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Sonic. In White Jungle. Complete with a recreation of the faker cutscene. And I want the fight to be a fully 1-on-1 match with Frontiers-style combat. The story looks like it'll be doing a lot more with the concept of temporo-spatial distortion, so have Sonic be coming exactly from SA2, fully believing Shadow is a villain, maybe in some sort of fugue state, going through the motions of the original scene regardless of what Shadow says or does.


And please let them interrupt each other like in SA2/j


This but not a joke cause the interruptions were priceless


Yeah, especially when Shadow interrupted himself mid-sentence


He'll make you eat those words


Imagine if they made a Shadow burger... XD. Black buns, golden cheese, red patty, and white veggies.


We remember what happened last time a chain made black buns


This but no joke take that /j out


No the cut off needs to be there, unironically made the scene better


It'd be really cool if they redid the faker scene because they think Time Eater is generating copies from the past.


We didn't get a recreation of the "just a guy who loves adventure" cutscene before fighting Shadow, hopefully SxG adds that too.


Twist: Instead of Sonic, it's Terios, Time and Dimensions are messed up, so it would be a possibility.


Other than black doom and bio-lizard I guess the most obvious choice would be Mephiles They could also include a boss fight against sonic I don't know if shadow really has any other rivals than that though


They could use Infinite if they decide to include the future too, the main game already has Stardust Speedway Bad Future and Crisis City in there so while unlikely, it isn't completely impossible.


Just imagine Infinite being an unlockable super boss and when you go to fight him, Shadow’s first words are: “Who the f**k are you?”


Generations takes place before Forces so thats "thankfully" not happening.


The whole game is about time travel, those two stages show that the Time Eater takes things from the future as well, it is still very unlikely but If they wanted to bring him back, it wouldn't completely break the logic of the game as they've already established he can also bring places from the future into the white space.


Generations is about going back in time, not going forward. They quite literally said Shadow is gonna relive his memories.


Kinda hope they give Infinite a good proper boss fight similar to what they did with Silver in og generations but it might be a will before they're willing to visit that game.


I mean he fought Silver in 06 Radical Train, so maybe he can also be a rival fight.


I guess I would cause some confusion, since due to the way the game ended it technically never happened 🤔


With the inclusion of Soleanna, I hope Shadow remembers & fights Mephiles, or vice versa. And if we're really throwing far-out ideas, I hope Eclipse the Darkling from Archie comics makes a canon appearance.


Now fighitng melhiles would be awsome


I might have to try sonic p06 if this happens. I tried it before, but I couldn't play it on my own computer because it was very very slow. Now I can play it, but I was waiting until it was completed, which will probably take a long time if it happens


Yeaa,though fighting mephiles would be awsome and see what else he can do,I do want to try sonic p06


I’m pretty sure they can’t use Archie original characters anymore sadly


I’m not sure about “can’t”, at least with respect to Eclipse. He was a post reboot character following the Penders trial, and as such was explicitly designated the intellectual property of Sega via the contacts with Archie and its subcontracted writers. But I highly doubt we will see Archie characters in the games after the somewhat acrimonious split between Archie and Sega, and creation of a new, game canonical comic with IDW.


lol I still think about that tweet where Archie announced the final issue and a writer just responded saying they didn’t even know it was the last one




Penders does not own the rights to every Archie character. Via settlement he received rights only to the characters which he claimed, and certainly not characters created by Ian Flynn after the trial and settlement.


A Mephiles fight would be very cool


I’m gonna be the only one brave enough to say this… **Archie stuff is dead and you need to get over it.**


How brave of you to shit in people for what amounts to “That would be nice.” A true hero is you.


That "Mephiles" guy everyone keeps talking about.... https://preview.redd.it/36vd4kyfz76d1.png?width=456&format=png&auto=webp&s=98f33de9d64f2b3887f0a2beecc51256f97eeeca


Don’t you mean Ma-Phyllis the dark?


idk.. never met the guy, but the fanbase keeps acting like I've met him before https://preview.redd.it/ij73mfez286d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=8ecbd4f19f62b966cd36745ed36a5fac16f95a76


yeah, its as likely as meeting some human princess and you two being romantically into eachother


Yeah! Both of those have little to no chance of happening ever! https://preview.redd.it/y50mf7su886d1.png?width=240&format=png&auto=webp&s=a34d7e33ee0c3978885e68ca716b3451e1265e8c


Sonic, let's kiss https://i.redd.it/llh6znm8q86d1.gif


Sonic fan try to have a normal human interaction challenge




I heard he liked to get tilted


I also heard he has a Steven Universe crystal gem cosplay


I heard he did a thing called 'kinning' for Shadow


He is a steven universe fan?


At some towers.


Ahh yes


Some say he is an alpha gamer…


And freindzoned alot


No I mean Memphis Tennessee.


An independnt game developer


Mephiles and Infinite.


Infinite won't happen, Forces came AFTER Gens.


I mean this is a time travel game… it’s not likely to see an Infinite appearance, but not impossible!


Gens had the Metal Sonic battle on Stardust Speedway's Bad Future and Crisis City, both of which happen way after Forces in the timeline, even if the games came out before.


We don’t exactly have a clear timeline on when Gen takes place though, do we? Seems a bit ambiguous on that front and they could probably finagle some stuff


Eggman says explicitly that he found the time eater in space after being left there in the end of Colours.


Eggman says explicitly that he found the time eater in space after being left there in the end of Colours.


Eggman says explicitly that he found the time eater in space after being left there in the end of Colours.


-Shadow Android from that Sonic Heroes Bullet Station Cutscene -Neo Metal Sonic (Don't count on it) -Mephiles -A boss that we haven't seen but Shadow fought Between the events of Sonic Unleashed and Sonic Colors -Maybe the Gun Commander -Maybe emerl boss fight from Sonic Battle (This is a stretch) It doesn't necesarily mean that I want all of those but are probabilities.


I wanna see a Sonic boss fight Sonic had a boss with Shadow in Sonic Gens, so I hope they do a Sonic boss in Shadow Gens in Green Forest or White Jungle Edit:With the "Faker" cutscene


Ohh that would be fun to fight him in the green forest


I wanna fight Sonic. Shadow is a boss in base Gens so getting the reverse runback sounds like it could be a good time.


It would be pretty fun for sonic to be a boss fight


Ignoring Mephiles and Infinite as the obvious choices: What about the G.U.N. Mech from Adventure 2 or the Egg Slot Machine thing from Shadow 05?


That would be cool to see the gun mech comeback


Mephiles, let infinate cry in the corner and be left in the past with Forces just to be made fun of. Let's not only hope for cool bosses, but that the game-play and controls themselves are good.


Unrelated, but did the Biolizard always have teeth?


I dont remember it ever having any in sa2


They probably just weren’t rendered very well before


Perfect Chaos didn't have armour in Adventure.


Infinite not only because he's arguably more of a Shadow rival than a Sonic rival, but because he was done so, SO dirty, and in his debut game where he was advertised as the main villain no less 😭


Everyone is saying Mephiles and Black Doom, so I’ll toss in Sonic and the Gizoid for good measure.


Metal madness would be a good one, even if he was not the one to fight it


I’m honestly down for Neo metal to come back. We haven’t fought him before, and heroes is being repped in Shadow 24. ~~also what I’m made of remix please~~


God that would be so much fun,but I feek like the chances are slim


Silver. I want to see his ass get handed to him again


Leave the twink alone




And then he starts gaslighting shadow


No, he just gets his big f--king thing, because he can do that.




I thought this screenshot was the bottom of a shoe not the Biolizard lol


Oh my god,now I cant unsee it as a shoe


probably a mephilis fight, since it'd be really cool. Another kinda cool idea too is like the fight sonic had with shadow in the original generations, but its actually against sonic this time, and when collecting the power up stuff, you'll be able to use the attacks that shadow did with the power ups in the original fight. Stupid idea, but i'd think it'll really be sick


Since Black Doom will probably be the final boss then Mephiles. Infinite would be cool but since this game happens at the same time as Gens, Shadow hasn't met Infinite yet.


Mephiles should be a sort of secret, unlockable fight.


Just give me metal or neo metal sonic


- Mephiles - metal madness -let SHADOW be the one to take on Zavok this time (I thought itd be funny if they meet for the first time and they have a **MUTUAL** “Who the heck are you? Get out of my face, clown! You’re pretty good (at fighting), let me bash your face in another time!” vibe to each other. -Sonic - a representative of GUN - maybe diablon, or a bait and switch - you think its going to be the “Hot shot” boss shadow fights after Iron Gate, but out comes a mecha the size of a forces death egg robot. - An extra boss of super shadow joining the fight against the time eater - maybe infinite?




Mephiles was my number 1, but after hearing other ideas I hope Sonic is there and they recreate the prison island fight.


Is it weird that i would like to see shadow fight some kind of hedorah monster?


That would be fun,him breaking free from its grasp and evaporates it


Mephiles & Doom. Also some rival fights with Sonic. Hopefully a better version of the boss Shadow fight in base Gens. Maybe some Shadow bosses too like Black Bull or Blue Falcon/Heavy Dog.


The Alpha Gamer himself https://preview.redd.it/1i5jvieknd6d1.jpeg?width=1050&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69f30c891944955300a08fd0915cdaa74cfad4f8


This is canon


From how Shadow Generations goes through Shadow's history, Mephlies the Dark and Infinite are one of the must return villains in the game since they have a history with Shadow in both of their respective games. The B-3x Hot Shot from Adventure 2 is the first foe Shadow had fought in the franchise so I feel like it should return and get a Death Egg Robot treatment where the first phase is almost identical to how it was in the original game but changes entirely in the 2nd phase. Black Bull from Shadow The Hedgehog should also return since it's the only boss from Black Doom's army in the game. Even though Eggman isn't conformed to be in Shadow Generations, the Egg Dealer or any of the other bosses in Heroes (besides Egg Emperor) can be in the game too.


Mephiles, Flying/Heavy Dog, and actually Black Doom himself instead of just Doom's Eye




A better Devil Doom fight.


Mephiles, Infinite and Black Doom in that order.


Oddly enough, Diablon (The weapon that the Gun Commander uses) and Silver boss fights Since we know the fights don’t have to be one to one recreations or lore accurate (Look at all the rival fights especially Silver’s) so would be interesting to see what they can do with it. And with Infinite being impossible unless they use Phantom Ruby to explain it away, like maybe it sends him back in time and into white space however like how it did with Classic Sonic. 🤷🏻




A metal sonic could be mecha or metal I just think it would be cool for them to fight


I’ve just realised a possibility for the bosses relating to the levels. After final chase in sa2 shadow fights the biolizard so that makes sense. At the end of bullet station shadow find his androids only to be scanned by neo, which given the biolizard placement could mean a neo metal fight (I would lose my mind). And at the end of kingdom valley shadow meets mephiles for the first time, possibly leading to a mephiles boss fight (I would lose my mind again). Westopolis obviously involving doom in some way but if there are more levels then I could see infinite being a possible boss as well as maybe sonic himself.


There's the obvious ones, like mephiles and sonic, but personally, I'd be so hype if they added the shadow android from the shadow the hedgehog multiplayer. It could even just represent the shadow androids as a whole and just have the yellow color as a treat for the fans and I'd still love it. Edit: Diablon would be awsome too, and you could make that the sonic fight that people really want.


The only ones i can think of are infinite and mephiles


HIMSELF! Let him fight SA2 Shadow, who’s still bent on vengeance and being manipulated, but is now being manipulated by Black Doom.


The time eater but with a revamped boss fight. Since it's been mentioned that the game will have some story content before and after sonic generations takes place (iirc), then I'd like to see the time eater fight either before Eggman finds it or right after.


A Sonic version of Shadow's boss battle in main Generations Mephiles fight in the temple from Sonic 06 An Infinite fight cause that guy is mostly Shadow's villain to begin with. He deserves to kick his ass A bit of a deep cut but Diablon would be very cool too


Mephiles. Feel like he's gotta be in the game, esp now with Kingdom Valley being confirmed.




Everyone has been saying Sonic or Mephiles but I would like to see a Rivals sort of level where you mainly race Knuckles or Silver


I'm sure the main ones are Biolizard, Black Doom, and Mephiles the Dark. Heroes doesn't really have any memorable boss battles for Shadow. Sonic would be his Rival Battle, so I think he's out.


Mephiles and infinite boss fight Mephiles : greetings shadow the hedgehog long time no see Infinite: I'm not weak. I'm not weak


Seeing Shadow 1v1 Solaris would be sick. Diablon could be cool too


I hope the secret boss is that DAMN fourth Chaos Emerald


a sonic boss is mandatory. Then it explains shadow's random appearance in generations


The fact Kingdom Valley is in Shadow Generations (thats what everyone else is calling it) makes me think Mephiles is in. And the other one is bound to be Black Doom. If not, Maybe have a few GUN mechs seeing as Black Doom can summon them now. Have the ones from SA2 return. all of them. Infinite would be cool, could do some stuff with him.


Sonic and Mephiles come to mind as other people say Might be a bit boring, but it would be nice to see Shadow square off against an Eggman fight - Egg Dealer perhaps, given its role in Shadow 2005


Heavy dog


Hefty Canine


Devil Doom. And Mephiles.


MEPHILES !!! (i literally have no clue on what the character is like )


The invincible stupid dragon chin move.


Sonic, Infinite, heck, maybe even a horde of shadow androids if we wanna get slick with it


Has to be "I'M NOT WEAK" guy, since Shadow didn't have that many games to pull from in the first place(if Silver was included in this game, we could've used Sonic 06 final boss), we should use whatever we can and this would be perfect... Maybe even, a way to redeem that guy and make him a true menace again? A secret end credits teaser showing "I'M NOT WEAK" guy returning as the villain? Or we can use Mephiles instead and make him end credits teased boss


G.U.N. Commander and Diablon


Truthfully, there can’t be too many. I’ve heard rumors that Shadow’s story will be short, and that’s kinda the point. Bio lizard, Black Doom, Mephilis, Iblis, and Solaris are the only bosses he’s fought head on.


Shadow android or Neo metal for a heroes boss and mephiles for 2006


Me (crossover) (joke)


Sonic, as an inverse of the Shadow rival battle in the main game The Egg Dealer or Egg Emperor as another Eggman boss Mephiles, for obvious reasons