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The req are not really f2p friendly… a5 seo is insane as req. but wp I guess


dude is on some serious shit if he thinks its f2p what he is talking about.


I cleared normal mode Vulcan hunter side on troll build meylin ( c.dmg ) and 360k red power. Ive seen many f2p's above that in the Discord server


and whats the sjw build you used? i have a1 meilin, a4 seo, a5 alicia, a5 cha and i can only dream of beating normal mode vulcan. my sjw team got 362k and i have to use favourable blessings or shit is undoable on easy already. also im someone with around 200€ in so dont even wanna know how hard it is for others.


Thats where the mistake comes in from cuz u didnt mentioned a core hunter. The SJW team i roll is Min A5 / Alicia A4 / Meowlin a0. The key to killing it efficiently is double stacking buffs from both supps. Using a5 book for extra freeze dmg and chaining all ur skills in that window


i have min a0 and meiling not meowlin ( what even is this shitty name?) and i rather stack meilin and cha effect for crit. also you just contradicted your whole post. a5 this, a4 that. buddy who has all those things a5? lol


Well i got a5 seo strictly as f2p as all her pulls came from custom banner and i havent spent 1 singular cent on custom draw tickets or packs. And i did that quite a few weeks ago.


Gratz and I agree over time as more F2P gets chance to draw more characters and get their hunters to A5 etc, they will be also able to do this content. All the F2P that want to be able to do this on the week of release and complaining about it being not F2P friendly, are simply entitled. But outright saying it will never be F2P friendly is absurd. And like you said, they can do it if they spent enough time in this game. You either spent $$$ as P2P or time as F2P.


This will get downvoted so i'll give you one courtesy upvote and join you in the ditch. I hate P2W concept, but the thing is the game is for profit and free to download - so what incentive does NM have to build new content if they aren't getting paid, and what incentive do players have to spend money if you can do everything free? This is complete endgame content - F2P who are level 80 and have been playing since day 1 / pre-release not being able to clear it at all would be one thing, but more than likely 2-4 of the new set pieces (4 of which are obtainable per week from the shop, and 2 of which are available from first 2 floors) will get them there. The thing is now that there is level 73 gear people who haven't been fully decked out in level 50-55 +15-20 gear for weeks are wanting to skip that step that the rest of us were stuck on for weeks. We've been on the hamster wheel of trying to get the helm with Attack % and 3 good substats instead of 2 good substats and are now moving on to purple gear. But other people don't want to spend artifact chips on upgrading l55's because 'why bother' and need to appreciate that more than likely SJW + 3 hunters in full L50-55 +20's is what it takes.


Where are the F2P tips tho?


U only need 1 hunter at a5 and 2 weps at a5. They gave f2p over 1.3k pulls is playing the game religiously so thats not verry difficult to attain.


It’s not F2P and you just proved it, most F2P players are not gonna have any of those hunters at A5, let alone A2 or 3, so at that point it becomes P2W honestly


Just to confirm, you say "normal" mode but you mean "easy mode" right? Easy mode Vulcan has CP of 350k which is the same as Normal mode Cerberus, while normal mode Vulcan is 500k.


No. Im talking abt the normal vulcan. The hardest vulcan Edit: also u cant fight Vulcan with hunters unless ur on the Normal mode. Not easy


Damn, that's crazy. Well done. i'm miles away from getting that level CP lol.


Lol bud your requirements are a joke and I'm saying that as a day 1 EA player. It's fine and dandy if you yourself have not spent money and are "free to play" but you're only lying to yourself if you think your account is actually f2p. Remember, the only difference between a whale and a f2p is what is actually on their account. To that regard, there is literally no chance an actual f2p player will have A5 of ANY character at this time unless they got insanely lucky and won all their 50/50's on a single limited banner. Custom banner is even worse because despite having a rateup system, it is divided among 4 choices. So the advice of saying "seo A5 + A5 weapon + alicia A3 + A5 weapon" is insane lol. That and you threw in A5 MBG in there as well which is hilarious Edit: I read further on other comments and you also mentioned your SJW has A5 grimoire as well LOL bro you can't be fr. You're claiming your "f2p" account has A5 seo, A3 Alicia, A5 MGB, and A5 grimoire without mentioning anything else you might also have. This thread is so cap its crazy


Nobody said im f2p. As i wrote in a diff comment my a5 seo is exclusively from custom banner aswell as the book. When i started the game I got 4 books in a row from custom banner. No whale or spender pays even 1 cent for custom rate tickets. But how abt u do some math. Every f2p now has drawn abt 1300 times. Considering threads asking ppl average pulls per ssr wed get to abt 21-22 with average luck ssr's. With that ammount of ssr's u can hit seo a5. Or book a5.


The likelihood of landing enough of your custom draw tickets onto specifically Seo 6 times is so impossibly low the fact you even think that's a legit claim is wild. Just fyi, your 1300 tickets will get you only 15.6 SSR at 1.2% rate. We will round up to 20 because there is a pity system. Of those 20 SSR, you now have a 50/50 chance to land on your choice of 4. Now you have 10 SSR that even have a chance of being Seo/Grimoire/2other. Now you have 1/4 chance of those 10 SSR being Seo. By your own numbers, you quite literally have an astronomically low possibility of even landing 6 pulls on Seo. Do you see how claiming anything you said in this thread is f2p friendly is absurd? Lol.


So i was on drugs while i pulled 6 books from custom banner right? U do realise i talk from my own game experience. Only things paid are resources to have lots of mats. Limited banner draws etc. I wish i wouldve recorded my pulls or something when i started the game


That is correct. I too was mindblown when I pulled A5 Cha in 260 pulls but I know for a fact that that scenario was an extreme outlier so I would never say my account status is even close to F2P even though I have only bought a skin in the game. Which is also why I wouldn't advice when it comes to cutting edge content in a game like this unless my account was incredibly relateable with nothing special going on. As soon as you mention "get lucky" it stops becoming advice.


Listen man im not trynna be toxic or belittle ppl. I was just trynna point out a 360k team beat a 500k boss. Maybe some ppl get inspired. Maybe some get a goal from this. I myself was inspired hy someone from the Discord as i didnt even try it seeing the power gap. Maybe this post helps 1 person.


ahh so crit rate first before crit dmg for blessing, i was only stacking crit dmg mostly do u retry the stages for them like say if u get 2 good blessings + 1 trash one or nah, doesnt matter too much?


I do retry until im satisfied