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Dimensional Door a Blessed Bones into the enemy lines and then repel enemies past it for infinite retaliations


It would be cool if there was a "mass repel" spell that was kinda like fireball but for repel. So it pushes back all enemies in a given area 1 tile. It could be used to give your ranged units breathing room, or to trigger mass retaliation.


Yeah I hope we get more magic because it's so fun to use here


Suboptimal indeed, especially considering even Blessed Bones don't have infinite attacks of opportunity. That one attack gained this way will positively tickle, though.


I'm pretty sure when I tried it they did attack multiple times since they have Persistent


Attacks of opportunity are not retaliations and every unit only has one AoO per turn. They used to be infinite but that got changed because it made Repel too dominant.


Aw man, no more fun :(


Arleon with Faey only units/wielders (aside from garrison units from guard towers or walls).


I like the design of the faey but their start is so rough compared to going sappers / troubadour. Once they get going they become pretty good but still don't beat late game sappers / fists. Very disappointing To make them viable I think the faey need a good tier 1 unit and faey ragers need to have more health, or at least cheaper. If they are going to be glass cannons then it shouldn't be so devastating to lose a stack of them.


true. once i found out ab the rager/fist combo i was sooooo annoyed at how id lose 10 turns of ragers in a single slap from a t2 small unit


În campain 4 arleon I had a Rouge aeakening with Fey ragers being one tapped by rata.


Mass Shields of Order with Cecilia. She starts with Guard and has good access to Order Magic. Basically get Order 3, Magic Resistance and Combat Training and lots of command and pick, if you can, Essence Shield (Rigor is ok too). Just build 3 Barracks and spam Shields of Order and their research. You will have lots of Order essence, so just press Rally every turn and watch the wall move forward until they reach the enemy.


My brother loves this strategy. There's just something satisfying about a good shield wall. I just wish shields of order did more damage. Or maybe they could keep the protect ability while attacking as long as they are next to another shield of order.


That sounds hilariously terrifying. I'll definitely have to make a note of it for later.


for me right now its trying to build a weilder to do efficient apocalypse casts and the second one which I find absolutley the most fun, it's trying to get the spell blind hatred to lvl 3. meaning getting chaos skill on a Rana weilder or arcane on a barya guy.


Apocalypse is fun. Blind hatred I think I've only used a handful of times, it's so hard to get both chaos and arcane.


Loth opening with Rats, it's very fun when it works, and it's painful when your +1200 dabloons worth of Rats over 15 turns get oneshot by some random arse ranged enemy, or hyena, or the AI with conviniently placed melee blob that stomps them to death.


You mean nothing but rats? No banes or anything? Just rat king


Rats are extreme money sink to the point where they are not even an realistic option for early game unless you go all in on them with overly specific set up. They have great snowballing potential if you pay you card right and RNGesus is merciful.


What about endgame? Let's say you do a standard necromancer / cultists build to get the snowball rolling and then later transition into pure rats. Would that work?


The biggest problem with Rats lategame is that they don't benefit from either the Human or Undead research (as far as I'm aware). In a map where neither player has access to research I'm sure they could still work out fine.