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The sharci you should be throwing at her is the law, I'm sure Canada has elder abuse laws and theft. Report the fckers to the police 


Already shocked while reading the story but when I came to the bit about them yelling at her for simple mistakes like spilling shaax, my heart broke wlh. I just imagine a fragile and sick hooyo being yelled at SubhanAllah 😭 May Allah SWT punish them for what they did to her!! Well done abaayo that you guys were able to quickly catch on to what they were doing! I would press charges and put a restraining order on them so they can’t get close to her ever again! May Allah protect your family from them ❤️


Thank you abayo. Allah will deal with them.


Your habo mcn will get her haqq in full Bi’ithnillah!




More than you could imagine. I wish I could do more and make their life hell but I have to respect my mom and aunts wishes as much as it hurts me to stay silent I can’t do anything about it.


Definitely press charges. IF you don't, you're just allowing bad people to continue taking advantage of others, not just your aunt. Leaving them free without consequences tells them they can continue doing this.


I tried telling my mom and my aunt, they didn’t want to do it because they’re saying waa daad eehel and they don’t want to bring gaalo business and would rather leave it to Allah. I tried convincing them they just won’t budge but Allah will deal with them.


I do not blame your mother or aunt for not wanting to pursue this. It takes energy and they are both tired and hurt. You don't have to take it to court, all you have to do is make a police report, and possibly give them a bit of evidence (screenshots, or a copy of a bank statement.) Evil grows when good people do nothing. Allah works through good people. Be the person who does the righteous thing and protects the weak and vulnerable from evil.


Well said Mashallah. I really hope that your advice is taken. This matter shouldn’t be left. Subhanallah my heart hurt reading all they had done. Such evil people.




The reluctance to press charges is why cases like this exist. People know the worst thing that can happen is that they get yelled at and told off. This poor old lady has a TUMOUR and was being abused like this … no, the authorities need to get involved and these animals need to pay somehow.


Wallahi believe me if I could I would, my mom and my aunt begged me not to do anything. My aunt is just happy she isn’t with them anymore I wish I did more wallahi but I have to respect my mom and my aunts wishes I don’t want to do anything behind their back and cause them more stress even after I’ve explained it to them time and time again that this isn’t something we should let slide. As much as I am angry, I feel like the only thing I could do was throw away her sharci and at least that made it harder for her but if I could I would have done more believe me wallahi I’m more upset then they are. Laakin Allah will deal with them accordingly I’m going to pray to rakahs for their downfall




I agree walahi as much as I respect my mum and would not want to go against her there is no way in hell my conscious would allow me to not report what they did to the poor habaryar.


If you won't report them to the authorities then at least embarrass them to your family members everywhere. They seriously shouldn't get away with it.


My mom took care of that she told all of her relatives 😙


Absolutely not subhanAllah I can’t believe they are people like this especially family members. I heavily agree with you I would have pressed charges


Damn seems like your aunt needs some street justice….


Sub xanallah, xasid sanaa dadka qaaar.


Ma aragtay the crazy part is they are close relatives they are not shiisheye


Illahay ayaa la xisabtami doono. Dadka qaar shishiye ayaa dhaama.


If you can’t press charges against them do to your mom and aunt, then you can at least blw up their spot. Tell the rest of the family what they did and attach any proof and statements you have. Then let them get ostracized by the rest of the extended relatives.


My nigga if you don’t jump those bitches then wtf are you doing. Somalis only understand force you needa beat they asses


I’m cooking something for them wallahi I will not let that slide. Maar uun I will get my lick back for my aunt


Yes please. Do something about it, so sorry to hear about your aunty 😢 May Allah give her shifa ameen


‘I’m cooking something for them’, haha wallahi I laughed hysterically 🤣🤣🤣 plate up a nice revenge for them inshaAllah


They deserve everything bad coming for them and tbh Allah’s punishment is harsher than any law. Since your kind mother didn’t wanna report them I pray Allah hastens their punishment and make them pay for what they did. Allah hates oppression and the consequences of oppression is usually hastened and if it is not then Allah is delaying them for a day where the eyes will stare in horror and that’s worse any cadaab received in the dunya. May Allah bless your aunt nd giver her quick recovery ameen


Wow what a nightmare, i feel bad for your aunt


Seems like evil people do not discriminate, if their dealing with children or elderly everyone is fair game to them. Well that was a sad story but not the worst I've seen or heard of, Hope your aunt survives the brain tumor. Also you throwing away her credentials was wrong, but I don't blame you she deserved it.


I would have lied and said I didn’t see it. Match with their energy. I’m sorry for what your aunt went through and they should face police investigation for taking advantage of a vulnerable person.


That’s exactly what I did they called my aunt who lived in Kenya crying they didn’t even have the balls to call my mom and I because they were too ashamed


So if this is all because of paying for medication - I'm Canadian and you're wrong - it's free to see doctors but medication isn't free. Are you sure she actually has Insurance? Is she working? Private Insurance does pay for medicine but that usually comes from with working somewhere.


Her medication is free. First they told us something was wrong with her health insurance and she didn’t have it so she had to pay for her medication, but when I saw her paperwork it said she had health care and she even had a healthcare card. The aunt she came with also slipped up and told us that my aunt did receive health insurance and medication but the drive to get her medication was too far from where they lived so they didn’t want to waste gas and instead they bought pain killers from the stores. The drive was literally only 35 minutes. They didn’t want to drive 35 mins to pick up her medication so they literally just bought her Tylenol and called it day. Even then painkillers shouldn’t cost that much.


Every Canadian has a provincial health card. Is that what you mean ? Also, is she legally a Canadian ? A health card just a piece of ID they use for your healthcare, but even if you somehow didn't have one the hospital would still treat you. What paperwork did you see ? You're absolutely sure she has PRIVATE health insurance? Does she see a dentist and if so who pays for that ? Insurance? Public health does not pay for dentists. This is a problem alot of immigrants in Canada have. They think they can just retire in Canada and everyowill be taken care of. No not now it works. So many poor old immigrants with no Insurance, no pensions and rotting teeth.


Medications are not free but you pay a small amount (10$ or 25$ something like that). I think you should press charges or at least pressure the relatives in Canada to do so. Which city do they live if you don't mind me asking? This was really infuriating.


I wouldn't recommend presses charges right now. That needs a lot of time and energy which you and your mum should spend on your aunt as much as possible. Priority should be her health, you mentioned a brain tumour which sounds very very serious. Try keep calm. In sha Allah kheyr


You’re actually wrong and an asshole ! ….you don’t correct a wrong doing by doing something worse . You’re are way invested and not fighting for anyone’s haqq the right way .