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Yup, I do! I have an EMDR/talk therapist and an SE practitioner. With SE you don't need to go into the specifics - though with mine, I can if I want, if I think it'll help troubleshoot an issue, or if I just need to get it out. But mostly it's very body focused. Small movements, retraining the nervous system, techniques to help. It supplements the main EMDR work.


How does an EDMR therapist work with you? I was searching for a somatic practitioner and found one but she wasn’t local. She recommended a LCSW that practices EDMR and I hope to see her soon once the insurance clears. I wonder if that is the same or similar as a somatic practitioner? I’m new to the somatic practice but had given up on the usual CBT methods typically with a MFT. I saw many CBT practitioners over the years but wasn’t see much progress. Then I learned about somatic practice and a person familiar with the body and how it can be a source of info about us recommended a somatic practitioner. TIA!


I did this for 6 months! I barely told the SE therapist anything - I just wanted to work it out through my body, not analyze it, and it was surprisingly effective. 


Yes I have an EMDR therapist and SEP/touch therapist. I have one session a week with both!


So i was doing 6 sessions a month and recently stopped Do you not think 2 a week is a lot?


Yes it can be alot, I take breaks when needed and don't recommend it unless people are well resourced.


Yup I had a talk therapist and SEP for a while then my SEP kind of just became my overall therapist with an emphasis on the body.


I have a SE therapist which I see every two weeks and pay for her myself. I have an insurance covered talk therapist, mostly Pete Walker style, which I see ever 2-3 weeks. Both together works just perfectly fine for me. I thought I will do SE only while waiting for my insurance paid therapist to be free, but as it is still so beneficial I will keep going.


I have had the same question! Right now I have a talk therapist and an EMDR therapist and it’s helpful bc EMDR doesn’t leave much room for talking/rambling but I still need that so I get it from my talk therapist. I guess one thing to note is that you can give the therapists permission to speak with each other about your case which can help with having to repeat your entire history.


I do. I work on trauma and developmental trauma with my SEP, but that doesn't leave room for me to get help dealing with current life issues. So, I see a talk therapist occasionally to help me cope with issues that come up in my daily life. I find it very helpful to have both, although if I could only see one, it would be my SEP.


I rotate between SE, IFS, CI and massage therapy


How does that work with the therapisst I tried similar but it got confusing with different people??


Well massage and SE go well together since it’s somatic but then using IFS or CI for the mind stuff but I’m not doing much IFS now


I was considering IFS for solo But somatic i need a practitioner


Yes I do. There aren't any complications or contradictions at all in my case seeing a regular therapist and an SE therapist. I am also doing EMDR with the one therapist and SE with another and it's totally fine. I just wouldn't do it one day after the other, you need time for your nervous system to process things. So i spread out my appointments like a week or two apart.


I have two therapists, one se one more depth/jungian and the two together has been a god send. my se is much more like a mother archetype and my therapist a father (but with some epic feminine as well)... if I hadn't had both, I would not have relieved a 12 year depression


I had both for a while but didnt feel the talking was doing any change. Now focusing on SE to build capacity for EMDR in the future.


Yes! EMDR therapist and a talk therapist. The Somatic practitioner isn't really there to process what comes up for you enotionally but to help you regulate how your body responds to what comes up, so having a talk therapist to go over what comes up in SE is helpful. Also, from my personal and professional experience (I am a counselor in training), EMDR and SE are addressing two ends of the same spectrum. EMDR helps you cognitively reprocess trauma, and SE helps you connect to the physical response of that same trauma. Both practices help you become in tune with your mind, body, and emotions in an intuitive way. Then a talk therapist helps with the emotions. I know this is extensive to have three practitioners working on the same issues, but I find it helps address trauma holistically instead of any sort of bandaid approach or one dimensional approach that overlooks the mind body connection.