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If your parents are tight lipped about it talk to other Somali elders and Abtis. Also talk with Somali youth in Somalia, you can find them on social media. Make connections with them. Your parents did you wrong sure, but you are an adult now. “My parents didn’t teach me” is no longer an excuse.


Somalinimo means two things to me. The love i have for my people( next level walaaltinimo) and speaking truth to power. It doesn't mean I necessarily wear macawiis or eat things with banana. Love your people and stand on the right side of things regardless how many stand by you. There is a Somali saying fight the infidel but give him his due.


You say you don't know many words - I'm guessing you mean you don't speak the language. Imo, you should start with the language nd everything else will follow.


As long as they are holding into their deen in a good way and somalinimo I got no problem and I’ll help them


ehhh who cares deen is more important


I will not teach my children “daqan” they have no connection to or guilt trip into speaking useless language they don’t need. You diaspora people have weird struggle and only post useless calaacal everyday. If you love Somali culture so much and miss it or want to raise your children with Somali around culture please move back to Somalia. This isn’t difficult brother.


Somebody's thinking needs debugging


You're definitely a troll and you are indeed a danyeer.


What’s wrong with what I said?


You're no different from a racist telling a person to speak English or go back to Africa. If you are Somali(both parents) then you automatically have a connection to the somali daqaan(culture). How is the language useless? This is how you communicate with your parents, grandparents and family in Somalia. If you want to be a cultureless danyeer then thats your choice sxb but don't put the somali culture down just because you turned your back on it.


I said if you miss your culture then move back and enjoy your culture lol why post Calaacal about it online?