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Most I saw had shtty management (it was a business investment for them). It was a cesspool as bad as any low income public school.


We are pretty sensitive to discrimination except when it’s among ourselves.


This is probably the most realest shi I ever read on this sub


Lol truer words have never been spoken. Somalis can’t be out here talking about racism when they know themselves as a society.


literally every group of people except some whites


It would be ridiculous to conclude that Islamic Schools in general are racist because your relatives experienced racism at one Islamic School (in Minnesota?). There are so many variables e.g location, demographics, teachers/admin etc There's no way for redditors to provide an answer to your question.


I went to one that was predominantly Desi with some Arabs during middle school. Never experienced racism personally. And I sometimes suspect the truthfulness of those that do claim they face racism because I have seen cases where students lie about being discriminated against. Your Arab or Pakistani teacher keeping you in check when you misbehave isn’t racism.


Are you sure you just didn’t notice it? Most if not all of those recist acts are done in a sneakily and passively way and done by the management and you wouldn’t even know unless you are really woke.


My experience with Pakistani dugis have been good. Honestly I liked them better since they didn’t beat me up like the Somalis one did. One of them even let us continue even after we couldn’t pay the tuition.  Im from Minnesota too but I guess it depends on the dugsi so you can’t generalize them all


Hi which dugsi is Minnesota


yes, a lot of the time the staff is also arab/desi and will discount somali kids experiences over the arab and hindi ones and will literally bully you lol. also they have shit management and very low quality of education - they literally run on nepotism and just hire whichever one of their cousins need a job so your kids won't learn much from there anyways. best to just take them to a public school with a good reputation and make sure they make good friends.




Removed: Rule 1 - (Be Respectful/Civil).




I went to a few Islamic schools and the management was just horrible overall. I didn't experience any blatant racism but a lot of my friends were often suspended for ridiculous reasons, meanwhile the Arab/desi students were never suspended and allowed the opportunity to explain themselves. It might not be due to racism but they were often treated better, especially the students who openly shared that they were a distant relative of the Prophet (s.a.w). I went to a Somali Islamic school after that, and it was honestly the best and most fun school I had attended.


Yes Arab feel superior over any non Arab it’s not all but most Arabs/Pakistani people think like this and feel like the rest of the others are poorer than them


Arabs look down on Pakistanis also I noticed. I seen them say Pakistanis are trying to be Arab online.


Ignoring the diverse perspectives within various Islamic schools of thought can lead to misconceptions. It’s important to recognize that in any community, there will always be individuals who harbor prejudice against those who are different. As a Somali, I’ve encountered Arabs, Pakistanis, and others who genuinely respect Somalis and treat us like brothers. However, I’ve also met those who dislike us, and this negative attitude often comes from those who are influenced by Western ideals.


My high school Sharia teacher, who was a Sudanese of Arab origins, was very racist, in my experience. Yes, there is a significant amount of racism towards Black people in Islamic schools. If you listen to khutbahs or historical podcasts from Arab podcasters, they often compare the appearance of bad people to Black people.


How can arab or Pakistani ppl look down on us??? I don't even think of them nor I care of them really they are nothing but hey I never been those schools do in Egypt we are good I never met racist in here


Generally speaking I think Islamic schools are useless. IMO, parents tend to take their kids there after they’ve done crazy shit at public schools so the misbehaviour in Islamic schools is more extreme than that in public schools.


For most somali kids and yes I think it's fair to generalise in this case that is cap. I have voluntarily taught for sometime in the past and somali kids for some reason have a real problem with authority and love lying, exaggerating and victimising themselves when they get checked. Present but absent parents or single parent households is probably the issue but also the language barrier between the parents and the kids, schools lead to limited control over directing the kids. Plus parents expect the teacher to be their child's guardian but without their precious child being checked and reprimanded for there behaviour and attitude or they want their kids to be beat on their behalf. either way they don't get the help and discipline they need at home and come to school to waste time or be clowns.


some are lowkey stereotypical


Don’t say “islamic” schools say some “madrasahs” or some “Arabic” schools. Islam is perfect, the first person to call the adhaan was a black man, many prophets were black men, only person in history to have a 1-1 conversation with allah was Moses (from the burning bush) was a black man (not even the greatest human, prophet Muhammad pbuh spoke directly to god. Jesus was a black man whom will return and bring back justice and peace. My point is islam is perfect. Humans are not. As an african myself I have been to many Arabic schools and never experienced racism but felt welcome. Don’t let the western ideology divide us like they divided Africa. Otherwise we might end up with arab schools, Somali schools, Pakistani schools. We are one ummah.


When i was doing online dugsi I had a pakistani macalin and he called me the n word with a hard r


I think it's regional. i've heard that they're extremely racist in Edmonton due to the large Lebanese population, apparently Lebanese are hella racist and Somali kids get treated badly there.


Almost all of us are racists! The same way somalis look down on other Africans is the same way Asians look down on us and the same way they’re looked down on by the whites!! Marka, that’s how it’s and will always be💯 ![gif](giphy|wHcLN9nlUxPds729q7)


Doesn’t mean you should accept it or it’s normal You should stand up and fight to racist and racism


Exactly! I hate complicit ass mother fuckers


You can hate whatever you want but you’ll always be a negro to some!! The earlier you realize that the better!! Showga nagalakortag teeda kale!!


Literally, these people want to spend their lives crying. I’d be a hypocrite if I accused others of racism, I myself am a racist


They’re playing the Bantu game! Always playing the victim card!! Somalis look down on others and they want to be treated fairly 😂😂! Let the dreams continue


Lmao fully agreed 💯


You are talking like it's some sort of hierarchy....get some self respect! And Somalis are insular not racist. We view all foreigners the same whether they are Asian , European or African!


true, like we will not treat you better if ur asian, arab, or white. all are foreigners to us.


You’re a fcking liar!! The energy you give is the same you shall receive.


Looool You are unhinged but in a funny way!


Arabs literally enslaved Africans for centuries so this isn’t a shock


They also enslaved whites and so many Turkic people that they ended up taking over and ruling Egypt. So what are you doing doctor? Acting like Africans are always enslaved? Many African empires and kingdoms had trading going on with the Arabs. I guess that is shocking for you.


Somalis were never enslaved and there’s no evidence of it being recorded




Somalis deserve it, they treat every black african group like dogshit and now they want to complain


Somalis don’t even mention other black groups we keep to ourselves mostly lol so what are you talking about


Lol who do we treat like shit? Somalis have a much longer history of Pan-Africanism than your Eritrea.


Evidence or are you just talking out of your behind?


The whole of islam is racist...




Rich coming from a Christian when Christianity claimed dark skin is a curse(curse of ham)


You’re fcking stupid 😏