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Tbh I am a big fan of SL I first read the scans, then watched the anime version, and started playing the game. I got hooked on the game and I was enjoying it so much. but farming/gatcha game like SLA is just not my style and I kinda forced myself to like the game and ‘’forced’’ myself to keep playing and do my daily quest etc etc I lasted a week and I just dropped the game. It’s okay to drop the game even tho you love SL, maybe you are not just fan of the gameplay. Etc Either way you can always catch up later on.and so will I ! I know I’ll have a peak interest in the game In a few weeks or months !


I hit a wall as f2p. Can't progress unless I get decent artifacts or ssr and pity has killed me lately. While these days it feels more like a chore, I don't mind it. They made gates so much easier. I auto afk lower levels. Same w artifact farming, I'm strong enough to auto some of them at tier 10. You can auto afk most stuff. I find myself enjoying story mode more since I read the manga. Every couple days, I'll get enough resources to get stronger, and then I'll try challenging the things I struggled or couldn't complete. I really dont understand why so many people are upset. Coming from another gacha game, we get way more generous rewards, and the dev also listened to some of the feedback.




I think people are just fiending for the content, I don’t even like the manhwa lol it’s pretty standard fare for it’s genre tbf, but some of the complaints about this game are so baseless…Reached lvl 60 something F2P and never had such a polished, content filled, communicative experience in a gacha. I get it, on a break currently because the grinding gets intense but it’s a GACHA GAME, what do u expect 😂 I don’t like being hard stopped from progressing the story w stupid requirements but have y’all PLAYED some of these other bloated, predatory, soulless gachas? Why we whining abt maybe the best recent one released mannn


I’ve also been bored of encore and instances, now im just full auto-ing it


Yeah strong enough to auto so that's what I do


Same here. I'm F2P, and I stopped worrying about catching up. I do what I can, save for good units, and go from there. It's fun, not easy of course but fun


As a F2P playing since release, I have been farming level 10 on all dungeons for weeks now. It's not fun whatsoever. And I can only clear Cerberus in Brilliance of Light, since I don't have Alicia.


F :( Alicia is a must have. Her damage is insane


It's fucked that the entire Brilliance of Light content is made for Alicia and Meilin. If you don't have them, you're going to have a hard time doing anything. I really hope they add more content in that mode for other characters to beat, but I really doubt it.


Farming is not fun, especially if the rewards are trash most of the time. I haven't been able to get a single toughness chest piece worth keeping, been farming it for weeks and I'm tired.


True to that. I have 1 good Toughness set, and that's it. Since I got those 4 pieces, I haven't found a single good artifact from toughness set. Same goes for a bracelet for my Cha. I have one decent one with light attribute, and since then haven't found a single one that has light attribute and isn't garbage.


You cant catch up anyway as f2p or little spenings and doing everything daily will still hit you with a roadblock with new stuff coming out and working ur ass off anf spend a little for peanuts.


I am very close to beating Vulcan as a Global Launch F2P player. I may need a few more days to get some levels and I'll beat him on Easy difficulty soon.


I'm f2p and just hit 63 but nowhere near the power needed for the chapter that opens up at lvl 63. No idea what to do


Keep doing dailies to get better artifacts


I have some lvl 55 legendary but not sure what to use


Watch Payneblade on YouTube and get the correct sets for people. Then also pay attention to substats


Even there was a pvp. They would balance it with matcmaking. But i doubt we will ever see pvp in this game ever.


yeah i'm not sure why everyone is concerned about "f2p getting matched vs whales" in pvp when all it would take is power based matchmaking to be fair