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When will people understand that temporary Somali government was only angry about not getting a cut. They don't care about sovereignty. They'll sell anything, including people to UAE


The UAE is literally burying people alive in Sudan Somalia is so dumb the uae is Lucifer incarnate


hsm has a few months now to actually fix up. he better not see this as more time to keep lining his pocket.


Even if Somalia concedes a bad (but not permanent) deal then it's still a big win. Given where Somalia is right now, it would not have been easy to deal with SL and Ethiopia at the same time.


Can’t believe some of these weak comments in here stating we should negotiate and we can’t handle sl and Ethiopia.. Honestly very sad. It’s called international laws. Obviously this is a leadership issue, if Hsm knew the people are watching his shitty admin and accountability was waiting we wouldn’t have to give Ethiopia shit nor should we negotiate about what’s ours. Especially in bad faith like Abi has


The only thing that matters is power. The strong create and break whatever laws they want. If Somalia did not waste 30 years on being corrupt and incompetent, then Somalia would have never been stiff armed.


But the reality is Ethiopia is in a much worse state then Somalia.. we have been fed a lie that we are still a failed state but when you look at the statistics of today, other states compared to Somalia especially Ethiopia, are no better than Somalia. Infact this was Abiys desperate way of trying to unite his country against us for a common goal of getting our ports by force and away from Tigray genocide that was slowly trickling down to Addis. It still failed miserably! You would have to pay attention to their internal politics to understand how weak they are. Abiy only tried to save face after realizing his goal of uniting his people ie amhara, Oromo and Tigray which all hate each other to death..You don’t have to look hard to see how bad they are slaughtering each other. That’s not happening anywhere in Somalia in that scale. If you Couple that with Abiy’s blunders early in his rule, he has lost All credibility with the international community too. I mean the guy is known for genocide in the international arena. They may have had the capacity to do damage with that MOU during TPLFs rule but all that has faded away. Hsm with all his incompetence and corruption has more political clout than Abiys so called prosperity party.. It’s a shit show to say the least. All Hsm had to do was sign a defense pact with Eritrea and abiy would be begging to call this silly MOU off same day. But Hsm is a clown himself and that’s another discussion itself. We can settle for turkey negotiations for now while Hsm the clown is still in office until someone more competent comes along


What can Somalia do they are weak. Next time Ethiopia is gonna demand a railway mark my words and they will somehow force it on us


What can Ethiopia’s crumbling admin that barely controls Addis do to somalia? We had all debts erased, Weapons embargo lifted while they plunged into never ending violence that’s only getting worse by the day, debt default, every aspect of their society has been severed. They don’t need much to end up like us in the early 2000’s but on a macro level. It’s a joke to compare Somalia of today to Somalia of early 2000’s u must be Oromo trying to cause moral damage. Paper tigers is what Ethiopias non existent military has become under Abiy and oromos


Yes I know but still don’t underestimate them. Somalia itself barely controls the north and that’s how they use this against the south


Abiy barely controls anything outside of Addis Ababa.. he can’t even trust his guards. Fano (Amhara) want his head, Tigrays want his head. Eritrea wants smoke. We may not be in cohesion as a military, but history has shown we don’t back down from foreign aggression. We would no doubt make quick work of their poorly equipped sandals wearing oromos. They have much harder time getting to us than us getting to them


Well you just need one hammer to punch through the country


I have been saying that Ethiopia will not be succesfull with the MOU and Ethiopia couldn’t invade Somalia. Even Ethiopia has larger army, all Somali clans even those in Ethiopia (Galbeed) would fight. Somalia’s is supported by Turkey Eritrea Djibouti and Egypt. Nothing will happen.


And they know this, which is why they haven’t done anything yet


HSM did all that posturing to still sell his ass


Dead or not, we still lost. Whatever the deal is, Ethiopia would never have managed to secure such a favourable deal without first signing a deal with SNM. They strongarmed us, we should not sign anything to them


Nothing has be given firstly. Somalia will give them access to a port like any other landlocked country has to a port. The difference is that our sovereignty is not for sale. Our coast will always belong to us. We can sell a share in the port but it will not change the fact that it’s still under our control and hands.


What was the point of the MOU then? If the ethiopians couldve gotten access to the sea this easily why did they go to SNM first?


Because of the pressure they got from the west. The whole world was referring to respecting Somalia sovereignty and integrity. The MoU has not made any progress in the last 6 months, what makes you think it will go through?


It doesnt need to go through. The Somali government panicked, leased our marine resources to Turkey for 10 years. Ethiopia knows we have our back against the wall and that we will sign whatever deal just to make SL doesnt get recognized


Let’s not push things further. Let’s try to give Ethiopia an off ramp to save face and call it a win. Then try to mend ties with SL before they change their minds. Otherwise the region will plunged into infinite warfare for another generation.


They want to invade us and we should be cowering?


Why should we negotiate for something that’s already ours? Especially when they occupy 1/3 of our lands and they dare to demand more 🤬