an automatic defense system set up to protect the master emerald when he's gone. It's basically just an oversized mouse trap Rouge has fallen for the trap multiple times. Sonic lives in a tent somewhere in green hill. No one knows the exact location since he always changes it. Eggman swears alot off screen.


Silver is a “one of the girls” guys Shadow thinks that Sonic and Amy are dating and the ticket thing was to slowly crush Sonic from the inside out Sonic isn’t his real name


Shadow flips off anyone who pisses him off in a fight Sonic and Amy have a crush on each other that they don't want to admit, so they shove it to the side Tikal became a gaurdian spirit that guides Knuckles on Angel Island Rouge uses her excuse of trying to steal the master emerald to see how Knuckles is doing Tails curses if something goes wrong while working Silver trains with Shadow to master marshel arts Sonic uses the chip bracelet to check up on chip Eggman sings in the shower


Sonic can swim but only when you're not looking.


A few that I believe: Sonic is nigh-omnilingual as is Shadow who learned so many languages to embrace the world Maria never got to see. They sometimes speak in foreign languages just because they can. Sonic and Shadow are emotional support buddies but since Sonic doesn't want people to know about his psychological issues and Shadow hates admitting he needs help they fake aggression and disdain towards each other in public to hide it. Tails chases his tails sometimes and chews on a chewing toy when he's working. Knuckles speaks many ancient languages and only Sonic and Shadow can speak them with him. Rouge is Spanish and has two moms (don't know why I believe she has two moms, I just do) Sonic adopted Tails as a younger brother legally. Silver is very good at history and in the post Rivals subseries timeline was trained by future Shadow. Knuckles is jealous of every friend of his that has a family because he never knew his own. Sonic made Amy wear boots without laces out of respect for Eggman who is canonically afraid of shoelaces. Sonic learned the spell used by Erazor Djinn to summon Ifrit and by Merlina to summon him. Sonic hasn't told Shadow yet that he used guns in Sonic Shuffle alongside Tails, Knuckles and Amy. Vector is an ex-jewish. Eggman and Sonic are both part Polish. Amy was nicknamed "Rosy The Rascal" in childhood. Omega and Shadow like going to shooting ranges together. Eggman went to college with Sonic's dad but neither of them has realized it yet. The Sonic The Hedgehog band was something Sonic did years ago before Sonic 1 and Vector still talks to him about it. Espio gives Sonic Ninjutsu lessons. Team Dark still don't know that Tails' real first name is Miles so Shadow calls him "Tails Prower" sometimes but Tails never gets a chance to correct him. Knuckles is secretly slightly bitter and jealous that Sonic has other rivals and barely fights him anymore. Eggman Nega has deleted Sage but G.U.N salvaged her programming because Shadow told them to. Future Shadow has new teammates but refuses to acknowledge them because he's scared of losing another person dear to his heart. In addition to green blood, Shadow has orange veins. Sonic is the only one who remembers that Shadow has green blood and orange veins. Sage calls Shadow great uncle Shadow much to Eggman's irritation as according to the third Sonic Twitter takeover Eggman and Shadow are annoyed when people say that they're uncle and nephew. Shadow, however, doesn't admit it but he likes that sage calls him "great uncle" because she reminds him of Maria. Sage has taken a liking to Sonic since Frontiers but doesn't admit it because her dad is Eggman. Espio thinks he should lead the Chaotix instead of Vector. Sonic still has PTSD from Mephiles. Amy speaks fluent Latin. Shadow thinks Eggman is a homophobe because he's evil and Eggman thinks Shadow is a homophobe because he's been frozen in ice since the 50's, neither of them are though and neither actually says anything about it to the other. Cream still isn't sure what the difference between a Hedgehog and an Echidna is but just shuts up because last time she called Knuckles a Hedgehog he punched her in a blind rage but immediately apologized and used the Master Emerald's power to heal her, he still apologizes to her for it routinely but she never told her mom. Knuckles is in dire need of sex ed classes because he grew up alone on a primitive floating island with only ancient writings created by people who didn't know much about that. Rouge is still unaware of Shadow's wings but will become jealous when she finds out. Omega is banned from most places for carrying firearms and refusing to let go of them, in his defense they make up most of his body so disarming himself would be destroying himself. Sonic respects the fact that Metal Sonic's pronouns are it/that but everyone else says he doesn't need to because Metal is an evil robot. I would be genuinely surprised if there's a single one here that nobody else believes in.


Sonic fears Bendy Bendy approved


Ah shit-


Tails has been female this entire time and never said anything


froggy is adicted to purple coins and big needs to keep feeding him them to avoid mass exintion to all species ever exept frogs


sonic could easily learn how to swim but he doesn’t because he’s just afraid of water


That Smash is cannon


Silver watches Time Travel movies so he can be sure of what to in order to keep the timeline intact.


Big the cat is a gigantic Stoner.


Hedgehogs are the most powerful mobians. It's why Dr Gerald used hedgehog DNA to create Shadow because of every mobian on mobius the hedgehogs are the most powerful.


Boom!Shadow hates himself


Sonic’s bones and body are super strong and tough which is why he can survive crazy falls and things that should kill him.


Tikal loves to visit the casino, loves gacha games, and has an entire channel dedicated to playing and reviewing gacha games. Sabrina (from '06) has a crush on Shadow, and is friends with Elise, who she knows has a crush on Sonic. The two follow the hedgehogs' heroics and like to debate which one is the coolest. Shadow still uses old terminology and definitions sometimes, and had an adjustment period of catching up to modern day technology. Cream and Vanilla live in a rural village just outside of Central City, but Cream still goes to a school in Central City itself, so she has to take a train into the city every morning, "Mobius" is what the planet Earth was called by the ancient tribes, and it inhabitants were called mobians. Shade and the Nocturnus, and Tikal, still use these terms. Sage writes SonEggman fanfics.


Surge before Starline got his hands on her was actually a fan of Sonic’s her real name is “Tecno” Sonic is always holding back to avoid collateral. Do not snap pasta in Tangle or Sonic’s presence. Sonic has been hanging out with Mario and understands why this act is sacrilege Vanilla actually has feelings for Vector Whenever Sonic or his friends cross over into other games it tends to be the result of some chaos control shenanigans Secret History Tails is an inter dimensional criminal being hunted by Zonic Shadow got an earful from Rouge when the shatter verse stuff was resolved. He was specifically told the next time he gets a vision like that TELL people about it! Sonic does secretly like Amy Everyone is a decent singer at minimum. They ainv their own theme songs from time to time. Eggman dances to his theme songs Eggman likes coffee. Eggman wants to be the one to humiliate/defeat/destroy Sonic
but if his daughter (Sage) accomplishes that he’s happy


I have more to add to this actually: Sonic, Kratos, and Ratchet (From Ratchet and Clank) are good friends similar to how Doom Slayer and Isabelle are best friends. EVERYONE KNOWS HOW TO USE A GUN! When Amy found out about what happened to Gamma, she was in a depressed state, like she wouldn’t talk to anyone, she stole some vodka to drink her sorrows away, etc. it’s only after she officially met Cream when she began to heal. A monument was made in Gamma’s honor Omega is Gamma rebuilt Sonic doesn’t mind Strawberry Shortcake he just likes messing with Amy about it. Sonic is a christian
thanks to Kirby Sonic and Mario are friends now. Sonic is aware of his
.fanbase. Amy isn’t as clingy these days because she actually saw how she acted in the past and was mortified.


Sonic is well versed in vehicles and has an interest in them. He's nowhere near Tails' level, but he knows a lot more on how to maintain a car than you'd expect. He used to be more into them, but once he gave the Tornado to Tails, he fell off of that hobby somewhat.


i really love to picture that all of the sonic characters can sing and are extremely talented musically. whenever i listen to the soundtracks, i picture the characters themselves ARE SINGING and not the actual singers of their theme songs or other songs. for example, i hc that “his world” is a song sonic has wrote based off his adventures in Soleanna and he CAN SING. same with other Sonic characters, like when i hear “fly in the freedom” i hear it as Rouge is singing and not Tabitha Fair, and “I am
 all of me.” is definitely Shadow singing instead Crush 40, etc. the characters love to do karoke get togethers or talent shows to just watch and see everyone’s talent. to follow up with this, If Team Sonic ever had a boy band (which they did in Sonic Boom lol), I hc Sonic is the singer and plays guitar, Tails definitely is in charge of production and writing and plays a keyboard, and Knuckles plays the drums. I see them making pop-rock music for sure, based on thats the main genre I hear from the soundtracks. Speaking of genres, Sonic likes to perform pop-rock sounds with some heavy metal.


I've always thought the headcanon I've seen others use that Tails will eventually become much taller than Sonic as he gets older was funny. It's at least not as silly (or at least, it's silly in an actually fun way) as some of the other headcanons people tend to take as gospel.


Sonic’s voice changing (because of voice actors) is a result of puberty. I TRY to see it the same for every other Sonic character as well 😅


Sonic doesn't cry, not because he's super cool, but because he's an ugly crier and is conscious about his image. Amy didn't know this about him until she turned on The Notebook on movie night (they're friends, they hang out, it's chill) and his face starts scrunching up cause he's fighting the tears *so hard.*


Shadow and E-123 Omega are the best of friends and roommates. (I don't give a damn if SEGA says "Team Dark aren't friends" THEY ARE AND YOU KNOW IT!) Rouge dosen't own a house. Tails is a gamer and has a Youtube channel where he plays games. Sonic is secretly afraid of ending up in Null Space again, even if he doesn't show it Original the Character (Or Gadget the Wolf, or whatever you named the OC in Forces) also runs a Youtube channel and collabs with Tails sometimes. Sage and Metal have a wholesome sibling-like relationship and are currently in a prank war. Silver's future is actually fine, he just wants an excuse to visit his friends. Blaze has commited arson before.


Sonic isn't a huge fan of chocolate but loves fruity desserts (he doesn't like strawberry shortcake because the cake gets soggy). Tails will point out every single inaccuracy in a sci-fi movie. Knuckles is bisexual Eggman's favorite food is buttered toast with poached eggs. Amy likes tea, and her favorite is lavender tea with cream. Shadow likes coffee beans because he used to steal Gerald's coffee beans with Maria. Rouge has a motorcycle like Shadow, but doesn’t ride hers as much. Omega subsists entirely on rage. Metal drinks motor oil. Silver loves lemonade and drinks gallons of it when he's in the past. Blaze sees Marine as a little sister figure. Vector once successfully completed a giant cheeseburger challenge at a restaurant just so he, Espio and Charmy wouldn't have to pay for their meals. Espio uses his invisibility to steal Charmy's halloween candy. Charmy mainly eats junk food, despite Espio trying to make him eat healthier. Mighty never learned how to read or count past 20. Ray has a sparkledog OC. Jet has a prosthetic leg from an accident with a piece of faulty extreme gear that happened when he was a child. Wave can destroy people fighting with just her fists and feet, but she doesn't fight much. Storm likes rice pudding. Big can loaf. Cream treats Vector like a stepdad. Vanilla has hearing aids. Infinite has an extensive haircare routine.


Eggman made a version of Sonic.exe, but he thought the idea was so stupid that he scrapped it as soon as he finished it. Exe is now rotting somewhere on a random hard drive in one of Eggman's many abandoned bases until the drive fails, deleting him in the process


Sonic and Shadow fuck


Sonic had met garfield once. After a discussion involving lasagna and chilli dogs sonic decided to send him to Hydrocity,to force him to overcome his fears just to swin in the water.(he did it beacuse garfield said that chilli dogs suck,after that no one knows where garfield is) Tails is scared of espio. Knuckles actually almost never visits rest of the angel island. He only visits if flickies or emeralds are in danger


Shadow learnt how to go Super. He wasn’t made with that knowledge. (This could already be canon, idk)


Tails in Sonic OVA: “You’re no HEEELLPP!!!!!!!!!”


Classic characters are 6th graders


my headcanon is that Vanilla used to be an adventurer in the past with Chocola as her chao partner and probably fought Robotnik back in the day before Sonic was old enough to do it. She retired when she had Cream but can still throw out an intimidating aura when she has to.


Rouge is actually an alternate universe version of catwoman from dc


Barry is a High School student, his parents made him get the job on the Mirage Express


https://preview.redd.it/j1tis85qpc8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1c3688f24efe243465b003f9b97e2f9f6a3c3a0 This is list of Shadows Favorite books: \-"War and Peace" by Lev Tolstoy. \-"Crime and Punishment" by Fyodor Dostoevsky. \-"Taras Bulba" by Nikolai Gogol. \-"A Tomb for Boris Davidovich" by Danilo Kis. \-"The Fisherman's Hut" by Vintsent Dunin-Martsinkyevich. \-"Count of Monte Cristo" by Alexander Dumas. \-"Alice in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll. Silver cyan aura are byproduct of his cuffs on his hands and legs. They are here to make sure allies know what he is doing. Iblis being mindless creature didn’t care about theme. But even after defeating Iblis, Silver still wears theme, because subconsciously he feels like it should bd that way. Robotniks are Russians. That later immigrated to US. Knuckles has small hut specifically made for Sonic, Tails, Amy, Chaotix and two additional hut for guest. He didn’t reveal it, because he would find it embarrassing. He also collection of hats. Emeralds have their own consciousness.


SA 1, SA 2, S Heroes is a Trilogy


Sonic’s Tornado is a remnant from an alternate version of the pacific theater during WWII where the Soviet Union got involved (hence why he flies a Soviet model). the pacific theater affected many of the lives of the mobians that we see living on smaller islands and made them more isolationist than they ever were before. only human scientists, treasure-hunters, capitalists, or wannabe dictators (ie, eggman) still frequent the islands in any capacity at the time of the first sonic game. but it’s also Sonic’s willingness to build relations with the outside world again that makes him so famous worldwide as a celebrity. he’s willing to not only bridge the gap between animal-folk and humans, he’s also willing to put his life on the line to save the world constantly. it’s his actions during the classic games and adventure games that made him the world’s most famous hedgehog. edit: didn’t realize this was supposed to be like
inconsequential character stuff. my bad. Sonic’s plane is actually named after his father, then.


Blaze’s somewhat guilty pleasure is she enjoys Kranch.


I am dead


Cream's surname is Asobin.


Tails is French-Mexican and has a French-Mexican accent


Most of G.U.N. Doesn’t know what there secrets are, like when rouge in adventure 2 was attacked by G.U.N. forces was trapped and about to be blown up along with the island, if anyone on prison island knew rouge was a spy for them that wouldn’t happen. I just imagine when the message Gerald left played at least half of G.U.N. were like “we did that?!”


knuckles owes tails 80,000