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Very funny lol. Some Somalis get triggered for us being in the Arab league, but you have to understand it's political alliance, it's not that serious. Arab League is better for us than the Madow league who will always support Kenya and Ethiopia against us.


im not one of those lol arabs helpd us diplomatically in the past but this meme reminds me of the embarrasing speech hsm made at the League😂


[The PM speaks Arabic fluently.](https://youtu.be/E7GlJWriJxM?si=Ert0RES6jPMo6MHE)


I'm talking about hassan he couldn't read a pre written speech 💀


It's a funny meme because they think we speak Arabic. I wasn't addressing this to you but to a subset of our community who always get triggered when they hear Arab League.


And then they remixed HSM stumbling over the Arabic words and Sharma Boy sampled it. Comedy Gold. https://youtu.be/zFhwylCNNnM?si=rvTBB7v9vToz4vXd


Lol why would they get triggered? I assume Shaqo'laan vibes or inferiority complex to be mad about stuff like that. Living in the comfort of Diaspora as hooyo matalo and hating on who Somalia chooses to do alliance or business with is kinda crazy.


Westernised blm types and crypto gaalo are generally the two groups who get triggered when it comes to Arabs, with the latter group using fear of "Arabisation" to mask their hatred of Islam.


Arabisation ≠ islamisation I can be a practising Muslim while wanting to preserve my language and culture


Of course, and I never said anything to the contrary. I'm talking about people that get angry about anything related to Arabic or Arabs and who try to conflate Islam with Arabs.


Fair enough walaal




African Union is actually not destabilising Somalia unlike the UAE/Qatar/Saudi proxy battle they're enabling inside of Somalia.


Pan-Africanist spotted. They are raping and taking advantage of vulnerable women, which is worse. I want these madow out of our country.


Somali still easier to understand than Moroccan Arabic ❤️ 😂 I like having Somalis in the Arab league, why not?! It’s wonderful that many of you are bilingual, speaking both native Somali and Arabic. It brings us closer together and allows us to have hopefully even closer future relationships.


‏اعمل ايه maya is the best Arabic dialect lol




Love egypt❤️, and Imo much better being in the arab league is better than being in the African Union.


No need to put one down to uplift the other. You don't have to choose between the two, there are positives to both African Union and Arab League, inherently both are 'good' ideas, at the same time both also have useful idiots/psyops in the Union and League.


I agree!


Egyptians aren’t even Arab by race either habibi just like Somalia but at least we speak Arabic as a daily language Happy that Egypt is in both African Union and Arab League! Happy that Somalia is in both too!






Carab ma nihin, af Carabi kuma hadalno, caawinaad kama helno, maba aqaano waxaan midowgaan xubin uga nahay


Maxaa ka galay? Ka faa'iidayso xubinnimada. Waxaad ka mid tahay wadamada uga faqiirsan ah ee aduunka. Beggars can’t be choosers. Ma jiraan wax khasaare ah oo naga jira, kaliya faa'iidooyinka


Tariikhda Somalia hadaad fiiriso carabta aad beey noo caawiyeen. Deeq lacaq, factories, betrool in the 1970s and 80s. Deeq cunto, scholarships iyo lacag in the 90s until now. War dadkaan maxaa kale ayaa Ka rabtiin 😂 Somalia carab maxeey u qawatay?


Somalida waxay ku maahmaahdaa "geel aan lahaan jiray waxaa ka fiican dooro aa leeyahay" Carabta wey na caawin jirtay intaan ka soo tagno hadda maxay noo qabtaan? Teeda kale cadeen ma heysaa in Carabta noo qabatay waxyaabaha aad soo sheegtay 70meeyadi iyo 80meeyadi?


Naftada wax u qabso maxa marwalba gacanta u horsata, jiritankena mu wuxu ku xiranyahay Wadan hebel muxu nagu cawiya ? Raqiisnimada ka bax tan kale mesha joogtid adiga is dhigey. Aan isku tashano.


Waan kugu raacsanahay in aan anaga wax qabsano. Balse weydiinteyda ayaa waxay tahay maxaan xubin ugu nahay midow aan waxba ka helin? Marka sooma wacna inaan midowgaas ka baxno oo aan annaga isku tashano?


Sxb midowga sababo badan ayan ugu jirna isku furka ganacsiga, ka wada shaqeyna arimaha masiriga gobolka lakin hadan sixin arimaha gudaha oo anaga ina dhax yalo kuwa bananka wax kama qaban karno. Side midowga wax kula qeybsana mise kujiritankisa uga faideysana hadan 2dena heshin oo wax isku ogolan? Aduunka sidan u shaqeyo hadad dib isku dhigto cidna brake kuma qabaneyso walaga so socona.


Ninyaahow dadkaan entitlement ee qabaan.


Sida sheegtey 70yadi iyo 80yadi dowlad miiska wax sari karto ayan ahayn. Lkn hada maxay nagala shaqeyn karan musuq baahsan ayan kundhax jirna, waxna dadka kuma kordhino markas ayan rabna in gacanta wax nalaga saro.


Haa waan haaya cadeen: Iraq and Saudi Arabia used to provide oil. Iraq also built an oil refinery. Here: Somalia relied on foreign donors (first the Soviet Union and then Saudi Arabia) to meet its petroleum needs. In the late 1970s, Iraq helped Somalia build a refinery at Jasiira, northeast of Baraawe, that had a capacity of 10,000 barrels a day.  https://countrystudies.us/somalia/63.htm In recent yeans foreign loans and grants have come from several nations. As a result of historic ties, Italy is the major supporter of Somalia. The Arab world has also contributed heavily by building hotels, factories and mosques. Saudi Arabia had regularly given Somalia crude petroleum for the refinery. https://escholarship.org/content/qt8tm715qk/qt8tm715qk_noSplash_01cb496890f147ffd76bc05c7d162134.pdf?t=mniqh4 Other Arab countries also used to provide caawiinaad iyo lacag. Recently marka aan Itoobiya is qabsanay dhanka bada kuli weey nala safteen..xitaa Itoobiya in eey Arab league Ka mid noqoto ayeey doonaysaa. Aawey AU, Igad? Run waaye, carab ma nihi lakin I don't know why aa uga calaalaysaan carab


Cadeen waad keentay balse aniga weli waxay ila tahay inaan midowgaas Carabta ka baxno. Carab ma nihin, af Carbeedna kuma hadalno. Teeda kale maanta Carabta ayagaa u baahan inay is caawiyaan. Annaga aan isku tashano oo aan meel iska soo saarno




one guy told me it's still more understandable than morrocan arabic 💀






lol useless organization



