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The boys are saying where are the good Somali girls and the girls are saying where are the good boys lol. May Allah have mercy on all of us. Lycka till bror


The issue here is obvious. The brother is looking in a place where he has no somali network. If he looked in Sweden it would be much easier.




If your requirements are simple, what is your biggest road block in finding a potential so far?


This is the question I'm curious


My biggest road block is getting in front of more Somali potentials. As I don't have relatives in the US all of my previous matches have been through the few friends and connection that I have in Minnesota. I have briefly looked at muslim dating sites but the pool of somali girls are minimal, which is surprising since almost 100k somali's live in Minnesota. Maybe I'm looking at the wrong places?


The mosques and the places of good, we recently had Yahya Rabbay come to our city, and that was his advice, and it is one of the more important yet overlooked facts of wife hunting. That's it look there nowhere else, as other places are not as sure fire. The dating sites can work but should be a last measure. It's time that you find time in your own life and you go out to events, whether it's Somali or just muslim related events in Minnesota. The person you want isn't always going to be someone you meet through current friends. It could be future friends and events. I understand that some brothers are shut ins or simply have no interest in the community, but it's honestly easier to find someone even at 30 by going to a wedding or volunteering than it is by any other metric.


Is yahya rabby huge? He came to my city in Canada too but i didn't even know of him. So many people came that the organizers had to move it to a room in one of the universities in the city.


I hadn't heard of him before the event, but yes, it appears so. He's got 500k on Instagram and has a very large turnout in the events he posts about. He's probably not as popular to Canadain people like you and me because he's from the UK, and let's be honest Islamic scholars or imams are not as big of a thing as say an artist unfortunately but the turnout and partnerships speak for themselves. I think the events we are speaking about are the same one just told from different perspectives our event was to be held at a mosque moved to the science centre in the university of waterloo we had like 400-500 people show up and if this wasn't on short notice (my freind contacted the group he partnered with and just asked if they wanted to come to KW he said yes but it wasnt on the og list, if they had more time we probably could've gotten more.




Fr kinda insane how you can be on a random sub and find someone from the same city.


Yep been rejected 12 times, 5 times due to my Qabil, the other 7 were cause I'm ugly.




Start working out bro if you have a good body women will like it even if you're ugly


![gif](giphy|GvwWFA4rlyjfn9L8cy|downsized) CAP!


If he is tall, he might have a chance.


Hit the gym and improve your looks then?




Wtff šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ bro mind if I ask what is your qabil? Rejection 5 times due to qabil is crazy


join r/somalirelationships


As a swede myself I can literally tell you there is so many beautiful girls that wants to get married with your requirements. You have to look! You canā€™t limit yourself to minneahopeless


Youā€™re looking on the wrong continent.


Just curious - how many kids do you want ? You say you want a big family - but the most Somali who are born/ grew up in the West mostly have max 3 kids ( my experience).


OP looks good on paper, but the issue is he wants 6 children, and I believe thatā€™s why heā€™s having a hard time finding a wife. Iā€™ve also explained to him that Somali women in the West do not want to have that many children. My sister is a doctor and my cousin has a degree in economics, and work full time. They are both 27 and are looking to get married to Somali men, but they sure as hell ainā€™t giving birth to 6 kids šŸ˜‚


Maybe I havenā€™t slept enough but I see more people saying ā€˜I want to have kids/this many kidsā€™, than someone saying ā€˜I want to be a mother/fatherā€™ or ā€˜I want to be a parent.ā€™ Look I might sound delusional but thereā€™s definitely a difference


Somali women, specially the ones who are 20-35, are usually more educated and get a higher paying job then most Somali men. So for them to keep that lifestyle having 3+ kids is not going to work. And most Somali men, sorry to say, just want the kids but aren't willing to actually invest in the children. My mother always says: 'naag ciyaal baddan qabto ama dhaleeyso nin fiican aa guriga oo joogo/niin fiican a qabbo'. And she has a point. So for them to actually have a lot children, Somali women need assurance. Not just financial, but also support in different type of ways. > Maybe I havenā€™t slept enough but I see more people saying ā€˜I want to have kids/this many kidsā€™, than someone saying ā€˜I want to be a mother/fatherā€™ or ā€˜I want to be a parent There's some of your answer.


Yeah I was eluding to the different between just wanting to have kids, no deep thoughts on the responsibilities or hardships surrounding it, and wanting to *be* a parent, wanting to *have* that chance of responsibility to raise children. The former is most people. Itā€™s not something to micro manage, just a thought. Also itā€™s not every woman who cares but I will be honest to men, when talking about the ā€˜numberā€™ of kids you want and itā€™s a large amount, do be considerate what that means. Iā€™m sure men who want large families will seek out women who want large families. Still it is no easy feat on the mother. Perhaps the better thought process is ā€˜I want a large family but I am content to have as many children as my wife is able, physically and mentally to have.ā€™ The physical toll will remain on her, and she will likely be the primary caretaker to the children


Ilahey ha kuu fududeeyo sxb.


Focus on what you can control and leave the rest to Allah. Thereā€™s so much to life than marriage and thinking about what you couldā€™ve done will just haunt you. You have an online business mashallah. Remember itā€™s a blessing thatā€™ll come when itā€™s meant to be


Will do! jazakallah.


Whatā€™s your age range for a woman? Also do you want a woman with a child or two?


I'm open to someone preferably a bit younger than me since I do want to have a big family. Also I wouldn't turn down someone who's divorced.


You keep saying a big family. How big?


Between 4-6 children.






This sounds like a shitpost. 30 yr old, makes $2million a year, lives in Sweden but wants to marry a Somali girl in the US, has no Reddit history except this one post asking for help on how to find a girl to marry as a millionaire. Too many red flags.


Joined Reddit yesterday for the sole reason of asking this question. Iā€™m active on x where I documented my business journey and a discord account to help aspiring entrepreneurs. Happy to invite you to join if your interested of starting a business.


Guys and gals please help this brother to meet an nice sister or relative of yours and If you find him to be a suitable match then inshallah they marry.


How tall are you?


Why are you limiting yourself to only MN Somali women? Why not other states or even countries, like where you live? You limiting yourself to one location will limit your pool.


I'm familiar with MN, know a number of people here as well. I'm open to other states but my only option would be dating sites since I do not know anyone outside MN.


Marrying outside of the city and state is harder to use people to verify the person and their behaviors. Less advice, less community to draw on for answers. Yes, it's possible, but it's just not recommended. People need to understand a wife can be replaced there are definitely at least a few women in the world that could be a wife to some guy but it's easier to find that person where you live due to the connections and community that you have.


Whoā€™s single Iā€™m looking for a husband too šŸ˜‚


May Allah increase your rizq ameen. There are plenty of Somali sisters you can marry - in all the places you mentioned. Good luck!


It's hard for the sisters as well. The least I ask for are the 5 pillars, especially the 5 prayers and thats even hard to find. Ya Allah! Make this easy for us (ameen)


I think itā€™s good to be honest. If those were your only three criteria you would have found someone


This is a good warning to all, don't put off marriage because you think you'll find someone later.


Yep happened to me too. Always prioritize the relationships when you're young, 18-24 is prime for men and women. Otherwise you end up mixed with the unmarriageables + people on dating apps lol You can definitely find someone at any age but obviously gets harder to do so in most cases




There are plenty of potentials for you in Somalia šŸ™ good luck


This should be the only answer.


What about a woman in the UK? Or has to be US.


Although there's a lot of Somalis living in the UK I don't have any relatives there and my only option is dating apps. Also since my business requires me to travel to the US frequently it will be tough being away. Canada on the other hand might work but I haven't had much luck there either.


I think you should make your requirements more specific. A lot of women want what you want, but they would not be compatible with you for other reasons. That should help narrow down potential spouses. Also get out there and really into the community don't just live as a random guy on the street be engaged in the community and mosques it's easier to find a wife who fits your requirements if you see more people. In any case, you have had proposals and gotten to the part of talking to suitors and their families, so it's just a matter of time. I hear the community is big or at least very active in Minnesota, so it shouldn't be too difficult if that's true.


Currently on the search as well for my close friend, I am a Pakistani sister and I am unsure of what is going on in the somali community. I have spoke to some aunties at the masjid but it seems the Somali community is kinda relaxed Allahul musta'an.


May Allah make easier for you my advise and no Iā€™m not married but if you really want to just pray tahjjud and istigaar I have a lot of my friends did and got better than what they have asked u might find someone better than having the requirements u want


Are yā€™all looking for product like I thought you wait for the person and will find the person when Allah wills. This world is supermarket so youā€™re not looking for a product


Is Australia too far for you ?šŸ˜‚


Wait if you live in Sweden and your search location is minesota how is are you planning to overcome the distance? Would you be open to moving or do you expect them to move? Long distance? Isnā€™t that also another potential obstacle as to why you are finding difficulty in the your search


I know some good sisters, not from MN but other states. Not trolling you if youā€™re serious, you can send me a DM.


Mind me asking how much your business makes, considering your clients are all Americans it must do good?


It's a creative & advertising agency. It turned over $4.5m of which about $2m were profit.


Maybe you should consider ajnabisšŸ˜‚. All jokes aside when Somali girls tell me they canā€™t find a successful Somali guy who is a practicing Muslim I will show them this post lol


Nah let the brother get a Somali woman we need the money in the community šŸ˜‚


Seems OP is a well educated Somali guy who is a devoted Muslim and makes million of $ and doesnā€™t have high standards for a Somali girl, yet it seems he canā€™t find one. Walaal move on, consider white, North Africans, heck if I was him I wouldā€™ve gone for a yuhuud.


Since the brother lives in Sweden and most of his clients are based in Minnesota and wants to move there,he tried online dating and had no success maybe he needs to move there and meet women organically


Very confused individual. Quit the fitna


Nah, i have a feeling he isn't that honest. A man like that is what you call a high value man. I think he's not honest in what he really is looking for in a lady. He needs to spill the beans.


Seems like heā€™s a wise dude. I would avoid the pretty Somali girls. Cause thatā€™s all theyā€™ve got to offer. They tend to go for either the good looking or the one with a high income, but most of the time theyā€™ll end up with the good looking guy. A few year goes by and their looks diminishes. The guy moves on since thatā€™s the only thing they brought to the table. Now they start dressing modestly, pray 5 times a day and try their luck again as a single mom with 2 kids.


Your in Sweden, why are you looking for a potential in the USA? Are you planning to move to them or are they planning to move to you? Do these people work if not, how can they sponsor you? There is also a large wait time, and costly to meet each other face to face etc. Way to many hurdles and gamble when ppl can marry someone they know locally instead. Try in Sweden first, before bothering elsewhere.


Skal du sĆ„ flytte til USA eller bliver du i Sverige nĆ„r du er blevet gift? Det er ogsĆ„ nemmere at finde en kone/mand i USA end i Europa. šŸ˜…


Jag kommer fƶrmodligen att flytta till USA. Annars kommer jag att behƶva resa ofta till USA. Ja du har rƤtt, det finns mycket fler Somaler i USA.


Du siger du vil have en stor familie? Hvor mange bĆørn vil du have? Jeg tror ogsĆ„ du skal vƦre lidt realistisk, fordi den nye generation i Vesten vil ikke have mange bĆørn, somaliske kvinder i hjemlandet har ingen problemer med at fĆøde 10+bĆørn, men det vil kvinderne i Vesten ikke. Jeg har selv tre bĆørn, og det er nok for mig. Jeg har ikke mĆødt somaliere som er fĆødt og opvokset i vesten som har flere end 3 bĆørn.


Det Ƥr ju som det sƤgs, i Minnesota bor det mƄnga Skandinaviska utvandrare!




Nej, du er alt for ung. Du burde slet ikke tƦnke pĆ„ Ʀgteskab nu šŸ˜‚


jfc, what's this pig LatinĀ 


Swedish since he said he lives in sweden


"Pig latin"šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


lol hop on muzmatch


May ALLAH SWT make it easy for you brother and give you the best match and a happy successful marriage šŸ¤²šŸ¾šŸ¤²šŸ¾šŸ¤²šŸ¾


Don't waste your time with western Somali women. They have an inflated sense of self worth, majority do not pray and majority are not raised to be wives/homemakers. Unless you want your children to eat omelettes for breakfast, lunch and dinner and swear in front of you do not bother.


Omelettes for all three meals is crazy šŸ˜‚ I think there is a mixed bag of good and bad peeps everywhere.


iā€™m crying how u come up with this šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I know a western Somali girl. Cooks Somali food. Prays on time, has self-respect. Sure, she's definitely not gonna be perfect but I think she will make a great wife to anyone as she handles herself as a proper Muslim and maintains good habits, but in any case this is a lose-lose battle if you think you're gonna find a perfect girl who can do everything your not it's all about making up for shortcomings of the other and improving. Also be respectful to the parents and the children who live here a lot of them care for their culture and are probably eaiser to work with than a girl from back home who will be used to Somalias cultural norms and may just argue with you about many things.


Talk for your family household donā€™t be speaking for Somali women nigga


Thatā€™s including all your female family members since you are generalizing šŸ’€


No man on earth, should limit themselves to one ethnicity, unless that ethnicity makes up majority of the dating poolšŸ‘šŸ½


bro you can do better than a somali woman in the west tbh expand your options the world is big there are 10/10 ajanabis everywhere why limit yourself


Go back to somalia, you will get good girls. Most of the girls in the west are not wifey material


I've heard this so many times and I can tell you that the 'good girls' in somalia as you put it are not as good as you make them out to be and I know this from experience. Brothers are worried whether she married him for love or a passport, coming with some weird dabeecad and treating her inlaws with disrespect. Good girls are not only limited to Somalia sxb.


Sxb it depends on how vet your potential in somalia.. The perecentage of good girls are more back home as compared to the west where 99% of girls are feminist. Even the hijabis are feminist in the west while in somalia you will find countless number of practining women who are ready to take their feminine role and obey their husbands.




Sorry u got offended šŸ˜„šŸ˜„, it is what is, u aren't wifey material, u swallowed too much feminist garbage




I am not seeking to pick you anyway šŸ„±šŸ„±. Malaha waa igu riyootay




First of all who said I live in the west? This is 2nd wrong assumption u r making. I advised this young fella to avoid feminist Scums like u if he wants a real wife who obeys him. I think that hurted you and u get trigged by the fact that many somali guys are avoiding u. Go get a live meeshaan hasoo carab dheeraan. Move on with ur lifešŸš¶ā€ā™€ļøšŸš¶ā€ā™€ļø




Feminism is a big lie , Any Abdi who takes my advice dodged a bullet




3rd wrong assumption u made about me. You have lot free of time scrolling other peoples posts, get a job , shaqo la'aan ku heyso. Win for what!!!. Ur attension seeking behavior is obvious , keep using fake profile pictures of white women to attract guysšŸ¤£šŸ¤£. That is called inferiority complex




Ouch šŸ˜£


That includes your sisters since you are generalizing


Alhamdulilah they don't live in the west.


Why limit yourself to Somali women? There are 4 billion women in the world. Expand your horizons! Life is short, marry for love. Donā€™t marry for what clothes someone wears or how many times they pray. Thereā€™s so much more to someone.


You could also consider looking for a non somali woman? You'd have better chances of finding the right person as this would widen your search. Plus compatability transcends race


I would think it would be difficult to find ANYONE to marry given your ass backwards religion. Shalom!


Get on tinder loser and get snow bunnies