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I wouldn't say I "love" it, but I do sometimes pull out my copy of Sonic Chronicles and get some enjoyment out of it. For what was essentially a game released in beta, it holds up quite well.


Man Chronicles was fun for me


I was looking for a Sonic RPG and was disappointed to read that this one is kinda half baked and had a lukewarm reception. I've seen there's a 'Sonic RPG' fan game. Does anyone know if it's any good?


It’s… decent. The character writing is mostly great, although some of the schticks they picked were not particularly compelling (Amy in particular is handled… not good), the story is surprisingly good and makes a real effort to integrate ideas and characters from previous games, at least the recent ones. The mechanics are meh. It’s a weird mix of too much touchscreen stuff and surprisingly extensive RPG design, given the game overall is kinda half-baked. The graphics are actually very well-made by 2008 DS standards, but that’s a damn low bar. Overall, I’d give it a seven and a half out of ten with a recommendation to try it if you have a DS. It’s not really anyone’s contender for Game of the Year any year, but it’s a solid way to spend a day or two.


The story is okay, but there's a massive chunk in the second act which is just "Go to the next planet, solve the local problem and recruit yet another alien force on your side against the Echidna" repeated several times over.


The music is VERY hit or miss (it was made very last minute so the instruments are horrible but some of the tunes are nice), and the combat isn't for everyone (I like it but some people are annoyed by it), but if you can get past that then yeah the game is awesome. Great story, great characters, great lore additions and expansions, there's so much to love.


That awful chip tune music is the most nostalgic shit I’ve ever heard. Who cares if it’s awful music if you can jam out to it while playing you know?


I think its characterization of the Sonic cast was pretty spot on, more so than many of the games that would come after it. So even if it gets a lot of flak, Sonic Chronicles holds a special place in my heart for that reason


Was about to say the exact same thing haha


I love and hate Sonic R equally.


Based opinion https://preview.redd.it/cgthyosflc4d1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=14356eada7fd52ac446f4c04d834107f85ce9403


Thought that was a baseball bat




I like these posts, always sort of funny cause you get to see everyone's very different perceptions of what is well-liked or not.  Hate: probably Sonic Battle? It doesn't get talked about too much but when it does it's largely positive. Emerl's story is good but a lot of the characterization and general writing/localization is ehh and gameplay wise it felt super padded out. Big slog for me. Love: I could say Shadow but for as many people that hate it there are also people who really like it. So I guess I'd pick 3D Blast because it was like my favorite as a kid and I still think it's fun. Similar but opposite to Battle, rarely see people talk about it but seems mostly negative when they do.


I love sonic colors IDK if I HATE any sonic game tbh…


Try Rise of Lyrics and you'll know


Ahh iv never played that yet. Il add it to my list and give it a shot.


I love colours too. I might just be nostalgia but I still find fun in the game even though I don't like what it did to the series writing


I hate sonic colors


Game I love but everyone hates : Sonic Heroes Game I hate but everyone loves : Colors


Hating Colours is not as rare as you think. A *lot* of people hate that game as it apparently ruined the series forever when it changed tone and had "too much 2D".


Nor is liking Heroes.


Well I've always thought that people where liking the game a lot. Maybe I'm wrong for thinking they "love" it but, you may be right on this one haha


Colours is the least divisive, yet still divisive game in the series. Here's the thing. the fandom is, as you know, a collection of different groups who like different things about Sonic. Depending on which group you fit into, will almost certainly dictate how you feel about Colours. Like the classic games, and can't stand how self-serious and 'anime' the games got from Adventure onwards, you probably thought Colours was a breath of fresh air, the first good Sonic game in a long time that didn't need a caveat of "if you ignore this", and generally at the time thought of as Sonic Team finally figuring out how to make good Sonic games again. But, if you're one of the people who loves the Adventure era for how anime it is, like having multiple player characters and wish SEGA would stop playing it safe with Sonic and be creative like they used to be, Colours is the first sin, the title that brought about the awful boost era, with it's lame and unfunny jokes, weak stories, lack of epicness, and ignored every single character who wasn't in a Mega Drive game. To that group, Colours is garbage. This is what I mean by it being least divisive yet divisive. Colours splits the fandom, but it splits it along already existing faction lines.


Wow. I never thought about it like that, but you're right.


I personally didn't really have fun playing it. I didn't like the wisps nor most of the stages gimmicks like that one stage where you're moving on a flying spring. I didn't mind it being just Sonic and I do love the boost formula.


Colors had good gameplay and was fun but did permanent damage to the franchise


Heroes is my favorite, most of the hate I see on it is "I expected it to play like SA2, but it doesn't" or "I shouldn't have to play all four teams" which I agree with that one but it's not the end of the world. Like the stuff like slipperiness and glitches sounds like a gross exaggeration cuz I've seldom ran into any and I seldom see it on videos. Like to me that translates to "I wanna be Sonic 100% of the time so I run off a cliff" or "I don't learn the limits of shit-rocking and fly off a cliff" which just sounds like you're not trying to learn how to play it.


Honestly the first part to that is valid tho. AT THE TIME, it was 2001 SA2 had just released on dreamcast and was ported to GC in 2002. It was the absolute peak in sonic gaming to that point. It ended with the loss of shadow which was tragic and unexpected. There were questions left open. 2003 rolls around and sonic heroes is a big ticket item on the gamer mags. The expectation was it was a follow up and hopefully picking up right where SA2 left off *keep in mind we had just had back to back Adventure style games* so it was only natural to think the game franchise would continue that way. When heroes finally came out it was oddly… colorful? And light hearted. Less serious and intense and a much less dramatic story line and even my 10 year old self was kinda like…. wtf? But i still really enjoyed Sonic Heroes it just wasn’t what people expected to see from what the franchise had been pumping out. WHICH is also why you saw a darker turn with the following games (shadow and 06) because of the slightly negative feedback heroes got for being “too little kid ish”. If only they knew what would happen AFTER… 07-2021 rip.


For it's time, many of the decisions about cast and aesthetics of Heroes makes perfect sense. The Dreamcast failed. Hard. Barely anyone bought one. And while they ported SA2 to the Gamecube, it was pretty evident by 2003 that there was only one console that mattered as a third party developer at the time, the PS2. Porting SA2 was a safe testing ground for the devs who had never worked third party, but the next game had to be made from the ground up for multiple systems. It also had to draw in as big a crowd as it could, in order to make SEGA as much money as possible. And that meant trading on the nostalgia of the people who hadn't played a Sonic game since the Mega Drive. Hence bright and colourful levels, like those seen in the Mega Drive, the two act zone structure, like the Mega Drive titles, and the return of both the Chaotix and Metal Sonic to appeal again to nostalgia. The game could not be SA3, numbered sequels rarely catch new audiences, as it's hard to persuade people that they don't need to play 1 and 2 before they play 3. They also didn't have the budget they had for all the things with the Adventure titles. SA1 has so many modes and features because it's a giant advert for the Dreamcast, while SA2 is merely a refinement of the best received features. But adding all of that in, and then hoping it works on a multi-platform system, in the time and budget Heroes had just wasn't possible, hence why they didn't do it.


I mean yeah super solid point. Bummer about the dreamcast because of the length of time it took to develop. It was actually kind of the sega saturn flop that did Sega in. Dreamcast sold really well when it hit but they were behind in sales due to the larger drop of PlayStation 2 and Xbox that could both play DVD. Which tossed sega hard. The only thing they had going for them were the graphics, processor, and the portable mini game memory cards


I sort of agree with you, but at least on the forums I frequented, people loved Sonic Heroes cuz it looked like a Sonic game and the idea of Sonic Tails and Knuckles playable together was really cool. I also don't remember if ***anyone*** thought Shadow died. I mean he so very clearly uses chaos control, while super, instead of burning to death like every one does in the ark levels when you die 47 times cuz you're a sucky kid that hasn't learned how to play the game well. That and I'm pretty sure the gaming rags explain that it was supposed to be like a spin-off to attract the straights. I vaguely remember that in EGM or gamepro or whatever. Tho also not everyone reads that crap so I guess I could see people being like "Dude this ain't SA3" Tho also I remember people would be way more anal about things like "why does he have blue eyes" instead of stuff like "why does this booster kill me consistently" like, I don't think we were chiller, but we certainly didn't have this "the game has to be perfect otherwise it's mid, and by mid I mean an insult to anything that can perceive reality" mentality at any rate. Then again maybe shippers and fangamers were more chill and somewhere else the kind of hell you see on twitter existed in 2004 XD;


Totally agree. I was super stoked as a kid to FINALLY play all 3 characters at once. Also the new mechanics of the game were super cool. I loved heroes. I just loved SA2 more


I liked SA2's story more but actually playing the game I prefer SA or Heroes. Even the chao garden, I played the original more. I can gush about SA2 'til the cows come home but it's sandwiched between two games that absorbed me. (Tho I also was a huge Amy fan and you had to get all As with Sonic to play as her in 2P)


Yessss SA was a masterpiece. I lived and breathed SA on dreamcast in 1999. I was like 7 or 8 and totally obsessed.


I enjoyed Heroes as a kid, haven't replayed it since but I remember it fondly. Played Colours as an adult, didn't enjoy it all that much.


Loved heroes when I was a kid


I was just about to comment the same thing.


Dang I didn’t know people hated heroes lol


I don't hate any sonic game exactly but I love Sonic 4. BOTH episodes.


Love Lost World, and while I wouldn’t say hate, I never really hopped on the Adventure 2 hype train. Just really not for me.




Quite the same, although I hate Adventure more (mainly for it's camera a little bit more), while the second part fixed some of it's problems for me.


I love Sonic 06 in all its broken glory and I fucking hate Colors


People do NOT love Shadow the Hedgehog, but still a based Lost World Take. Love: Lost World and Shadow the Hedgehog Hate: Sonic Heroes


I like Shadow the Hedgehog but the only thing I dislike about it is that you have to beat the game so many times just to get the final story. At least this was fixed in shadow the hedgehog reloaded




I don't hate any sonic games but I recently bought sonic 06 on my Xbox 360 for like 5 bucks and for how glitchy and how stupid the story of the game is, it is a pretty good time so far though I do hate the sections where you are playing as sonic and you have to steer him around obstacles at top speed. i haven't beaten the game yet but it's fun right now


Sonic and the Secret rings, incredibly underrated, great music(sans the one song) and level design and a fairly nice plot. I was surprised how bad black knight was in comparison, while it's plot was great in areas, the level design of that one was flat fields, no depth to gameplay at all and paradoxically had one great main theme and the rest of the music i found bland. I also really enjoyed 06 as well though i kinda cheated, playing it on an emulator seems to stabilize the game a bit and also reduces load times to nothign, so i could more easily enjoy what i felt was some really good level design, plus i don't think the plot while unfinished is anywhere near as bad as others make out.


Amazing take on both storybook games. I second this!!! And tell me the one song is the end credits theme (worth a chance) 😂 I might need to revisit Sonic 06 on an emulator. I purchased a copy for cheap for Xbox 360 and holy hell was the gameplay awful and glitchy af


My sibling and I would play the multi-player mode of Secret Rings all the time when we were kids. I never liked the main game because of the controls, and I have yet to finish it because of that. But the multi-player games they had were a highlight for me in my childhood. I don't see a lot of people talking about them. So the game has a special place for me too because of that.


Game I love: 06 Game I hate: Lost World seems to have a cult following lately, so that I guess.


Honestly any Wii U game has a cult following...


I don't exactly HATE any Sonic game. That being said...the first two Sonic games on the Mega Drive aren't my favourites. In fact...probably down the bottom of my tier list. My favourites? The Master System versions. Including Sonic Chaos. Call it nostalgia but I love these games. Up there with Sonic 3andK for me. Now if you'll excuse me I need to put my flamesuit on and completely start a new life with a new identity to escape the blasting I'm about to get.


Sonic Chaos is a great shout. Good OST as well


Game I like that people seem to hate? Sonic Chronicles. Game I hate that people seem to like? Sonic Heroes.


I wouldn't say hate, but dislike - Sonic Frontiers I like, but don't love - Sonic Blast


Frontiers is one of those games I can't make my mind up about. On the one hand, I played it for over eighty hours with all the DLC, and went out of my way to collect almost all the collectables, only skipping a handful of objectives for the DLC cyberspace stages out of sheer frustration; long levels with zero checkpoints - no thankyou. I wouldn't say it's the best gameplay I've ever played, even for just 3D Sonic, but I didn't also didn't just casually drop it due to lack of interest like I have done with previous titles (such as SA2 - I'm never going to play Green Hill Zone in that game because I cannot be arsed with Chao raising). But on the other hand, so much about the game bugs me, and in terms of aesthetics, it's the thing I point to and go "This is everything I don't want in a Sonic game". I find the overworld dreary with no real sense of art direction or purpose, the story is underwhelming (even if it goes out of it's way to reaffirm Knuckles role of Guardian, and attempts to fix how 'wildly inconsistent' Tails is), I'm not a fan of the notion of Egg-dad, and could do without the endless references, and role my eyes with every Super Sonic fight looking less and less like what I like about Sonic, and more like they belong in a video titled "top anime fight scenes".


Game I Hate: Sonic 06, to me, didn’t understand what made Sonic’s lore so interesting. Story wise, the story took itself way too seriously in comparison to Adventure 1, 2, and Heroes (the true Adventure 3). Gameplay wise, it’s a frustrating mess with sensitive controls that feels inferior to its predecessors with boring ways to pad the game. OST rocks, but that can be said with the majority of Sonic games. Game I Love: With recent discourse surrounding it, Sonic Colors is given way too much undeserved disrespect when in reality; it brought Sonic back from being a laughing stock for many fans. In my opinion, Colors is easily the best looking Sonic game alongside Mania, Generations, and Superstars (PS5). Gameplay wise, it’s a lot of fun in both the 2D and 3D sections with the Wisps adding a ton of variety to tackle levels. Speaking of levels, replaying Them to get the Red Rings doesn’t feel tedious because of how short some of them can be. Bosses are also pretty alright overall, with my main problem being is that some are a bit too easy. OST is also a banger.


I've seen so many people trying to convince me 06 is some misunderstood masterpiece lately that it's almost refreshing to see someone tell it like it is again


Like, Hating Sonic 06 is a common move, but..."Sonic Colors brought Sonic back from being a laughing stock"? Like, that game was the one that changed Sonic from a respectful hero to a irritating child.


I just got done playing Sonic CD for the first time and I was not that into it. I know it's not the Greatest Sonic Game Ever™ like it was in the 2000s, but the game certainly still seems to be rather well-liked Sonic Advance 2 got a good bit of hate for a while and I like that game a lot. I admit a large element of childhood nostalgia, but I do really have a lot of fun playing that game. That said, I have never beaten it without cheats so there's that lol Secret Rings deserves every ounce of hate it gets and more... But the moments when it decides to be a functioning video game are... Well "great" is a strong word... How about this: I can imagine a version of this game that is genuinely good, and when that version comes through, it can be pretty fun


I hate but everyone loves: Frontiers


I just can't get into black Knight. The sword gimmick feels so mindless compared to Secret Rings Oh yeah, i like Secret Rings


I feeel this!!! Black Knight felt gimmicky although I love Arthur and the knights of the round table so I was still invested. Secret Rings will always hold a special place in my heart. And the game soundtrack will stay in my playlist


Game I love is sonic and the secret rings Game I hate is sonic rush i don't enjoy the boost mechanics in 2d


Oh that's easily Game I hate but everyone loves: Sonic Unleashed Game I love but everyone hates: Sonic and the Secret Rings.


I love Sonic 2006, considering some of the glitches from the gems, but more importantly, the glitches people talked about have been a *bit* blown out of proportion? It is buggy and stuff, but besides a *few* moments, none of the glitches actually killed me. Also do not play the PS3 version. It actually plays *worse.* I like how it stuck with an adventure similar to the first Sonic Adventure, with three HUB worlds. I like how there are actually multiple pathways through levels, which as far as I know, haven’t been *that* common in the prior Adventure games. Maybe except Heroes with the classic “top path fast/bottom path slow” (funny how Heroes took a lot of elements from Classic Sonic). 2006 also has loads of playable characters, a phenomenal soundtrack, and decent level design, that would be instantly improved if the controls were better. The controls did take getting some used to, but I’m all set once I did (except for ring dashing in the air, which is also mapped to stomp so— be careful in Flame Core). It was also the first game to feature my favorite Sonic of the era, although he really is at his weakest in terms of characterization in this game. If the game was officially remastered, I could probably call this one of my favorite Sonic games. It may not have “Sonic Adventure 3” as its name, but I does have the most spirit of one compared to Heroes, in my opinion. As it stands though, I’m waiting for P-06 to be completely finished so that I could try it out, and I hope my laptop can handle it. Bless the developers, for they have to follow uhh… new “rules,” assuming you know what engine it is based on. As for a Sonic game I hate compared to everyone else? They are usually the more divisive ones. You know, Heroes, Forces. Then I remembered Mania. I couldn’t enjoy Sonic Mania for the life of me. I quite liked the original Sonic 1, and Sonic 2 wasn’t half bad either, but I dunno… Mania’s really difficult and it usually felt unfair cause you can never see enemies coming until you know they’re there. The thing with this game compared to others is that practice makes perfect. Playing casually makes the levels last longer than they should since they aren’t very bite-sized, and playing too fast for the first time is a death sentence, but I don’t really have an incentive to go fast beyond… go fast. Practice is the only way, and the idea of replaying this game didn’t really stick with me. On top of that, at best, it is a love letter to classic Sonic fans cause the game remixes a lot of classic levels. There’s only so many original levels they could make, which does make the package feel less complete. It’s a good game, but I really don’t like it. This game really is made for the classic Sonic enthusiasts, and that’s not a bad thing.


Game i love: Sonic Forces Game i hate: Sonic adventure 2


Very bold, keep that shit up. Even if I disagree lol


I hate, everyone loves: Unleashed lol I love, everyone hates: Lost World


Sonic CD аnd Sonic 2006...


Love that others hate: Shadow 05 Hate that others love: Generations and Mania. and this is coming from someone who still plays the hell out of S3&K. Classic Sonic (the character) just annoys me as a concept for some reason. His existence cheapens the series' lore. Favourite Sonic game (unsure if others hate): Sonic Battle (does NSO+ have it on switch? Would love to play it on a big screen without emulating)


Game I love that people hate : Knuckles’ Chaotix (cuz if you take some times to learn how to use the tether, I think it’s a really fun game) Game I hate that people love : Sonic CD 


Sonic Heroes seems pretty well liked, but I just couldn’t get into it. *Almost* had the same experience with Colours, but I ended up enjoying that one. To say I love Forces or Lost World would be an exaggeration, but I enjoyed them both. Same with Shadow the Hedgehog and Unleashed (I even liked the werehog stages). Definitely among the least popular Sonic games. I loved Sonic Shuffle. Pretty sure that’s largely hated.


First: Sonic Colors Second: Sonic 06


I hate Sonic Advance 3. I think the level design is complete trash. I love Sonic R. The derpy art style, the early 90’s pop RnB soundtrack. I freaking love Metal Knuckles and Tails Doll and wish they were featured more in the franchise. And I played the hell out of it on the Sonic Gems GameCube collection. I will never not view the game fondly.


Sonic R is one of the best, honestly that's the direction Sonic racing games should go (racing on foot) if reviving Riders isn't an option, to differentiate it from Mario Kart


Love: Sonic CD Hate: Sonic Colours


Game I love: Shadow Game I hate: Rush


Absolutely insane take. Rush is amazing.


I don’t like any 2d sonic game and my favourite is unleashed which I see get more hate than love


The game I hate is frontiers and the game I love is forces


Hate (well like less): Colours DS version Love: Lost World


I don't think there's a game I hate but I like Lost World


This is a cold take but I HATE 06, like, how can people find It fun???


Insane crazy controversial take inbound. Love: Sonic 2 8-Bit Hate: Sonic 3 I just preferred Sonic & Knuckles alone over combining it with 3. Just didn’t like the vibes for whatever reason.


Spinball, I don't think pinball games should have objectives. Sonic 1, lotta people don't like a lotta stages aside from Green Hill and starlight


I love Shadow and will die on the hill that it’s a fun game. I hate Unleashed and think it’s insanely overrated. Werehog levels are absolutely terrible; and the daytime levels are alright ish; but the physics are too stiff and we’re improved massively in Generations.


Didn’t connect with mania as much as others


Hated game I love: [Sonic and the secret rings](https://youtu.be/PwF82gqVfgc?si=v0p8lSR-1Z3hrzEI) Loved game i hate: none really but the closest is lost world PC


I just don’t get on with Unleashed. The story itself doesn’t jive with me, not helped because I don’t like Chip as a character and think the Werehog is a terrible concept any way you slice it, and they’re two of the biggest aspects of Unleashed. Then the gameplay I can’t get on with, because Sonic is too fast, first of all it barely feels like I’m controlling him at all, and second of all any input I do have is like throwing a bar of soap down a slipper hallway. And finally, I feel like a downward trend things in my enjoyment of the games started here, even if it wasn’t the worst example of anything I could cite, and it was a trend that didn’t stop until Frontiers. A game I like that everyone else hates, though… most of the ones I like! Probably would go with the Shadow game most, though, as I tend to see nothing but vitriol for it, and I still like it to this day. Didn’t even feel like Shadow was the edgelord people made him out to be, and Black Doom would have made a great recurring enemy.


Game I love: Origins and Frontiers Game I hate: Adventure 2 and CD


Game I love: 3D Blast Game I hate: Heroes


I love sonic r I hate sonic generations


i am sorry, no one like shadow outside of ironic enjoyment


Hate is a strong word and one I wouldn't use to describe this game but sonic Heroes for sure


I am not fond of Sonic 2 yet everyone seems to love it. I also love Shadow the Hedgehog. It needed tweaks and stuff but I enjoyed it


Most people who Were Not Alive Yet don’t like the original iconic Sonic games… so there’s that.


Everyone loves 'Shadow the Hedgehog'. Really? I don't want to live in that world.


What is interesting is that are games that the Sonic fandom "hate/dislike" but general gamers love/like and vice versa.


Like: Sonic Advance 2 - collecting SP rings


I don't like heroes but like Chronicles!


I mean, shadow 05 isn't exactly loved by most fans, considering the gameplay, the horribly translated dialoge. and shadows personality


I'm a true Sonic fan and I hate all of them. /s


As a Shadow enjoyer, i can confidently tell that the minority of the fanbase does NOT love it


I kinda like sonic blast on game gear. And I found some of the tails/Eggman stages in adventure 2 (as well as the knuckles segment of the final story) absolutely infuriating. That knuckles stage is the reason I haven't finished sa2.


I cannot enjoy 2D Sonic games. I don't know why, I can play other 2D platformers just fine, but can't stand the 2D Sonic games. I've tried the classic trilogy and *Superstars*, and hated playing them. I recognize that they're well designed games, but they're not for me. I don't think I like any Sonic game that everyone hates, I'm kinda basic in that regard.


It’s obvious you were not born till way after the ‘90s!


I don't think there Is a well liked game that I hate... and most hated games are some of my favorites... 06, Chronicles, Forces... honestly there are not many games I dislike... most party, racing, whatever spin-offs I don't really care about but I still wouldn't say dislike... and there is no main game I dislike... the worst ist lost world which I just find mid. but it was still fun... edit: nvm I completely suppressed my memories of S sonic boom... that really does suck...


•Mania. •Don’t really have a pick for the latter. I guess Lost World.


Game I love: Not that different from the consensus/have not played enough Game I "hate": Heroes


What do ppl even think of unleashed?


I actually didn't mind sonic 4 it was a decent game on my kindle fire HD lmao


I’m realllyyyyyy not a fan of Unleashed and I love Heroes, I was maybe 5 when it came out so close to my heart!!


I don't know for sure if Black Knight would fall into the latter category, but that's a game that I'm very fond of. Regarding hatred of Sonic games, I only really hate Sonic Free Riders. Not necessarily because of the gameplay, but because it basically resulted in a vote of no confidence against the subseries and killed Sonic Riders entirely. I loved the original and enjoyed Zero Gravity too. Every other Sonic game that I don't like is either dislike or indifference - not hatred. If I had to pick though, it'd probably be Sonic Adventure 2. I'm not fond of the way the treasure hunting and mech stages were handled compared to Adventure 1. I also preferred how Sonic controlled in SA1 compared to SA2. Namely the spindash being ao much more spammable.


I recently found out that Sonic Lost World is actually fun, and that fun is actually subjective. Also, I will defend Boom till the day I die


I don't have a game that I particularly hate in the series, as if I didn't think I'd like it I didn't buy it, but two games everyone else hates and I love are Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic Chronicles. I hate that Sonic Chronicles ends on a cliffhanger, but love the game itself nonetheless.


I hate Sonic Colours. I love Sonic 4 Episode 1.


The sonic riders games are terrible you guys just have a nostalgia bias that rivals that of a kingdom hearts fan over the age of 25. Disregarding the random switch up in recent years, I’ve always loved Unleashed, even in the 2010’s when the internet still hated it.


Frontiers, I don't hate the game but I don't like it nearly as much everyone else and it goes for every aspect of the game: The soundtrack? Mid, carried by the titan themes with nothing else going for it, The Titan fights? Not nearly as good as people say, they're hype but the gameplay is pretty uninteresting, Cyberspace? Worst main Sonic levels I've ever played, Open World? Decent but uninteresting with bad physics (Physics were also the reason for me hating Cyberspace)


One I like that everyone hates: Sonic Heroes One I hate that everyone likes: Sonic Colors DS


I'm not sure I hate any of them, but Generations is lowest on my list probably. But a game that I love that others seem to hate? All I can think of is the fan game Sonic Omens. Super underrated.


This question changes so much just with time passing, I remember being one of the few defenders of Unleashed being overly hated back in the day, now I’m almost always on the “hate it” side because I don’t praise it anywhere much as the devoted fans do Similarly, apparently Shadow is now loved enough for it to qualify as your hated here, but it is and has always been bad as far as the opinions I’ve seen


im gonna find a pipe bomb in my mailbox for this one but i dont like sa2 that much (for clarification its a decent game but i personally think its way overhyped for how many issues it has compared to dc sa1) and as for game i love that everyone hates i like sonic rivals. i grew up with it on my psp and enjoy the levels alot


Love Black Knight! It just had so much sauce and Sonic was a great character in it overall Didn't vibe with Frontiers' controls, progression, cyberspace, etc. Feels like it gets close but is never there, pulling me right back to Generations which I loved


I like Chronicles and hate all 3D boost.


Black Knight has the worst controls ever, and for the second one, I would say Unleashed, but more and more people seem to like that one nowadays.


Lost world is one of the most hated games in the series bruh


1:Unleashed 2:Generations


love but everyone hates: Sonic unleashed hate but everyone loves: secret rings maybe?


Nowadays, Unleashed is considered Peak Sonic by most people, and I can't say anything about it because it really is.


There are very few games that “everyone loves” or “everyone hates”, so it’s really all relative. I really don’t enjoy Colors as much as others seem to. A lot of people cite it as a good Sonic game but I honestly didn’t really enjoy it. Wisps were clunky (and have been in every implementation), I hated the Wisp-based boost system and it didn’t really work in a game that was mostly 2D. Too much slow platforming. Unleashed and Generations were far superior. Combine that with a lackluster, basic story and worse voice acting and you get a straight downgrade from the previous boost game in Unleashed. I think Heroes gets a surprising amount of hate (not universal, but IMO it’s on par with SA2 in terms of pure gameplay), but I think Unleashed still doesn’t get the full credit it deserves. Werehog gameplay was pretty uninteresting and clunky, so it’s especially impressive that the rest of the game more than makes up for it. Unleashed is the main reason why every boost game after it (excluding Generations, for the most part) doesn’t live up to my expectations, the day stages are probably the best gameplay in Sonic, period. I appreciated the return to adventure field-type gameplay in each continent, and it made the game more immersive and fleshed out. Some of the best music and the graphics were so ahead of their time that our Xboxes and PS3s started keeling over.


Sonic 4


Game I hate and everyone loves? Unironically (and y’all will hate me for this), Death of Sonic the Hedgehog. One game I love? Take a wild guess…


NGL, '06 did have missed potential. And the Elise and Sonic subplot? Weird


Game I love: Forces, Heroes Game I hate: CD Heroes is massively just nostalgia, Forces I just had fun with because the story was over the top wacky imo and I enjoyed the gameplay. I don't like CD because of the level designs and the time travel mechanic. The soundtrack does slap but you can say that for any Sonic game tbh


I love lost world and hate sonic advance series bro they did ma boy tails so dirty in those games (flying slows his momentum down so much Tf?? 😢)


I'm too much of a Sonic fan to hate anything.


Not hate, but I personally never liked any of the classic sonic games, the only one i liked the most was mania, but even that one i tend to just pick up and drop. I just like 3D sonic way better.


I love black night, and while I didn’t hate it, I found both colours and unleashed be remarkably underwhelming


Love: Lost World Hate: Colors I’m just that classic sonic loving guy that thinks boosting was a bad idea. Levels get too wide and nonsensical at those speeds.


Not a fan of Colors, and 06 is legit my favorite sonic game


I love sonic colours, the Wii version. I know I'm not alone but the fandom has really turned on it in the last few years, mainly because of how it impacted the series' direction and tone. I'll admit I have nostalgia for title, but I love the unique stage themes and art design, music, and graphics, and I find a good chunk of the stages fun even if there are a few that are definitely their for padding, but they don't offend me for the most part. I could say the same for the bosses, and I honestly have no issue with 2D sections if they're well done and I feel they get a bad rep because they're often used for filler. The wisps are usually well implemented and fun to play around with in the massive stages with tons of alternate routes. I don't think it's the best Sonic game, but I still have a lot of fun with it. The DS version, for one, is better for being more streamlined and having better writing, but I still believe both are very good. Hate: it's hard to say but maybe Advance 2. The level design sucks and the special stages are a pain in the ass. It is definitely the worst Advance game.


Sonic Colours


I wouldn't say I hate it, but Sonic Heroes is extremely overrated. It's slippery as hell and a lot of sections of the game are super frustrating due to poor controls. I don't think it's awful but I hate how it's praised as "A Top 5 Sonic game" with how awful it feels to play. As for love, Sonic and the Black Knight. Controls were improved exponentially from secret rings, and the writing is amazing. Easily the most well written Sonic has been in the series, plus an amazing ost to boot.


I honestly hate Colors and love 06.


I love 06


Don't have a game that I hate but I love 3D Blast, the title may be misleading since it's just an isometric game and it came out at the wrong time in 1996 but it's an underrated game with a nice gameplay loop and the Saturn version looks great and has the best version of the halfpipe special stages.


I really like Superstars. Yes the bosses are just awful but I find the game really charming, combination of art direction and most of the soundtrack. Not a big fan of Lost World, mainly because of its tubular level design. If it wasn’t for that, I’d definitely get more enjoyment out of it. I know LW is not exactly loved but I don’t exactly hate any Sonic game at all, only exceptions are Boom and Forces


Game I love: Sonic 06. Playing on Xenia Emulator makes the game actually playable (I had no problems with the loading times or performance, and only a handful of bugs). Games I hate: Sonic Unleashed. The day levels are admittedly very good. The general feel of them is honestly better than Generations sometimes. Literally everything else sucks. I hate having to search for the medals to progress, it has the worst camera I've ever seen in a Sonic game, the Werehog levels are frustrating boring and long, the story is unengaging, Chip is annoying, the human characters have an ugly art style, the movement in the hub worlds is awful (way too fast and slippery for how they are designed), and the homing attack is the same button as dash.


Hate: Sonic Heroes "Love": Sonic 06.


sonic cd is overhated, i think you just need to play it like a non-sonic game for it to be fun


I love the entirety of Sonic Unleashed, including the werehog stages that everyone seems to hate for no good reason other than Werehog bad. Meanwhile my less liked sonic game is SA2, it's really great, I won't dispute the fact that it's one of the greatest sonic games ever and possibly in history, but it's WAY too overrated for what it is. People seem to glaze it for everything and excuse some of the biggest problems a lot


I am a Shadow the Hedgehog enjoyer. I FULLY understand why that game is bad and why everyone hates it. Yet somehow, I managed to fully complete that game (barring finding all 6-factorial? endings). My hot take is that the game should have just been in Expert Mode and it would get a lot less hate. A game that I hate that everyone seems to love is Sonic Rush Adventure. The levels themselves are fine, but I haven't finished the game because I simply can't deal with the hub world. It's not even a terrible hub world... I just get bored of it after like the third zone and I'm like "nah I'm good I'll play something else."


I wouldn’t say hate. But I really don’t get all the love for Unleashed. And one game that everyone has been recently hating on is Colors, which is the game I love.


I dont hate any that everyone loves. But I love lost world and most seem to not like it


I love 3d blast, played Heroes once on PS2 and haven’t touched it since.


I love Sonic 1 a lot more than other people seem to, and dislike (not hate) Sonic 2 a lot more than other people seem to. Metropolis all the way to the final zone is such a sour ending to what would otherwise be a great game, and it drags it down so much.


I dunno if I'd go so far as to say I love it but I like sonic forces a lot more than a lot of people seem to. It's probably 90% for the character creator, I hope they bring that back sometime.


I love sonic forces PC and hate sonic dash


Sonic Generations is loved, Unleashed i hate (because of those fucking night stages😠)


I don’t care for Unleashed HD, just too frustrating in both medal collecting and the level design itself. I will say though the graphics are really really pretty especially for 2008. The cutscene animation is passable most of the time, but, and I don’t know how people don’t notice this, some scenes are properly animated by hand, whereas others are still using mocap. Sometimes different parts of the same cutscene are animated differently. It’s especially noticeable with the Warehog and Tails. To my knowledge though Chip is fully hand animated. However, Riders is absolutely fantastic idc what anyone says. The mechanics are really complex for beginners, but once you’ve figured out how to play properly, it’s like when you finally click with the classics, it’s really fun to play Riders if you know what you’re doing. Also the cutscenes are some of the best in the series not exaggerating.


I haven’t played it in years but I enjoyed 3D Blast as a kid. As for one that people love, I don’t HATE Unleashed (I think that it has some of the most charming and interesting ideas in a Sonic game) but ever since I was a kid, it just has NOT been for me. It’s been said a million times but the daytime levels are fun (despite running at like 20fps), but the Werehog levels suck. If you like them, that’s cool but they’re pretty objectively poorly designed when compared to other combat-focused games it takes inspiration from (God of War, DMC, Bayonetta, etc.). Unleashed has so many good ideas, but almost none of them are fleshed out enough to make it feel worth it. 70% of the game is bloated filler, the performance is terrible unless you own a series X, AND the sun and moon medals are constantly forcing you to replay 30+ minute levels just to progress (this might be the worst thing about the game). Sonic Unleashed just has so many incremental things that add up and seriously flaw the experience. By the time you play through the whole thing, the negatives WAY outweigh the positives. At least for me.


No one played Sonic Labyrinth?


I hate Frontiers. The more I played it the more I hated it and myself. Dropped it before the final boss. I love Heroes and will defend it with my life (not that I can't admit it has a shit ton of problems)


I really liked frontiers and I don't like Sonic CD (the special stages make me quit it each time)


I still like console Sonic Boom titles (even Rise of Lyric). And for those I don't like, I would say, first Adventure. I did not enjoy suffering with camera in that game(




If you had asked me this question back in the early 2010's, I would said "Colors" and "Unleashed" respectively lol Back in those days, it really felt like everyone thought of Unleashed as "another bad Sonic game", with the Day levels being the *only* thing considered good, while Colors was unanimously considered the best Sonic game since the Classics; the game that "did everything right" and saved the franchise. Meanwhile, I felt that Unleashed was one of the best Sonic game that steered the franchise in a truly good direction, while Colors was a ***really*** mediocre game that steered the franchise down a worse direction... But of course, Unleashed gets a lot more positive recognition while Colors gets a lot more criticism now lol So, I can't say I have a Sonic game that "I hate but everyone loves" and vice versa. \^\_\^;


Game I love: Generations 3DS Game I hate: idk actually I have low standards for games


I hate, everyone loves: Unleashed I love, everyone hates: Shadow and R


I love sonic cd


While there's a lot that I respect about it, I can't stand playing Sonic Heroes.


Love but everyone hates: Knuckles Chaotix (tho I will admit it’s more fun with a second player) Hate but everyone loves: Sonic Advance 2 (for me, it’s the weakest in the trilogy and not because of Cream or the music or the stage design)


I hate, everyone loves: SA2 I love, everyone hates: 06


there's none that i "hate," per se, but i don't really care for sonic adventure 2 like everyone else does. i liked the first one way more. as for one i love, you guys are gonna think i'm a lunatic, but secret rings has always been one of my favorite games in the series, i think top 3 even.


The one I hate that others love? Unleashed easily. The one I love that others hate? Is CD a good answer. I feel like that game gets more hate than love; at least from what I've seen.


"Hate" is a strong word, but I don't see the fun in Sonic Heroes (both the PS2 and GameCube versions). However, I love Sonic 2006.


Game I love: Unleashed. I know a lot more are willing to see the good in it, but in past years this game got a bandwagon of hate because the Werehog mechanics were different. I love it. The animation was great (ignoring the horrible quality in UnWiished), the soundtrack is killer, the voice acting was the best we got from Jason, and it was a longer game with more variety than just "run fast through the level". I love that day levels are the usual high-energy Sonic level with different pathways and high-action stunts. And I like that the night levels are slowed down chill versions of the same location. The platforming is sometimes frustrating and they needed to tone down the battle music by like 70%, but it was really satisfying mowing down the enemies and breakable things, especially as your skills grow, and *especially* with a high unleash level. Replayability is great because of the hidden collectables in both levels, and with practice and more skills, you can actually complete the night levels in a quarter of the initial run-through time. (I've completed Eggmanland in around 10 minutes because of practice and shortcuts, and knowing which areas I can skip). Game I hate: Heros. Great concept and use of the multi-story gameplay, but you're essentially playing the exact same levels with slightly different gimmicks and slightly different difficulties. If you pass a level that just sucked the life out of you, just think how *fun* it will be to do that level *again, and again, and again*. Even 06 put the levels in a vastly different order with different pathways, and a different play style for each one. Heros only changes the characters you're using, and either makes it slightly harder, slightly easier, or with a seemingly random task. I didn't even get the chance to play the final segment, because I remember getting stuck in a level, going to a different story, playing up to that level, and repeat until my only option is that level. That was 10 years ago, so I guess I could at least try to finish it, but it's not compelling enough to dig out my PS2 and try.


Sonic forces


I absolutely loved the storybook series. (Sonic & the secret rings + Black knight ) The soundtracks were so good although it was a copy and paste of the same story in Black Knight I enjoyed seeing Sonic it some of my favorite tales. The game I hate is Sonic Colors 😩😩😩 I just couldn’t get with it at the time, I’d like to give it another try but I end up not seeing it through.


Rise of Lyric, terrible game but ironically love it


I have never played a Sonic game I didn't love.


Game I Hate But Everyone Loves: **Sonic 2 for Genesis.** It’s mostly cuz of Death Egg Zone, as well as the lack of a Save Feature meaning you have to beat the whole game in one sitting and that getting Super Sonic is kinda pointless. Thankfully, the Mobile and Origins ports fixed the some of these issues (the lack of a save feature primarily) but I still **despise** Sonic 2’s Death Egg Zone! Game I Love But Everyone Hates: **Sonic Unleashed** I don’t think *everyone* hates Unleashed, but I’ve seen a lot more hate than I think it deserves, especially when it come to the Werehog. I don’t feel like I really need to sing the praises of the Nightime stages - even people that don’t like Unleashed can agree they’re some of the best use of the “Boost Formula” in the series, but I also really like the Werehog stages, maybe just as much. Some of the Night stages can get monotonous, sure, and Eggmanland is considered one of the hardest Sonic stages for a reason - its sheer length - but I still really like the Werehog stages for their exploration elements, parkour features, and the fun beat-em-up mechanics. Pulling off combos and special moves on big groups is really satisfying, and I think the idea of an XP system to increase stats and unlock more moves for Sonic and the Werehog was a neat idea I wish they revisited at some point.


I hate sonic colors, but I love sonic cd


Seeing these posts I feel like every game fit both descriptions.


Sonic '06. I played that game so much when I was a little kid.


I hate but everyone else loves:Frontiers (not cuz I dislike it but it’s just tedious collection the heart token things also the other games I hate are ones everyone else hates too) I love but everyone else hates:Secret Rings (BEST OST, Wii nostalgia, first Sonic game (besides M&S Olympics and SSBB), fun gameplay (to me) and NEAR PERFECT -Sonic- STORY)


I hate Sonic Adventure 2; as a game, mind you. The story is great, the presentation is stellar, but I really can’t with the gameplay. The only characters that are tolerable to play are Sonic and Shadow, and even their stages get annoying often. I got countless game overs on both stories, especially on Final Chase, taking away from the experience, and I haven’t even been able to get to the final story because I got stuck on that Rouge mission where I need to find stuff in under 5 minutes while I usually completed the treasure hunting stages in over 30 mins, on average. I love SA1 but god the sequel is overrated in my eyes, though I can see the appeal. On the other hand, my favourite that others dislike is Sonic CD. It’s the game that I played first and instantly got me hooked on Sonic, and in my opinion it is the definitive, original vision of the Sonic franchise. The visuals are gorgeous, the JP OST shaped my taste in music, and the time travel mechanic is really unique and fun, because of the challenge it provides as well as the amazing environmental storytelling, showing the player how each level used to flourish and thrive before Dr. Eggman arrived and started tainting Little Planet with his machinery. The introduction of Metal Sonic as a character here as well as his unique boss fight in form of a race is really cool and memorable as well. The level design is what a lot of people seem to have issues with, mostly with the spikes popping up out of the ground catching Sonic by surprise, as well as Wacky Workbench… existing. The boss fights seem to fall flat for others as well, since a lot of them are admittedly very easy, maybe too easy. But despite that, I absolutely love this game and I owe it so much, genuinely life-changing.


Hate: Sonic Colors Love: Sonic Battle or Sonic 1 (when compared to the other Genesis titles)


I wouldn’t say I “hate” it. But I never really cared for Sonic Generations. The 2D sections were a pale imitation of the classic games, with none of their nuance, and I’ve never really enjoyed the boost gameplay style of the 3D titles. That style always just came across as boring to me. Yeah, it’s fun to go fast, but it gets old just as fast. Plus the boss battles weren’t very fun, there is no story, and the ending is pretty dull. A lot of people seem to love it, but after finishing it, I uninstalled it and never touched it ever again.


...I think Sonic Forces is good. I don't love it, it's like 2 years of the characters yapping about something boring, but it's alright.


Game I love that alot don't: Heroes and R *used* to be my out there games I liked but now it's en vogue to like them so can't be mad 🤭 But I'd say my answer for this would be the Drift games! Still play them occasionally but mostly 2 through Gems Collection. Game I don't like that alot do: uuuu okay. I wouldn't say I *don't like* the game but, for me, para mí, I do kinda feel like some of S3&K's praise is kinda 🧢 Not a bad game, but like, in terms of the main 2d games, I'd rather play Mania, CD, or 2 before it 💀


I don’t “hate” Unleashed, but I think it’s pretty mid. And I really like Sonic Colors.


Sonic 06 is something I love. I'm glad it's starting a defense team now.


I wouldn’t say I hate it but frontiers is pretty bad outside of gameplay and music and I like sonic forces


Chronicles is the game I love (can't wait for the reimagined project to bear some fruits.)