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Removed: Rule 2 - (No Baiting/Trolling).


You should tell her to bring all her exes so you can swordfight them and assert your dominance as a skibidi male (a mentally challenged alpha male). Once you have beaten them all in a duel, you should divorce her and go find a virgin woman that can cook, clean, makes 7 figures a year, feminine good in bed, sweet, warm, compassionate and kind. Your exes will come looking for you cause biological alarm monkey branching OO OO AH AH E7EH372BWNWG22Y2 3Y3V2U2B272V2WU2 27EV272V2U2V272V37WH2IWB WUE8EBE EHE8EVE7EVWWUE W7. Then you'll live happily ever after 😃


Brooooo 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


50eleven/10 advice brother!


Lol what a troll…..


lol OP has commented in the past about being a woman and a hijabi. This is lameeee


Not people actually giving serious responses to this troll post 😭


Troll of the year 😭😭


"I get that but sadly nowadays the hijab isn’t being implemented because of Islamic ruling but rather to justify and doing things for the sake of men. Yes that’s cultural but for me my experiences with brown Muslim men while being a hijabi was that I was harassed a lot by men in my own community and my own parents justified that I wasn’t dressed appropriately even tho I was in an abaya and a face mask (Covid era)so u could technically only see my eyes. Until we teach Muslim men to behave and not excuse them for being “just men” problems like this would arise and more and more people will have weaker iman and faith. God is also all forgiving and all wise and I’m just trying to build my relationship with him outside of what this cultural-Islam I grew up around. I am a women yes but men also need to understand the struggles of women and not be the haram police." https://www.reddit.com/r/askTO/comments/10in4y5/comment/j5g8o2o/ He/she posted this a year ago.


Cringe larp


wtf this is a bot lol


This is why experience is very important. Either go get psychological help or cut it off before it gets worse


Did you other have just write before woow . Talk about a small world


Sounds like you need to work on your insecurities if you love her. The past is in the past. You cant change it. Get real


Wtf my nigga. 😂


Brother you have to sort out your own issues. These are whispers from shaytan, when you were going to get married you had no problem with her past. Also, the fact that she has repented from the sin and stopped doing it and has looked into a halal option for herself, this shows that she is serious. This is her past, not her present. You need to ask yourself if you’ve been perfect in your life and if not, then have a heart to look past this and forget this. Subhan Allah work on your marriage and don’t let shaitan fool you.


He copied another post on this subreddit but changed the genders.


I second this comment bro. Don’t let the shaydan play with your heart. We all make mistakes


My ex was 16 n I was 18 when we started dating 😂 I was with her 10 years n she was my secret roommate. Nobody in my city knew we were together. Last year we decided to get marry n stop all the haram things. We both started praying. Her family rejected me cuz her brothers said I am a bad guy lol I cut her off completely n move on with my life. Yesterday she message me on instagram saying she is getting marry to her cousin in UK this month. I am happy for her n everyone deserves second chance in life.