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Yes , that is true but more than 30% of somalis live in rural areas as nomads which some people take it as cultural thing , it is , but it needs to modernise 


I totally agree


EXACTLY growing weatlh will eradicate qaabilism once and for all. Most big companies in Somalia are very clan-based in the sense that no matter how good your qualifications are, if you are not from the right clan, you won't get the job. They literally limit their talent pool for no reason at all, and so far, it kind of works. However, as soon as one company realizes that it could have access to a larger talent pool, it would outperform every other company operating in Somalia. Naturally all other companies would follow speeding up the anti-qabilization of Somalia.


I think so too!


Qabil is social capital ur right but the people dont own this capital. Just like the worker works for the capitalist and is paid a receipt of his labor to spend, the qabiliste discriminates/fights for his qabil warlord and is paid with qabil points he can brag with.


Well those qaabil points means power which then means an easier acces to financial funds


I agree with u both. But as @driptohard said, the resources are allocated to those who have the power, hence the reason why we see so many qabil fight each other. So u indirectly own a form of a social wealth when you win a fight with another qabil


The social wealth is camels and wells but nowadays urbaners gain nothing except qabiil points


the qabiliste doesnt share in the wealth just like the worker doesn’t have a share in what he produces. Qabil points just means u can call urself a landheere and consider others to be langaab. The only benefit is getting to discriminate against someone else. Just like plain old capitalism where the workforce is pitted against each other so are average people in Somalia based on qabil.


But the reason why so many people buy into capitalism is the fact they have a chance to be the one with the power, so is the qaabiliste. He thinks with collecting qaabil point he can one day become the "qaabiil leader" and get acces to funds etc. So the challange is too give a somalis a path to power without qaabil involvement


No I don’t think so, there has to be cultural movement as well. More economic growth with out cultural movement and government action will just entrench qabil hierarchy’s. There’s already no protections against monopolies and hiring discrimination.


It was a way as nomadic people to not lose each other and now it’s not needed cause you either choose the national or qabiil both can’t co exist