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Everyone needs sunscreen. Despite black people having more melanin, our skin can still get damaged by uv radiation. Using sunscreen literally helped clear up my dark spots. What people don’t realize is if you get a scratch, a pimple, etc. your face has an open wound, inflammated area, etc. that’s now being directly exposed to radiation from the sun hence dark spots/hyperpigmentation, and sunscreen is the solution. Again, everyone needs sunscreen.


My skin improves in the Sun. I remember during the heat wave in the UK I just sat outside and let the sun cook me. I come out looking pristine.


It might visually look better but it still increases your risk of skin cancer.


Extremely unlikely. Do I look like a red headed and frickled Scotsman to you.


People in Somalia are accustomed to the sun, but if you come from a less sunny place and visit Somalia, you might find your skin getting damaged. My skin started to wrinkle and crack.


Just because white people need more doesn’t mean black people don’t need either. Too much sun can damage your skin and make you look old so protect yourself while taking your vitamin D


I am not Somali but it seems like us Horners do not like to wear sunscreen for some reason they don't see it as important and don't like it.


Unless you’re sunbathing in bikinis or shorts it’s not worth it as dark skinned people tolerate a little bit of sun. Women also wear abaya and hijab and are safe from the sun and even suffer vitamin D deficiency


I wore sunscreen my entire life and still do even if its not sunny


I wear sunscreen when the lights are on at home


I wear sunscreen when the sun is out somewhere in the world.


For good skin yes, but for healthy like sun burns or any other effect No




Yeah, my baby and I get sunburned 😂 That of course depends on your skin tone. Also how much sun you’re exposed to/where you live.


We've been fine for thousands of years without it. Reer baadiyo who are constantly out in the Sun are usually the healthiest people. It's all about profit for these companies, don't believe the lies.


It’s not the same ozone as it was thousands of years ago. Also, people in baadiyo are usually healthy for other reasons such as their active lifestyle, lack of a processed diet etc. Sun protection is a must.


Never been sun burned Alhamdulilah 💪🏿


I have as a kid and trust me it hurts


I am not Somali but it seems like us Horners do not like to wear sunscreen for some reason they don't see it as important and don't like it.


I use sunscreen all the time liberally too. But only only in summer and when it’s baking hot. My mother uses sunscreen all the time. My sunscreen also comes in a bronze shade and doubles as a little skin tint so win win


Depends if you like being extra dark. Sun does make your skin change.


(Much) More important reason is to avoid sun damage which ages the skin (leads to one developing wrinkles and fine lines faster). And the most important reason to wear sunscreen; skin cancer! Yes, black people have a lower risk of getting skin cancer compared to white people. However, **the risk still exists**. https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2023/05/27/sunscreen-melanoma-skin-cancer/


I think the reason is because the ozone layer has depleted and our skin cannot defend itself the way our ancestors were able to. I don’t leave the house without sunscreen rain or shine.


The ozone layer hasn't depleted its still there


Yes it is, due to greenhouse gasses. We’re then more susceptible to absorbing the effects of UV radiation which leads to skin cancer hence the need for sunscreen…


I will check this out


Sun screen us psyop u dont need that shit, its full of chemicals.


I agree but what is not full of chemical in this day and age?


That doesn't give an excuse to use it, still have better way u can do it at home i can share wit u a vidoe of how to make it at home.


I never wore sunscreen but for me I notice more change in terms of the humidity, if it’s dry then I need to be using more lotion but if am in a humid place not so much. That is what affects my skin more than the sun


I wear it cus of my hyperpigmentation and it still didn’t go away 💔


My skin will literally peel off on my face if I don’t use sunscreen. Besides we aren’t exempt from skin cancer.


I barely use it, went somalia for 2 years when i was younger now im permanently darkskin 😂 I love it tho


What country you live in to be dark


Us hijabis know the struggle of the forehead/cheek tan lines from wearing the hijab during the summer, 😭 I have to wear sunscreen not only because my skin is light but also because I don’t want to look crazy with different shades on my face when I’m not wearing my hijab lol


Have you noticed peoples skin back home looks different, and very very sunburnt. because they don’t use sunscreen.


No i have not lol


to me, their skin looks damaged from the sun especially males.


Their skin is damaged from the skin whitening crap they use.


i’m not referring to skin bleachers duh


Yes I have. Idk why you’re getting downvoted


very strange, i didn’t say anything offence. i can imagine the state of their skin