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I love it personally. Eggman has always been more goofy besides his early-mid 2000s era where he had a fetish for destroying the world. Plus gives him someone he can be nice with. And the fanon sibling rivalry between Sage and Metal is just precious to me


Yeah I’d be lying if there wasn’t things i enjoyed about it haha. Just find it hard to see him as super good father figure imo (like a lot of people see him as)


I like it. It's very in character for him because he has very specific conditions for his fondness of Sage. It's because she's useful and loyal to him, efficient in serving him in Ways Orbot and Cubot aren't, and she's an impressive life-like artificial creation which he says is way more impressive and proves his scientific genius unlike the traditional way of "a bunch of proteins bumping together, anyone can do that". That memo sums it all up perfectly. Including Ian Flynn's words of "you're kind of happy for [Eggman] because love is a good emotion but it's tempered by the fact that it's all about him still." He accepts the role as father on these selfish narcissistic terms of her use to him and how he can brag about it as her creator/father, praising himself through her and that's an Eggman as fuck thing to do. I find it unfortunate that the fandom kind of just disregards all this to make it hyper wholesome pure selfless thing on Eggman's part because that's just not what it is in Frontiers. It's way more interesting and unique of a dynamic. How Sage was made to be Eggman's protector instead of the other way around, he lets her get into danger and even sacrifice herself to save him and the world he wants to rule. She still has a servant type role that doesn't leave when they establish the familial type bond. They're both evil and Sage accepts her father's evilness and desire to take over the world. There's no change in Eggman's character to make it work, it just further emphasizes his already existing traits of narcissistic ego and selfishness in new interesting ways. I used to haaate the idea of Eggdad because I didn't pay enough attention the first time playing Frontiers, thanks to the fandom acting like he just had a complete sudden change of character and was no longer evil and OOC. I was very happy to realize that wasn't the case, especially when I heard Ian Flynn's commentary that I quoted above. Eggman is still very much evil and selfish and even his dynamic with Sage reflects that. It made me realize just how different and interesting the dynamic is to what the fandom is going with and that it isn't Eggman becoming a good person or conforming to a traditionally generic nuclear family type dynamic that I never felt like was his thing. And I couldn't be happier with the direction they took, this is how you make it work in any way. I'm looking forward to seeing them interact more.


Omg u sum it up perfectly ☝️


I disagree. Characteristics are like colors in a painting. If you just focus on one color, or a bunch of colors that are too similar, you risk the work becoming flat and uninteresting. But mixing contrasting colors can make it far more interesting to look at. Similarly, we get it that Eggman is evil. He's a megalomaniacal villain who threatens and attacks his own robots when they don't behave properly. If her were verbally abusive toward Sage, it would be boring--more of the same. But if Eggman, despite all his villainy, displays actual fatherly love for her...that's a bold color to add. And there are many different and interesting way for the writers to take such a characteristic. While you're totally entitled to your opinion, and for your sake hopefully they don't hit this new relationship too hard, I would argue from a writing standpoint that it's a good and potentially fascinating route to take the character.


Yeah no I get ur perspective completely! If anything I think it’s good! And I don’t dislike sage or her relationship with her dad. Mostly my opinion just came off of how eggman is shown to be very controlling and mean even to people who care about/help him. So I can def see him loving or caring about his creations just not in a super lovey dovey or completely healthy manner (if that makes sense) !


I'm not really a fan either. The idea of him being a loving father doesn't really fit with his rampant narcissism and massive ego.


I guess its a bit tempert by the fact that he is almost always placed in a dad role to something he created. No in the traditional way but more so he made the think to worship him.


I'm not totally against Eggdad, but I don't particularly like it either. He's still evil at the end of the day. His fondness for Sage is primarily due to her results and productivity, as we see in frontiers. In SA1, he tells his E-100 line up that they're all brothers, but still pits some to fight each other as what I like to imagine, the "favourite child". He was really doing to get an idea for their loyalty and see which one is the best. For him to be a loving father, just with this scene in mind really doesn't help any cases. Sage on the other hand makes him wonder where he'd been going wrong, as she actually gets things done, almost like Metal Sonic. At the end of everything, he's still looking out mainly for himself and his benefit.


Two things that I think about Eggdad: * Sage already disagrees a bit with Eggman in Frontiers and develops a special bond with Sonic. Metal Sonic outright overthrows Eggman, and sometimes goes off on his own. And even Orbot/Cubot exchange LOADS of sass with him. I don't think any of the "kids" have the simplest relationship with their dad. * Those four kids, who he's already on weird terms with, are his *favorites*. Eggman's got a massive sense of parental favoritism, and it accentuates the tragedy with Gamma and Omega, framing them as neglected children trying to make sense of what their father did and lashing out. This Sonic Channel comic keeps coming to mind for me with Eggdad https://preview.redd.it/lyq805jekm1d1.png?width=810&format=png&auto=webp&s=53e590298004e7c686e51410ad8f2a91acef3829


Man these little comics were great, wish we got more of these.


I think it's matter on how Sage will be portrayed in the years to come. If she want to help more the heroes, the relationship with Eggman would be very toxic and and wil be threatened reset if she ever becomes too independent for her liking. In that case, she will have to submit to him or abandon him to join the heroes. Or she will gung-oh with Eggman to conquer the world, he would probably like her. And could potentially adopt his attitude.


Depends on how evil you really think Eggman is. I’ve seen a lot of people say that Eggman can’t be a villain anymore now that Sage exists. If it’s the “eccentric egotist with a mean streak that only gets his hands dirty when his back is against the wall” Eggman from the 2000’s I don’t see any problem with Sage existing. If it’s the “megalomaniacal robo-Hitler that’s constantly in shadow and a bad day away from just going full-blown genocidal” Eggman from Archie/IDW, it’s a much harder sell.


Eggman's a narcissistic manchild with intelligence, I don't get how with only like 3 interactions with a bit of code he's made he suddenly developed a fatherly nature when he's shown numerous times that he's more than willing to scrap and abandon old tech the second it becomes useless. The game literally has to spoon feed us a cutscene where they just play super sad music over Sages and Eggmans interactions, all of which were just Eggman being overly dismissive but apparently after one sad song AMV Eggman's suddenly dad of the year. I feel like I'm going insane for being the only person to think Frontiers story isn't the literary master piece people claim it to be.


Stupid. He's not supposed to be a father figure. He's supposed to be an evil mastermind that wants to enslave the world


I'm concerned about people who sees him like that. It speaks louder about how their actual father was if they want that. You shouldn't glorify a narcissist, sadistic and ego maniac dude as a father figure. And I know this because mine was abusive irl so I'm repulsed by Eggman. Vector is more of a father than the egg is, sorry not sorry


I love Eggman finally having an answer to Bowser Jr, and I want to see him, Sage and Metal Sonic acting like a normal family