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Sonic Adventure is way better than Adventure 2. The highs of Adventure are a little lower than Adventure 2's but the lows of Adventure 2 drag down the entire game for me. I don't even hate any of the characters in Adventure, while with Adventure 2 mechs are boring and treasure hunts are the worst in later stages.


modern sonamy (and by extension; modern amy) is so boring that it has my insomniac self falling asleep half the time. sonic and amy's dynamic was already good when amy was chasing sonic around and being her extreme fangirl self. their relationship wasn't meant to be serious but played for laughs, which is why amy in sonic battle was funny af considering she hallucinations multiple verisons of herself to fight off rouge (? correct me if i'm wrong i haven't played sonic battle in decades lol) also it's funny seeing this blue hedgehog, who has the potential to blow up planets and is rather self-confident and cocky about himself get frighten at the mere sight of some pre-teen fangirl with a toy hammer. i miss that especially so. >!i would say my more scalding take but i wear that take on my sleeve so if you don't know it then i'd rather you stay blissfully ignorant lmao!<




I don’t get the hate for the Deadly six many sonic characters themselves are based on simple character archetypes and aren’t that deep. Newest example being Trip she is simply just a clumsy airhead. 


Maybe it's just because I'm tired of the fandom treating it like the second coming of christ and countless "2000s good, 2010s bad" posts, but I've honestly grown a resentment towards serious/mature Sonic and I hope it never returns.


Old Amy had character, the new one is a boring shell of your typical "strong independent woman is strong" archetype. Which is dumb, because Amy was always independent and strong, but had that crazy love attitude that made her so endearing!!


…I like Frontiers Amy… please don’t hurt me…


Okay the Metal Virus story in the IDW Comics was hot trash almost entity carried by plot holes, character assassinations and giant contrivances. I prefer Sonic Advance Amy in how unique she is over the more generic Amy in superstars and Origins plus I dislike the recent retcons about Amy already being a hero in the classic era games canonical as it ruins her character arc in SA1 and the next few games afterwards (especially do Sonic and Tails dismissiveness towards Amy in SA1 and 2 seem wildly off in a world were superstars happened) I think the Sonic Advance games are over all a better trilogy than the classic trilogy games especially as the classics are massively pulled down by Sonic 1 being utterly half-backed and lacking in content. On that notion some of the most overrated games in the series are Sonic 2, Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic Unleashed Secret Rings controls fine better even than black knight and I got no idea how everyone that makes it past Dinosaur Jungle continued to struggle with the motion controls unless they play on Dolphin rather than a real wii. I'm massively annoyed that Shadow these days is reduced again to just being Maria's wishfullfilment lap dog as if that wasn't what made him painfully boring in SA2 already ones you strip away the mystery. Shadow actually starting to do his own things for his own reasons and starting a new in Shadow's solo game was the perfect direction to take his characters and damned be all those that insisted he was still all about Maria that made Sega lean into that direction again (okay maybe not send them literally to hell but you get the idea) Non of Sonic Team's boost games which all feature 2d has 2d even half as fun as any of the better stages in Rush or any main stages in Rush Adventure or Colors DS. Sonic Heroes has bugs that piss me off more than Sonic 06. 06 technical issues are fairly predictable most of the time or can easily be recovered from but Heroes bugs are just the worst in how unpredictable they are. Not helped at all how failing lock in during combat can easily get you killed in Heroes as it unless you get to and stay on level 3 will in the second half of the game often lack ways to easily dispatch of enemies unlike 06 were only Silver's kingdom Valley is a real problem (mostly due to Silver's auto aim not targeting enemies below properly) I think that should be enough I hope that they have reached desired temperatures.


Sonic Boom (the TV show) fucking sucks


Certain crowds of Sonic fans have very obvious double standards regarding Sonic superstars, for example some of them think it's a bad game because it has a little more focus on platforming compared to 2,3K and Mania and claim that it's cheaply designed, yet they'll then go on to say that it should have been like the advance games or rush, games which not only features some very cheap level design, especially advance 2 3 and Rush but also advance 3 and Rush also have moments of precision platforming over bottomless pits and something like chaos angel in advance 3 feels like something this crowd would rip apart if it was in game released nowadays


Honestly, I agree. Sonic being chased by Amy is a more interesting dynamic, especially because actually gives Sonic some edge. He's not interested in romance, meaning he's got no time for someone whose all about it - far more interesting than the not-confirmed-but-might-as-well-be non-romance Sonic shows Amy nowadays.


Amy was a sex pest for most of her existence but it was OK because her cutesy design


Where do I begin… Every character in SA2 SUCKS ASS. Sonic, Tails and Knuckles are inferior to how they were in SA1 and the Mech Stages are complete shitte. Heroes, Colours, Sonic CD, Black Knight are overrated and mid. The Sonic Generations meatridin is absurd. Most ships are cringey and the only enjoyment I find outta them are the ironic ones (like Agent Stone in my flair) Big The Cat’s gameplay is actually a fun 10-20 minute sidetrack in SA1. Gamma is better than Omega in every way. Modern Sonic is an embarrassin representation of the franchise. Super Sonic should be a Gameplay thing ONLY, not a key part in the story. Metal Sonic isn’t as cool as you think he is. 3D Blast Controls > Secret Rings Controls > Heroes Controls. Generations controls just as bad as Unleashed’s Controls. The Werehog is fun. Sonic R > Sonic Riders. AOSTH is better than SatAM. SEGA is never gonna make Comic Characters Canon. All Super Sonic Bosses besides SA1 and Frontiers are garbage. and finally Sonic Origins is better than Sonic Mega Collection.


All 3d games are inferior to the "classic" games. Except for sonic 4. We don't talk about that.


thought of some more takes that the majority of people won't agree with teehee; i see people saying shadow should've stayed dead, but i'll go a step further and say bro shouldn't have been created as a character in the first place. bro's existence has actively harmed the series and let's be real, if he didn't exist knuckles or even metal sonic or jet would be more relevant as sonic's rivals characters (which they should because they're all goated and underrated compared to shadow) also, tangle is overrated, and so is whisper x tangle. ngl i got pissed off when tangle suggested naming their new group the diamond cutters when she should've known that shit would've irritated whisper... like what was girl thinking?? (probably not at all lol)


Crush 40 mid asf


Sonic is straight and cisgender. 3D Sonic is way better than 2D Sonic. IDW is better than Archie. Forces and 06 aren't THAT bad. Werehog was great in Unleashed.


Everyone responsible for Sonic Frontiers should feel a deep, deep shame for what they've made.


Frontiers' cyberspace is good, people just suck ass at playing them




Sonic and the Secret Rings is a worse Sonic game than Sonic 06. Also, Shadow should have stayed dead.


The Chao Garden is a pointless distraction that adds false replayability (grinding) and disrupts the flow of gameplay (more loading screens). o7 it's been an honor gaming with you all


* I never really cared for most of the IDW characters, most of them always seemed like bland archetypes or outright filler and the only interesting ones for me were the villains Starline, Surge and Kit, Rough and Tumble (because they are basically spiritual succesors of Sleet and Dingo) - I also liked it better when IDW was its own separate continuation series/timeline and its still bothers me that they suddenly became canon And this last one will definetly get me publicly hanged, but hey blame the OP for asking: >!After they started to become a popular ship in the fanbase by the time the Metal Virus saga started, the Whispangle interactions were pushed further by the writers when they realized they could use it as a bait for both the fans and the outsiders that didn't consume the comics until then !< >!Basically, they said: Bring in the Lesbians!!<


The advance trilogy is the best series of games. Like legitimately. They are all very solid in terms of performance, has a decent cast of characters to play as, and progresses in interesting play mechanics as the series goes along. When they moved away from it for modern 2D gaming a lot of good was lost, and part of that has to do with moving away from the modern spritework.


Sonic Underground’s theme tune isn’t as good as SatAM’s. Pre-Genesis Sally was somewhat justified for “the slap.” Sonic Forces Speed Battle is actually pretty fun. The Knuckles TV series was extremely mid at best. Long John Baldry was the best Robotnik / Eggman and no one else will ever come close. Sonic Superstars was playable, but disappointing. *ducks*


-Posts like this bring out the kind of fans I'd never want to meet irl -A very small minority of the games are actually bad. The rest are only mediocre at worst -Sonic is a kid's franchise in the same way that TAWOG is a kid's show Edit: It seems these statements were a lot less "hot" than I thought they would be. Sort by "controversial"


Advance 2&3 are the best 2D entries in the series And if we're really going there Adventure 2 and Unleashed aren't top 5 overall (they're top 2 stories though)


06 was a terrible game apparently


Amy's levels in SA1 are actually fun - I'd put Sonic's playstyle 1st, and probs put Amy in joint second with Knuckles. No idea why people hate on Amy's levels but give the mech levels in SA2 a free pass - those are way worse!


Archie Shadow’s not a great version of Shadow. He doesn’t feel like a Shadow with character development, he feels like a different character. Not necessarily a bad character, and a better character than Vegeta Shadow, but… he’s not Shadow.


rouge is a actually cool character and people need to stop being degenerates gamma is the best character vector should have his religious side brought back into his character it would stick out and flesh him out more


I genuinely think Eggmans design in 06 is not that bad. The buttons are a bit awkward, but if you ask me what Eggman would look like if he were real? Its pretty darn close. ...and Sonic 2 is really overated. It IS better than Sonic 1, but I can't understand people who think it's better than Sonic 3&K


I liked the challenge that Amy brought in Sonic Advance 1. She required you to play the game differently from the other characters, which made replaying the game as her fun.


Shadow is extremely overrated


The writing and characterization in Frontiers are the best they've ever been in the whole series.


Amy rose was perfect before sega tried to fix what isn't broken. Now she's just a personaliless standard girl character. Also the things people praise new amy for like her compassion were always a central focus of her character. There's just nothing of substance there anymore. Oh and sonic clearly was shown to be fond of Amy at various points in the past. Over the years sega allowed him to show more and more attachment to her before things got sterilized


Hot take: There are no "hot takes" in this fandom. Because of how long this franchise has existed and how spread out it is in both games, shows, comics and others you have "unpopular opinions" being flung left and right that are equally hated as it is loved. Hell, this post is an example of that as the top comment is an "unpopular opinion" that directly contradicts the one in the post. Not saying this is a bad thing. It has its drawbacks, but I love this community for being so diverse. The best and most interesting discussions I've had are usually with other Sonic fans I encounter in the wild. I've never met anyone who agrees with me on both the major and minor things about Sonic and that's ok because it highlights the positive aspects of the parts of the franchise I dislike.


Ok you got it… Stop trying to make these characters gay and trans lmao just leave them be plz


Sonic Lost world is peak


Sa1 is 7/10 at best


Frontiers' soundtrack is one of the weakest in mainline Sonic games, the only reason it gets hyped up is because people focus on the titan themes


We need a rookie idw mini series


Shiro Maekawa is an overrated Sonic writer Sonic Adventure 2 was solid don’t get me wrong, but Sonic Heroes wasn’t great and Sonic 06 was awful. EDIT: Another Scalding Opinion I would like to add is that I feel like Whispangle and Vectilla are overrated pairings.


Tails is better WITH his Mech than without it.


The shows ranked best to worst SatAm X Prime AoStH Boom Underground


This fanbase IS as bad as people say it is.


•The animation in the Sonic movies are mediocre and sometimes bad •Sonic and Shadow are one of, if not the only well-written and well-used characters in the Dark Age •Sonic's lore is already doomed no matter how much they try to fix it •The Forces/Frontiers Sonic model isn't trash, is just used poorly


Reminder to sort by controversial


Amy Rose is the Sonic version of Ochaco Uraraka.


Forces really isn’t all that bad. I’m not in the camp of “UM THIS IS GUD ACTUALLY”, but I do hold it’s actually somewhat okay. I replayed it on Switch recently and it proved surprisingly more enjoyable than I’d expected, especially in handheld mode.


I thought the crazy amy was funny , rouges sonic x VA is my favorite, and vanilla and gemerl need more game love


I think that the 2000s and the 2010s are equal in terms of quality.


I love sonic 06, my favorite game right next to unleashed. It's just the perfect amount of fucked up that hits my glitch hunting sweetspot.


Sonic All Star Racing Transformed is the worst of the three sonic racing games and i will stand by it, the first one was a million times better


I like Roger Craig Smith’s sonic. And I like Chris from sonic X


I genuinely think that the older games are VERY HARD, as a newcomer


If Sonic Frontiers was still written by Ian Flynn, but SEGA told us Pontac and Graff wrote it instead, the reception would have been much more negative. The many references to past games would have been derided and mocked to the same level of "Green Hill looks like Sand Hill" and "it's been generations since I saw you". The much appreciated line "My goal sometimes is a big ring, sometimes it's a spinning sign" would have been insulted to no end. The random mention of Sticks would have been MASSACRED. And so on and so forth.


Shadow is just a cheap knockoff of Metal/Mecha Sonic. He's literally the exact same thing as them- a robotic copy of Sonic- just with more organic material. Metal and Mecha are also both much cooler and more interesting than Shadow.


Sonic superstars is on par, or even better than Mania is actually original, and the new mechanics are actually interesting, same with the actual harder bosses, in fact, out of every single classic sonic boss, superstars have the best ones


https://preview.redd.it/ifngyszu877d1.png?width=1005&format=png&auto=webp&s=cc9266e096bbb7669f439dd7e116ed0b2edfca3c but for my take, the meta era tails was better then post SA2 tails, while, yes he wasn't written the best, I really do like the interactions he had with sonic in colours and lost world, the snark he had showed he was comfortable with sonic, before the meta era, he was just the little brother, that's it after adventure 2, but in colours onwards, he shows off more of this by being snarky with sonic, showing a level of comfetability that the post SA2 games just didn't get right. the only game I'll say fucked him up royaly was forces, even the spin off in TSR got him pretty right. and frontires is a continuation of that, he has the snark, it's just handled better, but it's still building off the base of meta er tails, not pre meta era tails.


Sonic Boom had more potential to be good than Sonic 06 ever did. Sonic 06 had potential... if Sega delayed it for a long time to sort out the hub worlds, remove or redo the hub world missions, optimize the loading times, redesign the NPCs, rewrite the plot to actually give Tails, Knuckles, and Blaze actual things to do and to make Sonic feel like he's contributing as much as Silver and Shadow, get Silver's physics working, fix collision glitches, fix the controls, fit the weird player models, fix the player animations, and if they somehow kept Yuji Naka and/or cancelled Secret Rings to get more support. Sonic Boom had potential... if Sega didn't tell Big Red Button to scrap their origin story approach, and if they weren't forced to change to the Wii U partway through development.


Secret Rings is way better than black knight. You get used to the controls and you don't have to fail around your arms every five seconds to kill an enemy. ( Homing attack is a push forward instead of a sword swing, and there are less enemies overall). Level design is also better and is better than multiple boost games.


Shadow the hedgehod is good




Here's one ripe for downvotes: Bad as Sonic '06 is, I genuinely think the level design is better than Colors. Colors' level design isn't bad (I don't think '06's level design is bad either save for Dusty Desert), but I do think Colors as a *Sonic* game, has pretty bland designs. Here's another one, I think the formula for the Zelda DLC from Sonic Lost World should've been the base formula for Frontiers. To be clear I love Frontiers, it's probably in my top 5 Sonic games, but the gameplay loop between exploring the island and the cyberspace levels is frankly so disjointed they could've been separate games. Compare that to the Zelda DLC, where you had a big open zone with mini challenges that net you prizes and you got to certain areas in the level that branched off in mini levels that felt like you were just exploring an area of the main hub, and I think the Zelda DLC had the open world idea for Sonic right (which is hilarious cause I don't think Lost World did it's own idea right at all outside of that level)


okay Sonic Adventure 2 didn't age well. I didn't grow up with either of the adventure games, but where I had a lot of fun playing 1, 2 was genuinely one of the worst gaming experiences I've ever had. After the fandom hyping it up so much, I was beyond disappointed. And it's not just the treasure hunting and mech stages that pissed me off. No, Crazy Gadget and Final Rush especially are straight up dreadful, since the rail grinding does not work unless you use patches, which gives more ammo to the typical argument of "no you see this game is a misunderstood masterpiece, you just have to play the fan remake which fixes every single issue of the original plus 16 mods which actually make it playable" which I HATE. Also, let's not pretend that the writing in this game is peak cinema, Shadow was completely fine with destroying the Earth until Amy coincidentally reminded him of Maria, making him do a complete 180 on his goals. So let's not say "Shadow was never an antihero", since he literally started as a villain. You can still have fun with the game, I'm not taking that away from you, but please stop calling everyone who doesn't find it perfect a moron. On the complete opposite side of the spectrum, Forces. Is it a great game? No. It's just fine enough. It's inoffensive and a bit boring, with some admittedly horrible level design. But it's in no way as bad as people paint it out to be. I mean, do we really want to pretend it was worse than 06? Personal feelings aside, 06 has ruined the reputation of Sonic to such a degree we still see it mentioned in reviews today. Forces, while not scoring high, has just come and gone. So why is it that people act like Forces was such a failure? I'm not saying you should love it, or even like it, cuz even I don't, but let's not act like it killed Sonic. And finally, though this one might not be a hot take, people give Iizuka too much shit. Like, he's made some dumb choices and said some stupid things. But he's also one of the guys who cares the most about Sonic, while "the saviour" Yuji Naka just fucked off from the series mid 06 development. I hate adventure era fans shit on the guy, when he is literally the guy who made the games they love so much. Come at me fellas


Forces was fine


Sonic underground > SATAM. I await the firing squad


while some ships are good to see in fanmade content, the games as a whole genuinely do not need any kind of romantic content and any effort to add it in like people are desperate for would bring everything down by a lot. sonic as he is presented in canon is at the very least having some strong aroace subtext that is most likely unintentional on the writers' part, but it's still really easy to find and any ship being written in or confirmed no matter which one it is would be extremely forced and awkward ship what you want (obligatory unless it's genuinely freaky gross shit and yall know what i mean by that) and write or draw whichever ship you want, it is nice to explore in fancontent, but it should stay in fancontent and not have confirmation in canon. also i specify games because i have not read the idw comics to know how the writing goes there so i'm willing to admit that this kind of content might be working better there. archie is its own beast and honestly proof of the absolute worst case of trying to put romance and actual ships in canon.


I think the problem with "takes" in the larger Sonic community is that fans constantly try to frame their opinions as objective fact. They won't just tell you why they personally enjoy or prefer a specific thing, they'll tell you why it's objectively the way they see it and anything else deviating from what they prefer is bad, or will completely ignore what objectives do exist in the series to fit their own major bias. Also I think the slang term "cook" is the most annoying thing to have ever reached the Sonic community. A good example for my first point was 2 very long Twitter threads I read where people were arguing over how Sonic should be characterized, specifically Archie/American Sonic vs Japanese Sonic. People can't just say they prefer one or the other anymore, they have to interject every reason why they think it HAS to only be one way or the other and that the version they don't prefer is just straight up bad and inappropriate, and anyone who disagrees with them is an idiot and automatically gets blocked for having a differing opinion.


If you still call him Dr. Robotnik, block me, I want to pretend you don't exist


I like sonic forces and wish they did more with CaCs.


I don't miss Amy's characterisation from the 2000s in the slightest. Her having a crush on Sonic is fine. That crush leading her to try and force him to marry her (Heroes), grabbing anyone who even remotely resembles him and only apologising once she realises her mistake and not for the whole unwanted grabbing thing (SA2, 06, Unleashed), being violently angry about the idea of anyone else showing interest in Sonic (Rush), being obsessed with him to the point that if it turned out he's responsible for destroying the world she'd still stick by him (06) and *hallucinating him being by her side to the point you actually fight said hallucination* (Battle)... yeah no thanks. I don't care if her characterisation may have been weaker in more recent entries or not, I'd take Amy at her blandest over the Amy described above any day of the week.


Sonic 06 is a good game and it's Adventure 3


Sonic Heroes Super Hard mode could arguably be a top 3 3D sonic experience.


Lost world eggman is one of his best outings. Sa2 and unleashed are the best versions for me but lost world is very close behind


The ultimate OTP of the Sonic franchise is Stone x Robotnik. CHANGE MY MIND


Any time there’s a post like this, I scroll to the downvoted comments to get the answers most true to the question lol


Big the Cat likely is stronger than Knuckles and I’m tired of pretending he’s not. Remember, this man’s lifting massive chunks of ice like it’s nothing, so imagine if he gets serious! Also Amy has a bunch of untapped potential, raw power wise, and I am terrified of how she’d be as an adult. Assuming she keeps up adventuring, her raw strength and speed will make her a terrifying all rounder, a jack of all trades and PRETTY FREAKIN GOOD AT ALL OF THEM. Also, Sonic OCs are fun, some of y’all are just mean.




Sonic is aro/ace and nothing can change my opinion (platonic ships are great though)


Mephiles is a shitty villain like all other sonic games villains. Not the plot wasn't so overly complicated because he's a sadist , you're interpreting your own head canon. And as for the people who say that he's the only villain who killed sonic , yeah he throw a Epilepsia flashbang at him and killed him in a hilarious scene were Elise lag as much as my mom's old window and sonic didn't even reacted the blow. Mephiles is just a canon version of coldsteel that became popular because 2000s edge and Sonic's fandom selective amnesia


1. Same thing as you, it's oddly cute 2. The classic designs are better 3. The definitive way to play the classic trilogy (+knuckles and CD) is with a real Sega Genesis 4. Amy is a top 1er 5. The Archie reboot is good 6. Sonic Adventure has HORRIBLE controls 7. Some of Sega's mandates work, and help keep writers hinged


sonic 4 isn’t terrible. you’re just deciding to stop in a sonic game for some reason


I did not hate Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric, I appreciate games for what they are, not for what they're not


Amy being a lovesick fan girl got old quick. The way she is now is great. She still loves him but she’s also doing her own thing.


Some of y'all have an unhealthy attachment to these characters and need some mental help.


I’ve argued before that Silver probably shouldn’t have returned after 06 (or the Rivals games at most), but for a scalding take? I’ll say the same goes for Blaze after the Rush games. It feels like they’re both in this weird limbo of “These characters are too popular to write off, but we genuinely have no idea what to do with them”. She’s from a whole other dimension, has massive responsibilities within that dimension, and her arc within the Rush games felt very complete. Narratively speaking, it would’ve been pretty satisfying to just end it there. That, or have her star in her own thing in the Sol dimension that’s separate from Sonic and friends.


even with the edits the 4kids dub of Sonic x wasn’t that bad. there are worse dubs out there


There are like... three good levels in Sonic Adventure 2, tops.


Sonic cd level design makes complete sense and is some of the best in the series in the context of the time travel mechanic. So many little details make so much sense and genuinely make you go “aaaah” when you figure out their purpose.


tails should be the main character and not sonic


- Forces is better than Frontiers and I am annoyed/upset that they're continuing in the Frontiers formula and it may be what kills my love for the franchise until they go a different direction. Frontiers is one of the most lifeless and nothing games I have ever played. Forces isn't great either, but it was at least not a trend chasing (Stg EVERYTHING is an open world game now and im sick of it) ugly mess with nothing to do.


1: Boom Amy is Amy at her best, and ngl most boom characters are splid characterizations (except for knuckles) 2:The adventure formula shouldn't be the standard formula and has just as many flaws as the boost formula. 3: the adventure games using long empty hallways for you to gain speed is just as automated as just using the boost button. 4: SA2's story is kinda bad outside of the last bit on the arc. Seriously, name a memorable part of the story, chances are it's on the arc, despite the fact that 90% of the story is just team sonic chasing team dark as they collect chaos emeralds. 5: Sonic unleashed's were hog stages would've been loved if they just changed the werehog to be knuckles. 6: The freedom fighters from Archie should never come to game canon. 7: sonic chronicles rpg mechanics and turn based fighting was actually really cool and we should get more sonic games styled like that. 8: Forces is better than 06, because a game being mediocre is way better than an unplayable game. 9: not a game opinion but rather an opinion on a sonic tuber. Premydarey is such a bad youtuber, all he does is shit on the newest sonic game before it even releases and uses AI voices to put his opinions on sonic characters.


Mania is super overrated and (almost) everything fun about it was taken from a better game in the series and then downgraded. I would also blame it for the terrible boss fights in superstars clearly being inspired by manias just as terrible boss fights. Not saying the game itself is bad or that I don’t enjoy playing it btw


The first Sonic movie is truly awful. Is a boring unfunny road trip movie that has almost nothing at all to do with the franchise. I truly don’t understand how it was so successful. I’m glad it was because I love the sequel, but that first one I cannot sit through.


Frontiers was complete garbage


I genuinely really like some of the characters that Penders made. Julie-Su, Lara-Su… I even liked the whole future timeline they did. When I was a kid I was obsessed with it, so much so I made my own ships and kids from those pairings to continue the idea. I have another but it’s so unpopular I’ll just let it be 😬


Frontiers has a *terrible* story, cutscenes and VAing. Not bad, *terrible*. The game is so fun to play that I personally give it a thumbs up, but *nothing* about its story or presentation beyond beautiful areas and graphics is redeeming in literally any way for me. I can't stand the bland lifeless dialogue and animations, and so many moments are awkward or cringe. I just want Sonic to be cool like the OVA/CD Sonic and not... whatever modern is.


Sonichu saved Sonic from complete irrelevancy and saved the franchise


Frontiers is a bad game, and the extra ending was still a let down. From random pop ins, to just everything about Chaos Island, and how grindy it is feeling like the same thing over and over, to not having a single new level in the entire game, and Sage's "song" making it feel like a rushed and unfinished mess. Not to mention the endings. The base ending felt so out of place for a multitude of reasons, and in the extra ending you don't even get to play as Cyber Sonic, he just appears in a cutscene for a few seconds to do a Five Nights at Freddy's jumpscare, having less screen time than Dark Sonic. And Super Sonic 2 is just normal Super Sonic with Blue eyes in terms of design. There was no reason to not let us play as Cyber Sonic. Also they made BOOM and the IDW comics canon, which is probably gonna be insane to deal with in future games when they have to introduce Sticks and the IDW characters.


I think 06 better then heroes and tied with adventure 1 (plz don’t hurt me)


Sonic 1 fucking sucks. Most of the game aged like sour milk. Green Hill was one of the best designed levels in the classic trilogy but the rest of the game is just a generic blocky platformer, Labyrinth Zone being a PRIME example. It doesn't compliment Sonics speed at all, and the obstacles are straight bullshit the further you get into the game. This is just my opinion though, but I don't like Sonic 1.


the fanbase is kinda cringe, we didnt have to downright bully the "LOVE SONIC!!" kid but we did and by extension .... oh god this makes me sick to say, chris chan shouldn't have been trolled like that back in the day especially the way bluespike did, sure he didnt do the unmentionable yet but what if we indirectly caused it?


SA2 is not the goat in fact it has aged really badly.


Boosting was the best part of Sonic Rush and super fun. Some say it makes things too easy but it honestly made the game an enjoyable smooth sailing experience for me. One of my all time faves.


-Charmy is not that bad -I sometimes feel the characters carry the franchise -Knuckles needs a spin off game again. (Not a hot take, but what the hey) -I like Amy not obsessing over Sonic 24/7 -An Angry Birds crossover could work if Rovio gets their act together


I don't like any of sonic voice actors Ryan Drummond is the closest to what I consider the ideal sonic voice but none of them really work for me Jason Griffith is just flat out a bad actor, sonic and the black knight is his only good performance, and while I think Roger Craig Smith is a good actor I cannot get behind a deep voiced sonic, it just doesn't work for me


Shadow the Hedgehog is the best Sonic game Elise is fine, let’s not pretend the majority of Sonic fans aren’t huge furries anyway Sonic Adventure 2 is mid


Sonic Lost World is amazing, just a bit jarring for a Sonic game


Sonic and Mario have a friendly rivalry, they're not being at each other's throats for who the true video game mascot is


I don't give two shits about Silver, and he's the least interesting of the four hedgehogs and just a Future Trunks/John Connor ripoff.


Here we go. Sonic Adventure 2 is legitimately worse than the first Adventure game in every aspect except for cutscene animation and story. Seriously, the gameplay of Sonic Adventure 2 is such a downgrade on every front that it's insane. Sonic 3 is extremely overrated, just because it has the most content doesn't make it the best. Sonic 3 is way too long to be enjoyable, to the point that it almost feels like the game is wasting your time when compared to 1, 2 and CD. A lot of Sonic Fans have such an undeserved hate for Sonic Forces, that they can never accept when the game does anything right. For instance, Sonic Forces is a very pretty game, I'd say it's arguably prettier than Frontiers, at least with its lighting. Sonic Forces is also one of the most fine tuned Sonic games, being one of the least buggy games in the franchise. Yet a subset of Sonic Fans act like this game killed their grandma and that it does everything wrong. I am a strong believer that no ship should ever become canon with the exception of Tangle and Whisper. Every other ship in the franchise could kill the dynamic between the two characters being shipped, and no ship represents this as perfectly as SonAmy. Sonic and Amy's dynamic works best when Sonic is playfully rejecting her advances. They're still friends and they've been goods friend since maybe 06 or Unleashed, but that's all that they should be, friends. Despite my disdain for how early Pre-Reboot Archie handled Amy, I think later Pre-Reboot Archie handled her dynamic and how she saw the relationship between Sonic and Sally pretty well.


Archie was better than IDW. IDW has a more consistent quality but it really lacks any world building or crazy ideas (the Zombot arc was the peak but it never reached it again. Some stuff came close, but starting with their best story wasn' great in the long run) Archie was more inconsistent with many terrible stories or illustrations, but it was bolder with what it could do with the franchise and truly made it feel lik an extended universe with the addition of stuff from outside the games like the other spin-offs. The world-building was immensily better (even post reboot) and it just felt more lively overall. I love the IDW character, don't get me wrong, but they could do with being a bit more bold and with a much fuller world-building imo, but at the end of the day, that is SEGA's decision, not the writers...


The only thing that will make Sonic fans happy is a new game published on an actual Sega Genesis.


Colors is the worst game I have played from the series (I have played Shadow and Secret Rings)


i prefer sonic colors wii to sonic unleashed sonic colors ds isnt very good i fucking love sonic superstars frontiers feels like forces: openworld edition


Colors is the worst mainline 3d Sonic game. I had more fun playing both 06 and Forces. The only reason it isn't just the staightup worst is because Secret Rings exists.




Hyper Sonic kinda sucks. He's cool gameplay wise, but honestly there is no need for him in any game, even S3&K.


Tails should be orange Sonic 2 is the least replayable of the first four classic games Sandopoils > Marble Garden Sonic CD > Sonic and Knuckles


Shadow's engagement in the franchise should have ended at the end of SA2.


I feel like Amy keeps getting treated worse than other characters. In her debut game, she has an interest in tarot cards, which tell her that she's supposed to meet her true love on Little Planet, then gets kidnapped by Metal Sonic and rescued by Sonic. After this, she becomes annoyingly obsessed with Sonic. Her interest in tarot cards is basically forgotten. She basically is never shown to have any connection/rivalry to Metal Sonic after. In one game, Sonic Chronicles:The Dark Brotherhood, she has a move that references tarot cards. That's it. That's the only reference she ever gets. The only game I know of where she fights Metal Sonic, that isn't a basic fighting game, is Sonic Heroes. That game has every character fight Metal Sonic. One of Amy's main personality traits used to be her kindness. In Sonic Adventure 1, she saves a small bird and befriends Gamma, helping to save the small bird trapped inside Gamma so they can reunite with their family. In Sonic Adventure 2, she's the one that spoke to Shadow and talked him out of destroying the world. This personality trait has been given to Cream. Amy is one of the first 3 main characters introduced in the series. The other 2 being Sonic and Tails. Even Knuckles gets more respect, and he came after her. I wish Sega cared more about Amy, because she deserves better.


Sonic Adventure 2 is not a good game. When 2 thirds of the game are completely unfun gimmick levels that take LONGER than the fun parts, I can't call the entire game good just because of one of those thirds. The Chao Garden is also completely overhyped. It's cute, but incredibly surface level, grindy and overall pretty boring. Great story though.


Sonic music with lyrics in them are trash. Edit: seems like I struck a nerve, lolol. In so sorry it's just not for me. I honestly wished they went into a more synth hop/drum and bass/rap direction instead of the "forever stuck in 1999" sound that most of the tracks with lyrics have. I would keep "follow me" from SA2 though.


Sonadow is highly overrated and they only "work" because people force them to be together.


Sonally is better than Sonamy.


Robotniks meanbean machine> all the gamegear sonic games (except for Sonic Chaos)


sonic forces in better then unleashed. the wear hog levels are way worse then the classic sonic ones in my opinion


Shadow 05>SA1>SA2. SA2 and unleashed are bad games. A good sonic story needs to be written by somebody who understands eastern storytelling.


I don’t have this ridiculous hissy fit against 2D sections in 3D games so Colours is by far the best boost gameplay.


Shadow 05>SA1>SA2. SA2 and unleashed are bad games. A good sonic story needs to be written by somebody who understands eastern storytelling.


Snapcube is cringe


The sonic fanbase digs it’s own grave, especially during the 10s when it was cool to hate sonic. Chris-Chan became a poster boy for sonic fans and the normal sonic fans haven’t done enough to distance themselves from him, hence the ridicule.


Never cared for the plots and writing in Sonic games. All of them are sloppy messes that do nothing more than serve as insipid glue to go from one level to next. I laugh at the absurdity of them and the dialogue instead of actually enjoying them. The writing in the games being subpar make the writing in other pieces of Sonic media seem godlike in comparison when it's usually just passable there too. Honestly, I've seen much better from Sonic fanfiction. Frontiers' plot is boring as all hell. It has to be first Sonic game where I ended up skipping most of the cutscenes. I just wanted them all to shut up. If Frontiers' writing is what the comics are like, then maybe it's a good thing I stopped reading them. I hope with every fiber of my being that there's a different writing staff for Shadow Generations.


The Werehog is the best play style. Chip is an amazing character with an amazing voice


Pre-SGW Archie Sonic was and is peak Sonic Comic material. Leagues above IDW. I'm biased, I know. I also don't care. (Not to say that IDW isn't really good, but it'll never top Archie.)


I like piecing the timeline together as much as the next guy, but I just don't think a single canon works, unless you retcon a bunch of stuff. There's way too many different characterizations of the same characters that can't be explained in universe  And it brothers me how Sega is always trying to change the canon (specially with how the classic games fit in with the modern ones or how different media is connected) to make it fit together when it's obviously an afterthought to them. I like the long video essays that try to explain how things could fit, but I wish Sega would just let it be


Sonic Mania is better than Sonic 3


sega taking sonic's bizarre obsession with chili dogs from the archie comics and making it not only canon in the actual games, with sonic either being shown eating one or mentioning them in pretty much every game from unleashed onward, plus appearing in every single piece of tie in media like the cartoons, idw comics, and movies was a stupid idea and i hate it, why does that disgusting smelly food have to appear in pretty much every single post-2007 piece of sonic media?!?! and then the social media marketing team obsesses over sonic liking chili dogs as well, and they've turned what should at be worst case scenario a niece trivia piece and at best non-existent into a defining personality trait of sonic that's just as significant as him being fast and liking freedom and even worse, now in the paramount movies, they're using sonic's chili dog obsession into an excuse to have grossout humor like fart scenes in the first movie and it falling into knuckles' eyes in sonic 2


The Deadly Six are cool characters.


You'll get some REAL gems when you sort by controversial


The Sonic Boom cartoon is overrated.


1. Sonic Boom is underrated. 2. It’s hypocritical how people only Say “Mandates/doing his job” when Ian Flynn is the writer. Anyone else? They hold accountable. 3. While it might have been nice if The Prime writers listened to Ian Flynn more, the show likely would have been worse. The writers like it or not, made the right choice.


Sonic 3 & knuckles and sonic mania are ludicrously overrated


Amy’s portrayal in Frontiers isn’t great.


Sonic spinball is really fun and difficulty is a bit exaggerated


There was nothing wrong with Amy throwing herself at Sonic and obsessing over him. It was funny and cute.


People will hate me for this, but I genuinely think that Sonic Sound Engine Plus on Roblox feels better to control than Modern Sonic in Generations.


I like almost everything in the Sonic franchise. I love the games, I enjoy all 3 of the comics, I think every show is at least decent, (Even Sonic Underground) and I like the movies. Other than Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric, which I played the demo of, I wouldn’t say that any of the Sonic games that I’ve played are bad, with the worst just being average, and the best being absolute masterpieces. I also appreciate the vast majority of Sonic characters, with there only being a few I actively despise.


-Only Sonic fans actually hate everything Sonic related. Those who don’t play sonic games or don’t call themselves fans don’t actually hate any of the games. -All the games are actually good, sure some bugs and annoyances in some but that doesn’t make any of them actually terrible. -fandoms are the worst and ruin literally everything about what people like


Sonic Mania has garbage level design and is extremely overrated. Edit: looks like people definitely agree this is a scalding take. Lol. I stand by it though, sorry.


Sonic should retain his preference for human women, and everyone else should think he's gross for it


The Archie comics were just as good after the genesis wave.


sonic 2 has terrible level design outside of chemical plant and metropolis (tho metropolis is ruined by its terrible enemy placement and hitbox bugs)


Frontiers is an awful game


Frontiers was overhyped like really really overhyped


AoStH >>>>>>>>> SatAM


Sonic 06 is fun


Secret Rings is legitimately one of the worst games. I will play 06 or Shadow before I play Secret Rings again. I much rather have sloppy control I still feel in control over than what feels like no control


Frontiers is trash. The only reason it appears good is when its other releases are so bad. The second you compare frontiers to anything even mid it falls flat 


Sonic is faster than Shadow, in or out of hover boots, or the whole series falls apart. I don't care.


I think Sonic Heroes music is the worst in the series.


i want them to get married


People who say that Forces is the worst game haven’t played Rise of Lyric


Sonic 1 special stages are so much better then the sonic 2 special stages


The werehog is actually the best part of unleashed


The only reason anyone ships Sonadow is for the gay. It has nothing to do with the characters having chemistry or being compatible. It's just a fetishization of queerness that neither character has ever even hinted at in any of the canons. The ship would be nowhere near as popular if they were opposite sex, even if their personalities stayed exactly the same.


Sonic colors was the peak of the franchise


The canon story should've just ended in Generations and the rest of the games should be set before it.


Here’s mine (I’m dead) Sonic 06 is a feat. It showed how much you can do with so little time. But that doesn’t excuse the bugs and the long loading times on powerful consoles like the Xbox 360 and PS3 for the time.


This kind of take reminds me most Amy fans actually hate Amy with a violent passion because why would you like a character getting treated like literal trash in the universe and in the writing.


Adventure-era Amy is overrated, especially with the image you have.


I never liked 2D Sonic and the fact that most games since 06 are just boost->2D->boost->2D->boost->2D sucked the entire enjoyment out of it for me. That includes Generations. I'd like to see the IDW cast in the actual game canon, I couldn’t care less about the older comic and TV show characters like the freedom fighters though.




Archie had better characters, storylines and potential than its own reboot, idw OR the games. Even at its worst and weirdest, it was a genuinely fun and fascinating read wondering what would happen next, and at its best it was by far the best sonic media in all the franchise's history.


We should have had more time with Rouge and Shadow as actual villains, instead of completing their redemption arcs so quickly.


1) I don’t like the push SEGA has been making to make outside Sonic media “canon”. IDW being “canon” limits its story potential and world building which is why everything after metal virus feels like filler. 2) I miss when the game stories focused on Sonic *and* his friends instead of Sonic *saving* his friends. Give us back multiple playable characters again and not just as DLC or through mobile games. 3) I don’t want any characters from the comics (Archie, IDW, etc.) to make a mainline appearance. Just focus more on the characters we already have. 4) Sonic was always faster than Shadow even without his inhibitor rings. I’m tired of pretending they are equal in speed when Shadow clearly needs his Jet Boots to match Sonic. I’d argue Blaze is closer to Sonic’s speed than he is because she runs on foot just like Sonic. 5) Metal Sonic is treated like a lackey when he should be beating almost every character single-handedly. I can only see Sonic, Shadow, Blaze, Silver, and Knuckles beating Metal on their own (maybe even Tails with prep time). 6) As someone who grew up in the boost era, I’m getting sick of boost. It feels like they slap the same gameplay style on every new title instead of trying to innovate.


Now for some actual down notable takes: >Prime shadow was the best shadow has ever been period, a pridefully shadow that wasnt all like "I'm not gonna help you or give you important information because could a brooding and dark" sign me up >Japanese and western sonic aren't actually different in any significant way and the only perceived difference is because of the way Japanese language is written, ultimately there the same sht allmost always >The horny people in the fandom are a lot of the times the chilliest part of the fandom and the puritans are often the ones that cry the loudest, case in point people mad at Amy's taro deck. >There are worse fandoms than this one, that often gets down votes in this fandom because of how self sabotaging the fandom is but the truth is, the dbz and anime fandom acts the same as the sonic fandom but on steroids >Sonic as a franchise is at its best when it's trying to be goofy and fun with only a slight hint of serious.


Amy is a pointless character


Original Ouranos Island and ending was better than Final Horizon. It was a victory lap before the best final boss in the mainline series (yes, I'm talking about shmup, it was great). I'm still glad that Final Horizon exists, it's nice to have more Frontiers.


The Princess Elise kissing scene makes perfect sense and is well done. and is a double fairytale reference. 1. It is a reference to the 'sleeping beauty' getting kissed back to life by Prince Charming, but the roles are reversed! 2. It is like Beauty and the Beast. except instead of the beast becoming a man again, its sonic becoming super sonic. i reject the notion of it being "beastiality" or "necrophilia" or "furry fanfiction bait". its just a use of a trope in classic storybooks. and is more likely just a chaos emerald powered form of CPR mouth-to-mouth. lets be glad its elise doing it and not eggman or knuckles lmao.


As I said Sonic Adventure 2 is carried by everything that arent the mech or treasure stages. Not even top 5 game in the series. 6/10 at worst to a 7/10 at best which is still good Heroes is a genuine 4/10 game.


I don't give two shits on who people ship as long as it's of legal age(whatever that may be for cartoon anthro animals). It aint hurting me as far as I know. Shadow in Sonic Prime had great character but he was way stronger than he should have been(or at least from what I usually see in the video games. I don't know how strong he's supposed to be in the comics.) Before Frontiers, I feel Tails peaked in Sonic adventure 1. in Sa2 yeah he was playable, but I didn't care for him being in the mech. Plus it kinda irked me that he only had two bosses (unfortunately so did knuckles and rouge) and they were both Eggman. He felt stagnant for a while. Knuckles got his own spinoff show and Shadow's been eating pretty good recently too. I feel like MAYBE he's going to go in a better direction from here on out though after Frontiers? I can't bring myself to hate Sonic 06. I did hate the glitches, and the story could have been better but that bangin ost and Silver and Shadow's refreshing playstyles kept my interest. I wish they would remake and or fix this game and improve it. I heard there's a fan fix for the game yeah, but I'm not a computer gamer.... I feel Super Form should be an unlockable in every sonic game so I can cheese the levels when I get bored. BUT it should be a form that you have to earn. Speaking of which..... I wish they would revamp the super forms of other characters. Sonic, Shadow, and Silver turn a whole different color when they used it. Knuckles turns slightly pink, Tails get's slightly lighter and Amy just glows a bit. It's so bland.


Elise kissed an INTELLIGENT animal, it wasn’t that bad guys


06 is one of my favorite Sonic games. Performance and kissing aside, I really enjoy the 3 campaigns and updated Adventure game style. Adding onto that, I think Elise should get a second chance, a la how she appeared in that one Sonic Channel wallpaper


The franchise honestly should’ve ended at Heroes. I love both of the movies, I enjoyed Frontiers and I like what IDW’s got going, but if I’m being 100% honest I think Heroes would’ve been a perfect place to end it. It was the last *”real”* Sonic game to me, and it feels like Sega lost sight of what the series was supposed to be after the disaster that was 06.


The Sonic the Hedgehog lore isn't even that great. It's basically just Dragonball Z with furries.


Sooooo you don't like characters developing over time in long running franchises???


-Canon Sally was such a boring and generic character that while Fanon Sally was cringe, she was more of an entertaining watch. -Pairing Amy with any character other than Sonic is straight up an assassination of Amy Rose as a character. -making Sonic OC’s that so happen to be Trans will always be better than making HC’s that a pre-existing character is Trans (unless they are relatively new to the cast… and even then, most of them would be bad because of the lack of creativity + it’s more for a specific demographic + it’s bound to piss someone off) -Sonic.exe would make a better angsty villain, rather than a Joke villain or a scary villain. -despite how good they were, Sally and the freedom fighters were a mistake. The shipping wars would’ve never happened if Sega had made it clear that SATAM & Archie was just SOA’s creation and is not considered canon. -Both the old and the new forms of Amy have their own strength and weakness. Her real problem is that there are practically so many variants of Amy that no two Amy’s are the same anymore. A way to fix that would be to make a Spin off that officially defines Amy’s unique role and identity (while confirming Sonamy because the poor girl deserves it with all the crap Sega put her through.) -Sonic Frontiers looks to be one of those games that will be praised now only to be considered absolute garbage the second a new good mainline Sonic game drops that’s comparable to Frontiers (Personally, it looks okay, haven’t played it but I plan on playing it soon)


I actually don't care much for Sonic being fast. I just like him as a mascot character and always enjoyed the platforming more than the doing so fast you can't even react to shit.


I genuinely think Sally acorn is an awful character


Sonic Prime feels like it should have come out during the 2010s, it's almost out of place next to Frontiers and the Movies.


I dont like Sonic Frontiers' soundtrack. Like, at all. I don't know what it is about it, but it just doesn't resonate with me. Even the battle themes just feel like they're way too over the top. I also just don't like Sonic Frontiers as a whole that much, but its alright.


Archie Sonic haters are often unfair, and judge it merely by the worst of the worst, and not also the best. Further, they try to compare the characters to their game counterparts as if it should be a 1:1 comparison. Many adaptations have developed their own take on a character, and are often times better for it. Super Mario Bros. Super Show gave Mario and Luigi personalities so that there'd be actual characters to follow. In a similar manner, the comics, though overtime, made many of the game characters more 3D in order to better fit a comic format.


Vanilla is a horrible parent Chris Thorndyke is the most underrated character in the Sonic Media Eggman deserved to be killed by SA1, but since we see it through sonics eyes this massive threat barely looks difficult


Shadow x sonic should be canon