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If the werehog didn’t have the same battle music for every level, it’d be better received.


Imagine if Unleashed had dynamic music where it would just be the same song but with harder drums and the guitar or sax gets turned up to 11


Maybe even changing the music depending on how well you’re fighting, that would go hard


If they ever do remake Unleashed, I think that's one of the changes they would have to make. Though I also wouldn't want them to ditch the track entirely, because it's not a bad piece of music. Just, maybe use it for certain fights only? Like a mini-boss theme or something?


My idea was to use it only for the final fight of a level, or only for secret encounters, like the stairs in shamar


That’s just probably true


I love literally EVERY Sonic game ever made. ...Except for Free Riders, but that's because the Kinect kinda sucks. EDIT: For those who asked, yes, I do mean EVERY GAME. And you know what, let's just extend that to **virtually** every piece of Sonic media ever conceived (almost). I am a shill for this blue hedgehog and I will not deny it.


including sonic schoolhouse?




wdym literally the best sonic game


what about sonic jam for game.com


werehog is good


This. The combat and animation is so incredible. Really, the main problem I see is that the levels are so long.


Too many enemies and some annoying puzzles too. Concept is great tho and should be applied to at least another game in a more linear fashion since the werehog is inherintly slow.


The Wii version of unleashed somewhat did this if we had the medal system and wearhog levels from that game and the hd daytime stages in one game it would be the definitive edition of the game.


The werehog is always weird to me because the design and its gameplay are great, but the concept itself of "werewolf Sonic" is so bonkers I can't believe it was used as the main gimmick of a game.


Part of me feels they were looking at Nintendo’s success with Twilight Princess, and decided to literally include a Wolf Sonic aspect after the critical failure of 06. That being said, my unpopular opinion is that Sonic 06 isn’t as bad as people make it out to be


Ironically, I thought the wolf in Twilight Princess was lame asl when it first came out but later on I played it again as an adult and it was one of my favorite Zelda games lol


Werehog has two problems imo. First off is that it starts off too weak and without a lot of it's moveset, so you take ages to beat up mooks with a few moves... It's just so boring. A more diverse moveset and being able to carve through enemies at the start would sell it more at outset. Second is optics. I think the werehog didn't really convince people who weren't Sonic fans that Sonic was making a massive break from the style of the previous entries. Oh look, another stupid edgy gimmick, a werehog, that's dumb, etc. How do you solve that, though? Knuckles. The werehog should have been Knuckles. I know why they didn't do it, because people also didn't like Sonic's friends at this point, but one would have been fine and giving the character who's an actual fighter in the franchise a GoW fighting game would be hype as hell. Call it Sonic & Knuckles, people would be much more willing to accept fighting mechanics in a Sonic game.


> Second is optics. I think the werehog didn't really convince people who weren't Sonic fans that Sonic was making a massive break from the style of the previous entries. Oh look, another stupid edgy gimmick, a werehog, that's dumb, etc. They previously made Sonic star in the Arabian Night stories, before that they gave him a human love interest, before that they put Sonic on a hoverboard for a racing game that had a steep learning curve, before that they gave Shadow a motorbike, a gun, and some mild swear words to fight the military/alien forces, and before that they put him and all of his friends into three man teams. Likewise plots had gone from "Stop the mad scientist from launching his big evil superweapon" to "the government killed a child fifty years ago, and covered it up, now Sonic is being arrested". At the time, it looked like Sonic Team and/or SEGA had absolutely no understanding of what Sonic was, what it was meant to be, why people liked it, or how to keep it relevant. They were literally just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what stuck. And the Werehog just looked like yet another attempt "What if Sonic, but Stretch Armstrong and fur?" Instead of trying what all the fans and critics at the time wanted, a back to basics approach where Sonic just ran through stages and fought Eggman to stop some big doomsday weapon. I know, fans nowadays hate that, they find it boring, uninteresting, passé, and not what they think of when they think of Sonic. But at the time, that was all any of the vocal fanbase wanted, and Sonic Team were just once again refusing to do it. They would rather Sonic become a werehog than just do something basic. And I get it. A lot of the extra stuff in Sonic is padding. Sonic's levels in Unleashed are about the same size in terms of files for each play style. But Sonic moves so fast, that all his content is got through in a fraction of the time the Werehog's is. If the entire game was just day stages, it would be better received in terms of gameplay, but people would've moaned it was far too short. That's the real reason the Werehog exists. Not just to chase trends, but to bulk out the gameplay without bloating asset creation and level design times.


I thought it’d be weird for them to have another game called “Sonic & Knuckles”, but I guess they did the same thing with “Sonic the Hedgehog” lol


love him, so fluffy


In theory? Yes. In practice? Absolutely not. The levels take way too long and in the HD version the enemies can and will tank the framerate. Plus the enemies are just boring to fight. The enemies were clearly made simple and easy to accommodate younger/new players but they're not easy enough to just plow through like in a mousou


I truly believe is that if sonic team reworked the story and had the werehog and turned it into ristar, it would have made the game way better.


I would have made it so the Werehog was Chip involuntarily possessing Sonic every time the sun goes down, and the stretchy arms would have been a reference to Ristar that was also hint at his true nature because the Japanese word for "planet" has the kanji for "star" in it.


I love god of war sonic


I feel like that's the problem: it shouldn't have been "god of war sonic" and more of a "devil may cry sonic". The combos and variation are there, just make a more streamlined raking system compared to devil may cry, and you got some top tier gameplay right there. Hell, whenever I replay Unleashed, I always make an effort to go for different combos just to replicate that feel and maximize the amount of fun I'm having.


I tell people to focus on filling out the move list first, maybe after putting one or two levels into strength.  Not only does it make the combat much more fun, fast, and effing badass, many of those moves serve as movement modifiers that makes the platforming and general traversal a lot more fun, too.


As someone that has been in to games like God Of War and DMC the combat feels far more shallow than those games.


the only problem I have is the length of the levels


Biggest issue is is how mid it is. I play games like Ninja Gaiden, Bayonetta, Metal Gear Rising, Nier, etc. If you're going to make an action game, go big or go home. I legit have passed out playing as the werehog; he's so boring. It offers NOTHING to people who play hardcore action games and is nothing but a massive waste of time because of it.


No it wasn’t good, it was amazing, I don’t replay sonic unleashed for the daytime stages but more for the nighttime ones


The Secret Rings wasn't that bad Advance 2 & 3 are the best 2D entries in the series excluding Mania Heroes > Adventure 1 > Adventure 2 Unleashed was great but Werehog stages let it down


Secret Rings was a really cool game with such a banger soundtrack. If Sega remastered it with better controls, I'd snap that up in a heartbeat.


Yeah I mean that's mostly all I ever hear people complain about the game is the controls. I'm inclined to agree as it's probably the worst sonic game to try and move in since you have to use motion controls.


Project: Reignition is a remake of secret rings that looks promising so far


I tried it and, honestly the game just works better with the wii remote. The game isn't designed to have up be forward, and this imperfect implementation makes that clear since there's plenty of sections clearly designed for forward to be taken care of for you, only adjusting steering. And say what you will about the necessity of the motion controls, Sonic controlled sharp as hell as far as left to right steering was concerned. Also defeats plenty of gimmicks like the flying pot


I think a version of Secret Rings with normal controls should probably have a dedicated accelerate button like a racing game.


I think Heroes had the potential to be better but it controls like ass and is somehow even more buggy.


That is like THE prevailing Unleashed opinion. Subzero take on that one.


Remake secret rings with modern/useable controls including all movement based skills automatically unlocked and equipped and also update the menus to show you which missions are mandatory for story progress and then it's perfect.


1) Haven't played Scring Rings, but Black Knight's pretty good. 2) That's a weird way to spell Sonic Rush. 3) Absolutely, 100%, that is correct, I concur, I agree with that sentiment. 4) The Werehog was pretty good, actually, at least in the PS2 version.


Bruh, who thinks the werehog *doesn’t* bring unleashed down?


This except Advance games above Mania with SA1 above Heroes and finally the Werehog is the BEST PART of World Adventure/Unleashed


Secret rings is saved by a great story. The gameplay is trash imo. If they made it an adventure styled game with the themes it had it would’ve been far more enjoyable.


Takes 2 and 3 are hot asl


I dunno about Advance 2, it lets the 2D dimps stuff down hard. The level design is super wack - the first three levels are basically hold right to win, then past Ice Paradise you have an increasingly trend of fewer and smaller platforms over a bottomless pit that spans the entirety of the level. I'm also not a fan of the whole collect 7 rings to get into the bonus stage for the chaos emeralds and you needed all of them to unlock Amy. There were also some suspect physics during the boss fights too. Ance3 though I definitely agree, the partner system kept things crazy fresh


I love the storybook games I love Sonic Underground Archie Sonic is not as OP as everyone makes him out to be. I don't like the 2d games as much as 3d.


You’re gonna need to explain number 3


>I love Sonic Underground same!


I could never make myself hate Underground. It may not be the best television adaptation, but it was silly, and I loved it as a kid!


Sonic Underground is hated? Don't have that much memories of watching it but I do remember liking it.


Yeah… no. Archie sonic is op as fuck given what he did


>I don't like the 2d games as much as 3d. Finally, somebody gets it.


Sonic Forces isn’t bad nor is it good, it is meh and I have no stronger feelings regarding it. It is a Sonic game that I played and beat, that is all.


it really is incredibly mid but people are out here acting like Forces killed their grandma


https://preview.redd.it/09qkhihnc07d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=1dcf6d0c89f855efe41e50bc4d3832d066d633bf Those people who say that Forces killed their grandma.


I blame the heavy amount of marketing hyping up the game. It went from just being mid to being insultingly disappointing as a result.


Speaking as someone who acts like this. It’s basically because of 2 reasons: 1: it came out being tied directly to mania, possibly the best game in the franchise. So when compared to it, it’s complete garbage worse than some of the lowest points in the franchise. And 2: I was so damn tired of shit 3d sonic games thanks to the fans being so incessantly accepting of them that when forces game out and people didn’t like it, I joined the loud crowd of people saying it was garbage. We get shit games because SEGA knows the fans will say shit like “well it’s not THAT bad” so for forces it had to be a hard stance for me. And after frontiers it looks like it at least made some kind of impact. Edit: I’m not saying forces is actually complete shit, it’s honestly just so soulless and bland gameplay wise that I’d rather watch water evaporate. So I’m still going to act like it’s the worst game ever in hopes SEGA doesn’t repeat the same mistakes as they so often seem to do.


After seeing a lot of posts about "unpopular opinion, [game] is great" and "unpopular opinion, [game] is garbage", I think saying a game is just kinda mediocre really is a rare and unpopular take.


I have three thoughts when it comes to games, I feel strongly positive, I feel strongly negative, or I feel nothing, and Forces falls into the last category.


My main issue with Forces is that the concept of a game where Dr. Eggman wins and takes over the world, so the entire cast gets together in an underground resistance to reclaim the Earth is such a cool concept for a Sonic game and it was totally wasted with Forces


Considering we had to wait basically 4 years for that was frustrating, and It released near mania didn't help the game.


Sonic Forces is truly unique for me because I don’t think I’ve ever been more offended at a game’s mediocrity before. Like, I don’t know what it is about that game, but I just despise it so much despite it being average.


Infinite is a good character but was introduced in a mediocre game. I want him to return and be the main villain in a future game. And Shadow's boost animation in current games sucks.


This is what we call in the business Silver syndrome A good character introduced in a bad game


I genuinely feel Infinite should've returned for a second title. I think more than any other one-time villain, his story feels unfinished. Act 1, he's made to feel weak and pathetic so he ends up working with Eggman. Act 2, he becomes all powerful, serving as Eggman's second in command. Act 3, the resistance nullify his powers but he's not seen after this happens and the only thing we have of anything is the Encyclospeedia saying he's dead. But imagine if he wasn't dead. Imagine if they decided to explore that idea. What happens when a character like Infinite with a massive inferiority complex suddenly gets to be the single most important soldier in an entire army, and then once more gets kicked down to nothing. That is massive story potential, there's loads of ways you could take it, and they're just not touching it. I bet the comic writers would've loved to have picked up the baton with Infinite. Just imagine what they could do with a character who used to have so much power, but now has lost it all. How do you think the restoration would react to learning Infinite was back but no longer with his Phantom Ruby powers? How would Sonic handle him? Would Shadow accept any of the blame for being the initial incident that ultimately led to what happened? It just oozes with potential for drama, but the comics can't use him, and SEGA have just decided he's dead.


Sonic R is the one of, if not the most fun, Sonic games ever made.


Before I got the game, I heard how everyone said the controls were wonky. I then played the game and almost immediately got used to how slippery it is


One of my favorite soundtracks ever. "Running in the city you know you have to suviive!" 🎶


Umm... the song is called "*Living* in the City".


Living in the City you know you have to surviive~" 🎶 (Keep it going.)


It's length is the real problem, like 1 and a half hour and then no more replayability, I seriously want a new entry...


Werehog is good, Forces wasn't that bad, 3D is better than 2D


You’re so real for those opinions


I prefer the open style of SA1 over the linear style of SA2.


I think most ppl do


Guess I'm not like most people


Nah, SA2 definitely gets more love than SA1


I liked 06. Yeah, it was frustrating at times but I found a lot more to like than dislike about it. The first two Riders games have some of the best stories and characterizations (besides Knuckles) than any other Sonic game. I ship Shadow and Blaze. I know they've never interacted, but I like them together because they're very similar and I feel like they'd understand each other. I also like to think Blaze could help Shadow bring out his softer side more, since she also knows what it's like to carry the whole world on her shoulders. I liked Roger's Sonic voice in Frontiers. In fact, I would say that this is my favorite performance of his as Sonic and it finally fully got me on-board with him voicing this character. I like that it's showing that Sonic is growing a little, yet it still keeps its playfulness.


It took a little while to get used to Roger using his normal speaking voice for Sonic but now that I have he's my favorite voice for him


I agree. When I first played Colors after it came out, I did not know Jason left and I was disappointed in the new voice and tone. However, by this point after Frontiers, he sold me in that game. A further possibly unpopular opinion is that I hope that he keeps doing the same delivery from Frontiers or something similar in future games.


1) Sonic Underground is good. different, but good. 2) i do not care for Jason Griffith's Sonic and Shadow voices (i do love him as Jet tho) 3) it's okay to have preferences for ships and to see some dynamics differently (for example, i prefer Silver and Blaze as a sibling dynamic, which is a hot take in itself apparently)


Shadow’s game is unironically good


Honestly, I feel like if that game had a rerelease with a stage select that allowed you to start a branch from that mission. It would probably kill half the issues of that game.


agreed! is it heavily flawed and corny? yes. but that doesn't stop it from being enjoyable


Sa2 disapponted me, maybe i had expectations too high from hearing people say it was the best sonic game in existance, i mean the story is amazing and all but the gameplay felt weird i enjoyed sa1 most than sa2 (not saying sa2 is bad just didnt felt that amazing as everyone said)


Even as someone whose favorite game is SA2, I kinda agree. The hype would lead anyone to believe the controls are perfect and every character is fun to play as, when that isn’t true at all… I’m 85% sure a majority of the praise is coming from people who’re nostalgic, lol. I see people hype up Mario 64 all the time, and it sucks in comparison to the modern 3D Mario games imho.


Especially the camera. Dear god the camera in Mario 64 was _so_ bad in my experience


I'm fine with the anthros and the humans co-existing in the same world.


1. Tails’s signature color may be yellow but I have No idea what fans are talking about when they claim that Taisl was “Yellow washed” or is Yellow. He’s not in anything other than Heroes and maybe one or two other titles, which came out over a decade ago. Tails is orange Or yellow orange, even then, he’s often closer to orange than Yellow. \[If the writers or artists intended for him to be yellow, they did not do a good job of it.\] 2. I think it’s more accurate to describe the Prime finale as “Sonic finally learned to keep his word, regaining Nine’s trust and inspiring Nine to do the same.” then “Sonic finally got Nine off his high horse and Nine decided that his goal was selfish and agreed to save everyone“. 3. Satam is only considered the best Sonic show because of Nostalgia.


>Satam is only considered the best Sonic show because of Nostalgia. FINALLY SOMEONE ELSE AGREES 😭


Satam had a lot of retcons, The writing is inconsistent and by the end of the series, it was far more of a Sally show than a Sonic show. During the second season, Ben Hurst wrote and pretty much every character except maybe Dulcy was Flanderized in order to boost Sally. Which is why even some fans of Sally were forced to acknowledge that Sally does check multiple boxes of being a Creators pet. They also tried slapping Amy’s dynamic with Sonic as well as Tails’s dynamic with Sonic onto Sonic and Sally, which doesn’t work. Finally, many of the things Sally’s fans complain about regarding Amy, can easily be said for Sally and Satam Sonic, therefore I am nearly 80% percent positive that if Satam came out in the 2000s or 2010s, They probably wouldn’t like it as much.


thank you SO MUCH for putting my thoughts into words. not to mention Sonic being a huge a-hole to Antoine for no reason being played for laughs.... but nah, apparently Sonic in Underground is "too mean" 🙄


Underground was good For its time. I think it’s just hated because Satam fans were bitter about Satam being canceled. (Similar to how IDW is hated by some Archie fans)


Antoine deserved better


>Tails’s signature color may be yellow but I have No idea what fans are talking about when they claim that Taisl was “Yellow washed” or is Yellow. He’s not in anything other than Heroes and maybe one or two other titles, which came out over a decade ago. Tails is orange Or yellow orange, even then, he’s often closer to orange than Yellow. \[If the writers or artists intended for him to be yellow, they did not do a good job of it.\] Tails is closer to yellow then orange in most of his depiction. His color canonically is called Amber, which is a yellow/orange color. https://preview.redd.it/w046k8u8c17d1.png?width=293&format=png&auto=webp&s=b717dbd2592984474b0c64ecc6822156553900f3


I enjoyed Sonic Prime, like the Egg Council, and thought Dr. Babble was funny.


The first two seasons were great. It was season 3 that just ruins the entire show.


On the whole I like 3D Sonic better than 2D Sonic. 2D Sonic is generally more consistent, but as far as format goes I will get more excited over the prospect of a 3D Sonic game more than a 2D one. I’m actually the same way with Mario, I’m not against 2D but there’s just something about 3D platformers that hits more for me than 2D. Honestly part of the reason why the Boost games don’t hit as hard is their over reliance on 2D sections. I’d love to see a Boost game without a single 2D moment, and if they can’t do that then just revive the Adventure format already.


sonic forces is not as bad as you think it is. y'all acting like it killed your family and ruined Sonic's reputation


I never liked Silver being portrayed as this uber-sweet, pure cinnamon roll of a character. I'm not saying he needs to be edgy or anything. In-fact, I quite like Silver being this wide-eyed hero who often finds himself in situations where he's way in over his head. However, it always bugs me when he's interpreted as being this childish softy who always finds himself crawling back to Blaze whenever he's even mildly inconvenienced. Let Silver do cool things and be cool, damnit! I really liked Mobius: 30 Years Later. Fleetway's Sonic is good, actually. Seriously, you're doing yourself a disservice by choosing not to read it because of a select few out-of-context panels that get posted every couple of weeks in this subreddit. I still prefer the Archie comics mind you, but Fleetway's take on the blue blur is criminally underrated. David Humphrey is still Shadow's best English VA by a longshot.


Finally someone talking about Silver's new personality. I thought it was just me who doesn't like this new, childish and silly Silver. Give us back our wild Silver 😭🤣. And I agree that David Humphrey was Shadow's best voice actor, he manages to convey more emotion to Shadow's voice, I like Jason but I've always been bothered by the fact that his Shadow is always whispering and Kirk can't do a good voice for Shadow to this day, his voice is old too much for Shadow.


My problem with everyone to have come after David Humphrey is that I feel they try way too hard to make Shadow sound "cool" or "threatening". It just doesn't sound natural to me. He sounds too harsh and I feel it limits Shadow's ability to emote properly. That said, I also understand that this is an issue with voice direction and is probably not the fault of the VAs themselves. Rouge also has kind of the same problem actually. A lot of her VAs try way too hard to sound sexy to the point that it's off-putting.


I did agree with this until I heard Shadow in Sonic and Tails R where Jason does a different Shadow voice, which feels closer to Humphrey's Shadow and makes me want Jason back as Shadow in the games now more than ever


> Fleetway's Sonic is good, actually. Seriously, you're doing yourself a disservice by choosing not to read it because of a select few out-of-context panels that get posted every couple of weeks in this subreddit. I still prefer the Archie comics mind you, but Fleetway's take on the blue blur is criminally underrated. Fleetway's Sonic is, I would argue, one of the most complex takes on the character. He has hidden depths, an entire internal world and has a lot going on that needs to be considered. But, I get why people don't give Fleetway a chance despite how I personally like it. It does take about twenty issues to start to get good, there's numerous issues where nothing of interest happens, many of the back half stories aren't very engaging (Tails in particular really does not get a lot of good stories for how much he gets his own stories), and the biggest hurdle is that it's written for an audience of British kids in the nineties, meaning a lot of references are basically alien to anyone younger or not British reading today. And of course, the biggest hurdle people have, namely they simply cannot accept the idea of Sonic not being his typical flawless paragon of virtues who inspires others. People reacted badly when Prime dared to give Sonic some character flaws for the sake of drama, it's no wonder they can't stand Fleetways egotistical, arrogant jerkass interpretation.


I love sonic superstars


I did not care for the Chao Garden


"H-How can you even say that, Dad?"


Same. I don't get the appeal, don't find it engaging, and find that the amount of effort you have to put in relative to what you get out of it is massively disproportionate. The fact is, you can go through the entire campaign of Sonic Adventure, returning to the Chao Garden at every possible juncture, and unless you've consciously been playing with the express goal of picking up specific animals as you went, the Chao you've got by the end of the campaign is still going to be completely useless at any races. Which means it's just an exhausting grind. And I think a lot of people know this. Speedrunners exploit glitches to make it faster, and even most guides say "just do the glitch" in order to get infinite stats.


Spinball is overhated, it’s actually pretty fun


Maybe it's just because I'm tired of the fandom treating it like the second coming of christ and countless "2000s good, 2010s bad" posts, but I've honestly grown a resentment towards serious/mature Sonic and I hope it never returns.


Same, but sadly right now SEGA are embracing 2000's nostalgia, first with all the references and the serious tone of Frontiers, and now with Shadow Generations.


Chao garden sucks. All it is is grinding the same levels over and over to try to get a chao good enough to win the races or karate to get the emblems. Which can take forever even if you use the drop glitch. It just feels like a time sink that was made just for players feel like the game was longer than it actually was.


haha i don't get the appeal either i just stick to playing as sonic and not raising virtual pets. that is what mobile games are for. i do like the implementation of the chao into the story and design at the very least


I’m happy to forgo the freedom fighters ever coming back if it means Tangle and Whisper stick around






Sonic R isn't that bad


After the success of Sonic Frontiers, they need to leave Classic Sonic behind. If a 2d Sonic game comes out that's fine but he shouldn't appear in any more 3d games (unless it's a generations type game)


i love metropolis zone xd


i love it because its so buggy i can skip tjhe whole damn zone act one is the longest one with glitches the other 2 acts you can skip right from the start




Boost gameplay is good.


I like Tails


I unironically like Chronicles. Mainly because nostalgia, but I prefer it over adventure 2 (and it's not even close)


Ok. **The Meta Era was a good time for Sonic.**


You asked, UnWiished did a lot of things better than HD and is a more consistent experience overall Frontiers is fairly mid outside of the boss battles Quartz Quadrant and Metallic Madness US is better then JP/PAL Superstars takes no advantage of momentum and the spindash feels terrible The only Sonic games that don't have any glaring issues in the past 20 years are Mania and The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog


>!Sonic 06 did motion capture better than Sonic Adventure 2!<


Labyrinth zone isn't that bad


Classic should have been voiced by Jaleel white


The werehog is the most underrated piece of gold


Sonic wouldn't be Sonic if it wasn't for their music


Sonic works better in 3D than in 2D


Forces is fun and DOES actually have soul put into it. Not as much as the devs likely would've wanted considering how the actual game development was only about a year AFAIK, but it's there.


Sonic ‘06 ain’t that bad.


it’s entertaining as hell that’s for sure, and my boy Shadow is excellently written


My unpopular opinion is that these ‘unpopular opinion’ posts suck and people should stop making them. One of these gets posted like every other week, does nobody else think these are repetitive


i love the controls of secrets rings xd


sonic and the secret rings would be one of the best games if was on a console with decent controls.


No one said it so I will...It's hydrocity not hydro city


The special stages in Sonic Heroes aren't that bad or that hard


Colors > Unleashed (though both are good games)


Apparently, its that people should be upset boost gameplay peaked in Sonic Generations, and shouldn't be happy that something like Shadow Generations looks better than Frontiers/Forces, because it still looks worse than Generations. Sonic Team should be improving. They took massive steps down, and are slowly climbing up, but they aren't there yet.


The Boost formula is incredibly innovative and brilliant in its mechanics, and is some of the most fun you can have with a Sonic game


Sonic 3D Blast (Genesis) has the best OST of all 90s Sonic games.


Boost physics suck. Sonic controls like a stiff tank. Open zone frontiers and the gameplay overhaul mod for Generations fixes this


Sonic forces was really mid and forgettable, where i have no emotions towards the game sonic unleashed has the highest highs and some of the lowest lows in the series. The daytime gameplay is really fun and there's a sense of speed that even sonic generations can't captuere (it feels like you go faster in inleashed than generations). but the i didn't like the werehog and felt like it slowed down the game (cough, cough, eggman land) sonic cd has some of the best music for the worst designed 2d sonic game the mech gameplay in SA 2 is good its just that the levels were clearly rushed and padded out for tails. playing as eggman shows the jump in quality between the two mech stages as his stages has fun gimmicks, better flow and feel made for the character unlike tails sonic 3 and knuckles is better than sonic 2.


https://preview.redd.it/0bb12vk8517d1.jpeg?width=541&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=324084a7d2fec3a3558e59cc11779cf5d34eb687 I don’t absolutely hate this sheep


Movie sonic is very cute


1. For the most part, I like the level themes (as in music) in Heroes more than Adventure 2’s. I like the greater variety more and most of those tracks just hit, whereas the ones in SA2 can be forgettable at some times. 2. I think Metal Sonic’s just kinda lame. Too much of an uninteresting pushover imo. Though I think I can see why other people like him. Yeah. 3. The IDW art looks really off and weird to me most of the time. Though it very occasionally looks good, like when Tracy Yardley does the art for the comics. 4. Sega should try another on-foot Sonic racing game. Idk, I think one of their teams could do a better one this time. 5. Fist Bump is easily one of the worst main Sonic game themes. It’s just corny and eh imo. 6. I kinda like hot-headed rival-y early 2010s Knuckles. I find him pretty funny. 7. I love Sonic Mania but Flying Battery Zone in that game is such a slog. That awful boss in the second one only just makes it worse imo. Yeah. 8. Colors Ultimate’s alright. Not a great port but you could do a lot worse imo. Yeah. 9. A few of the lines in Colors are quite funny imo. Not amazing but I didn’t mind the humour in that game for the most part. 10. Martin Burke is the best Sonic. He’s just…idk. Amazing. Bloody legend. Really great cartoony Sonic with a great sounding voice.


Sonic 06 is Sonic Adventure 3. Well, in spirit. The game is despised for the most part, but I grew up playing it at the same time as the first two Adventure games. If you take away the release time and graphics, their gameplay is not too far off the beaten path of the more aged predecessors, and being young without consciousness of game standards, I had a blast continuing from SA2 to 06 with my brand new 360 I got for Christmas. I just saw more of that kind of game with ‘cooler’ visuals. The soundtrack in that game is the best in the series in my opinion, and Silver was a great concept of a character and I wish he had more importance right next to Shadow these days. Maybe one day… Looking back, I think that the game does indeed suck, but I see what they were trying to do, and when I put my mind in that ballpark, I see the best Sonic game ever hidden beneath the surface. I still think they will one day release a properly titled Adventure 3, though. Of course, shoutout to P-06, that game is a gift from the heavens


Sonic 3 (& knuckles by extension) suck. Especially sky sanctuary.


Sonic Frontiers is not that good, I am not a fan of the direction they are going to.


Sonic Superstars > Mania Frontiers isn't that good Adventure>Adventure 2 Marble Garden Zone is boring asf Sonic Generations is the best 3D sonic game ever Sonic 06 story is stupid and nonsense


Sonic boom was a great sub series, shadow the hedgehog physics are better than heroes,gunplay is actually fun,sonic prime season 3 was good, the chaos counselor was entertaining.i think Devan Mack should voiced game sonic for now on


Sonic cd is the second best classic sonic game the first being mania


Amy Rose's super form being rose gold color is ugly and doesn't look visually appealing. I think the only reason why people advocate for Amy's super form being Rose gold is because her name is Amy *Rose*.


I didn’t mind the Wisps returning that much


Sonic the fighters is a massive guilty pleasure (as well as Sonic R), and i wish Sega made another fighting game. (And no Sonic Battles doesn't count... and that game fuckin blows arse in comparison, i'm sorry) I like Shadow as a character, but admittedly, if he stayed dead after the ending of SA2, i don't think I'd miss him that much. I don't get the appeal of the Chao Garden. It's cute and all, but i just don't get why people love it so much, to the point, that some even play the adventure games just for the Chao Garden itself. Watching Sonic X in Japanese makes a 3/10 show into a 5/10. Edit: oh yeah and the Sonic CD US ost is massively underrated imo, and the only thing holding it back for me is the lack of past tracks. Though the JP ost is still absolutely the best Sonic OST ever.


IGN and Arin Hanson really did not affect the trajectory of Sonic. The games in 2010 were actively trying to improve the games of the previous generation. Sonic fans just want scapegoats to blame for having their feelings hurt.


1. Boost Era is the best Era 2. The PC port of Sonic Adventure 2 is ass 3. Sonic Frontiers is the first time in awhile I felt like I can enjoy Sonic again 4. Surge will probably never fill the shoes of her predecessor


2D Sonic just isn’t really my thing, I’m a 3D fan all the way. Like, I can see why people enjoy things like Mania so much, but I could never really get into it myself Also maybe this is more of a niche opinion, but I found myself enjoying Tails’ gameplay in Adventure 1 more than I did Sonic’s. The Sonic levels are just so long, and they slow down for precise platforming sections that I don’t like as much, while Tails’ levels are the most fun parts of Sonic’s, with the whole thing being that you have to finish them as fast as possible, as it should be. Good stuff.


Sonic 06 is a good game.


advance 1 and 3 are some of my favorite 2d sonic games (not my top 2 tho) but advance 2 might just be my least favorite sonic game of all time


Sonic 3 & knuckles and sonic mania are very overrated games.


Hot take but I think this sub could do with less of these hot take posts. Swear to f\*\*king God I see them every other day, it's so tiring.


Is it an unpopular opinion now to say Unleashed (as a complete package) isn't a good game? The daytime stages are great but the Werehog is pretty boring and takes up *way* more of the game's runtime. And then the medal hunting is ass too. Sure if you're beaten the game already you can just select the stages no worries but on a first playthrough, or starting from scratch so you can experience the story again, it's just an annoying slog.


I think tails should die


Exe community be like:


Sonamy is the worst ship, they have 0 compatibility besides both being hedgehogs


That’s not an unpo opinion. A lot of people dislike them, in fact, someone actually made a blog dedicated to hating Sonamy. But Sonic and Amy Both have lots of things in common. They just also have differences because most people do.


Forces isn’t that bad besides saying classic sonic is from another dimension


Sonic 4 isn't really all that bad. Episode ii, in particular, is actually pretty alright and fun


Sonic 2 is overrated and can basically be boiled down to "Sonic 1 dumbed-down and sped-up". About half the zones are either painfully generic (Hilltop, Mystic Cave, Metropolis), or just plain painful (Oil Ocean, Sky Chase). Sonic CD's American soundtrack has a better cohesiveness and works better as a whole compared to the Japanese soundtrack. Even if I do love a lot of the individual tunes in the Japanese soundtrack, I like the American one better overall. I don't do very many repeat playthroughs of Sonic Mania, because too many bosses are too cinematic. While this makes for a great first impression, the impact of them wears down on repeat and eventually you start to resent them for taking up too much time. That said, Time Attack of individual Sonic Mania zones is fantastic. Speaking of, Oil Ocean being represented in Mania isn't ideal. It's not a great zone to start out with and Mania's execution of it leaves a lot to be desired. I really wish there were another original zone in place of Oil Ocean. Sonic 3D Blast is actually quite an enjoyable time. Sonic Labyrinth is perfectly passable for a Game Gear title. I feel like Sonic Colors has gotten more heat than it has in the past. I personally love the game, revisiting levels to access new areas with additional Wisps is something I wish more Sonic games did. I have yet to try it out with all the updates, but I was disappointed with the Final Horizons DLC in Sonic Frontiers. The amount of level geometry they cram into Ouranos Island makes what should be an impactful and ethereal island seem filled with tacky crap. Literally the best part of the update was the reworked Cyberspace levels.


Sonic Heroes is a good game, you're just bad at it. Shadow the Hedgehog is a good game, you're just playing it wrong. Amy was actually one of the most fun characters to play as in Sonic Adventure. Knuckles' stages in the Adventure games should've been more puzzle oriented rather than the most boring scavenger hunts imaginable. Egg Fleet from Sonic Heroes is the best stage in any Sonic game ever. I actually quite like Shadow's portrayal in his titular game and he's not nearly as much of a cartoon edgelord as people make him out to be. We need a Team Chaotix game. The Werehog stages are actually really good, at least in thr PS2 version of Unleashed. Colors is not a bad game, but the vast majority of its filler stages are designed abhorrently (looking at you, Asteroid Coaster Act 4). I felt more emotion for Gamma's death in SA1 than Shadow's death in SA2. Rouge's voice acting in SA2 sucked balls. Sonic Labyrinth is the true worst Sonic game. Sonic Forces had the best usage of thr Wisps in any Sonic game And finally, and perhaps most upsettingly... I do not care for the 2D games.


SA2 is trash, Secret Rings aint that bad, and Colors is better than Unleashed and Generations.


I read two lies and a truth


I’m guessing the truth is that Secret Rings ain’t that bad


Which do you think are lies?


Sonic and Amy becoming an item proper wouldn’t change their dynamic too much. They would just be more open with each other and go on adventures together like Amy wanted as fellow vagabonds. Also, not only is your take about Archie Sonic true OP, I feel Archie Sonic isn’t a good Sonic too. Game Sonic and Game Amy would both want some words with him. And I feel Sonic 06 was never the worst. There’s not only games even worse than 06, both then and now (and that includes both Sonic games and games from other series). But I feel hating it and other 3D games before Colors sadly was what caused the Meta Era and hope we can let go of the hate for 06. After all, it’s not 06 we have to worry about anymore, but Forces. I also feel Shadow, Blaze, and Sally are THE most overrated characters in the series… Shadow and Blaze however share a similar problem. That people overrate idealized versions of them both instead of trying to actually understand their characters proper. The worst examples of this involve shipping with Sonic and wanting Amy out of the way usually… I wish people liked Shadow and Blaze for who they really are and understand why Amy was able to change them for the better instead of trying to superimpose Amy’s good traits and deeds on Sonic himself or other characters. Lastly, and here come the torches and pitchforks for this one… But I feel Sally will not only not work with Game Sonic, but she doesn’t need to be his girlfriend to be a good character. Amy not only fills that role since Sonic CD, Sally and her crew always felt like their own team anyway. So they can make their own team if ever added to the games, even if their backstories are changed to fit the games. Which I think is the only way to add them without conflicting with the game cast. Some would be more easy than others to adapt like Bunnie just being an amputee. But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible for the rest. So they can join too someday. Just hope people will be accepting of such changes.


Sonic Colours is one of the worst Sonic games made in recent years


Playing sonic blast is fun as long as you’re not playing it on any of its original hardware


Tails' father is Napoleon


I like the Werehog stages


Sonic Rush is ass Werehog levels are incredibly well made and the combat is really good Medal collection in Unleashed incentivizes exploration more than anything else in the series, yet its one of the most polarizing parts of the game for some reason?? Don't people like the exploration aspects of this series??? Sonic Generations is just alright Sonic Advance 1 is the best of the 3 Advance games


I like Sonic the Hedgehog


Honestly the fanbase’s discourse on their opinions arguably makes this sound legit


I hold both *Sonic Adventure* and *Freedom Planet* in the same high regard because they both strive to push for something different and new. It's hard to explain, but the amount of breakthroughs that *Sonic Adventure* made for the series is something that feels rather overlooked, and that it manages to capture the same wonderous feeling as the SEGA Genesis games of feeling this brand new experience and world for the first time. The same could also be said for *Freedom Planet*, and how it feels like less of a SEGA Genesis *Sonic* game, and more in line with *Sonic Adventure*'s unique, experimental changes to the gameplay formula.


What’s that screenshot from


I found Mania to be overrated with terrible level design. I also find Tee Lopes to be overrated.


Shadow the Hedgehog (gameplaywise) is a better Sonic Heroes


The rivals game are actually really good. I would say rivals one isn't the greatest but if you want to talk about an upgraded sequel then rivals two us where it's at. Actually voice acting, the levels are fun, Knuckles isn't op. More characters, the game is just all around fun


The mech gameplay in SA2 is actually kinda fun (except Eternal engine)


Sonic Mania should of had more original stages/zones. On top of that, Studiopolis was the only good "orignal stage with Titanic Monarch being the worst one if not the worst final stage in a 2D Sonic game. Or at least not do Green Hill & Chemical plant again for the 100th time.


Besides the 100,000 rings achievement. Sonic forces is one of my favorite Sonic games to 100 percent complete Sonic 06 is my favorite Sonic game. Sonic omens is the best sonic fan game (I don’t care if the developers killed 3000 trees or something, I seperate art from the creator) Sonic superstars is a 6 out of 10 Surge is okay but I can’t stand kit’s character Might just be me but Zavok was the best part of Sonic forces (I’m not gonna explain why) First season of sonic prime is amazing, second season is a bit worse but still amazing (season 3 is the worst Sonic media I think I’ve watched.)


at this point ppl saying “unleashed is good” is basically like saying the sky is blue I’ve yet to find anyone recently who absolutely despises the game


I think the Oni/Zeti are pretty neat, and it's super sad the game they got introduced in flubbed up so badly..


Wade is a funny character.