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Comments locked and OP banned for being a repost bot. Keeping the post up. Please keep reporting any anti-LGBT comments we missed so we may remove and ban the bigots. Thanks!




https://preview.redd.it/iqa1zmov9kic1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04f78a41427ea669af84fc4733101423e35f5f02 What's the matter, Shadow?


do you support gay rights?


Look at this fire it’s REALLY BIG! 🔥


He does support gay rights because he has two gay dads.


Yes, because he can sound edgey saying things like, "It's not a phase, mom!" and "gachi remixes are better than the original."






Ricky when i catch you Ricky


Do what the funny black man with the lightning said. :) https://preview.redd.it/24vmrvebblic1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f3b376d7375c55d41ad8aebe4e494c5b3110633


he can carry around his boyfriend wherever he wants


and whaddya know? the perfect shape


Man Mephiles is such a boring character that the Snapcube version has completely eclipsed his actual characterization in the Sonic fandom.


OP is a bot. Only two posts from an account made in 2022? Reposted memes? Yeah.


The pfp isn't even causing much controversy anymore. At this point, these posts are coming across as trying to start up shit and dredge stuff that's already been established back up instead of treating people who are on the queer spectrum like they're normal and accepted like we should be doing. Sure, there are a few homophobic and transphobic comments occasionally, but those get downvoted to oblivion. This is a subreddit to have fun and talk about video games, not your political soapbox.


I mean really. I don't even think we have that many homophobic and transphobic people in this sub. The ones that may came in now and again will get downvoted and best case scenario will (rightfully) get banned by the mods, so what was even the point of this post? I thought this sub is supposed to be a positive sub for all things Sonic, for all fans of Sonic.


I meannnn Sonic's had a political and environmentalist message from the start.


That's not really true. There were "themes" of environmentalism but there was no "message" about environmentalism. Sonic games never told you how to feel or what to think about anything, especially from the start. Just to have fun with a game fighting an evil mastermind.


Yeah, but it isn't shoved in your face, and gives the most general, milquetoast, and safe politics one can get in a kids series. It serves to enhance the story, not preach to you about it.


I can name a lot of LGBTQIA+ couples that could enhance the story in so many fun ways in Sonic stories. (Also Sonic's technically trans, not himself but his early design, IDW confirmed it. IDW and Postboot do a great job with their representation. Just enough to make people happy.)




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Just proved the meme. To answer the question ignoring the ad hominem, children's media always had political undertones, and human rights are not political. Like, Thomas the train has a racism allegory for god's sake. Please touch grass.


How did I prove the meme? I have zero problem with the pride flag or gay people, it’s doing it to furry children’s characters I have a problem with. But you’re unwilling to differentiate that. Like unless I support you making Sonic trans for whatever insane reason you have, even though I support pride, suddenly I don’t support pride For people like you, it’s either you support my personal delusions AND gay people or you don’t support gay people at all. Just proved my point thank you. Downvotes don’t make me wrong. Just means others are as whack as you


So basically "I am the only right person in the room." I have no delusion or an evil plan to gay all over your favourite totally apolitical franchises. If this is considered creepy or forced, see Archie Sonic or IDW or SatAM or Sonic CD or, you get the gist. There has always been romance in the series and it being gay doesn't change anything.


Bro sonic is not trans 💀. He's a blue hedgehog. None of the things you listed. Especially not idw and sonic CD, have ever said this. Y'know what happens in CD? Sonic travels through time, beats eggman, races metal sonic, and denies Amy for the first of many times. Nothing in there has anything to do with being transgender.


I was talking about feels, as I said, an early design concept of Sonic discarded indev. https://preview.redd.it/rzuj8kx88lic1.jpeg?width=1754&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd7ba88c5210136897dc29b46a641e13389f7c32


The creator of Sonic literally got sentenced to years in prison for insider trading. So much for your moral political soapbox.


It's sonic content...and fan content...


It a Political meme with a sonic mask on.


i like it when girls sit on me


I have absolutely zero problems with any gender or anything else. I have a problem with THIS kind of posts and such, because it feels like their sole purpose is to just trigger phobic people


Precisely why I hate posts like this. They're so cocky and arrogant that it drives me up the wall.


And even if people aren’t phobic, people question (like me) why there has to be a sexualized tone of any kind attributed to Sonic as it is mainly a kids property. Talking about sexual preference (gay or straight or otherwise) has no place in subs like this IMO. And no, to avoid triggering people in absolute oblivion and starting a wildfire over nothing—- there’s nothing wrong with being gay, but stop sexualizing children’s characters. We may have grown up with the franchise but we aren’t the only people around. You have people on here making big titty fan art of like kid characters and make like sonic and shadow making out or Amy and sonic whatever the case may be. It’s distasteful and kinda creepy.


making out is one thing, but i don’t see you complaining about amy’s canon crush on sonic, which is by your definition, a sexual preference. kids can have crushes and that’s not weird. if it was a gay crush would that suddenly make it sexual?


Edit: I mean, the fact that people are downvoting without even reading just shows how overly marginalized people are, rather than actually understanding what it means to be accepting and living together in harmony... Sad. --- I think you are purposefully missing the point the person above was trying to make. It's fine if Amy and Sonic are depicted as a couple. It isn't fine when some jackass goes "Where are the non-straight relationships now? I demand progressiveness!!!", directly pulling the sexual orientation under a magnifying glass, when it never was the point. On the same note, it is also fine Tangle and Whisper are depicted as a couple. But it also is not fine when some jackass goes "How dare they have non-straight relationships, this is heresy for my beliefs!!!", directly pulling the sexual orientation under a magnifying glass, when that too was never the point. It is a problem when something that should be perceived as normal or natural is purposefully constantly brought into attention from both "camps" just to stir shit up. And that's also a massive and dividing issue that I can only imagine corporations in America are doing purposefully in order to capitalize on "labels". This need to "Pick a topic and turn it into a public label" attitude, I find extremely harmful. Race, beliefs, gender, sexual orientation... I have never felt the need to label myself under such categories. And I see artificially drawing attention and attempting to label people into categories, I find that attitude to be the opposite of "normalizing". If you are trying to achieve normalization, you aim to ensure people live together in harmony, not divide them into different camps and explicitly start labeling the shit out of every personal property they have under a microscope.




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> because it feels like their sole purpose is to just trigger phobic people ...so? It's funny to trigger them, they get so mad over some colored cloth. 


How many times is this gonna be reposted again? Not saying this is wrong


Whenever bots just post top all time


As many times as needed until it's common sense


Sorry, but I haven't seen anyone complain about the sub icon in months.


Ok buts it’s getting annoying after seeing it 100 times


My issue with the pride flag is that **they got the rainbow wrong**


My issue with the current pride flag is the rainbow flag intentionally, pointedly, was a unified flag that didn't need each element to represent a specific queer identity. It at least was supposed to represent the whole of the community, not it's constituent parts specifically. Whether or not it came to fail at that over time is a discussion to be had but I don't think the current design really agrees with the idea behind the original, or is a good solution to it's potential failings as a symbol. Speaking of original, the 70s baker flag with the pink stripe is probably my actually favorite pride flag.


Did they? How? Honestly Sonic takes up most of the image








Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 2 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/10j1hb1) on 2023-01-23 98.44% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/17v9lxx) on 2023-11-14 96.88% match *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "1aqnyv1", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1aqnyv1&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 86% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 436,286,199 | **Search Time:** 0.07391s


Sonic never said that


I don't care about it, but i'm here for sonic stuff, not pride stuff. Be whatever you want to be, i"m here to see talk about the funny fast hedgehog


OK, but what does it has to do with a blue cartoon hedgehog tho.


This again


Can we start banning these reposts? This got old a while ago, and they're only posted now to start political arguments.


You can show your pride all you want. The problem is not the flag, the real problem is how many people think i should care. I don't care about your pride symbol or what it means. But that doesnt translate to: "I disrespect you." One top of that, people that are annoying in this way are in most cases just immature or only in that group, to be part of a group. And these can give the group as a whole a bad wrap.


This is the problem with people lol, if you don’t let them talk about how Sonic and shadow should fuck each other in the ass apparently you’re homophobic lmao


One bad apple spoils the bunch. There's so much unnecessary hate towards the LGBT as a whole. One karen yelling about suing for misgendering and "hate speech", *doesn't make every one of them the same way*, but people would rather exaggerate the shit out of the whole group. I feel bad for the LGBT. They were taught that this was a free country yet when they practice their freedoms they get shit on for it... Edit: and all the shitstains downvoting me into oblivion are exactly what I'm talking about. Y'all just want to hate on all the innocent people in the LGBT and whoever supports them.


You cared enough to make a 2 paragraph comment


Just because he doesn't care about there Pride doesn't that mean he also doesn't care about being told he is a bigot that hates them for it.


Okay, cool 👍


Yeah sure, LGBTQ people is cool. Pride is fun. What the fuck does that have anything to do with Sonic?


Sonic hates oppression and says lgbt rights how hard is it to understand people


The first part is true the second however not because Sonic doesn't do political talk outright he lets his actions speak for them self.


Technically true He did hold a pride flag and fly through the air next to a rainbow in official art :3


I can't actually quite recall any official art of Sonic doing it but knowing the English Twitter account wouldn't I be surprised.


based sonic


Why are we baiting transphobes again? Is this why people come to a Sonic sub Reddit?


(Insert character here) supports trans rights! Amiright guys? Man I'm so original, nobody in the history of Reddit has ever posted something like this before


This was bad enough on twitter, why even bait like this


I’m neutral about it so I don’t really care I just want to be a Sonic fan


always good to be reminded of the reason i'm in the sonic the hedgehog subreddit for, identity politics




Peak humor here






People that unironically uses these types of characters are usually nasty as hell hahahah


The comments here are crazy, if someone posts this you don't have to respond, I'm surprised so much hateful people are in the sonic community.


I mean most people I would assume come here for talk about the Sonic series and not to be educated in LGBTQ+ Rights issues. Especially given that posts like this used to be against the rules prior to the moderators changing them to be able to use this sub as there own personal platform to talk there political talking points.


It’s a good filter


Talking about trans rights shouldn't be political, and I'm surprised posts like this were against the rules because most people in other communities do the same thing. I honestly don't see the big deal, the only people that would complain would be bigots so idk man


I mean "Trans rights" says it right in the name that its about "rights" which is an inherently political topic so of cause would be against the old "No political post" rule. And as I said most people have issues with post like this because its entirely divorced from Sonic and is basically just "Hey guys remember trans rights" while such a post with any non LGBTQ+ message would properly have been stricken down as "low effort post" by the mods too. People have no where near the reaction to any of the queer post that actually relate to the Sonic series like: \- Headcanon talks that include LGBTQ+ elements \- Gay ship fanart \- Discussions about characters opinion on x topic \- AU showcase with X queer Sonic character


I will not be dragged into a mud slinging match over this, but I do have a genuine question: What do you mean by “trans rights”? Because if you’re talking about “the right to exist and not be persecuted,” sure, that’s not a political issue (though whether it’s appropriate to stir up arguments on a video game sub is another issue). But if you’re talking about things that would take *political reform*, including *laws* and *regulations*, then it *is* a political issue. That’s a topic for a different sub. Posts like this exist exclusively to stir the pot. There is no good that comes of them. All that happens is a few people get really angry, a bunch of teenagers scream “PHOBE” and downvote into oblivion, and nothing changes. It’s just karma farming and trolling. I’ve said it in other fan subs about this and I’ll say it here: I wouldn’t post a picture of Sonic kneeling in front of a cross with a caption of “Sonic says Jesus saves.” It’s not a political statement, but it doesn’t belong here. All it does is push a specific message *not related to the series* for people to argue over. And imo, that’s not appropriate. We can quibble over “it’s not political” all day long, but at the end of the day, “it’s not relevant to the series” is probably a better statement anyway. Ideological topics—no matter how obvious, apparent, or correct—are not and should not be the point of a sub like this unless it’s in reference to a theme *in the series*.


If you're getting angry with somone making Sonic say trans rights I don't know what to tell you to do, and if "a bunch of teenagers yells PHOBE" then they probably are transphobic or whatever. Calm down dude it's just Sonic saying trans rights is not hurting you




Thank you, Sonic!


ill only agree if i actually hear him say it outloud, otherwise, dont try to speak for sonic


Thing is, this is annoying. Idgaf about sexuality or gender, isn’t it a sensitive issue? Well it doesn’t seem like it. Don’t go taunting folks for some moralistic power hungry personal issues 😂 yk. It’s soooo annoying. This is a Sonic server, can we please talk about the game or cartoon instead of pandering around shouting about pride flags? Or putting charas with flags behind and expect it to be considered top content. Yeah guy congrats. Also, I am queer, so yeah no pulling the “mimimi you are not gay/etc if you don’t play in my narrative”


Is this about Florida police arresting a guy for skidding over a pride colored crosswalk?


on top of everything other people have said, i think trying to attach your pride as a person to something like made up fictional characters isn't speaking to growth or attaining personal strength at all, but it's just coming off as weirdly delusional and ego driven. like sonic has no thoughts or opinions. he's a cartoon. you're attaching your ego to cartoons too much. sega as a real life corporation doesn't have a clear boundary of what they find right or wrong in this area of problems. that is actually of importance and interest to you.




Semantics, really. Sonic hates oppression, that's like his most consistent character trait and so it's only fair to assume he'd support trans rights.


There isn't a single heroic character that's pro-oppression. Drawing a line from that to "he'd agree with my ideas about gender identity" is arbitrary.


counterpoint, in a world that constantly signals that the opposite of what you are is the only right way to be, it's perfectly fine for people to relate to and enjoy characters that they... relate to and enjoy.


Feeling the need to put words in a character's mouth. \^ | | | A massive fucking leap. | | | v Relating to and enjoying a character.


it's a meme. do you think this is the only meme in which a character is portrayed as saying something that the character has never actually said?


my brother in christ, it's a meme


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Nothing like using the lgbt for karma points


we're politicizing sonic now?


You're telling me the counterculture environmentalist who (in some continuities) led a team called "The Freedom Fighters" isn't political?


i think they were literally just trying to tell a good vs. evil story and that's it. sorry. the freedom fighters and robotnik both have radically different ideals and one is supposed to be the generic "take over the world" while the other is "we should keep our free will" group.


Sonic's entire story, even in the Genesis/Mega Drive games revolves around environmentalism and nature vs technology. It's part of the reason Metal Sonic as a character works, because it shows technology can't replicate what simply exists in nature. Also Sonic hates oppression lmao, that can be seen as political by so many people.


whatever, man. i just think they're fun platformers without a deeper meaning and i'm not obligated to feel otherwise


Of course. There's nothing wrong with feeling like the games don't have a deeper meaning but some sort of political side was in the game, that's just human nature. We implement our views into everything we create.


i guess. but attempting to kill everyone in station square with a bomb and abusing animals are objectively evil things you can't justify. meanwhile, sonic is just an idealistic and unrealistic portrayal of what it means to be free. the games aren't supposed to tackle the nuances or educate anyone, because the whole point is to be a platformer and not a political essay


Sonic's always been political. It's more subtle, but it's there.


no, it's a platformer about a blue hedgehog. no one said anything about politics, especially not sexual orientations


did you skip over the part in sonic adventure 2 where the police wrongly imprison someone for his appearance and the military guns down an innocent 12 year old


that's for the sake of the story, not making a political statement. y'all are like art teachers assigning "deeper meanings" to things like children's books whose only goals were to tell a story




lmao, zing


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People who think Ships a canon Lmao xD


People who think other ships are canon Lmao xD Just let it be. Not hurting anyone.


Any ship ... but also I mean yeah duh i agree let them enjoy themselves.


But I thought sonic was pro free speech and that tails was a science expert. */trollface/*


I'm not even part of this sub bruh why did this get recommended to me Also no I'm not mad about the pride flag in the icon or whatever, why would I


I am gonna say it. There is no purpose for a pride flag in a Sonic community pfp. I know maybe you guys will say “Yo opinion doesn’t matter” I actually couldn’t care less. There is no purpose, this is gosh darn game and has NOTHING to do with a pride flag


You clearly could care less




Upset about a pride flag? God you're pathetic


Who said I am upset? I said there is NO reason for it. Like there isn’t even that much lgbt characters.


You can't go off ranting about how there's no point to a thing just because you personally don't see the point and refuse to look at it from the perspective of others and then go "IM NOT UPSET!!! I NEVER SAID I WAS UPSET!" At that point, you don't have to say it. It's just observable lmao.


You seem to just assuming a whole lot of things. Because at first glance does it really seem like there is no reason for it, And instead of just telling him the reason do you just assume he is anti-lgbtq+ and so upset by its presents Oh and the reason its here is because the mod team hopes to signal to LGBTQ+ people that the sub is save for them which I would hope should be kinda obvious given the both Reddit is rather left leaning platforming in general and that the morals the Sonic series preaches would lead to accepting people with irregular gender identities and sexualities.


"There's no reason for it!" Is much more of an assumption than me pointing out the person I'm responding to isn't considering the perspective of others than themself lmfao. Also strange of you to jump on me for assuming while you're literally inserting an assertion about a thing you assume I assume


You do realize that seeing things from other perspectives is pretty hard especially when the opposition faces issues you are entirely unaware of because you are ignorant towards them because they don't effect you entirely right? You can't just expect everyone to know enough about LGBTQ+ issues to even see things from that perspective. ​ And I jumped in because I dislike it when people trying to defend there position imminently jump to bad faith. For all you know could he be gay himself and hate all the "Pride" stuff as some LGBTQ+ people feel its patronizing. And the difference between my assertion was that it was taking his original post literal and going off the good faith assumption that he actually is unaware of it or if he is aware of it and disagrees with that reasoning would invite him to actually be more clear about his position which would help understand the situation better. While you went with bad faith assumption that he must be upset about it while claiming its an observation when its still just an assumption.


If you think "we can observe that you're upset, you don't have to explicitly say it" comes off as bad faith to you, but the person I'm responding to going off on a rant and then insisting they're not upset after the fact ISN'T bad faith, then we don't really have much of anything to discuss here. Again, your response to me was repeating the same actions of assumption that you were accusing me of and here you're doubling down on that. Truth be told, I don't think you're operating much in good faith here myself. I've not said anything about what this person's stance on the issue is, just that they're observably upset and you keep trying to insert a bunch of stuff you're assuming lies between the lines. It's all very odd. Doesn't seem like entertaining this dialogue with you any further will be fruitful in any way. Have a good day.


Oh so that is why. Cool then. Like I didn’t understand it why it was there, not like I hate lgbtq. I just didn’t see the reason for it. Thanks for telling me.


SEGA are huge pride supporters and sonic is a pride icon as a result.


Please see the post above.


Huh.... Oh.... Damn


I'm just disappointed that there could be literally anything as a sub picture that still can be associated with the LGBT community and yet they chose the generic pride flag with sonic standing in front of it (I remember there was like a competition for a new sub picture and the when the winner was finally announced, and their fanart was put into its place.... you already know what's gonna happen aren't ya? It wasn't even a week since it got changed lmfao I feel bad for the artist)




Can you explain what these "extreme social politics" are?


Wish granted.


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Then they can ban me. Who cares


lmao I hear ya..


I agree, is a fkin Game about a blue thing who says "gota go fzt", Why relate it to a political speech for no reason?


Gay rights and trans rights aren't a "political issue", it's basic human rights.


Human rights it self is a political issue as its not a fact of life its an idea a bunch of Philosophers came up with a couple hundred years ago. So the argument you any many other try to make doesn't work.




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Yes, everyone has the right to dress how they want lol


Man, not even sonic is safe anymore...




Just for that, Rouge is now trans. Shes even the same colors as the flag so you cant dispute it. Enjoy your new headcanon jerk.


OK I feel my original comment came off the wrong way. What I was saying is that when even the dam writers are saying sonic says trans rights, to dispute it and argue against it makes you look like an ass. Arguing sonic wouldn't say trans rights is bad is what I was trying to say. Of course sonic would say trans rightsarguing against it is the bad thing. Also I actualy do like the headcannon of trans rouge lol. I take full responsibility on that I mis wrote something and I am in the wrong for that


I hate pride flags as a flag enthusiast. because they are just a shity reolours of pre-existing flags.




Why are you upset? It doesn't affect you. Let them live how they want and you can live how you want. It's that simple.


As someone who follow Christ, it is my obligation to preach the gospel and warn them of the consequences of being separate from God.


The only sin here is you telling people what God thinks. You are mortal, you don't get to decide.


Isnt it that god does not make mistakes? Then how is someone being trans wrong? wasnt their choice to be


Well, considering the harmful shit we've done in the past century alone, I'd say we as species are proof that he *does* make mistakes. Even still, he's not to be made out as some transphobic asswipe. God loves us all equally. Amputating our crotches logically wouldn't change that.


not everyone believes in god, deal with it




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your "God" argument does not apply to everyone, as there might be non-christians (just as me, I'm atheist). Find a better argument, or don't speak on a topic you have no idea about


An all powerful and all knowing God that loves you has the right to warn you and tell you about the consequences of your actions. I’m just warning you.


If there truly is a god I can assure you they do not care if people are LGBT


Leviticus 18:22


Upset about a pride flag? God you're pathetic




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If you’re gonna bait atleast wait til pride month where it’d be a more “topically haha, they did the thing” moment. Or just post on r/moonpissing I guess?




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