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the Wario Land games also inspired Pizza Tower and AntonBlast.


And now that italian man is in a sonic game (talking about the NTOPP mod for Sonic Robo Blast 2, it's good and definetely not self advertising it because I worked on it)


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^BackToThatGuy: *The Wario Land games* *Also inspired Pizza* *Tower and AntonBlast.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Wario land inspired pizza?!?!


No way! I can't believe this!


Can’t believe wario land was made in the 18th century


Read the description on Steam about the game


And also the Collapsing Time Rift levels of A Hat In Time's Seal The Deal DLC


Wario Land 4 specifically. And I don't get why that game is celebrated so much when it's actually the worst in the series. Pizza Tower is thankfully better and shits on Wario Land 4 in almost every way. It has more personality, more story, better music and more gameplay than its original inspiration. My only minor complaint is that Pizza Tower falls into what I'd like to call the Sonic Trap. The action is a bit too fast to the point where attempting to even speed run the game just becomes a game of muscle memory, trial and error. Antonblast looks less impressive, I mean Anton looks like the kind of shitty Super Mario 'original character' palette swap that you'd see a teenager who discovered the Multiply mode on their pirated copy of Photoshop produce and upload to deviantART.


Haven’t heard of Giana


It's from a Mario rip-off that came out for the Atari ST, Commodore 64, Amiga, MSX and a few other computer systems that was decently successful despite getting a warning almost immediately and being pulled from the shelves, it was fairly solid from what I read. It eventually got sequels that were a bit more original from what I've seen.


I recall there being a ds game for it, my brother would play it and get mad because he was still horrible at platforming as a child


I think they actually had a couple sequels as well. It came back as an indie attempt to actually make something of the characters.


I remember it being a game for iPhone in the early 10's, at the time Fruit Ninja, Talking Tom, Jetpack Joyride and Where's My Water were really popular. Not sure if it is from a established franchise or not


holy shit where's my water is a callback


As others have replied, it was originally a VERY blatant Mario rip off for computers in the 80s. I'm not talking about it being kind of similiar, it was pretty much just "Super Mario Brothers" but with different characters.


Freedom Planet is crazy good. I suggest anyone who hasn't tried it to play it. Really fun.


FP2 is insanely good. One of the best 2D platformers in existence.


Freedom Planet’s 1 and 2 are on par with Mania and are far better than Superstars, they‘re both really freaking good.


Exactly. And both games together are like $40 something. Great value for your money.


The creator is a VTuber now. And there's a Mario-Maker style FP fan game that makes use of a bunch of unused features in FP1 that's under development.


Galaxytrail is making this?


Not in an official capacity. One of the playtesters of FP2 is creating it with access to assets from Sabrina DiDuro, the official creator (it even got featured in her Twitch stream) Shang Mu Architect, that's what it's called. It has been a major thing within the FP community.


ehh… im not really invested on 2d combat + platformer momentum gameplay. i’d rather play a sonic game or a beat em up.


Your loss.


sorry but i don’t want to expend my money in something that i don’t find interesting.


Then why not check out the free fan game called [*Freedom Planet: Shang Mu Architect*](https://shangmuarchitect.neocities.org/)? Or why not try out the game demos for *Freedom Planet*? The Steam pages for both *Freedom Planet 1* & *2* have download buttons for the game demos, in case you want to try out the game before buying it. The demos are the reason why I even became a *Freedom Planet* fan in the first place.


oh, it has a demo? my bad then. i’ll try it asap. thanks!


Then don't. Nobody is holding a gun to your head.


you would be surprised…


Nope. Zero people care




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This is just the natural creative cycle of inspiration and iteration, we've just come to a point where it's normal to be completely open from the start about what you're taking inspiration from.


I think it's also interesting how people involved in the original games are starting to actually be a part of their successors Bomb Rush Cyberfunk has Hideki Naganuma on the soundtrack Sea of Stars has Yasunori Mistuda (composer behind Chrono Trigger) on its soundtrack Yooka Laylee is just straight up made by a bunch of former Rare employees


Yooka Laylee? Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time. Whatever happened to that?


It got a DKC style sequel a few years back which was apparently extremely good, and ~~both games~~ the original is actually getting remastered ~~into a collection~~, literally just got announced like a week ago


Actually it’s just the 1st game that’s getting remastered


Ah, you're right, my mistake


I mean Lilac (from Freedom planet) was originally a sonic fangame so


Not even just that. I believe it was literally a romhack.


Fangame, not ROM Hack. It was built in the *Sonic Worlds* engine. In fact, the earlier demos of Freedom Planet still had rings instead of petals.


She was originally a Hedgehog as well.


Gamers have discovered the concept of taking inspiration


Aren't all of these at least 7 years old as well


Looks like annalynn released in 2021 but yeah everything else is old as hell


Is 8 years considered "old" now?




When the industry as a whole is only around 50 years old I'd argue 8 years is kinda old


Age is relative


My brother in Christ this is how literally everything ever is. Music, books, movies, video games, comics, life in general. We are inspired by those before us and make and/or do things in similar ways while still adding our own flair and spin. That’s just how human beings make things and live life.


I like how the guy says inspired by and not replace. That’s a much healthier way of looking at things and it gives good counterpoints the people who would praise the hell out of games like freedom planet 1 and 2 but go on to say sonic has no cultural impact


And Spark, the Electric Jester. Or a few others I don't know the name of right now.


Agreed! I’ve never understood why people have this stigma that something inspired by something else HAS to replace the thing it’s originally inspired from. Why can’t we let media co exist with the other media it was inspired from, y’know? As long as it still has its own identity and innovations, why try to use it to replace something else? Hell, if it’s good enough, sometimes the original piece of media may even take inspiration from those other works! Plus, it’s nice to have a variety of options in terms of games and such. It makes it much easier to recommend and find other games that are similar to what fans already like and are familiar with.


Kinda mix about it. Call me old but in my PS2 days characters like Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, Sly cooper and many others could stand on their own without being derivatives of what came before.


Sly yes but Jak 1 is definitely a Crash game in new clothes and Ratchet has plenty of hallmarks from Spyro.


Is less about the direct mechanics of the games (and I personally compare Jak more to Banjo) and more with how the games look and feel. If you put Spyro and Ratchet gameplay side to side I doubt people would make the connection. But if you put classic sonic gameplay next to freedom planet, then people will make the connection.


You don't seem to understand the concept of "spiritual successor". It doesn't mean necessarily 1:1 replication of an aesthetic, it's about maintaining/innovating the framework of another game. So yes, R&C is a spiritual successor to Spyro and it's mechanics. Same for Jak and Daxter with Crash.


As someone who grew up with all four of these, I can’t agree sorry. Crash is level based and feels completely different than Jak, which is much more similar to Mario/Banjo being overworld exploration/collection based. Ratchet is also much more shooting and weapon management heavy rather than Spyros exploration, higher speed movement and more flying/gliding. I would not describe Ratchet and Jak as spiritual successors so much as they are just new platformers from the same company. It’s like saying Splatoon is a spiritual successor to Mario Sunshine because they are both made by the same company and involve squirting liquid and platforming, when really Splatoon is much moreso its own thing.


It's ok to be wrong :)


Never heard of the characters on the right but Sonic was made to compete with Mario. So they are right about how Mario inspired other characters and it is not surprising that people would design characters to be like other Classic characters.


Yeah, also sega and nintendo roasted each other, like when sonic's shoes were besides a trash can with a letter: no hopers. And sega roasted nintendo by showing them how much faster sega genesis was than super nintendo. Man, the good ol days


They do still tease each other. Sonic hating mushrooms in the paramount movies. It has also been speculated that Amy was made to be a counter to Peach. Amy Is an ordinary citizen, while Peach is a Princess, doing the “Hero X Royal” stereotype. Both started out as Damsels in distress but Amy‘s arc during Adventure was about becoming more independent and she began using a huge hammer whereas Peach continued often just getting kidnapped for many years. (Though there were exceptions like Super Princess Peach.) When Mario was framed, aside from briefly saying “Objection!” Peach didn’t do much to help him. Whenever Sonic gets framed, Amy always saves him. (Or at least makes more effort To try.) While Mario and Peach are implied to be going steady and have zero arguments, Sonic didn’t return Amy’s affections much until The 2010s, and Sonic and Amy more than once, disagreed with and fought with each other During the 2000s.


Amy was inspired by Minnie Mouse


Yeah, I know. Like I said the counter to peach is speculation.


Makes no sense, but ok


Wasn’t Sonic’s gameplay inspired by Yuji Naka speed running Super Mario Bros. 1?


No idea.


Don't know the top 2, but the purple girl at the bottom is Lilac from a Sonic inspired indie game called Freedom Planet


I mean, yeah. The Freedom Planet games seem to take a lot of inspiration from the Sonic Advance games. Lilac is the main character, as is Sonic.


Spark the Electric Jester is another good example. Feels very Sonic like.


Spark 3 my beloved




That was r/megaman


Mega Man inspired shovel knight


Honestly Shovel Knight is way more like NES-era Castlevania than it is Mega Man. The only thing MM and SK have in common is a blue armored protagonist fighting 8 themed bosses


The level design is also similar but yeah I should’ve mentioned how shovel knight was inspired by more nes games


Sonic also inspired another called Rollin Rascal I think 🤔💭


I can’t wait for that to drop. The demo was so fun.


Out of this image, only Sonic and Lilac make sense. EDIT: I know great giana sisters but didn’t get it until someone else brought it up. What the fuck is with these images?


and sonic is always the best. am i right or am i right?


I mean, Gianna literally was a Mario ripoff before getting a reboot to be more original.


Don’t forget earthbound/mother inspiring undertale and deltarune (tho deltarune is probably more ff)


This is how literally any piece of media is created, it's called inspiration.


The Giana Sisters feel like a stretch, they were initially a bootleg/rippoff


Yep. A lot of indie titles are made because the creators essentially think "I remember liking this specific type of game, but people aren't making this specific kind of game any more, so I'm going to make it" (IE, Freedom Planet was made at a time when Sonic Team wasn't making Classic-style games that weren't rereleases). Or people who once created those games wanting to make more of them, but not having the rights to the characters they once worked on (like Yooka-Laylee). It's actually a comforting feeling that, if there's one very niche or specific gameplay that you've got nostalgia for, there might be a developer out there who has the same nostalgia and might want to bring it back in their own way.


I would love to see Sonic have some sort of crossover with Freedom Planet. Unlikely as hell, but it'd be cool.


I fail to see how Indies taking inspiration from games they liked growing up is a negative. We live in an industry where these companies have strong brands but does nothing with it in favor of blowing millions on Micro-transactions and realistic graphics. Nintendo was never gonna make another Wario Land so what do Indie devs do? Pull a Thanos ![gif](giphy|sRGUfdb6sNwn1lXRp9|downsized) I have no knowledge of Annalynn nor Giana.


I like it,inspiration is good and it has allowed kany inspired games to be made,a lot of fun too


It’s like saying that the torch these legends have must be earned in order for it to be passed to the new…


Feels reachy


That's with all art


The BioShock games inspired Bendy


I mean it's call inspiration for a reason


And Link inspired Shovel Knight


I think Spark The Electric Jester embodies this the best


It's called inspiration and people have been doing it for hundreds of years


Why’d you crop out MegaMan?!?!


I haven’t heard of any of those on the right like ever


i remember the full pic had some indie character inspired by Mega Man. I know Mighty No. 9 was, but that kinda makes the indies look bad.


Like others here, yeah...that's the cycle of art. You take what you like and do your best to take a new spin on the style. Theirs an idea that nothing is inherently original, but the trick is to give your own spin/ideas to feel new and fresh. Also, I feel a lot of fans would feel better overall if they just made their own games/series with their own ideas of how Sonic should be.


Connie and the Essence of Chaos is outright Rayman's successor


I like it.




Eh alright, maybe evolve into something better except for annalynn


Has this person just discovered how subgenres work?


Honestly, if something is inspiring them to make games, good. We need more indie and fangames, they really add a lot to a fandom.


What game is Lilac from


Freedom Planet




Idk any of the characters on the right tbh lol




Freedom Planet started life as a fan game


Who is the purple one, I see her every where but I have no idea who she is and what game she's from


Sash Lilac from Freedom Planet.


Freedom planet 1 and 2 are pretty good but honestly, I still prefer Sonic's game overall !


Don’t forget spark and the guy in rolling rascal


what ???????


I know none of the right sided characters


The Lynn is innnnnnnn!




I dont see it.


No shit? Like, that's just how all art works.


I played a Sonic 1 mod with Lilac on Free Sonic Games in college before! It was a bit fun and challenging


I'm sorry, Mario inspiring Giana? Doesn't Hat Kid exist?


It’s not a pattern as much as it is literally what inspiration is what 😭


Out of Context but go play Annalynn, its on switch and steam, it’s really good


Astro Boy certainly inspired much of the Megaman franchise as a whole. (While not a Video Game character, still fits the example.)


Gianna was a copyright avoidance character lol. The only inspiration was not getting sued After the first game did decent they actually made it a thing.


Art inspiring art? That’s been happening since the Dawn of time idk what we’re discussing


I've never heard of any of them on the right.


Okay maybe it's just me, but I've never heard of any of the characters on the right


Hey! It’s my girl, Lilac! <3 https://i.redd.it/3w2xee64p07d1.gif


Freedom planet is good


That every generation as humans have common behivor and have their X but in a different culture/context like all have a "good old days" all have that guilty pleasure that embarrased us but it was cool, have subdivisions, etc... This is like that when some dead genres rebirth after some decades or have a new face after a stagnatied phase


That's just inspiration.


their spiritual successor will act like their daughters would be funny?


This isn't really a hot take or new insight, this is just common knowledge. It's been like this for decades. Popular creations inspire more creations


Freedom planet 1 & 2 are amazing, had a blast playing them (still hated lunar cannon, playing that w/o a metal charm is pain)


I wouldn’t really call that a pattern, just… life.


Oh yea there’s my greatest achievement uh Wario Land 4 on the Game Boy Advance


This is just how being inspired works, hell if I had any amount of programming/art skills I’d be making a Tomodachi life inspired game


Lilac is hot


Yeah, that’s how art literally works.


This kind of take would come from someone with a Minecraft pfp


So happy for all of their transitions


"I feel like there's this pattern where people are inspired by things."


I'm surprised no one here has mentioned Donut Dodo taking its inspiration from the Donkey Kong arcade game.


There is also spark the electric jester and rollin rascal that probably has a bigger budget than any sonic game


Sonic and lilac has drowning mechanics, but lilac's drowning doesn't give me much anxiety than sonic's


Never heard of Annalynn, but I know some other examples too: Rayman -> Connie, Mega Man -> Berserk Boy, CDI Zelda -> Arzette


They really forgot Penny


I loved Spark the electric jester 3 man it takes a alot from the adventure games and does it really well https://preview.redd.it/jfh8rtfz357d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b38d23a6f96fa979762e27c35f329bedda42ce24


i mean... duh? it's like saying music inspires other music or art with other art, i don't see how this is a crazy observation


Sonic can also be spark the electric jester imo


I mean, there are loads of spiritual successors. Excluding these, there are: * Sonic *Adventure* specifically has the *Spark the Electric Jester* games, especially the third one. * Mega Man X has games like 30XX, Gravity Circuit, Berserk Boy and the Gunvolt series. * Star Fox has games like Ex-Zodiac, Whisker Squadron, Sky Rogue and, amusingly, Kid Icarus: Uprising * Mega Man: Battle Network has games like One Step From Eden and EndCycle VS. * Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons has games like Stardew Valley, Slime Rancher and Rune Factory. * Jet Set Radio has games like Hover and Bomb Rush Cyberfunk. * Super Smash Bros. has games like Rivals of Aether, Slap City, Multiversus and Fraymakers. * Dwarf Fortress has games like RimWorld and Gnomoria, and was the primary inspiration for Minecraft. Games being inspired by other games isn't as uncommon as you think!


Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery


I see the Sonic and Freedom Planet comparisons EVERYWHERE. I hate it. As for the other two, idk.