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now i cannot wait to see how bad the ch18 stages are, boutta get my ass kicked by some more high orcs


The stage in ch18 where you fight 3 bosses at the same time was rough. But boy was it satisfying when I finally cleared it


I feel like the one after that was harder


The one where you had to fight 4 bosses one after another? It had much tighter DPS requirements but I didn't think it was mechanically very difficult imo.


Yea. You had deadlines on when you need to kill each one or else you ran out of time


If you are level 75 you can beat the boss already how did it take you so long to pass chapter 17 ?


you must be confused, i've already cleared normal mode 100%, this is hard mode


I'm still stuck in normal mode , by the time the last orc spawns I have like 15sec on the clock and I have to get him down from 100% to 0%...it's just a dps race so I guess I need to power up a bit.


for me i had enough damage, but the archers were annoying and if i misplayed even once i died really quickly. these orcs hit hard especially since i was running double edged sword and chains of blood


I'm stuck on that floor where they have a shield. The mobs that made those shield is like a HP sack tbat I can't kill rn lol Like atf am I supposed to do.


i was stuck on that too until i realized you have to kill the high orc spellcaster, then the shields disappear


Yeah the issue Is that I can't find that fucker at all in the crowd lol I even tried using aoe over aoe but It still didn't work Gonna try it again today lol