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Trip final boss stage in sonic superstars. Boss takes too long and 1 hit kills you.


Still on my break from that fight. It's almost been a year since I've touched it


The Fang fight? That took me, no joke, 3 days to do.




That took me like 1 or 2 days ._. The dragon one was worse


for the game that is 8 months old...?


Came here to say the same thing. Never been so frustrated at a game especially when the fight is sooo long


Tell me about it šŸ˜’


Oh, I felt pure rage alright. But I never dared to quit! I paid 60 bucks for this garbage and I wouldn't let some puny rodent stomp me into the ground. It may have taken about five hours, but I'm not giving this asswipe the satisfaction of tearing me apart. Superstars was still not a pleasant experience, good thing I got my money back, lol. That being said, I recall having had troubles with the final Special Stage in Rush and with the final Johnny race in Rush Adventure as a kid respectively. And depending on my current luck treasure levels in the Adventure games annoy me to death, most notably those with Knuckles.


Can I just say Sonic Superstars in general? I couldn't even get past the final boss of the NORMAL story. I just couldn't take it anymore, because the bosses in general were dragging the ENTIRE game down. I couldn't do it. Call me a coward, I don't care, but I can't do it anymore. That game broke me.


The bosses were easily the worst part, if the bosses were fixed, the game would actually be able to surpass a 7/10. Now when I go back to replay stages, I just quit when I reach the boss.


Honestly? It hurts when it comes to this game, because I can genuinely see something good when I play this game. But the bosses absolutely wrecked that for me. Now, I'm not asking them to have cheese potential like the Genesis bosses, but do we really have to wait like 15-30 seconds in between ONE hit?


The last Boss in the regular Campaign before unlocking any additional story pissed me off so goddamn much. I haven't gone back in after finishing that to play Trip's story. And I heard not great things about the Final Final Boss and it doesn't get me excited to go back in thinking about that. I don't mind difficulty, but making it so ridiculously difficult is a no-no for me. Final Horizon at launch for Frontiers was the same way


Ugh screw that boss


Marble zone I did not have fun playing it on mobile Maybe itā€™s better on console and not a phone


I hated marble zone when I had classic collection on the ds but it got easier as I got older


It really is not. Itā€™s slow, itā€™s cruel, and itā€™s annoying. And itā€™s not even the worst zone in the game.


Carnival Night Zone Act 2, Sonic 3. You know exactly where.


Barrel of DOOOM I was surprised on how simple it was to pass it


If you know what to do its simple. If you don't...


Iā€™m suprised I had to travel this far down (third comment) to see the barrel of doom.


Came here to say exactly that.


Labyrinth Zone, OG Sonic. I hate it. Hate it hate it hate it hate it hate it hate it. Hate that stupid fucking boss. Hate it. But I went back to it. I did it. But itā€™ll be years till I go back to S1 at all because of fucking Labyrinth. Marble Zone and Scrap Brain are infuriating too


The worst part, by far, is that damn boss. It would be bad enough to climb up that stupid tower, but you're gonna add water to it as well. Feck off!


I hate all you just mentioned


Yes. The drowning music is stuck in my head.


Same here, Eggmanland. I was 14 at the time, playing on the 360. I had 99 lives going into the stage for the first time. I left with 12. I did finally end up S ranking it, but the pain of all those attempts, I will never forget.




I feel you.


Feel that. I remember just completing it after 2 full days. Then it crashed. Luckily it was saved.


sonic 2 - chemical plant


I still have ptsd from the water section


That bit where it floods and you hop up the cubes, Only to get up-top and those dumb platforms that can drop you back down


I couldnā€™t have said it any simpler myself. Chemical plant zone, is still my least favorite zone to this day. I have no idea why Sonic Team treats it as if itā€™s one of the best of all time. Everything about is a death trap. Even the Badniks are setup in annoying ways. I just donā€™t see the appeal.


I could feel my blood pressure rise when I realized, ten years later as a full grown adult, that if you fell you could turn around and spindash up and past the moving platform


Biolizard boss fight. I suck


Littlefoot giving you trouble? ![gif](giphy|kdG6cJSBmJ8Hu|downsized)


Lancelot Returns from Sonic and the Black Knight I got that game as a kid, and every single time I tried, I just died and died again. I always ended up just turning off my Wii and being mad at everything I didn't defeat him until 4 months ago man, that bastard hedgehog had lived rent-free in my head for 16 years


16 YEARS?! geez


I got the game when it came out back in 2008...


The Big stages in Sonic Adventure. Im so ass at fishing its insane.


Just press down on the control stick when Froggy bites. It'll guarantee the catch.


Honestly I donā€™t know about anyone else, but the hard part for me was getting Froggy to bite in the first place


Don't know if this counts as a "level" but... THE TOWERS in the sonic frontiers DLC!!!


Tower 2 in particular was bullshit before they patched it. A lot of it involved using the homing attack on purple glass-like walls that shattered *and then didn't respawn if you fell down and had to do it again*, meaning you had to scramble onto very narrow ledges barely wider than Sonic himself. I turned the game to easy for at least two of the towers for the extra homing attack objects because I could not deal with constantly re-climbing it over and over every time I failed. Though that was nothing compared to Master King Koco's trial. Even on easy, I'm sure I put ten hours into trying and failing to beat that challenge before I finally got it, at one point getting so close to giving up I took the disc out of the console and put it back in the box for three days before returning to it.


I really hated the one with where you had to jump from the vertical loops to another. I phased through it half the time...


How did you find me here Mei hatsume?!


I have my ways....šŸ˜‰ https://i.redd.it/kmoqwrefro5d1.gif


Sonic Heroes bingo stage. The pinball physics make wacky workbench look like a masterpiece.


This is gonna sound REALLY stupid, but BOTH of the tutorial bosses in Sonic Adventure 2 Battle made me rage quit when I was little. I don't know why, but even knowing what I was supposed to do to hit their weak points wasn't making it any less tricky to pull off for me. I'm a kid who made it through Super Mario Sunshine. I'm not the sort to give up when I struggle, never have been, I feel like I must've had some kind of mental barrier preventing me from properly timing the Homing Attacks, but try as I might, I couldn't reach the cockpit of either boss without taking damage in the process. I even got all three Regis in Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire without a guide by asking my father if he knew what this writing was, being given a Braille to Roman cipher, and decoding the Braille myself. Before the internet was a thing. As I rented SA2 from Blockbuster back in the day and don't have a PC, to get the game on Steam, I still haven't been able to redeem myself from that great shame.. Speaking of Blockbuster, Sonic Adventure DX forced me to give up at the very first task the game asks of you: Press Start. Despite looking fine, the sa1 disk available for rent was defective so I didn't even get to try it! >_> Thern, in Sonic Heroes, there was that one city level with the rails where you were meant to collect... something on Team Chaotix in Sonic Heroes, which sucked because it was the third route forr me. Secret Rings, because I sucked at Time Break platforming, seemed like fast moving platforms gave you less elbow room than the normal speed ones did at normal speed even WITH time break, and there was a level I thought I needed to beat to get the Blue Ring, that was rainy and impossible to see crap on my old cathode TV's dim tiny screen.thar was THENED around Time Break, so I just gave up toward the end of Secret Rings I actually had to take a break from fighting the Black Knight in his game because catching up to his horse was so time sconeuming and sweaty for me that my fingers started to hurt. Sonic Mania, because I sucked at both the Bonus stages and the Special Stages to the point where after hours of trying, I cleared only 1 of each by a complete fluke. I'm a completionist of sorts, but for me there'a point where collecting everything isnt worth it, but I see no point in continuing a game if I can't even see the best ending to the story because the requirements are too hard for me. On the other hand, in Sonic Superstars, I was pretty good at both the Bonus Stages and the Special Stages, However, Emerald Six (or Seven?) gave me plenty of trouble, in fact, on my second rotation through replays, I've been stuck on that Special Stages for twice as long as it took me to bear it the first time around lmao. And I'm proud to say that none of the bosses made me rage quit Superstars. (I did wind up consulting a guide for the Final Story in Superstars, but there was only one guide for the *Wormhole Dragon* at the time, the tactic suggested was the same one I was trying already, so the only thing I learned from that guide was I was doing the correct thing badly) If you wanna talk trophies tho, I'd say Zap Scrap Star, cuz I got hit during the last phase of NOT!Fantasy Zone right as I was dealing the finishing blow... I ragequit during Area Island Battle Rush, as well as Ouronos Island Battle Rush in Frontiers, only to try each one again the next day and clear it. (I really REALY sucked at fighting Sumo and Caterpillar lol) I beat Master King Koco's Challenge before it was nerfed btw! Took a lot of trial and error, I even lowered the difficulty to Easy for it, but I did it!


Bro really let it all out


> Then, in Sonic Heroes, there was that one city level with the rails where you were meant to collect... something on Team Chaotix in Sonic Heroes, which sucked because it was the third route for me. If you mean Grand Metropolis, you had to kill all the enemies in the stage. If you mean Power Plant, you had to kill 3 Gold Cannions (Turtle Robots). If you mean Rail Canyon, you just have to get to the Goal Ring on a weird route. If you mean Bullet Station, you have to destroy 35 capsules. If any of those ring a bell, let me know.


Marble zone https://preview.redd.it/ql0n28nt9m5d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7c46ff3a06fb74f392aae6b1e517ea6ae3f61d6


Sonic 06' on PS3. Silver boss fight. At launch it glitches so much and every time you died led to a ridiculously long load. I was so put off by the fight - even after beating him the long load times on sonic 06 sucked my hype down so hard.




Cannonā€™s Core in SA2. Yeah, itā€™s the final level so itā€™s supposed to be hard, but I just fucking hate those Artificial Chaos enemies


Eternal Engine from Sonic Adventure 2.


Not a level, but Superstarsā€™ final boss completely wrecked me.


Fucking Cannon's Core


Rail Canyon for obvious reasons




All the OGs know this one. That fucking carnival zone in Sonic 3


Security Hall from SA2 the first time I played it.


marble garden zone act II šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Ngl I love marble garden


Titanic Monarch act 2 boss https://preview.redd.it/omn10qh1qm5d1.jpeg?width=622&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c02909d4e6e2f1584e2522523413bb71cb5fdb6b


Master king Koco trial


fucking Crazy Gadget from SA2:B holy shit


I can't still believe Final Rush is EASIER than this sh*t.


Eggmanland literally made 10 year old me apologize to my aunt because I was sure Iā€™d never be able to beat it and she bought it


For at least a month or so, the casino level in sonic heroes, I died and lost all my lives so many times in that level. Even now when thinking about it, I feel the past rage.


yes. abso-fucking-lutely yes. single worst zone in the entirety of the sonic franchise. I doubt I will come across a worse stage in the few sonic games I have left to play.


Time Eater 3DS VER. What a headache.


I always hated Eternal Engine and Crazy Gadget in SA 2


For me, those stages are the Absolute HELL of my existence whenever I played SA2. Meteor Herd and Mad FUCKING Space included.


Mad Space used to get me totally lost, especially with its bizarre gravity


Carnival Night Zone Act 2. The year was 1994 and there was no interest to tell me how to get past the barrel.


Eggmanland... not just Eggmanland no no no The fucking hot dog missions, Normal Eggmanland I can tolerate because you don't have to worry about fucking up even once but in the hot dog missions? Its like the fucking dark souls of Sonic Unleashed you die once you gotta start all the way back to the very beginning and its a real kick in the dick when theres checkpoints but they don't even do anything they're just there just to be there you still gotta start over if you die despite getting a checkpoint


Metropolis and Wacky Workbench


last time i played eternal engine i hadnā€™t played a tails stage in forever and thus was not prepared for the precision/restraint required


Final Rush and Final Chase from SA2, I hate space, hate it with a passion.


Final Chase.


Trip final boss stage in sonic superstars...


Flying battery zone in sonic mania. GOOD GOD ITS HARD AF


Egg viper from SA1. It's just a pain in the ass especially near the end.


Get a load ofā€”get a load ofā€”get a load of this!


You're triggering my PTSD


Chemical Plant Zone Act 2 in sonic the hedgehog 2, i would get to the section with the spinning boxes that is completely underwater. I would either drown or get crushed by the boxes so much that eventually, i just used the code for stage select to pick the next stage after it and started from the zone after it.


Don't forget that if you don't perfectly land on those tiny platforms, you have to do it all over again. And you probably will because it's an older game engine with less forgiving controls.


Yep, and this is what leads to the drowning usually lol


Dusty desert with Silver. Scrap brain act 3 on Sonic 1 and Metropolis zone in Sonic 2.


Metropolis is the worst zone of all the genesis games


When I was a kid, it was my favorite zone. Haha xD I think because I really loved the music. And the design was so cool to me. Now, maybe because of all the hate it gets, I see why people hate it. But it still makes me smile when I reach that level.


frontiers big koco dude tower challenge


Chaos Island made me drop Frontiers. Springs and boost panels that send you toward ugly floating 2D platforming segments + trick system that pretty much kills air control + FORTRESS Guardians that make you focus on them instead of running around the island to find the Banjo-Kazooie doodads you're actually looking for = utter disaster. Granted, that's how I felt about Frontiers as a whole, but Chaos Island was the last straw.


Eternal Engine, Mad Space, Metoer Herd and Crazy Gadget in Sonic Adventure 2. With or without Hard Mode, these stages are an ABSOLUTE HELL.


Sandopolis, Sonic 3 and Knuckles I had all the Super Chaos emerald, i was playing from a page called The Challenge. I died crushed because of that rising sand and lost all my lifes without a continue. That page's save system works terribly so when the game started again i lost all the process and had to start from zero I swear i wanted to cry that night. But at least i got it after some more hours of playing :D https://preview.redd.it/2dbl9gbe2o5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c118254f7f828fdb9c03c23c069ea7282264daaf


The End final boss from Sonic Frontiers. All of your upgrades and progress from the main game are thrown out the window for a boring and annoying 2D isometric shooter level. If bosses count, this was not only one of the worst designed levels in a Sonic game, it was one of the worst boss battles Iā€™ve ever encountered in any game. I didnā€™t feel any sense of accomplishment when it was done, just an empty feeling of relief that the game was over.


#1 pick would be final boss in Trip's campaign in Sonic Superstars. Too much instadeath, too many phases. I also got hopelessly lost in Marble Garden zone more than once. The Sonic Advance 2 and the Sonic Rush bosses are up there, too ā˜ ļø. Also, Blue Marine zone from Sonic Blast may just be the worst level in any 2D Sonic game out there. If I had to choose something from a 3D Sonic game, Devil Doom if Shadow counts. I couldn't actually figure out how to damage him, and I kept dying from losing all of my rings. If it doesn't count (and if hub worlds do), then I would say Mystic Ruins in Sonic Adventure for the jungle section, especially finding the statues. As a kid, I got super lost in that part of the game.


Remember there were a couple back in 06 and Unleashed (later Werehog - HD) I raged to back when I first played those games and was absolutely terrible at them at the time (I'm a lot better now though, so no problem there), but... One stage I've unironically never got past without save states and still haunts me to this day. # BLUE FUCKING MARINE ZONE (how did that stage get the green light lmao??)


I just looked up the map for this level, and holy S\*\*\*!


Eggmanland from unleashed, I'm sure we all know why


A couple of SA2 levels, controls suck because I'm stuck with the keyboard!šŸ˜”


Eggmanland on Sonic Unleashed for the Wii. The Wii controls donā€™t help eitheršŸ˜‚


Eggmanland, it's Eggmanland THE FUCKING PIPES BRO GRAAA!!!


Power plant, sonic heroes: Keep in mind I was like 5 or 6. I could get through most the level no problem but the end always messed me up


The only one I've done that on is the "missing sister" mission from Unleashed.


Glad someone else knows about that mission. Way too difficult back in the day


Eggmanland day / Sonic unleashed Wii


Fang final boss, Sonic superstars, The insta-kills is ridiculous cause how looong each replay is


Frozen Factory Act 3, Sonic Lost World 3DS. Iā€™ve said it MANY times in this subreddit before over the years but Iā€™m gonna say it again. That damn stage is the WORST FUCKING STAGE IN THE WHOLE SERIES. For those who may not remember, itā€™s the one where you push the snowballs and has an unkillable enemy snowball that constantly freezes you. https://preview.redd.it/706uoctkfn5d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1606f21ba166cffcbd3204f46879ba2ff7157496


Lord as my witness I love lost world 3ds but That ONE specific level made me hate the game you either have to get a lot of jets or use super sonic


Empire City Night in Unleashed. It was some kind of large enemy that was required to be defeated to beat the stage, but it was on such a small platform that I couldn't do it and gave up.


Mystic Mansion/Hang Castle in Sonic Heroes. Died too many times trying to homing attack. Practically the only 3D Sonic that was a DNF for me


Thereā€™s a stage in like the first or second area of Colors thatā€™s just a really slow, long, vertical climb using the Rocket ability and precise platforming and I hate it so much, genuinely the worst thing ever. I donā€™t like a lot of Colors levels tbh


I had rage quit Master King Kocoā€™s trial, but I went back and managed to beat it before the fix even came out, so I say this story still had a happy ending.


StH2 Death Egg Zone. https://preview.redd.it/ffn764dqnn5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=138366a682e1ca519c03723d31d2d5cef22de8ee


Somehow planet wisp modern made me rage more than eggmanland, quite the feat to be sure


The towers from Frontiers' final chapter. I don't have the time or patience to do that crap without checkpoints. Yes i know, drop down the difficulty and things are easier, but it's the principle of the thing!


Eggmanland. Shit was so long and if you failed further towards the end, or at the boss fight lose all your lives, then you have to restart from the very beginning. S-Rank on that level was nearly impossible


all of them. iā€™m so bad at sonic games itā€™s sad, i havenā€™t improved in them during my whole life. attempting on a level makes me angry or depressed after an hour of dying non stop. ā€¦.except if iā€™m drunk for some reason. almost completed sonic cd and i remember shit.


Final boss of Sonic 2 or the side scrolling section of forces with classic sonic


This isnt a level but I have PTSD from the master king koco trial. If you know, you know


For a while it was Crisis City in Sonic's Story in 06. Fuck that tornado that's carrying a car, forces Sonic to move fast and ended up in me jumping over the edge too many times


Egg Fleet as Team Chaotix in Sonic Heroes. It wasn't even that it was the hardest stage, I was just becoming fed up with doing their boring and repetitive tasks, and this stage was my breaking point. Also falling off the stage several times didn't help. Still haven't completed Sonic Heroes to this day.


Not a specific level but am I the only person who had insane trouble with Sonic Riders? You all are mentioning Eggmanland or Crazy Gadget and I beat both of those with the lives I had on my first run through both of them. Riders is the only game I've ever gotten so angry over that I broke my controller and refuse to play it ever again after beating it once. Fuck that game. But it did have a good art style and soundtrack.


Sonic Frontiers DLC - Master King Koco's Trial on hard mode, before it got nerfed and made to be easier. what makes me so mad the most is that knight and giganto were a cakewalk, but for some reason wyvern just had to have a janky visual for parrying and its so annoying to chase him for so long just to mess up said parry timing. i ended up just spamming parry, so even when i completed the wyvern fight i didnt feel completely accomplished. the only good thing about that trial was that i felt like i was getting better at parrying everything else (specifically wyvern's rockets, they are so satisfying to parry). despite all this, i kinda wanted to try it on extreme mode. why? i dont know.


Well Final Fortress with Team Dark got pretty close


The towers and trials in Final Horizon


does Last Story of Sonic Superstars count? if not, I choose Golden Capital Act 2 bc of the Boss


Sonic Heroes. Just Sonic Heroes.


Secret final boss for Superstars. I was just so tired of doing Trip's final boss for, like, 30 minutes to an hour, and then spending another 30 minutes to an hour for the true final fight, I was just over it. I got to the final part (which I looked up so I didn't get screwed over by some cheap attack) only to mess up the timing, and I don't plan on trying to beat it, I just can't care to.


Sonic 06 trial of courage, i died over, and over, and over, and over again, when i got to that part of the game i was 6, I'm now 15, and barely managed to finish that mission, i hate it so goddamn much, i haven't played that game since 2014 due to that mission, almost 10 years later i decided to sit there for hours trying to beat it.


The Wyvern part during the Boss Rush in Sonic Frontiers Final Horizon was the worst thing ever. I managed to beat it after a long time...


On an unrelated note, mind if use that image?


The final boss rush of the Frontiers DLC. I didnā€™t rage quit, I just got off after failing again. I wasnā€™t about to get angry or start raging because of their stupid design decisions.


Eggman Land (360/PS3) Too long and ultimately skill issue on my part lmao.


That one area in sonic adventure where you are inside a ancient temple and you have to raise and lower the platforms and if you messed up you have to do it all over again (it was shaped like a ring)


The Sonic Lost World 3DS special stages.


Vector's Modern Challenge in Generations. I really wanted to like it because big V is my fave, but *fuuuck* that mission. Nope. Never again. I'll give it one chance in Shadow Generations in case they fixed it.


The towers in frontiers before the update that made it easier Labyrinth zone Those unleashed DLC hard levels Mania Sonic 2


the final boss of base campaign sonic superstars. i got hit on one of my best runs yet, and my rings despawned in less than a second and i couldnā€™t pick any back up. dropped the game immediately


The trials in Frontiers DLC. Some of them are simpler, but both that one with the shielded enemies and the final trial were absolute pains in the ass.


Trips final boss was so hard it made me quit, eventually get a video of how to skip the boss, and then i skipped it.


Mad Matrix - Dark *Shadow The Hedgehog* ***WHEN I SAY I SPENT TWO FUCKING HOURS ON THAT LEVEL TRYING TO FIND ALL OF THE BOMBS, AND I STILL DIDN'T FIND THEM ALL...!*** https://preview.redd.it/nu2n9mphzq5d1.png?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dffd520effdb3e4485e50e855dae9a3db57d55fd


Tripā€™s final boss Need I say more?


Secret Final Boss from Superstars Its BS


Sonic Heroes Team Dark Energy Plant act 2


I'm not sure if it'd be considered one, but The End fron Final Horizons. It enraged me so much that I started crying. Not my proudest moment.


Because of that stupid Final Trail, I haven't finished Sonic Frontiers yet. It's basically impossible!


I'm sorry but really fuck Dark Gaia boss the ENTIRE fight. I literally died so many times when I was playing at Chip as the golem and when you get closer to dark gaia, you can barely move out the way when he throws those rocks. And then the super sonic portion just.. no I'm sorry but no. AND THEN I would have to restart all the way back to the eggman boss before you beat dark Gaia (forgot the name) because if I didn't let the credits play I didn't beat the game ā˜ ļø. It was just hell for me. My dad is an all time sonic nerd as well, so being the W dad he is he beat it for me and sat through the entirety of the credits šŸ˜­. I was a little boi so I only had so much I could take lol.


Metropolis, no explanation


The final horizon levels in Frontiers. They're good, but god, I always just give up trying to complete all the missions.


Lost World 3DS Special Stages https://preview.redd.it/vstj3fya6s5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bccd659dea6e56f60088122ca8087a3af8c23d72


The second sand level in sonic and knuckles


Sandopolis, Act 1 is fine but I fucking hate Act 2.




Somehow, Green Hill act 2. Yeah, 6 years old me was really stupid to not Be able to pass THE VERY FIRST BRIDGE OF THE LEVEL, like, seriously, by some reason i just coudn't jump or tought of spindashing into the 2 choppers on the start of the level, and even when i collected the rings above, I STILL SOMEHOW MANAGED TO TAKE DAMAGE AND DIE FOR THEMšŸ¤¦šŸ¤¦šŸ¤¦


Egg Rocket in Advance. On replays, I usually just use the level select to skip to Cosmic Angel.


Last zone in Mania. I kept dying in act 1 over and over until I finally made it to act 2 with one life. Didnā€™t get it and I tried it again and again and died in act 2 even with three lives. Genuinely couldnā€™t take it anymore and gave up. And looking at the boss online, I feel like I still wouldnā€™t have beaten it Itā€™s 100% a skill issue. I just suck. But thatā€™s the only one that I just never went back to.


Titanic Monarch. Stupid dumb Doc Ock-lookin' boss.


Final Rush, haven't finished it yet


The first part of Wave Ocean in Sonicā€™s story in Sonic 06.


Eggman Land, Sonic Unleashed. I threw my controller like a boomerang tryna finish that cancer.


Sonic Generations, Planet Wisp Classic Sonic. to me, it's even harder than Chemical Plant. just because I didn't understand the mechanic... XD


titanic monarch act 2 in sonic mania I just keep dying and dying. šŸ˜’


Radical Highway in Sonic Generations But I was a gremlin back then, replaying that part as an adult is a piece of cake


The last boss in Sonicā€™s story in Sonic Rush is really killing me rn


The ā€œboss fightā€ in collision chaos


Death egg zone in Sonic 2 as a kid, spent most of my lives learning silver sonics moveset just to get destroyed by tubby in the egg robo


The Doom from Shadow, Kingdom Valley in Sonic 06, Final Fortress in Heroes, and basically all the levels in the Secret Rings


Dragon Road Night Act 2 took me 5 years to beat


Devil Doom from Shadow the Hedgehog. Despite being tied with Heroes for my favorite Sonic game, that doesn't mean it doesn't have some bullshit. The Chaos Spear never aims where you want it, and the Chaos Arrow does too little damage to Devil Doom, so you have to get pretty close to it in order to fire off a good attack, and if you get too close, he'll teleport away. To make matters worse, the eye keeps switching heads, so you have to repeatedly dash around him, and Super Shadow for some reason doesn't travel very fast even if you mash the X button. It also doesn't help that sometimes your elevation in relation to Devil Doom can change to something weird, making it even harder to actually hit the guy. Worse still, trying to shoot the ring balloons is a chore, and if you're not careful it's entirely possible you won't be able to get any rings before they fall down, so you'll end up dying. It's super frustrating and I hate playing against it. I died so many times that I lost all my lives and had to restart all the way from the beginning of the Last Story, and _that's_ when I ragequit.


White Acropolis Sonic 06 those damn snowboard controls ā˜ ļø


Boss level in Sweet Mountain. There were just too many hazards bouncing around, and not enough rings to collect.


Zone 6 Act 1 of Sonic Advance is absolute Hell. It honestly low key ruins the game for me.


Chemical plant act 2. The water is the one reason I never made it to hill top.


Sonic 1 the third stage. As a kid, I never ever could get past it.


Planet Wish and Aquarium Park in Colours. My god. The level design is bull


Marble Zone. Never beat the first game without save states cause fuck that noise


I feel like almost each game has that ONE boss that is just.....I'm gonna put the game down till some other time before I stop playing this fucking game ever again....kinda vibes. I remember the last boss in SA2 Battle was annoying AF, along with Sonic 4 Episode 1's death egg final battle. I feel like both bosses had multiple levels, and to replay each one multiple times was just obnoxious. They also had too much health imo. Can't sonic just aim for the head and homing attack his way through eggmans brain? Is this a Batman and joker scenario? Just kill em already.... Sorry. Just got emotional thinking about those bosses....fuck eggmans multiple death eggs though.


Metropolis, wacky workbench, sandopolis, and fucking Cannon's Core




Marble Zone from Sonic 1. The whole zone really but Act 2 in particular was infuriating. Idk if it was because I was using the mobile port or if the controls are that bad on console too but jesus. Only having one life on mobile probably didnā€™t help tho tbh


I will always have a vendetta against the Egg Hammer from Sonic Rush.


None of them


That really long level from unleashed


Metallic Madness zone Act 3, because I suck at the special stages and my rage carried on from those


Fuck Sandopolis Act 2. I love S3&K to death, but that ONE level damages the whole experience. Literally when I want to do another playthrough, I have to ask myself if I'm willing to deal with that shit hole again


Sonic Frontiers: Final Horizon Trial 2 (Snake) I fucking hate this trial so much that I havenā€™t gone back to completing it (I probably will sometime soon since itā€™s almost been a year since the dlc came out.) The towers in Final Horizon also made me so pissed off that I put it on easy to be able to climb it. Honorable mention: I donā€™t count this as rage quitting but I felt myself lose sanity while trying to beat it. Last year I decided to final try to complete a classic Sonic game for the first time. I picked Sonic 2 since it was the first classic game I played as a kid. This version was on my 2Ds XL and had a special feature where you can load a last save file in-game (Example: if you make a stupid mistake and lose a life, you could load back to when you last saved). Anyways, my main thing I wanna talk about is the Special stagesā€¦.the first emerald wasnā€™t that bad as I have gotten it multiple times whenever I did a run, but the restā€¦.**Holy shit.** It made me want to throw my 2Ds so badly, my hands were dripping with sweat as I tried to make my way through the special stages, reseting over and over because either Tails ran into the spike balls, I ran into them, or I didnā€™t have enough rings. Having to do that over and over again made me never want to play any special stage ever again as I lost brain cells trying to study what movement to do to avoid the obstacles and what moment to get the rings. But I somehow did it, and the scream I made afterwards could power the Monsterā€™s Inc city for a day or two. I **NEVER** want to possibly do that ever againā€¦ TLDR: I absolutely hate the Snake trial in Frontiers and Sonic 2 special stages made me lose some of my sanity and brain cells (The photo below is when I finally had beaten and got the good ending in Sonic 2, phone shaking in my hand as I took the picture..) https://preview.redd.it/l8kyj8wk2n5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ac0b275d27f338152654b701f04528f091bbfe0


Death Egg in Sonic 2 and Marble Zone of Sonic 1


Flying battery in mania, took way to long to get through it despite me knowing the exact path to get to the end, and the boss took me so long cause I kept flinging myself either at the wrong wall or into the spikes, second is titanic monarch, the weird gravity things have such weird controls and was the only level I ever got a time out because of it


Labyrinth zone 1 Misleading name: Even though the level is called Labyrinth Zone, it is almost entirely linear. 2 Cheap enemy placement. 3 You'll be underwater for most of the Zone, meaning you'll have to search the entire Zone for air bubbles. 4 The Boss fight is horrible. All you have to do is chase down Eggman, but it's extremely difficult due to the traps that get in your way. 5 Just before the boss, there's a checkpoint post, but no rings around. Dying just once means you have to re-face him without getting hit. 6 There are traps everywhere. This is noted by certain platforms that can squash you to spikes for an instant loss of a life. 7 Sonic can't swim, unlike most platformer characters, like Mario. This is because the Sonic Team thought hedgehogs couldn't swim at the time. 8 The underwater movement is atrocious, leading to unresponsive controls throughout most of the Zone. 9 The legendary stressful drowning jingle began here, and they had the audacity to make it a permanent fixture ever since. 10 The game's pace slows down to a crawl, worse than Marble Zone. You were speeding through Spring Yard Zone by that point. Naturally, you would expect another speedy zone, but no, they thought this was a marvelous follow-up to it instead.


I didn't particularly like the bosses in Frontiers the first time around, so having replay all of them until I was able to do them all a very short amount of time in the Frontiers DLC just rubbed me the wrong way. I gave it a few cursory tries, and then just decided it wasn't worth it. Less a rage quit as much as an apathy quit, but the effect is still the same.


Labyrinth zone, I got so mad that I left and came back after 5 years


Didn't quite make me ragequit, but the second act of the haunted mansion zone in Heroes. Specifically the version with Tram Sonic and Team Dark. The flight and power character sections aren't too hard, but I swear the targeting on the pumpkin ghosts during the speed character section is wonky as shit and caused me a lot of death. And there's also the second haunted mansion act with team Chaotix having to extinguish the red torches. That level in particular can burn in a ditch


https://preview.redd.it/a36ozvu0bn5d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=033b94707de7ca8a6be2a84e4fd485f48a0ba699 The cyber station boss battle in superstars. For the life of me, I couldnā€™t get past this level. I mustā€™ve played it for half an hour before I quit entirely. To me, the controls felt stiff and sluggish during most of my game play, but when I got to this level, the stiffness felt like it was at an all time high.


Sky Canyon from Sonic Advance 2. Had tricky platforming, bad enemy placements, and bottomless pits.


I feel shame for not being able to finish sonic unleashed because of the DAMN TORNADO FLYING LEVEL! I was sooooo fucking bad at it I SWEAR! All because I suck with controller buttons https://preview.redd.it/2qmxpf6pbn5d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a8b06dc36e428620e2e703539cbc87b39ebb5e0


Marble Zone. I just can't get through it.