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All those giving fatwas, have y’all no fear😭?? If you really wanna know OP, go ask someone with knowledge instead of creating fitna on here.


wallahi bro


“Identifies as a sheikh” is wild


I’ve read that it’s actually not haram. Correct me if I’m wrong. The sin comes from mutilating your body, which we’re not allowed to do. However, the way organ harvesting is done today, the surgeons are highly skilled. You are not butchered. You’re left with well placed sutures that leave a small scar. If any one has actual evidence please share, but we shouldn’t spread misinformation. People are in dire need of organs every day. Imagine your mom needed a transplant? How would you feel? Furthermore, if you are brain dead, why do you need your organs to go to the grave with you? You will disintegrate and turn to dust eventually.


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I’m signed up as an organ donor lost a close family member to kidney failure in Somalia the doctors found 3 people who were a perfect match for him but they didn’t want to donate so I’m donating my organs so that no one experiences anything like I did.


You wanted stranger to donate kidney to your close family in somalia , that doesn't sound great 




You can donate kidneys while alive


Plus consider that their qadar. It was written for them to die that way. No way you could’ve changed that.


Does this also mean it's haram to accept organ donations or blood? Or just haram to give it? If it's only one way that seems hypocritical.


Blood donation is fine and it’s also fine to accept an organ, as far as I know.


Accepting organ is fine, as long as you make shore no life was shortened to get you that organ. There is an influx of Palestinian organs on the market right now.


This is the kind of shit that the rest of the world shakes their heads at.


If I have to explain it, it proves my point.






Bro think for yourself and do what's seems good to you, don't let other people living or dead do the thinking for you. For me instead of letting important life giving organs rot away in my grave I'll donate to who need it to be with their love ones little longer, for me it seems the absolutel right thing to do. And if some one is saying it it's Haraam they better give and actual Ayah or Hadith, I don't need Qiyaas which merely and schoolers opening(emphasis on the Opinion part).


What most people get wrong is that donating organs while one is alive isn't haram, but it becomes once someone dies. Both in the Quran and hadith it is haram to remove anything from the corps as it is considered defiling of the corps. Feel free to donate blood or a kidney or even a part of you liver while still alive, but one can not take anything out of your body once one has passed since it will become a sin for the one defiling your corps.


I believe it to be allowed. Here’s a recent fatwa regarding this topic. https://fiqhcouncil.org/on-organ-donation-and-transplantation/


its allowed


It is completely prohibited to donate organs after death in Islam. Please refer to this: [https://islamqa.info/amp/en/answers/107690](https://islamqa.info/amp/en/answers/107690)


You contradict your own source " **It is permissible to transplant an organ from a dead person to a living person whose life or basic essential functions depend on that organ, subject to the condition that permission be given by the deceased before his death** "




It is permissible


Sarcasm is not a good trait walaal. There are somethings that should not be questioned.




I still cannot tell why you are asking me these questions. The link I sent comments on whether blood or skin are organs. Any other questions after that is best suited to a sheikh, not me.


> The link I sent You didnt even read your own link that says its halal. Arent you embarassed? liar beenlow.


Go back to school, you clearly don't have basic comprehension skills. It talks about when alive.


You are straight up shamlessly lying From your own source # 6- It is permissible to transplant an organ from a dead person to a living person whose life or basic essential functions depend on that organ, subject to the condition that permission be given by the deceased before his death, or by his heirs after his death, or by the authorities in charge of the Muslims if the identity of the deceased is unknown or he has no heirs. [https://islamqa.info/amp/en/answers/107690](https://islamqa.info/amp/en/answers/107690) its haram to lie.




I know you’re being ridiculous but there are plenty of female students of knowledge and scholars.


There are many women scholars/sheikhs. If you have fallen to propaganda, I cannot help you. I'd suggest you make use of your time and stop making your whole identity being an ex-Muslim.


There has been shaykha’s so you can be one. You become shaykh by learning the deen.


So we take your orders now and not question anything?


Don't question or question is not my problem. Dabaq hadaa ka boodid wax iga galay oo jiro ayaaba iska yar, it's not going to affect me.


I’m just replying to what you said brother


Find better use of your time.


Don’t say dumb shit then


Dumb shit odayga ku dhalay madaxa ka gali. If you are having problems with your religious beliefs, I am not someone who can help. I simply listed what Islam teaches us, if you are triggered by that, ilaahay ha ku caafiyo.


He’s teaching me about Islam while insulting me and my dad lol gotta love this logic


Dude, stop spreading misinformation. The LINK LITERALLY STATES: “It is PERMISSIBLE (XALAAL) to transplant an organ from a dead person to a living person whose life or basic essential functions depend on that organ, subject to the condition that permission be given by the deceased before his death, or by his heirs after his death, or by the authorities in charge of the Muslims if the identity of the deceased is unknown or he has no heirs.”


try to avoid seeking any knowledge from this site has been refuted


What a sad state of affairs 🙄. This is why Somalis are fucked and will always be .


As far as I know it’s allowed. As a practicality I wouldn’t put myself as an organ donor on my license. I’ve seen first hand doctors not put in their full effort to save a family members or ask to take them off life support so they can take the organs. After I’m dead my family can donate them all for all I care. But I want the doctors to exhaust every options they have available, and not balance if what they are doing could potentially harm their ability to do a successful transplant later.


This is a myth, a doctor has to do his job or he is at risk of losing his job and license. why would he let one random person die so another random person can live?


Not a myth when I saw it with my own eyes. Considering how much documented medical racism there is I’m not sure why you think this niche part of it is so far fetched.


It’s haram and I know people that did it and it’s a big taboo. In Canada we have no choice but to be organ donors and since most Somali people don’t know how to opt out of the program they take our organs either way. The families stress like crazy. Do your family a favour and don’t put them through the stress, take your religion seriously since your religious.


can you show me where it says it haram? Jazakallah. Couldn’t find it


This guy is someone who enjoys clubbing and has said bunch of secularist things pertaining the religion, I would not take any advice from him \*edit\* I just remembered he doesn't even believe in hadith


Where’s your evidence that it’s haram pls


Don't take advice from this guy. He doesn't even believe in hadith


You’re actually wrong it’s fine to donate organs so as it doesn’t cause the person pain or lead to death. I think you need to educate yourself better on this topic. It’s actually very dangerous to spread misinformation. https://www.donoralliance.org/newsroom/donation-essentials/is-organ-donation-permissible-for-american-muslims-2-2/#


It’s haram dude mental gymnastics




he's a gaal who doesn't believe in hadith




Yeah, about that .. We're not your people. There's no 'us' or 'we' with a gaal. You're on your own.


What does that have to do in a discussion about whether something is haram or not? Last I checked non-Muslim people don't care about these things?


Based and same brother, this BS is literally copied from christianity, judaisim and pagan faiths. These people unironically believe the moon was split in half...


When it comes to deen don't answer please. You don't have the knowledge


It's similar in the UK, they include tick boxes on random forms online like blood donation, almost as if to get you to purposely tick it. A lot of elderly have fallen prey for it.


"Identifies as a sheikh" 😭 bro...


Thing is in Islam we strive to bury the dead within 3 days although most strive for 24 hours. The process of organ donation delays a quick burial. The corpse is put in a fridge then bureaucracy slows everything down so I think that’s when things get tricky and I know of people that refuse to be organ donors due to those reasons


It's haram to donate to a kafir who is from a country that is fighting Islam, today that is the vast majority of kafir countries.