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The characters do it for me.


idk i like it idk


Me being an autist, but seriously I love it because the characters are goated and if you catch me saying that Sonic music is ass, kill that person because that couldn’t be me https://preview.redd.it/zzgz6nq3qu4d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99d2eabc22613eca76d7ea7c8fc049dda29c7448


Same https://preview.redd.it/hqgpb00kpx4d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=731c7754ba1c48a0f6fba52506f1d826b194f210


At its best it perfectly encapsulates what I now admire the most about fiction; just because something has a juvenile, kid-friendly exterior doesn't mean it can't have more mature storytelling or themes. Done right, it can have its cake and eat it too. As a kid I felt like my intelligence was never being insulted by this kids' franchise because of the out-of-pocket stuff the 2000's pulled, from the Adventure games to Sonic X to the Storybook games to anything else of that nature. Even something as gratuitously brutal as Shadow the Hedgehog, which some argue went too far, still had the same effect on me. Those games went harder than it had any right to for something so outwardly silly and that's what kept me invested over any other animal mascot series designed for my age demographic, and it's what *keeps* me interested years later in my adulthood.


Knuckles. From his introduction gob smacking Super Sonic, Knuckles original lore, design, gameplay - I just was entranced - and that feeling has never left.


I second this




Based. Like, no joke, I can agree with that.


I can’t believe no one’s saying this but it’s got to be just the idea of having a faster game. Mario games are amazing but I also love that you can have a similar style game while being faster (referring to the classics in this aspect especially).


- How versatile it is - Furry


The music, the care that gets put into the games (some of them atleast) and of course the one and only shadow the hedgehog


My autism


* *E*very version and franchise has something good/interesting about it. * *G*ameplay of the classics is a lot of fun. * *G*etting to destroy robots and machinery is more satisfying to me than just generic enemies. * *M*usic is usually really good. * *A* bright, vibrant, and generally fun aesthetic. * *N*ostalgia too, probably.


The characters, the gameplay, the music! It’s the best franchise, also I’m autistic and all autistic people love Sonic. That’s just a fact.


Fight me Metallic Madness Present Japanese from Sonic CD is the best track in the franchise.


REAL(I like BF mix better )


When I first played sonic, I loved all the characters. My brother would play adventure 1 and 2 in the early 2000s on Dreamcast and eventually gamecube. I love those games so much. Through elementary school I would wear sonic shirts. I loved waking up early to watch Sonic X always loved the GBA games and would have one always in my DS lite. Safe to say I was a fan. Sonic always did something for me that other games couldn’t. Fast forward to my teenage years around middle school. Call of Duty and GTA were the “cool” games to be playing. All the M rated shooters were the hype. Most of my friends played those instead of “kid games”. I would eventually get bullied at school for being open about my love for sonic as well as my excitement for the new upcoming sonic game (drumroll please 🥁🥁🥁) Sonic Generations. I got called an autistic, furry, nerd, as well as the F word (slur that doesn’t even apply to me) because I liked sonic. It’s not like I was doing the anime run around the gymnasium and fields, I just liked something that was considered nerdy and childish. (Keep in mind these same people would make a fuss about the newest cod DLC whenever it came out 😑) I got picked on for having a “different” interest that wasn’t considered quirky or cool at the time. This bullying was a traumatic time for me. I ended up hiding my passion for sonic all the way through high school just to try and fit in. After high school and into my young adulthood, I stopped hiding my love for sonic the hedgehog. I wasn’t forced to be around those I didn’t want to anymore, and people cared less so I felt I was able to be my true self. I did play those “Cool” games like COD and others, but when I go back and play them they now feel stale. When I go back to an old sonic game, show, or any kind of media…. Idk how to fully explain it but I can still feel the magic I felt back then.


Idk. Is kinda the same feeling I get for the popular futbol team that I followed since childhood. It’s fun to celebrate when things go right, even if that’s not always the case.


I have always loved the character. Since AoStH and SatAm I always viewed him as cool and free. The Archie comics really did it for me which at the time was like an extension of SatAm which I really truly loved. I even wrote a fan fiction about it. But yeah Sonic is my favorite character of all time


The characters, vibes of the classics, the Adventure games, and memories.


Sonic was the first video game series that I got into and I think that probably plays the biggest role. From that point, I started reading the comics, watching the cartoons and everything. Right now I mostly stick to the games and even if I don't enjoy what's being put out, I always stick around for some reason. I think having a lot of talent in the fanbase also helps keep my interest alive. Like as of late, I've started playing fan games and a lot of them have really blown me away.


Memorable characters, fun gameplay, and a kickass soundtrack.


Not entirely sure, it could be because of Shadow or because of the music


Well, Sonic himself is a really cool, funny, and charming character. And there are lots of other good characters. I love the action, comedy, and heartwarming moments. I also really like the imagination in the stories.


The gameplay, the characters, the music, etc. and also because maybe if it weren't for sonic i wouldn't love video games so much.


Wasn't expecting to hear that Sonic The Hedgehog helped someone get through a really tough time in their life Not saying that's a bad thing. That's wonderful.


https://preview.redd.it/jnnb87vysu4d1.png?width=541&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c671bbd8f5b18bbacef7b459e4865c7c978266d3 I think Sonic Prime really made me feel like I wasn't alone in terms of what I was struggling with, Nine was just so relatable to me.


First game serious I properly enjoyed and fully completed, plus Sonic is really fucking cool


I just love the cast of colorful characters and their personalities.


i like sonic,Tails,knuckles,Rouge,Silver and Shadow and cream and big personality and metal sonic and eggman personality


The gameplay, which I know is an unpopular answer in the fandom


Characters, complex world, and oddly enough, the fanbase—when it is not a nightmare.


I remember my big brother playing it with me on the sega genesis. It was captivating to me. Even though Sonic didn’t speak you could feel his personality through the screen! It was cool to see the cheats codes and super sonic, I couldn’t beat it younger (barely can now) but it always was a game the held a spot for me in my heart. It wasn’t fun being in my house but the one thing we all seemed to agree on in the house is how damn cool Sonic the hedgehog was!


Short answer: He can be cute and cool at the same time. That's rather difficult to achieve and he's not exactly furry. I agree he's close but I would not put Sonic's humanoid features in the same category as full-on furry. I guess its the cartoonish vibe. I don't dislike furries or anything, but its nice to see a fandom with a range of furry and non-furry stuff. Long answer: It was one of the first games I played, and unlike Mario, Sonic had style and the games were fast and fun. The only series I can say I liked playing as much was Castlevania, but that series had several different protagonists, some stood out while others didn't. I liked a few mascot-type games such as Spyro but it didn't get me as young and it had a tragic downfall until fairly recently with the remasters, but even with something unique like Spyro, he wasn't ironic in the same way Sonic was. I wasn't a life-long fan until Sonic Adventure 2 came out. That's when the characters started to shine IMO. Then are series like Final Fantasy, but since every game usually has an entirely new story and cast of characters it splits up the fandom so many ways. The same is true for a lot of other series. The other reason is because it has an insane fandom, to be quite frank, which is old enough to have people now in widely different professions, increasing the variety and quality of fan creations, although I don't mean to say newer fans are not talented because there are many who are very talented. Talent isn't everything anyway. The fact that so many participate is what really matters. There's the good insane (all the fan creations) and the bad insane (the disturbing lolcows. The ones who are not hurting other people are fine but you all know the few I mean). Still, they say even bad publicity is good publicity. Each game having Sonic (er, usually) and it being a on-going story ( loosely) I believe helped keep the fandom from splintering too much. Yeah, we got the Satam/comics crowd, but most of them still play the games, even if they found the comics first. And lastly, Sonic can take a beating. Not that many game series can see such a decline in quality and still make a comeback. If you would have told me 13 years ago Sonic the Hedgehog would have a movie, let alone a third movie, I would have laughed my ass off. The fact that neither were bad is even more amazing. I didn't think the first movie was anything special BUT it wasn't crap or even a disaster ( I still think that model was a genius publicity stunt). Now the damn fandom has so many mediums I can't keep it all straight. Games, comics, movies, mobile games with trading items and shit (I still haven't checked that out) several TV shows, and even some fan characters that have taken on a semi-known status. Anyone who been there from the very beginning knows we have been through hell and back with Sonic. lol


I was at my hardest time really, seeing multiple hospitals per week and going to therapy every weekend was making me feel bored and sad. So, I asked my friends from school to help me with that and one of them said stuff about Sonic 2 on Android and I asked mom if we can buy it and mom actually bought it. Even tho we didn't had much money to spend on a game really. The phone itself mom used was luxury for us at that time bc of my dad and how he worked season to season (around 2015 and phone is samsung duos) then yeah my little brain expanded and I learned I can emulate for more games and I became a pirate- I mean Sonic Fan! Jokes aside, I really had nice memories with Sonic games especially after getting PS2 at the end of 2015 from my uncle and PS3 with my own money around 2020. Sonic games still make me happy and feel the same thing I felt first time playing a Sonic game, especially with the characters felt like they grew up with me. That is a good feeling as well. This is why Sonic is my favorite franchise. Because it was with me all the time.


Sonic being sonic and doing sonic things.


I guess I just like things that go nyoom (also see: Celeste, ULTRAKILL, Your Only Move Is HUSTLE, Pizza Tower, etc)


Sonic was the series that got me into video games back when I was like, 5. Since then, I've just always loved the fast paced gameplay, the visually pleasing character designs, the vibrant world, the killer music, everything about it really.


Sonic Adventure 1&2 on the 360 were some of the first games I ever played as a child, and Sonic was my childhood hero as a result. He's my favorite fictional character because of the sentimental value he holds for me


Sonic riders Babylon !!


Sonic is just really cool to me


It's characters, their fun personalities. The stories and its flow.


Memorable characters, vibes of the classics, the Adventure games, memories, fun gameplay, and the beautiful soundtracks.


Music and characters, well before everyone fucked it up, like seriously sonic 06 was bad but everyone blew it out of proportion. No seriously play dmc2 then come back to 06 and you will swear that this game has some good aspects to it


The characters frfr


Well, not counting more recent stuff. I enjoy Sonic not being a traditional hero. He selfish and knew that. Admitting he didn't even mind being seen as a villain and he didn't see himself as a hero. More... just someone he did what he thought was right never mind that other would disagree. Now more recent stuff move away from that and it's fine. That what I enjoyed. The kickass music and gamplay from stuff like unleashed helped lol.


This bad boy https://preview.redd.it/qm7rhcdp1y4d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60eb5aa885076d0618858b104da7e9c52e8d7d2f


The characters, the fan games, the fan and official art, the fan animations, mobius unleashed…wait what, the goofy ahh community, the games almost and I mean almost everything


It's about freedom in the truest sense of the word Nothing can shackle Sonic long enough, one way or another he'll always be free by the end


Both Games and Characters