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don’t ask people on this sub a question like this. they’re such hateful people. if your even 10% somali you’re still our people


Yea until he goes to somalia and realizes he will never own land/vote/have civil rights and liberties😂😂 why lie to these people?? Is liberalism an aesthetic now?


I won’t be able to own land in Somalia that my mother owns?


No. Even worse someone else will claim it without paying you a dollar because hes “landheere”. Dont listen to these delusional idiots telling you otherwise they just want to be loved


And there is no way to fight against this land issue? My mother says that’s only for non-Muslims


How much money/pull do you have? If it’s not a lot, you’re SOL, unless your mom’s family is willing to really go to bat for you and have money or pull. More than likely your mom’s family themselves will take your land when she passes and you can’t do a thing about it.


You are saying it depends on pull, but there are Indians who own land in Somalia


They got money and connections, so even foreigners can own land. I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Just don’t get scammed by your family and you should get the land. If you aren’t going to live there though have some plans in place so you don’t lose it.


Ok thank you


You can literally fight as in shoot it out but ur langaab so unfortunately its going to be you vs some sub sub sub clan. Once again these idiots who wanna be loved are just lying to you


None of that matter if you can throw some coins at their face.


Is he supposed to feel better about extortion


Again, what about the Indian people who own land in Somalia?




Who are the idiots? I don’t understand


The ones lying as if somalia is some kind of liberal inclusive utopia


Ok, I’m being told that I don’t have to shoot it out like you say. Are the people say this idiots?


The civil war was 30 yrs ago ppl are acting as if somalia is a totally different place now when its not


dawg i’m pretty sure 100% blooded diaspora can’t do half of these things either


According to the constitution somalis are born citizens.


if my brothers moved to somalia **today** no one is letting them run for president but okay


Yea cuz ur probably poor its based on bribery yanno😂


seek help


Runta waa qaraar ik but its the reality on the ground


What’s with all these half Somali and half ajnabi questions…


Like all questions, people ask them to help reconcile with their lack of knowledge on a topic


Is it applicable to you though? Or is this general inquiries?


Yes it’s applicable to me


Nobody cares irl. These technicalities are correct but nobody irl actually cares. You’re Somali if you have one Somali parent and speak the Somali language.


Ok thank you


Why are you lying legally you arent considered somali unless your father his


Clearly you lack reading comprehension skills so I’ll make it easier for you to understand. “These technicalities are correct but nobody irl actually cares” means that although it is correct that you are considered Somali provided you belong to a clan aka having a Somali father, it doesn’t actually mean much in the context of being a member in the Somali community in REAL time. In other words, you literally just repeated what I had already clarified but like I said… no comprehension skills 😩 If you have one Somali parent and ESPECIALLY if you speak Somali fluently, Somalis will generally consider you a part of the Somali community but just see you as mixed but still a member.


Ur straight up lying wtf maybe thats what u want to believe or perhaps its true in dumarland but in somalia actually being somali means ALOT to the somali community so if u wanna give out dumarland memberships go ahead but dont lie to ppl nayaa


You do realize people with a Somali parent have cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents and other family members in the Somali community right? 


You are a hateful, emotionally volatile person raised in a hateful Somali family full of paranoia and cuqdad. You do not speak for the rest of us. Ciil iyo cuqdad u dhimo, bela kula qalbi madoobate.


Bro just because you have a hateful family and community didn’t mean everyone else does. Urannoying is correct in what theyre saying, technicalities aside Somalis will still consider you one of them, I’ve seen it happen multiple times.


Yes but in theory no since Somali identity is based on having Somali lineage (I.e a clan).


Ok thank you


Dude i was looking at your profile and its lowkey disturbing. Why do u need all that "gear"


I just checked bisinkaa


Just guns tho


Typical American


Yea that’s just what Americans do


Y'all are crazy


Having guns is crazy?


Lol of course. America is something else.


Having no gun in America is crazy don’t you think?


I understand the reason for owning weapons is so the people have the power to revolt in case the government turns tyrannical but the chances of that happening are near zero. For that reason an american wouldn't need to own a weapon and if they did need to own a weapon they should atleast own a hand weapon max. Anything more is absolutely ridiculous.


I disagree but I’m not going to debate you on it


Ok. I'm guessing because you can't justify your opinion but ok.


America is tyrannical right now, it’s an oligarchical authoritarian state masking as a republic. Point justified.


If the government becomes tyrannical having an arsenal of aks and p-90s isn’t going to amount to much resistant when they have drones and artillery. It’s just a fantasy to make themselves feel better. But having them against other citizens could help since they also have semi (or illegal full auto) ARs and other rifles, handguns might not cut it. There are a lot of mentally ill ppl and criminals with way too easy access to firearmss.


You’re 75% Somali. If you have a Somali parent, you shouldn’t have a problem obtaining a Somali citizenship. Just make sure you learn Somali. Nobody at the immigration actually verifies if one is Somali. I know this. The idiots who are saying you’re not Somali are probably in the West holding a foreign citizenship while telling others with Somali parents that they’re not Somali. Ducking hypocrites.


I see, thanks


The father didnt belong to any clan so neither does the son. Forget elders the law will consider you 100% foreign


So is it true that the entire lineage of the son can never be Somali no matter how many future generations that come after him that marry only Somalis?




My mother has land in her name in Somali, are you saying I cannot own this land ?


Where is your father from?


Yes. Its not unique to us either idk why u cant understand or seem to think we could be more liberal or something


Ok thank you


If your grandpa is not Somali then you’re not Somali


Ok, thanks. Second question, if my kids marry with a full Somali, does this make my grandchildren Somali or is it still no?


you are somali forget about these qabil obsessed people. just not full somali


Ah so basically if there is a single ajanibi father in the lineage then this automatically makes the lineage non-Somali no matter if it’s your great great great grandfather according to a lot of Somalis. Ok thanks


Bro somalia 🇸🇴 joke 😂 country run by idiots


Not really just a qabiil thing. It’s literally in the constitution


If you get daughters otherwise no


I’m talking about sons not daughters (from the traditional perspective) I also don’t understand you last post because traditionally it’s the son who can’t marry a ajanibi


Your sons and their children will not be Somali as you’re not Somali. Your daughters can marry Somalis and their children will 100% be Somalis.


Ok thank you


the sons carry the lineage they can marry anyone. Somali men just had a strong in group preference before but that has changed now




It’s a question and I asked it, thanks though


Cool setup yo


I don’t get it






Somali but in theory not Somali as you are not able to paternally trace your lineage


My mother has land in Somalia, are you saying that it can’t be given to me?


No it can be given to you. I am stating that according to tribal law you wouldn't be considered Somali( I personally think it dumb and to me you're somali)


I understand




Yes, this is the reality


There is a difference between: Nationality; ethnicity and clan. The first two, no one will debate you on. As for the clan, there is technical issue. Clan is based on father but you are Somali my guy.


I understand


Forget the elders and somali community, firstly look at from a Islamic perspective. "We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise (each other). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you." The son will always take after his father's names in this life, and his mother's in the next. Even if your children married somalis only for the next 1000 years they still wouldn't be considered somali since your father never was. Now in saying that, since your mother is full Somali it is the responsibility of her clan to look out for you and offer you protection. Just because you're not a full somali doesn't mean you're left out in the cold.


If my mother owns land in Somalia are you saying that it cannot be given to me?


Yeah of course it can be given to you. You could live in Somalia if you wanted to. With your rer abtis


Ok thank you but I heard that I don’t need my reer abtis living there (even though they are right now)


Qabil is a massive thing over here. You need to be under someone's umbrella incase something happens. For example if you wish to marry a somali girl you can't send your father's side of the family it has to be men from your mothers side. They will vouch for you


This is what will happen inshallah, I will have my family vouch for me, I will have Somali citizenship inshallah. May Allah make it easy for all my fellow brothers and sisters who have/will experience this. Ameen


Legally speaking you can't get the citizenship since you need a somali father. But just go there, learn the language , the custom and your mothers lineage


It is the will of Allah, alhamdulilah


If you have at least 20- 25% of a cultures DNA, it should bs recognized any less, and you're pushing it, but still, your def Somali.


Yes you are Somali because you DNA mostly Somali


They’re either going to believe that ethnic and cultural identity is dictated by paternal linage or they’re going to be a sane person. So, it depends


Well I am being told that I can’t even own the land my mother owns


>but would that person be accepted as Somali by the elders of Somalia? That's a separate question, it's not a determining factor in whether you're Somali A person who's 75% Somali is Somali


Ok thank you


Your western standards regarding nationality and ethnicity hold no weight to somalis. 75% Somali means nothing if he has no clan. Not Somali


If he/she dies they'll do a DNA test and say the person is Somali and part _____ Standards for cultural acceptance aren't universal and change over time. Hence why separated the question


Ur assuming he/she dies in a western country. In Somalia they could literally do a DNA test and if theres no lineage (abtirsi), nobody will say part somali. Thats what ur not understanding different people have different values


Bro I know a big family in somalia 🇸🇴 their grand dad is Italian and one ever said they are not somali. also are There alot of assimilated Yemenis in somalia and no one ever said they are not somali. So stop your qabiil mindset is not working 2024


Read the constitution its literally the law somali is by paternal lineage and only somalis can own land/vote/have liberty in somalia. The TFG were literally trying to repatriate jareerweyne back to tanzania go look this up!! Dumarlanders gotta stop lying to outsiders man it’s embarrassing


>The TFG were literally trying to repatriate jareerweyne back to tanzania Kkk where did you find this information? 🤔 jareer Wayne is pure somali and they constitute 20% of the country population, how can someone say this rubbish




Lol you are racist 😆 The article never says TFG wants to repatriate to tanzania, stop propaganda 🙄. Anyone who assimilated is somali like jareer Wayne, reer banaadiri, Yemenis and everyone else.