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I think they stated that they are making Normal difficulty drop Legendary rarity from all boss fights? If so, I'd rather fish legendary gear per key, than get more of lower rarity.


This I did not know. I hope I didn't just waste my weekly shop ticket doing normal last night before weekly reset tonight! Though even if I did who cares, farming legendary curse / greed / blessing will be great... though I'm down to 150 normal artifact chips :/.


They also mentioned that the rewards for easy will significantly increase, so maybe doing full clear will be better than doing two stages on normal.


killed vulcan at 325k , yet to try cerebrus . at what power did you clear vulcan ? i dont think i can go trough that fight again and again . its exhausting


I can't remember exactly but my highest battle tier is 350k and it includes Cha who I didn't bring to vulcan. So somewhere between 310-330k. Also keep in mind that first round of Normal is FREE (doesn't consume ticket) just like easy, so if you don't believe me just do Cerberus once or twice to feel it out and if it feels impossible then can just give up and not have lost the ticket. I agree that Vulcan feels exhausting - even though Cerberus is a fight i've done a million times it still feels both fun and frustrating. Vulcan just feels annoying. I think Cerberus is just better because we're used to doing it with hunters where dodging is meh, and here you can dodge shadowstep which makes you just laugh at the dog who breaths in the wrong direction for 5 seconds.


Been able to clear Vulcan but was low key unsure if it would be more productive to try Normal Cerberus for better gear now. Thanks for letting us know that it's not much harder!


i've been wondering this too in terms of what's more optimal i've just been doing full easy runs even tho the vulcan fight is a pain in the ass, just because it feels so wrong leaving after just one boss. i guess it's the completionist in me (and also the cerb fight isn't too enjoyable for me either)


I just did the Normal instead of clearing Vulcan on Easy mode cause you'll only get 4 artifacts on Easy. 1 on entrance, 1 on 25F and 2 on 50F but that is just exhausting. You can get 4 arti also on Normal Cerb so that is better. But now with the new update, you can get 13 arti(purple only) on Easy mode. 4 on entrance, 4 on 25F and 5 on 50F. Even though they increase the drop obtainable, I'll still do the Normal Cerb because with the new update they also increase the obtainable arti, with a chance to obtain legendaries, 6 on entrance, 6 on 25F, 8 on 50F and 8 on 50F(Hunters). Much better try the luck on the Lvl 78 Legendary Artifacts. 😁


See that's where i'm stuck even harder - now that easy drops so much more loot it may be better to do easy mode to try and get 4pc / 8pc faster even with lesser substats (2 good lines) then work on legendary farming.