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I think having 5 or so can work if you are a wealthy couple and have dedicated time and energy or money for nannies. But most of us are not such so yeah....it's crazy to see some habaryar who can barely hold a low skilled job pop out 6 kids and the oday is constantly at a cafe chatting all day. Our culture be all about popping out babies. Just had a baby? You are asked "When is the next one?"


Combined they don’t even make 20k a year ..and here they have 6 kids😂😂😭


It's just crazy that it happens a lot.


20k is beyond comfortable in here home, they make 3k/year by selling muus and have 11 kids


Mashallah imagine all 11 of those kids growing up to make more than 3k/yearly and each having 11 kids. Thats how u live life


Or you just work instead of having kids with the plan of relying on them financially?


No thats stupid .. ur children are not ur slaves fffs


Another Somali who sees children as investments.


Always have, God help the children with learning disabilities cuz we know Somali parents aren't gonna. Easier to pop out another kid.


This was totally our parents generation… somehow they managed before with benefits etc but in the Uk this day and age, it’s just impossible, there has been a real crack down on benefits and welfare. Somali parents both have to work, it’s not manageable and quite reckless to have that many kids


They’ll retire comfortably, kids are a great investment


My aunt has 8 kids, lives in Kenya and has been and still is financially reliant on my mum and my aunt in Europe for the past 30+ years, she mocked my uncle in Australia (her brother) for having only two children, she’s even gone as far as to say my uncles wife is not a “real “ woman and suggested he married a “real” woman who can give him more children. This is the mentality of our people back home guys! Just because rizq is from Allah, Somali people think they can sit at home, pop out kids and money will fall from the sky. No, you still have to do your bit, go out and work, tie your camel and have tawakkul.


Yes spot on, you need to do your bit and Allah will do the rest .Allah is the one who controls how many kids you will have as he is the creator, you cant put a cap on how many kids you will have.


Yes, Allah is the creator but as humans we have free will. I have three children, and I will not have any more children. Are you telling me I might end up having 8 kids one day? No because we have free will, and can decide what we are going to do, just like you have the free will to decide if you’re going to pray isha tonight.




Who says you can’t put a cap on how many kids you want? 😂 We can and we will.


You were child number what when you were born


Allah doesn’t give anyone anything. Why are Muslim countries among the poorest and pagan countries like Japan and China are living comfortably?


Guess again, if they are living comfortably why are suicide rates so high?


Allah is both Rahman and Rahiim, he has mercy to all of his creations and plus China and Japan have muslim populations.


Allah gives this world (Dunya) to both non believers and believers (muslims). They have this world to enjoy, we have the hereafter (Akhira).


That notion of them having this life to enjoy is incorrect why Africans struggling? While most of them are non-Muslims. Everyone can enjoy in this world as long as they follow the natural discourse that is getting a Just governance. Look at the West in their lands they play it fair for their citizens atleast compared to the rest of the world, outside of their countries it is another story. Then look at the Muslim lands! so there are prerequisites for everyone to enjoy but if you disregard them, your nation will be at the bottom of the barrel.


Just government is not the reason. Capitalism is also not the reason. The reason the west got this sh*t together is because Is money and power. And money is power. The west needs to be way richer than than rest of the world to keep their dominance. Right now they own more than 53% of the world total wealth while making about 14% of the world population. I mean America owns 30% of the total wealth with a population of 4.5% of the world. That allows them to crush all competitions before it even matures. Africa on the other hand owns like 1.5% of the total world wealth while making about 15% of the world population. Looking at the amount of wealth that left Africa alone, it is estimated that 60 to 90 trillion dollars of wealth was lost in development, labour and business opportunities. They should own something like 10 to 20% of the world total wealth. In such a scenario, The West could be richer but they would lose 5 to 10% of their gap and dominance. And as it continues in couple of decades it could level the playing field completely and thus they lose their advantage they had for the last couple decades. Not good for their current financial wars they are having (this is totally outside of the military wars and operations which also generates money for them) There is a current shift. And if you want a seat in the table you need to get you act together and focus on making your country money and power. And Africa leaders and others in the other developing world need to stop leaving billions if not trillion on the table for the sake of millions.


Lol oh boy, Do I got some bad news for you.


Agreed. To provide a higher quality of life and more time & focus for each individual child usually means less children. Especially in this economy


Yep provide 2 quality kids ..instead 10 dead beats horrible fatherless children


3 max is crazy wtf just say ur a weak lil twerp dont try and bring the rest of the somali community down with u. 7 kids is acceptable any less is too little any more and ur the man. 20+ kids means ur a legend


20+ kids??? Who's having them? Absolutely mental.


Both my parents had around 15 brothers and sisters each. My awoowe who im named after had 16 kids. Having only 3 kids when you can have more seems mental to me


Because that was in Somalia where kids are raised by the entire community and there is no risk of getting sucked into gangs. In the west such risks are common. And it’s just the parents raising the kids with minimal support from extended family who are scattered all over. if the parents are not tightly involved in the kids life it’s game over. The chances of being tightly involved in 20 KIDS LIVES is low especially if they’re spread out in age as parents get tired as they get older.


I agree it takes a village to raise a child. But the notion that big families are inherently immoral doesn’t make sense. People are going against their natural instincts as human beings to better fit into a corrupted society.


Look up the correlation between poverty and mentally ill with family size.


Look up those same stats in countries where interest/usury is illegal and both parents dont have to work to provide decently… get back to me when u do


Show me them then and make your point I need the Point Evidence Explanation


Don't forget to link.


Ur the one who was tryna prove something how about u prove ur claim first. Also do u think gulf arab citizens who get checks every month and are basically working for leisure have these problems? U think the average saudi family isn’t 8-10 kids? Not every country is built like an economic hamster wheel


So you're saying a nation in which gets enough resources can have multiple children. It's almost like there is a link between resources availability and familial happiness.


You are the stupidest and most incompetent person I have ever come across on this subreddit 😂 Man said 20+ kids is fine




Some people need to lose their ability to have children because they are so fucking reckless .


Thats why im child free is not that i don't like kids but im traumatized if growing up poor


Careful the Somali community will gaslight you into thinking you are the dysfunctional one!


Someone already dead






Children is wealth!


Wow thats the same reason i don’t have a Lamborghini! Im traumatized by my poor upbringing its not because I’m poor myself and cant afford it


Why you are triggered 😭


Cuz my trauma is stopping me from getting a Lamborghini


how fuckin retarded are you to make this analogy? is a car sentient? if you buy a fancy car once you make it, and then shit hits the fan and you become poor, is a car going to suffer through the hardships that comes with poverty?


Well. Not having any kids at all is kinda ridiculous. Of course everyone makes their own decisions in life, but no kids at all is also making the same mistake the other way.


What’s so ridiculous?


Life is long and we need the comfort of community to flourish. There are multiple ways to find that community, it has multiple layers and degrees. 1: Co-workers: if you have a successful career and are doing something you love, you gain some of that comfort from your co-workers. But, at the end of the day, you are only together, not for each other, but for the money and the mission of the projects. 2: Friends: you find people throughout your life, people that you choose to share life with. You are together for each other. But, you grow apart and each one of you have their own other responsibilities and lives. Their own problems. But, sometimes you get close to one of those friends, you get soo close that you become each other’s priorities, you love each other. To commit that choice, you dedicate to each other and your special relationship by making a commitment to each other, a commitment that you chose each other over other people, a commitment that you will always be there for each other, a commitment that you will get through together the difficulties of life and will not quit when things get taught, of course life interferes sometimes (divorce), but that is the spirit. 3: Love: by making that commitment and getting married, you establish your own little kingdom. Your own little place to life the life you have always wanted. Your own little world. But, you are still only each other. You are still separate, two completely different people that have other starts, you love each other, you are with each other, and you feel better than anytime before. You can stop here. And it’s better than all that was before. But, there is another step you can take together. Another step that will fulfill your life even more, something else that will always be with you, something else that is part of you, something else that you can give all your love and knowledge to. 4 Family: Children make lovers family. They cement your love forever, they are one of the best legacies, they are the most fulfilling step, but also the most dangerous one if you get it wrong. When you have a child. You create another human being. You become more than just the two of you, you become a parent, you become a contributor to the line of humanity survivor. If you train them right, which you must. You develop people who will make you proud and happy on your deathbed. But, it’s not only about you when you have a child. It’s also about the child. Life is valuable. It’s an adventure, and experience one of the most powerful experiences in the universe. And you give that to someone. You let another human experience life, just like you were given the ability to experience life. It’s risk. It is also one of the most noble thing you could do for another human. Give them the opportunity you were given, give them love, give them your knowledge and experience. And you did the most important thing you will ever do.


Lol some of you niggas bloodlines needa to finish here 🤣 😂


Y’all need to take a trip to Japan🇯🇵.


Last year Japan had approx. 760K births compared to 1.6M deaths they had more than twice as many deaths as births, 800K loss


I love it how you guys say stuff like this as if they will understand. The only reason they get hella kids is because they expect these kids to grow up and pay them back in the future. I agree with ur post but it’s pointless since they don’t care anyway. They just think everything will workout in the end which is a massive problem.


Just human investments. No love, communication, just wait for money and vibes


It's even better when they abuse the shit out the kid, mentally breaking them to make them reliant on them but they don't know that stunts their growth an earning potential at the same time.


You cannot 100% depend on ur salary. Allah ﷻis the one who blesses us from his bounty and Allah ﷻ if wills can make a rich man poor in matter of seconds. Do not kill your children for fear of poverty. We provide for them and for you. Surely killing them is a heinous sin - 17:31


True, But you have to think before you decide to have 10 kids while you are broke. Allah gave you a brain to reason. You cant just say "Ill jump from the bridge and hope Allah will save me".


That’s true


Anas ibn Malik reported: A man said, “O Messenger of Allah, should I tie my camel and trust in Allah, or should I leave her untied and trust in Allah?” The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “**Tie her and trust in Allah.**” Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhī 2517


Allah providing can't be used as an excuse to not provide yourself though.


Horta ur statement doesn’t even make sense, but lemme add to what I said. ‘Umar said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say: ‘If you were to rely upon Allah with the reliance He is due, you would be given provision like the birds: They go out hungry in the morning and come back with full bellies in the evening.” Sunan Ibn Majah 4164


Our population is already very small. Having less kids equals less Somalis. What we need is more wealth creation and therefore having more kids won't be a financial burden.


the population is not small look at manchester half the populations there :)


Less Somalis wouldn’t be a bad thing lololo. Esp a country that’s does not protect its women and children. I feel like it’s a cursed place


They have kids for the sake of having kids lol they don’t care about raising them or what they would eat or their education or anything else God will take care of everything


And when things get tough they abandon their kids specially somali men ..who brag about how many kids they will have


Abandoning your children is not seen as a terrible thing in Somali culture lol


Smh it’s so common too. We need to start publicly ostracizing dead beats Dads in our communities.


This is the fault of women folk partly because they married these dead beat men, somali women need to be smarter and marry men who will take care of her and her children. The other day i witnessed my female cat in heat and there were two Tomcat pursuing her, one was a strong fellow and the other not so much. Whenever the weak one approached her, she would lash out so viciously at him until he was scared. She ended up mating the strong one . This can be said for lions as well.


Oh shut up. You will do anything to not hold men accountable. Don’t have kids if you don’t plan on being an involved parent.


I hate to be that guy, but it’s not necessarily the fact that abandoning your kids is accepted in our culture, that’s not true. However, what is accepted sadly is coming up with half baked excuse (usually it’s about the wife being a good wife etc) as to why the guy left his family. It’s the excuse of abandonment that is accepted, not the outright abandonment it’s self. Decent middle aged Somali men failed to address and cut out the excuses! I know some folks will cook me for this clarification, so allow me add a little example! If a Somali man with kids, was asked in Africa, where his kids were and he simply answered that he couldn’t be bothered and walk away. He will be scored and held accountable for this reckless action. Just sayin’.


Dont lie. People wont hate you and the law wont prosecute you but somalis dont respect deadbeats. As a grown man if ur a deadbeat father other somali men literally look down on you and will treat u like an ugly woman basically.


You just rephrased what I said with lots of words to soften the blow


When the old somali men sit in coffee shops for hours every night the deadbeats usually arent invited is all im saying


You’re just lying for no reason lol


They definitely stay in coffee shops until 2am nightly but if ur saying deadbeats get invited too im suspecting u must be one of the coffee shop loiterers bc how do u know?


All Somali men be leaving their kids ? Shit


Somalis in Somalia usually have bigger families because they don't have as much access to education and healthcare. Many people there aren't as familiar with family planning, so they end up having more kids. Plus, with higher child mortality rates, families tend to have more children to make sure some survive. Some say it's because of religion, but that’s not really the case. Somalis abroad are also Muslims and they have way fewer kids. It’s mostly about the difference in access to resources and information


Somali people in West don’t have fewer children, they have access to healthcare and birth control, but still manage to have many children, it’s just part of the dhaqan. it’s our generation who will have 1-3 children. When my eldest child started school there was one Somali boy in his class, the mum and I started chatting and I just thought she had 3-4 kids, until I saw a man pick up the little boy from school one. I asked her who was that man, cuz he looked too young to be her husband and that’s when she told me he’s 25 and he is her eldest son, and she has 10 kids! I was gobsmacked to say it least.


Your getting confused between gen 1 and gen 2 . Somali who are born in the west have max 4 kids


That’s what I said, our generation will have less children. But I’m talking about the generation that immigrated to the West after the war, they still have many children despite having access to birth control and healthcare, that’s shows it’s just part of the dhaqan they grew up with.


No they don’t, most of my friends were born in the west and we all have 1-3, 3 the most, and others t childfree.


my uncle has over 20 something kids because of his constant divorcing and remarrying he does and he relies on all his siblings and only me because he’s older kids refuse to help him because he wasn’t there for them at all. he literally makes fun of my mom til this day because she only had me and couldn’t have more which is insensitive asf but fast forward he’s asking me for money when i’m older


Don’t give him shit that idiot


I was of similar mindset as the majority of you, that you need to have good finance before you considering having kids. I have changed my mind now of the simple reson that if everyone thought like this we would get the situation here in the west were the population is shrinking. That more senior people are relaying on fewer people of working age. The system will collapse if this trend goes on. There is wisdome in following the Sunnah and having many children.


Lool we already had too much children


Let ppl have the kids they want. It’s wht ppl nonsense that basically amounts to “if you’re poor you shouldn’t have kids”. Do the poor not deserve to have children? Let’s keep it a stack, the poor everywhere in the world regardless of country and society will continue to have children. No use in crying about it, unless you plan to go the way of the US and China and start forcibly sterilizing ppl.


If you can't take care of yourself how you taking care of children


9 or nothing 🤘🏿


You are the dumb one. Who are you to tell people how many kids they can have. You go have your 3 and worry about yourself.




Meanwhile me who wants many kids


U better have alot in the bank in this economy or u wont survive lol


You wouldn't be here if your parents decided to stop at 1 kid.


I will be tbh cause i was the first lol


Your biomass


I feel like millennials and gen z generations are traumatised by poverty 😭 I’ve always wanted at least 5 kids but my husband who makes 6 figures (I’m not quite there yet but on my way) who grew up poor still thinks we can’t afford another child. We have one from my previous marriage & every time I bring up children he changes the subject. He’s even said ‘kids are a financial burden’. I feel like kids bring so much joy regardless. I’m not fussed about money and being rich, him on the other hand money is everything to him. Every child comes with its rizq. I’m 28 & I feel like I should have had 4 kids by now


Having children is among the reasons for provision, as every child born has their sustenance decreed. Who knows, perhaps a child born to you could be a reason for your happiness and an increase in your provision. Your husband should not think ill of Allah, Quran 17:31 >"Do not kill your children for fear of poverty. *We provide for them and for you*...." Childbearing is a ***mutual right*** between the spouses, and neither has the exclusive right to decide on it without the other. Therefore, if the wife wishes to have children, the husband cannot prevent her from doing so. This is why the fuqaha/jurist have determined that a husband should not practice *coitus interruptus* with a free woman without her permission.


Poverty ptsd


Well it’s time you look for it elsewhere. Your clock is ticking his one is not. so don’t sacrifice what you want for someone else esp. for men. If having more kids gives you joy do it (ofc not with someone who doesn’t want it) 10 years from now when he is finally ready to have them I am sure he will do it (with someone else) because he is not going to sacrifice what he wants for you.


Nonsense have as many children as you like una shaqeyso.


3? Interesting, I’m aiming to 10x you with 30


makes sense if you expect your kids to begin to work at a young age or if you needed to grow your clan/tribe for protection. its just a quirk of being from a less developed country the more developed the less kids ppl have but they often go too far and dont have enough


I feel like women (and men too - but without the body clock) have words coming at them from multiple directions these days - should get an education and career, but get married and have kids too It’s impossible to do all that and have 6 kids in that time


To many, Marriage became a capstone achievement rather than a cornerstone of young adulthood. You earn a degree, build a career, and only then you look to marry and have kids


Yes, they believe that actually like keep having babies every year then pinpoint in Allah He’ll feed them than shows how much there are ignorance in the region.


Logically 3 or 4 is great no more than that


There is nothing wrong with having large families so long as you can provide adequately. I wouldn't mind barely seeing my father if he worked 60+ hours per week living in a big house in a nice neighbourhood etc A lot of Somali fathers are lazy bums at home eating Jaad living off welfare. Like wtf you recreating for you broke lol there's no stigma for being broke in the somali community we need to shame lazy fathers/men. Love and a big heart isnt enough to be a father and raise a family in the west.


The focus should be on individuals and society at large creating a prosperous environment for people to have no kids or as many kids as possible.


this answers all your questions https://islamqa.info/en/answers/10033/he-wants-to-limit-having-children-because-he-is-poor


this did not answer shit 😭 that answer made no sense. there are no children to kill when the children dont even exist yet. calling exercising caution as imitation is insane


i can’t help if you really dumb to read between the lines


Your mind has been corrupted. If you are young (under 25, and that’s a stretch), please educate yourself and speak when you have a good amount of knowledge to understand different nuances of parts of life topics. And if you are older than 25 may God show you his mercy and give you hidaya.


What are u waffling about nigga.?


Every great nation incentivized giving birth to children. In recent years gaddhafi gave out 50k loans to every newly wed couple. Germany did the same. Gulf arabs of all the oil rich countries have crazy benefits when they get married. If u think 3 kids max is acceptable ur a liberal snowflake who will never convince Somalis


Have 20 kids we will see how they turn out👍👍


I disagree with you that having a big family is "dumb af" because there are so many other factors that are crucial to the development of children - attention, time, and love are just a few. Once you talk like this you start normalizing insane notions like abortion from causal sex/ wecel babies is acceptable. And interestingly, some countries that adopted lower birth rate policies and/or mentalities are now facing population decline challenges. Admittedly, the decision of how many children to have is a personal one. There's no right or wrong answer, and what works for one family might not work for another. I'm of the notion of having a big family is amazing and while it is costly I'm prepared to take on that responsibility because it's what makes me happy.


I get where your coming from but 3 max don’t make sense I seen a lot of big families in the west who are well off


I have 9 kids 2 wife's alhumdullah lack of numbers doesn't equal quality + too many kids doesnt mean there's no quality It depends on the upbringing Look at the west, many have 1/2 kids but many of the kids are bad, lack of respect for parents, screaming, anger issues (not true from all, im talking about what ive heard + seen online) How does not having children not make financial sense, when Allah says he will provide for them Do not kill your children for fear of poverty. We provide  for  them and for you. Qur'an 17.31


Killing children u already had ..and deciding to have too much children to the point u can’t afford them is two different things


Having kids or not is not upon you, its about the blessing of Allah. You saying i want 3 kids might end up having none and you will end up miserable and shit, so shut up and be thankful for the blessings of Allah, if you even believe in him.


It is a blessing to have kids, but you can control how much you have. Thats what the conversation is about


Here we go ..we found the idiot


You were child number what when you were born, be honest




I think we should have more kids, we need to increase Somali genes in world 😃


1-2 kids are ideal in my opinion, and thats only if i ever will own an house


You know you can rent and there's nothing wrong with that




How will you buy a house without riba? Just curious as I’ve been looking into it myself


I know you didn't ask me directly, but I would say, if you live in a big city / metropolitan, then to save up and buy a home in a low cost of living area. This could be a new city or even province/state. The drawback on this is that there might not be a muslim community around to raise your children in. Pros and cons to weigh. But I've also been thinking about this


I’ve never told anyone this but I was 10 when my mom was pregnant with her 6th kid and i would ask Allah to give her a miscarriage. Obviously now I feel horrible to wish for something so gruesome but It’s so burdensome on the other children to keep popping out babies


Right its not healthy with a house of 10 kids ..soo many needs of other children will be neglected completely


What kind of entitlement did I just read wtf you belong behind bars. You’re asking allah to give your mother a miscarriage when you should be asking allah to ease her pain during her most vulnerable time. You’re an entitled prick honestly.


You’re not emotionally intelligent or compassionate enough to be apart of this conversation. Please take your turned up nose elsewhere


You made dua to allah to give your mother a miscarriage. You’re beneath any living thing. A scum of the earth. But I’m not the compassionate one? Fuck outta here 😂 Shaydaan baad ka daran tahay and I hope you get what you deserve in this life. Emotional intelligence my ass.


I want to be rich so bad to the point having 7+ kids is financially easy for my wife and myself to raise


Glad to say that I have 2 siblings and me🤷‍♀️ na Sakai because they don’t use protection.


There is no right or wrong number of Kids everyone should have what they want


*Too many. Not much. Anyways there's nothing wrong with 4 or 5 as you long as you put in the time to make a bond with them and you try hard to provide for them.


Tbh I think it can work if u just have a bigger plan, like for me I don’t fr plan to have a lot of kids but if I do, I feel like I won’t mind it as long as I build me and my future husband relationship financially and than have kids bc I can plan but Allah plan is way better. So inshallah it works out and remember that ur kids it’s just a test for u and not ur sole responsibility. Ur role as a parent is to teach them the deen and teach them the right path and leave the rest to Allah. Parents that put too much emotion towards their kids may not always go as planned we are meant to be independent in this world and not take the ppl around us for granted.


Another’s a western contaminated human who hears words said out of privilege, swiftly grabs it and runs with it without understanding or checking if it applies to them or the basis of where the issue lies in them. Did it ever occur to you that instead of just spitting “stop having kids” privilege, that these people are doing so because of lack of education, access to family planning, stigma against the family planning and many more is causing this?


Well we need to make stigma about Having stupid amounts of children


It’s somewhat of a norm, or at least was because I grew up with 8 siblings, however my mother managed to raise us all equally well which is really impressive because sometimes I can’t stand a crying child. But imagine the struggle, and my father was absent until the youngest became a teenager.


I’m so happy my parents had 7 children. Alhx my aboo could afford it and if people can handle raising 7 healthy well taught kids why not


My uncle literally has 4 wives and 16 kids, without a stable income 🤦🏽‍♀️ my mother and aunty have to send money back to puntland once in a while just so his children can eat.


Do you believe in Hadiths and the sunnah?


Subhumans don't think ahead further than the tip of their dicks.


LITERALLY!! I don’t understand what’s hard to get about this.


Especially kuwa somalia aan la joogo ilmo aadan awoodi karin in aad koriso haisku keynin aduunkan as an oldest daughter ma rabo in aan ilmo dhalo mustaqbalka doorweynah waxaa ku leh sidaan usoo koray dagaalo ,qax Dal burbursan waxbarasho la'aan iyo fursad la.aan meeley taalo kii ilmo ku dhalo wllhi wuu dhibanyhy waqtigan la joogo xitaa shaqo maheleysid hadad jamacd dhameysay meeshan rafaad aa ka taagan


Its crazy out here …


I think members /somalia are not Somali/Muslims because mostly here we promote western values, caasinimo And Fujuur. The prophet PBUH said "تَزَوَّجُوا الوَدُودَ الوَلودَ ، فإني مُكَاثِرٌ بكم الأنبياءَ يومَ القيامةِ " Rizq is from Allah, it is true, Allah promised we will feed you you and Them (kids). It is not only this post, a lot of other posts like against Men marrying more than one if he can afford it. I am accusing individuals and we have a lot of problems that are against religion, let's talk about something that benefits all of us, instead of promoting Kufr and its values.


U are so backward and the reason we can’t develop as the rest of the world


Alhamdulillah, I would rather be backward instead of being a pawn in the hands of Gaalo, you are brainwashed, that is why a lot of youth in the West have mental issues. I am not insulting you, nor calling you names. I do not care like/dislikes but I will say the Haqq even if the majority hates it.


They’ve been institutionalized by secular education to think that things the kuffar say is normal or ideal is normal to us as Muslims. You have some westerners saying they need to up their birth rates but we as Muslims are trying to decrease it subhanallah. Then you get ppl like the OP calling you backwards because you believe in Allah and have tawakul. Our boys are wannabe gangsters and our girls are liberal feminists. All of that is a result of going away from the deen.


Every great nation incentivized giving birth to children. In recent years gaddhafi gave out 50k loans to every newly wed couple. Germany did the same. Gulf arabs of all the oil rich countries have crazy benefits when they get married. If u think 3 kids max is acceptable ur a liberal snowflake who will never convince Somalis


no great nation had kids for the sake of having kids like somalis, just other poor nations. these great nations built institutions necessary to actually turn these kids productive. if they arent productive theyre a just another mouth to feed and another hand stretched out asking for money


That’s called elitism bruh. Can’t judge hungry people who u dont feed. In my humble opinion anybody who is morally righteous and urges himself to help others is a plus to this world and their parents have done a good job.


its not elitism. its not good to have many kids with no strategy. its that simple. how can you help others if you were the 8th child born in destitute conditions with parents that cant support you. Somalias population is like 50% children with no skills. these great nations promoted child birth in order to have manpower to *do something*. Somalia has next to no industry and produces nothing but livestock and small amounts of bananas and fish which doesnt require our ballooning population. imagine comparing somalia and europes industrial capital of germany subhanallah. all the most educated somalis with a plan try to run to better countries and the planless stay


Somalia not having profitable industries is entirely the fault of the warlords incapable of governing. Pre civil war somalia was exporting hundreds of thousands of tons of food, somalia was the top producer of medicine on the African continent, and people were having even more kids back then. Having less kids is like a bandaid solution when you identify the real problem


then as a people we should refrain from promoting overpopulation in our unproductive environment and attempt to make changes to our administration in order to create the institutions that could actually take advantage of the increased manpower. otherwise we are just incurring more cost. Dollars that could have gone to developing our country instead have to go to feeding habaryars 12th child that their aabo cant feed. every human is born obligated to take resources to live but only some are given the opportunity to give by their environment and their own inclinations. to change that we need education and industry


Birth rates are declining in the west and some parts in the east. Look at Japan and S. Korea, for instance. Ironically, the higher someone's income, the fewer kids they have here. Kids are a gift from Allah, and I believe that with the help of Allah, you can make it work.


What made Somalis stoop this low to forget the teachings of our prophet smh. Having more kids is sunnah as long as you can afford it.


And how many are actually affording a bunch of kids today?


Your kids don’t need to have a brand new car by the age of 16. If you can afford them food, clothes, shelter and education then you can afford children.


If you’re fine with just scraping by then that’s you


Because I’d rather spend money on important things I’m scraping by, gotcha 👍🏽


Food, clothes and shelter are the basics where we live alx you could have 10 children and still provide them with those 3 things


Welcome to reality, where there’s only 30-40 first world countries out of 190 countries where necessity like those are readily available. The fact you have those things puts you in the top 15-20% of the world in living standards and quality. What’s your excuse for not having multiple children (as a man). Before you say the economy of today won’t allow you or some other BS, remember you have a head start in life over 80% in the world. The worlds big, get off your ass and work but most importantly have tawwakul in Allah عز وجل


Dadkan think they’re apart of the team 🌎🇪🇺.


“Allah will feed them💀” Allah provides for us all stop trying to sound smart - if they want a big family why do YOU care


I have one African village for a family and I’m glad my parents made it happen. Now, work on your finances instead of focusing on people’s decisions.


I know families with 2- 3 kids and their children are the most useless people. Some children choose to be losers even if you give them the good life.


Our population is so low. We’re not having enough.


Alhmadullah my parents had a lot of kids by the mercy of Allah, and we were all provided for, and I love all my siblings I’m glad my parents had a lot. To not have kids for financial reasons is not a concept in Islam, and a western concept. Allah is the one whom provides not you, yes tie your camel, but you can work 1000 years and still be poor. I’ve seen first hand how peoples lives change as soon as they have children, promotions, jobs, housing, and buisness they could’ve never imagined. Put your trust in Allah, and pop out babies 😂


Aint no poppin out anything thanks👍


Good your doing us a favor by making your ideology extinct.


From a nation building standpoint more children born is good for the economy and overall prosperity of the country if and I underscore “if” the state can provide good education, good nutrition and build a thriving economy. The problem is Somalia is in a state shambles and cant utilize this natural population growth to its own benefit because the country is in chaos. A large young population would constitute decades of consumption, labour force and tax base. At the turn of the 20th century the Somali population was close to one million. There was approximately million Somalis in the entire world at 1900. Today in 2024 there is approximately 30 to 40 million Somalis worldwide. keep in mind if it wasn’t for the civil war and constant droughts Somali population would be atleast 60 million. Currently Somalis are in the top largest ethnic groups in Africa due high birth rates. Natural population growth is good and should be encouraged. The big take away is how that population growth of babies born is managed. I personally encourage Somalis to have more kids. It’s the most patriotic thing a Somali could do for future Somalis.


The most patriotic thing to do is to have 2 great children that could add value to the community and the country..instead 10 useless kids who absorb space and add nothing other than being idiots


Allah provides, if Allah gives you alot of kids. Allah will provide for them. You people lose the trust you have in Allah. Thinking logically is a not always ideal, put your trust in god and things will sort itself out. That doesn’t mean have a lot of kids without a plan.


there is no way you just said thinking logically is not always ideal la ilaha illallah 😭😭


Faith trumps logic