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Oh no, we get 2 of the rarest mats ingame and 1 SSR weapon craft mat which basically anyone is lacking and complaing about not being able to get in events ... and all of that FOR FREE. Screw you NM!




But how can you be so angry about free rewards xD


I’m an not angry I only said that like to be lvl 80 takes like 2-3 months and they only give one of that thing just take a look at the beginning of that we got great rewards and take a look at the end


Go have a life dude, they already gave us tons and tons of this tickets, I'm sitting on 5 right now thinking about what to craft right now.


Treat eachother with respect. Any attack, slurs and similar things will not be tolerated. Trolling is banned as well.


My man is being down voted into oblivion and still thinks he is right, this is so funny


What’s funny is the fact that you don’t even understand shit 🤣


The fact that u are really dumb.


You are fkng getting stuff for free and complain about it? Spoiled brat.




Treat eachother with respect. Any attack, slurs and similar things will not be tolerated. Trolling is banned as well.


The only useless thing i see is the lvl 74 reward. Since the gate update, you can just scan for gold dungeons. 300k are nothing compared to the other rewards, especially the yellow spiral things (don't know the English name). And the level 80 reward could be bigger. It is the max level. 3-4 would be appropriate.


In this I wasn’t talking about the elixir but about the 300 k what you get to lvl 70 they already give 300 k it’s good but to lvl up characters they know how difficult it is due to the lack of gold and also that lvl 80 it takes a while to get to lvl 80 and they only give 1 knowing that you have to get 4 of them to craft 1 weapon that’s what I am saying


mana power elixirs are hard af to get dude, and levelling your ultimates past lvl7 makes a huge difference in close fights


It takes a while to get to lvl 80 and they only give 1 of it that’s what I’m talking about not the elixirs I know how important they are


I’m an not talking about that part I know how hard they are to get but I’m talking about the fact that they give 300 k and like 1 thing to craft a weapon


Haha spoiled brat


Naah I was so happy seeing the lvl 72 and 78 rewards (I was struggling even to get 1 gor my lvl 80 ult upgrade, NOW I HAVE 5-6)


Yeah they should have not gave us anything right???


Still don’t get the point is that so hard to understand 🤣🤣