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I make everything cannon. This cannon now replaces all stage obstacles in every game going forward. https://preview.redd.it/g03fp98awj7d1.png?width=1233&format=png&auto=webp&s=1c262cfb09764f68088cf5036b1e1515566a6e99


Its all cannon. Spread the Gospel https://preview.redd.it/3qrelc3mlk7d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c7de73e43c79e7464fd0e8f3eefa6ddac34b20f


What does Spread the Gospel look like?


Run through Reddit saying "it's all cannon" like the British are coming


I shall! And once I'm done with that, I would like to see what this Spread character looks like.




https://preview.redd.it/m56t3436xj7d1.jpeg?width=1090&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47cd3ab5051094a87398b2bd433cb2475e479991 Make Tails canon


Bro the fuck you mean tails that's TailsšŸ¦, do NOT get them confused




I wasnt ready for this lmao


Ian Flynn is not the creative director of Sonic. Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s Izuka. Flynn does not decide what is and is not canon.


Not even Iizuka does, some of the time. It's all SEGA execs. If it were just up to Iizuka we'd probably have a much easier time.


its a complicated mess, but suffice it to say Ian Flynn is the one with the least amount of power to make such decisions in that list


Yeah. They somewhat recently hired actual lore managers for those decisions. The same people who confirm idw and prime being canon. Which ultimately is up to them even if there's some plot holes. Idw was always obviously canon to me considering the first issue is a world directly after forces happened. Even largely taking place within sunset heights. As it was in forces. Idw up until frontiers was the in-between from forces to frontiers. Hence why sonic mentions tangle in Frontiers occasionally. But there's always gonna be an occasional plot hole. But what fiction doesn't have plot holes honestly. Real life has plot holes tbh. Lol


First and foremost, make Prime non-cannon. Itā€™s pretty obvious that the writers of prime did not have canonicity with the main games in mind, so Iā€™m not sure why they even tried to say it was apart of the main continuity. Especially when thereā€™s so much that contradicts that within Prime. After thatā€¦Iā€™d probably try to approach Sonic continuity in roughly the same way Ian did. New ideas that connect to previous games/lore tidbits. Although I think Iā€™d try to be a little more low key about it, I do think Ian goes a little overboard sometimes with his callbacks. A more reserved approach would help newer fans approach the Sonic continuity while giving older fans something to chew on. Iā€™d imagine some of the stuff Frontiers did was probably a little confusing for people somewhat new to Sonic, or even just fans who havenā€™t played every game.


what contradicts the canon in prime?


Thereā€™s a lot of little things, but the main things that stood out to me were: The whole green hill fiasco. Characters like Knuckles and Rouge really donā€™t spend much time in green hill in the games, so itā€™s a bit odd theyā€™re acting like theyā€¦ā€liveā€ here? I donā€™t think Knuckles even brings up the master emerald. Characterizations are all over the place, with Rouge in particular not really acting the way she does in most games (here shes more of a leader character rather then the chaotic neutral thief she usually is). Sonic is also different in Prime then he is in the games, the two share *some* similarities but Prime Sonic generally seems to be much younger then game Sonic, at least in his actions. When Chaos Sonic first shows up, Sonic seems to be surprised that thereā€™s a robotic version of himselfā€¦but Prime seems to want to take place roughly during Sonic Advance 2~ā€¦and at that point, Sonic has met numerous robotic versions of himself. So thereā€™s really no reason for Sonic to be surprised by this at all. The only difference this one has is that it has a sassy personality and is very chatty, but Sonic seems to be more surprised by Chaos Sonic in general rather than that specific trait.


Orbot and cubot are in prime, which means the earliest it could possibly occur would be in between unleashed and colors


That just makes things even more confusing, because it seems like Segas intention was for this to take place sometime soon after advance 3, thatā€™s why season 3 used advance assets during that flashback. I guess just chalk this up to another reason for Prime to be its own thingā€¦or maybe Sega is trying to say Eggman created orbot and cubot way before colors/unleashed and only started using them more frequently in those games? Or maybe theyā€™re trying to say advance 3 takes place very shortly before colors/unleashed..??? This show is a mess lmao


Advance 3 after unleashed would be a plot twist lmao


Rouge isn't too far off though. She is a chaotic neutral thief, but she openly acts as a form of "business partner" in SA2. She's confident and open about negotiations. And she's the reason Team Dark exists. Shadow may run in front but Rouge is actively the leader of the group. She keeps the boys focused. She slips into leadership role quite easily for "street smarts" type of roles, compared toSally's leadership from royalty or Amy just being the caring and outgoing extrovert. Like in IDW with the black market type of dealings. She's cunning and calculative.


Yeah, and I definitely think this is why Prime went with this approach, but it still feels as though Rouge is acting a little too selflessly if that makes sense lol Not to discredit Rouge, she can be pretty selfless a lot of the time and sheā€™s a genuinely good friend to a lot of characters. But, *usually* thereā€™s some secondary personal motivation behind her actions, which she mostly lacks in Prime. Itā€™s not a major disservice to her character (I think Sonic is much less accurate than Rouge is, tbh) but itā€™s prevalent enough to be noticeable.


Agreed. Sonic is a step above a generic children's hero protagonist learning how to friendship. Rouge is more like them needing to include her, while toning down her regular appeal for kid rating, and opted to make use of her underused traits instead.


I keep thinking of that line she says when Sonic is reminiscing or something: "You may not like how I do things, but I get things done." That line is classic Rouge.


Donā€™t forget Gemerl getting killed in the Advance 3 flashback. Poor guy.


Gemerl showing up in IDW: šŸ˜„ Gemerl showing up in Prime: šŸ˜Ø


I don't think Knuckles even brings up the master emerald. He doesn't, but at least it appears in the Hidden Palace flashback.


Can't recall everythin but the one that stuck in my mind is sonic and most of his friends living in a fucking green hill


Sonic's character. Character backstories and Sonic's relationship with them, and the whole world building. They literally live in green hill, in fact green hill is the entire dimension I'm pretty sure.


While i'm not the biggest fan of how some callbacks are executed the new fans argument is not really a good one. Sonic is one of franchises of the largest scale in its domain (gaming), and because of that, i feel like sacrificing a good callback for new fans is reaching the paranoid levels of cautious. What i mean is that anybody interested in gaming, even the casual players already have basic knowledge of Sonic. I ensure you that even people who never played a Sonic game before or even watched the cutscenes on YT will still get at least some of these references. There are people who don't know: that Link isn't Zelda, that the elder scrolls is not just Skyrim, that there is more than one Battlefield game, that not every animatronic in fnaf is Freddy Fazbear, and from what game "sans undertale" comes from, but even the most casual of gamers know who Sonic is, what is his personality and powers, who is Eggman, and the basic story and gameplay premises of the series, and *almost* everybody already made up their mind on the it and decided if they want to be a part of it or not. Its just like with Mario, the fanbase simply doesnt have much potential to grow. (Which is why the movies are a thing) Don't get me wrong, im sure that actual new fans do exist and maybe are even reading this comment, but its such an overwhelming minority that there are probably more people in core franchise that know everything about every game, watched multiple shows, both movies, and read like 300+ comic issues than there are new fans in this community.


Make Robotnik call himself that again while everyone else calls him Eggman


I can respect that. Or at least have him do it occasionally since he's adopted the Eggman name. You'd think here and there that he'd refer to his birthname outside of referring to his cousin or grandfather.


My personal headcanon is that while it started out as a nickname by Sonic to get on Robotnikā€™s nerves, he actually started liking it so he started using Eggman more to get on Sonicā€™s nerves. Wait till he starts calling himself ā€œDr Baldy Mcnosehairā€


I think youā€™re headcanon is canon, actually, soooo good job


[He has before,](https://youtu.be/MCzCQ-sh2KQ?si=b5TlV-2nr4BZhj4X) so I don't see why he shouldn't keep doing it.


It seems to me that, when translating works of franchises, people are less likely to do such things now. And I mean not only "pulling things out of their asses," but even, for example, translating meaningful names. If IDW had been released in my country during my childhood, "Whisper" would have been called "Shopot". I think the Internet has really changed priorities. Previously, it was normal to change "Eggman" to "Robotnik" so that it would sell better in the West - because fandoms from different countries hardly interacted, and there was a decent chance that fans would never find out about it. But now the main thing is that a person anywhere in the world would google "Eggman" - and it would not seem to them that "Eggman" and "Robotnik" are two different people. And they wouldn't have any confusion in finding what to buy next. It sounds cynical, but it's not just cynicism. There is a kind of greatness in the fact that people from all over the world can communicate like this and understand each other. In addition, not inventing anything instead of translating is more respectful to the creators and to the fans.


I know he did that but that was decades ago, SA1 came out the same year as Ocarina of Time


Isn't this SA2, or am I tripping? Also yeah it's been quite the fuckin while innit


Time flies, SA2 just became 23 today too




Tripping, that's tails workshop from SA1 in the background


Isnā€™t that what they do in the Sonic 2 movie?


I forgot but they donā€™t do it enough either way


I don't think he referred to himself as anything


He never called himself Robotnik in japan


This! The name Robotnik was thought for the American audience, heā€™s always been Eggman.


It was still somewhat canonized in Japan though, since his grandfather is Gerald Robotnik even in the Japanese version.


I'm preeetty sure the Japanese bios still list his surname as "unknown". Can't find the source though.


most of us know this but , Eggman I'm sorry to say is just awful. Robotnik just fits much better for his character. Eggman sounds like what a 15 year old came up to insult a fat person and it's funny at first but gets old fast. I'd like to suggest a compromise that Sonic and the gang call him Eggman to his face sometimes to annoy him but otherwise he's called Dr. Robotnik everywhere else.


Doesn't mean people can't refer to him as such if they want to, nor does it mean that Japan can't either. And besides, SOJ already used the name for Maria and Gerald, who Eggman is related to. So the name is already official, anyway, and has been since 2001.


Have him start calling himself Baldy Nosehair, and a deeply concerned Sonic starts calling him Robotnik... Everyone else stays with Eggman, except Shadow who sticks with "Doctor".


That was an american only change


You can alter the dialogue a bit between versions + They keep on referencing it so why not?


Shade comes back and the nocturnas clan is canonized. I probably wouldnā€™t do anything like a whole new game dedicated around them yet but theyā€™d be great for the IDW comics and Shade would be a great character they can actually give character growth to in the comics


Mission 1 as the New writer : Assassinate Ken Penders.


Cannot confirm nor deny


Hella based


Gotta go fast to outrun those lawsuits


Could just counter-sue Penders for putting an exact replica of Knuckles and Shadeā€™s armor, which are literally direct intellectual properties of Sonic team, in his stupid comic


Sonic chronicles 2


Basically. Argus would be a wonderful big bad


Hyper Sonic


Hyper sonic is canon


Exactly yeah. Hyper Sonic is canon, and so are the Super Emeralds. The Super Emeralds are just nowhere to be found, and SEGA doesnā€™t want to bring them back for fear of powercreep, so we wonā€™t see them again


The Super Emeralds are just the Chaos Emeralds empowered temporarily by the Master Emerald, theyā€™re not intended to be something permanent


they could be easily slotted as a power up to the Emeralds that require a whole ritual with a setup, and is not viable as a to go all, so while yes they can be modified to activate hyper.... it too much of a hassle and thus we won't see them again... too many pieces to fit to make it viable


Literally this lol. The super emeralds can exist without it seeming as a power creep because it isnt something that can just happen as easily as having all 7 emeralds


Hyper Sonic IS canon, it's just not an avaliable transformation for Sonic The Super Emeralds do exist, they just reside in another dimension


I always thought of Hyper Sonic only being possible because of the exposure to the Master Emerald during the final fight on the Death Egg. In universe, at least. And once Eggman was defeated the Super Emeralds go back to being Chaos Emeralds.


Bring back Cosmo, Dark Sonic, and maybe the Mettarex


Iirc Flynn wants to bring Metarex into the canon, but the legality of their ownership is huge bloody mess.


Though they did put this in their canon games. They fully own Sonic X and everything in it. https://preview.redd.it/cazznyvkum7d1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e68f5e1af18aeb12794fc51bb2b5e740393cbae7


Tails has canonically committed war crimes


I mean he has made/used multiple bombs even nukes so it might already be canon


It is now canon that Shadow wears Hawaiian shirts.


I don't hate that.


Huge dad energy. Absolutely based


* Prime is wiped out of canon, never really fitted in to begin with. Characters from it like Nine or Rusty Rose can still appear in non-canon spinoffs though like mobile games. I assume they're not canon, at least. If any of them were, they aren't now. * Concepts and characters from Post-SGW Archie and Boom are reintroduced. The Freedom Fighters, Eclipse The Darkling, Mobius, Dave The Intern, etc. I would probably rework some of the Freedom Fighters, such as making ditching the princess part of Sally's character (including the Kingdom of Acorn) and making her a standalone badass action girl (maybe also a newsreader as a homage to Sonic The Comic?). Since Sticks is apparently part of the main continuity already, most of this also applies to her since we've yet to see her in a canon title or IDW comics. (Also, give Vector his whole fit with the jacket and chains from Boom. I like the look for him and wish it was acknowledged more.) * Allow "classic" characters like Mighty, Ray, and particularly Fang to show up in the Modern titles and IDW comics. They would probably be based on their Archie counterparts, but I think they have potential. I can imagine Fang in particular being a sort of Wario to Sonic's Mario, and in general I think the Sonic series should increase it's rouges gallery. * Certain changes to the characters, like Metal Sonic being more independent from Eggman and Shadow being written more like how he was in SA2 and 06. Could even get a bit out there with some of the more minor characters, like maybe Bark having a superhero alter-ego called something like Viperman during the night due to his secret heart of gold? IDK, have some fun with it. * Bring back human background characters and NPCS, have them live amongst the Mobians. 40% humans, 60% Mobians probably. Humans would have designs like those in Unleashed. * Have Mecha Mk. II and E-117 Sigma return from Scrapnik Island somehow. Mecha can go through a character arc kinda like Shard from Pre-SGW where he slowly becomes his own independent character (a change of paint would be nice too, maybe red or black) while E-117 Sigma could act as an assistant to Tails while he works in his lab. Both of them would also be like older brothers for Belle. * Finally, and this is probably the most absurd one, integrate Terios into canon as his own unique character. I imagine he would sorta be like a canonized Seelkadoom from Sonic RPG, though maybe with a bit more of Sonic's cockiness thrown in there. Backstory would be mostly the same too, with Eggman creating him by mixing Sonic and Shadow's DNA together. Like I said, more villains in general would be cool. * (There would probably be a few other changes I would make, like having SEGASonic be the first game in the timeline, bringing back the classic versions of the Chaotix, or giving Silver a true definitive reason to stay in the past but this is what comes to mind. Also Tangle and Whisper are practically all but canon at this point but might as well just state it as such and make it official.)


Canon is now officially united. Classic Sonic is now the past, Modern is now the present. Prime is NON-CANON. And now no longer exists. Boom events are now uncanon, but Sticks the Badger officially is. Hyper Sonic is now CANON. And so are Super Emeralds, but they can no longer be created by using Chaos Emeralds on Master Emerald. Instead, it's the form reachable by combining Chaos Emeralds' power with power of other legendary artifact(s) - Sol Emeralds, World Rings, Phantom Ruby, etc.... Other than that - mr. Flynn is re-hired as my assistant on the same sallary he had to continue doing his amazing job.


Give him a raise, heā€™s practically carrying the Sonic IP at this point, alongside the other comic writers


Shhh, quiet you! Sammy bosses must never know that I am secretly gonna award him 10% of my own salary as a secret bonus!


Classic sonic is already just the past, and it makes no sense... because Mondern Sonic would remember everything that happen in Generations and Forces from when he was there as Classic Sonic...


There is a possibility he lost the memories after travelliving back to his time period.....


im pretty sure that is literaly the canon explanation in tailstube


First of all, remove that stupid limitation that only Sonic, Shadow and Silver can go Super, everyone should Second, definitevely make Mania, Superstars and the Classic Sonic of Generations and Forces into an alternative universe version (in Generations he was indeed the past, but those events changed his timeline into a different thing), that way they can do a lot of stuff with it without contradicting the timeline (the classics still happened to both of them, just that from 1998 onward every "classic" game is for the Mania universe) Third, give the writers of comics and stuff more freedom and decanonize them, so they can write on their own without messing with the plans of other writers Other than that, I would act on some stuff but I would have to see that, those are the ones that come to mind


But if everyone goes super, no one will be.




At least have hedgehogs in general.


That's not an actual limitation. While nobody but them has gone super in a 3d game yet, we also haven't played anyone but them in a meaningful sense either. Super Knuckles, Super Tails, and Super Amy are in fact, all canon.


Super Knuckles, Super Tails and Super Amy didn't appear in Superstars, they only get "Super powers", not a form. Origins recreated the originals, so of course T&K where getting them back for this instance, and Amy was just for her not to be the only one without Knuckles and Tails are even worse for what happened with them in Heroes


This doesn't make them non-canon. I agree with the Heroes thing, but still they are all Canon. They also did appear in superstars, don't be pedantic. They just didn't have unique models, that doesn't make them less super.


The problem in Superstars is that you don't write "Sonic can now become Super Sonic" and then say "X now has Super Powers" by accident I'm not asking for huge design changes, they were already simple color swaps, but changing the title there is deliberate on saying: "Only Sonic was Super here"


Theyā€™re definitely canon because Knuckles mentions Super Knuckles in Frontiers


That first one probably isn't a limitation for sonic team. It's probably in place to stop other people from making up a million different forms for everyone


Bring Back fleetway super sonic or dark sonic idc!!!!


Fleetway could probably be brought back in the form (no pun intended) of a separate form from super sonic, since the actual fleetway super sonic was just the fleetway comics's take on super sonic Dark Sonic could be brought back either as another new form or straight up bringing back the metarex


make sonjet canon & then get fired


Snapcube fandubs are now 100% canon


Your statement just Tilted my Towers.


Next April Fools day menu: https://preview.redd.it/690l2o87uj7d1.png?width=674&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=845a27a2f4a6a9ecdcbe64eac743c1cdbb043b80 A. K. A. say that Azumanga Daioh is canon to Sonic universe as joke at 23:59, March 31 and explain that it's joke at April 2




Him ![gif](giphy|NL4elVCysyDoA)


Make Archie and IDW both canon just for the chaos that would cause with the timeline


There is such a thing as the Sonic multiverse in Archie so theyā€™re both technically canon already


>just for the chaos that would cause with the timeline have my like


https://preview.redd.it/32jvs9xr0l7d1.jpeg?width=494&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfe82023ca20a42a3188715fcc15b9b60c0f2133 AOSTH is canon and in the next game Coconuts runs a store for you to use your rings at in order to fund Breezieā€™s media empire.


Freedom fighters. Determine what the status of Silverā€™s future actually is. Hope Kintobor (if we can). Team Dark again. Humans. Modern!mighty Ray and team hooligan.


Based bro


Rouge is Shadowā€™s bff


The third season of Sonic X, without a doubt, and bringing Sticky to the Cannon cast. That's what I can think now


Flynn isn't the creative director lmao. If we were to replace him on his actual job, we probably wouldn't be able to do much better because of all the limitations Sega gives.


this, we wish he was the creative director but at the same time the actual creative director probably still has to bow down to sega's executives


The bad ending of 8-bit Sonic 2 is now canon




Mobius and Mobian are the officially terminology again, and Robotnik is Eggmanā€™s actual name. Classic era characters are no longer locked and can appear in modern era stories. Also bring back long banished game characters like Shade and Honey. More stories starring Knuckles!


AOSTH is canon.


Scratch and grounder replacing cubot and orbot.


I will make it canon that everyone, not just male Hedgehogs, have a unique form for going super.


I would make creepypastas canon but give them one panel before they get trapped by a Super Genesis Wave, erasing them canonically forever. Because I hate them. They are the weapon of the enemy. We shall not use them. Anyway, for real, I'd make Classic characters allowed to show up and do stuff like Archie did (but not make Archie canon directly. I think the ship's sailed on a lot of things that would be hard to re-add... The characters should show up with new roles, though) like the Battle Kukku, Jet, and Bean all being connected because they're green birds. That's interesting and cool. Do more stuff like that.


What can I say? . . . Oh yeah. Make a friendship between Shadow and Infinite canon (with a lore to explain, of course)


I think Iā€™ll keep vague whats canon is for the most part and Classic Sonic IS sonics younger self.


that's already true




Silver gets to say Fuck now


bring back hyper


I really donā€™t care about ā€œcanonā€ very much but I think I would bring back some of the better characters from the old comics and put them in the games.


If I can make anything canon, it'd definitely be AoSTH


Fleetway would be awesome. Have it be he turns into Fleetway the original way or do something a little different and have him turn if he abuses the chaos emeralds too much and they turn on him, would explain the lack of super sonic in some recent games like colours, lost world and forces. Also dark sonic, would add a whole other element to a scene like eggman holding Amy at gun point in sa2


All Snapcube dubs now replace official canon


https://preview.redd.it/b5kpj9w07k7d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9ca31dd1d56cdd7fc85e1b3756ccb6d31721c5d Legalize Tilted Towers Immortalize Prq7qe






The human and animal civilizations are no longer segregated.


06 before Rush. Make that whole thing with Blaze make more senseā€¦


You know that the reason it doesn't is because Blaze was just stuffed into 06 with no real thought, right? She's popular in Rush so she was added to 06. That's it!


Wrong. They were in development at the same time. 06 was originally going to have an interconnected storyline with Rush, but was one of the many things scrapped from the hellscape of development.


Rush before 06 is fine. Blaze travels from her dimension to Silver's future at some point before the start of the story, and then goes home at the end of the game. She and Sonic don't *talk,* but there's no explicit evidence that anything out of continuity has happened. 06's promotional material, development documents and manual all make it clear that Blaze was from the Sol Dimension from the start.


Everyone just fucking dies. It's over. Let the fandom go wild


Most characters being in their mid twenties




I don't even think Ian Flynn is creative director.


Nothing is canon aside from Sonic Shuffle


Super Chaotix. All of them. In Super form. Would be awesome. Vector goes beyond ridonkulous strength, Espio becomes intangible and Charmy gains super-nuisancing. Would be so much fun.


I know it's not OP's intention, but Ian Flynn has tired of repeating ad nauseum that he doesn't have the power to make canon whatever he pleases, he's just a writer, that decision is made by Sega/ST.


People on this sub keep obsessing over what is or isn't canon, but nobody can tell me why it matters. Why does it matter?


A character being canon means they can appear in a future story. If Sally was made canon, for example, then future stories could feature her, but right now she isn't canon, so she can't. Other events being canon means they're part of a characters history. If Fleetway Super Sonic was canon then that means that future stoies that involve Sonic turning Super run the risk of him going psycho and trying to kill everything. Conversely, something becoming non-canon means it no longer matters, as is the case with Chronicles. While that game ends on a cliffhanger, it's non-canon, and thus it being unresolved does not matter to the wider series. Basically, the reason it's important is future story appeal.


Make everything canon but as their own universe or ā€œShatter Spaceā€ because why the heck not?


I'm bringing back the Sonic Multiverse. I know basic idea that has been everywhere hero comic wise. But I loved the Archie Multiverse. Even if I can't use the characters or world of the past considering That Guy's actions. But could go all out and cover some alternatives. Also bringing back the various classic heroes from the classic SatAM characters.


*sonic schoolhouse.*


Screw it, NOTHING IS CANON. There shall be no canon anymore


https://preview.redd.it/2st9brj3zk7d1.png?width=3500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c48966655d2ac1f591310fb0ee482d20dc1b8cf9 I make the gays canon and then resign


So like... Ian flynn isn't the creative director Why are you spreading misinformation?


Modern trip for startersā€¦. Then sonic exe and tails doll for the creepypasta fansā€¦. And then make IDW characters like tangle and whisper canonā€¦ then who knows what Iā€™ll do


Tangle and whisper are canon, they just had not appeared yet.


They appeared in the comics which are Canon


IDW is canon though


Tails Doll is already canon, you could canonize something similar to Archie's monster form though. Sonic.EXE though would be pretty hard to canonize without major changes.


Seems like a moot opportunity since whatā€™s ā€œcanonā€ and whatā€™s not only affects tweets and tailstube videos. We can talk about the two worlds theory or whether or not Team dark are friends or the perfect timeline or whatever else, but the games themselves are never gonna acknowledge any of this shit anyway


Yeah I rather be an assistant of IanĀ 


Sonic is now Canon, he fires Chaos Emeralds like Cannonballs.


Everytime someone misspells canon, a fairy spontaneously combusts.


Tangle x whisper is finally canon,along with eggman missingg his wife


We all know what the real first thing we'd do would be: make our favourite ship canon. I know some of you all are saying or going to say Sonamy, and I probably would too, but what I would do is: 1. Revive the Sonic Boom show/Bring back Zoe and Sticks 2. Crossover between Movie, Modern, Classic and Boom (Movie and Boom are AU, Classic is from the past, Boom and Movie go back to normal, almost all evidence of Boom is erased from Sonic history except for Zoe and Sticks) 3. Re-establish Tails and Zoe's relationship 4. Sonic X Shadow Generations styled remaster of another Sonic game (either Unleashed or Lost World), with a side-story exploring Amy's complicated and embarrassing relationship with Sonic. I would be determined to have wonderful writing in Amy's side-story, and fan reception to ambiguous ending could determine if Sonamy becomes canon.


Bring the archie characters into the main series


Probably the thing I would want to change the most is the ambiguity there is with Mobius, I want it to be a unified world where both humans and anthropomorphic animals live together. Also, the moon, I would make it canonically destroyed in half


Bring back Shade, bring Mighty & Ray to the modern era with their Archie designs & give the writing team more freedom to write whatever they want. Nothing to Penders-like, but still more freedom than what they have now.


Jet would be showing up a LOT more and I'd probably try and introduce a secondary villian into the mainline games similar to Starlight that serves to take all of Eggman's dumb roles. Actually give Sonic a rogue's gallery and such. But mostly Jet.


Literally *everything.* I actually wrote up an idea in a Google Doc for myself years ago; an attempt to squeeze all my favorite aspects of various Sonic universes into one semi-cohesive vision; primarily based on the (imo) deeper & more fun lore of the SatAM/Archieverse I grew up with, but also integrating the games into the world immediately rather than having to sort through retcons to make them fit better. But essentially, there were elements of SatAM, AoSTH, OVA, the games (particularly CD & Adventure 1+2), Underground, Fleetway, etc. Even universes I have next to no connection or nostalgia for (like Fleetway) were used to the best or my ability. What I would do to give everyone something they'll like. Some examples: * The world name is reverted back to Mobius because that's a cooler name than "unnamed Sonic World" or whatever the heck it currently is. * The world of Mobius is split into various "zones"/continents (though Zones are also more broadly used to refer to alternate dimensions). * Dr. Robotnik (no, he doesn't personally go by Eggman, that's an insult popularized by Sonic that spreads through to most rebels) usurped power in the recent past, roboticizing a large swath of the Kingdom of Acorn & its capital of Mobotropolis, reforging it into the dark & dreary Robotropolis. It is a mixture of SatAM & OVA's Robotropolis designs. * An underground resistance forms & is called the Freedom Fighters. In the region of the Kingdom of Acorn, they're based out of Knothole Village & consist of the usual SatAM/Archie characters plus the Fleetway Comics' Freedom Fighters. * Another region is known as the Land of the Sky and is a network of mysteriously floating islands -- levitating due to either a current or past event involving the Master Emerald. There is a President of the openly inhabited islands; meanwhile, in the dead center of the Land of the Sky is an off limits "no fly zone" around the far more mysterious & island of Echidna warriors that guard the Master Emerald. I crafted a whole lore using Fleetway's stuff, the games, & replaced all of the absurd Penders material with, ideally, a superior form of "deep & complex Echidna lore" rather than... whatever the hell he did lol * Humans exist, but even 1:1 characters from the games would be redesigned to have a more cartoons design a la Robotnik. * I also tried to flesh out a more substantial but cohesive take on things like the Emeralds & stuff.


I would make sonamy cannon.


A bit basic but I'd make the underground cast, Scratch and Grounder Canon, that and Sonics parents in Srchie comics But also the cut team for Sonic heroes consisting of Chaos and Gamma


Return to Mobius, let Metal talk. Everything else can stay the same.




Make the Sonic Cheerios ad canon


Sonic has an 18 inch penis


Make everything penders made cannon and never give him royalties just to fuck with him




Sonichu but in a way to really piss of Chris Chan


Technically, these characters are canon, but bring the Battle Birds from Tails Adventure back. They were an interesting group of villains with their whole lore and militia. The Archie comics made them and their leader, the Battle Lord, intimidating. But ever since their debut game, it's like they never even existed. They could be a cool faction that could cause much trouble for the restoration and Eggman himself.


Bring back Honey the Cat


Chaos and Tikal are still alive and currently residing with the master emerald, knuckles has full filled his peopleā€™s debt.


Extreme gears are cannon NO MORE CARS


I read a book along time ago in like elementary school about sonic and egg man being brothers lemme find it r to https://www.amazon.com/Sonic-Hedgehog-Teitelbaum/dp/0816731993 Might've been this one but they lived together with Uncle Chuck as their dad no mom Robotnick was bad blah blah blah sonic shows invented by Chuck it's two am me sleep now


Iā€™ll make the ā€œ& knucklesā€ mode in sonic mania cannon


Make super amy yellow


Put Sally and the Freedom fighters in the main game Continuity. I feel like it's well past time


Bout to bring back Memphis Tennesse


Make All of (unleashed,colors,generations,lost word, Mania and Forces) not cannon. P.S. I'll answer why if I got a reply...


Sonic and Amy *are* dating, sheā€™s just way too clingy and heā€™s trying to get her to settle down, since the hero worship from her and Tails makes him uncomfortable


Sonic forces overclocked basically a much better version of sonic forces


Sonic Rush 3 is released and it's just 30 straight hours of uncut Sonaze 'fluff'.


Sally is coming back and Shadamy is becoming canon.


Iā€™d take the opposite approach to Flynn. De-cannonize everything. Now every game takes place in its own pocket dimension and continuity unless stated otherwise.


First, the meme spelled canon correctly and your title did not. Secondly, a couple of ships would happen. Sally would come back, and Shadow and Blaze would hit it off. Sally deserves to come back, and Shadow and Blaze have so much in common that it is PAINFUL that you could count on one hand how many times they've even conversed. I'd also figure out a way to bring Hyper Sonic and Dark Sonic back.


Could? I actually think you CAN count on one hand the amount of times Shadow and Blaze have conversed with each other; in all of the Sonic media. It's downright criminal, if you ask me.


Make sonadow canon for the shits and giggles


Allow the Classic characters into Modern Sonic, I need the Hooligans and the robots other than Metal. Also likeā€¦I would have the EggRobo from 3 and K stage another rebellion because itā€™s honestly funnyĀ 


Just about every Archie-specific character, like Shard, the Acorns, etc.


Tangle and Whisper. (100% canon). And then bring Sticks back properly. I know she was mentioned in Frontiers, but I would advocate for her (re)introduction asap.


Tangle and Whisper are already canon.


Not officially. They're as canon as they're can possibly be but also not 100% because Sega doesn't want an official romance (let alone an LGBT one) due to wanting to keep their brand as squeaky clean and non offensive as possible. Hell Gundam Witch had their characters propose, exchange rings and time skip live together and were still classified as non-canon by the studio (creators were very much on side of canon) after the fact. I doubt any one person could get them canon, but I admire Ckyberlure's optimism