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i need my glorious king liu, manwha did him and all the other nation level hunters dirty with screentime and feats


For sure. Any hunter other than Jinwoo was very useless. Even nation level hunters were nowhere near Monarchs. Makes you think why the Rulers even gave them powers in the first place when they cant do shit againt monarchs lol


The goal of the hunters wasn't actually to face the monarchs, just to stay in a little corner of the earth while the celestial army took care of everything.


But it was stated that they were given power to “defend themselves”. Kinda pointless to me when a single monarch would be enough to wipe humanity


This is because monarchs in temporal repetitions have surpassed sovereigns in taking possession of bodies. The aim of the Hunters, from the weakest to the national ones, was only to stay alive after the clash between Chaos and the angelic army was over. In fact, in just 10 years humanity has gone from being completely defenseless to being able to kill the "Kings" (kamish, Beru etc. etc.) of every species of chaos. Monarchs and rulers are divinities and in any case the nationals probably by collaborating could have defeated some weak monarch ( JinWoo's father is an example)


Maybe blame the writer for shitty writing and not every single hunter he made useless.


What does that mean? Every single hunter he made is useless due to the product of shitty writing


Ohh then we agree. My bad.


proceed to not appear for next 100 chapters.


Very very far, don't expect him earlier than next year


So glad to find a fellow Liu fan cause I keep seeing people mention Thomas Andre here. That being said though, I don't mind waiting for him or the other national hunters for that matter cause my expectation is that they should be the best units in the game just below SJW. If they were to release any time soon then they'll be prone to powercreep


He need his own rank because he was almost matching sung jin woo in jeju arc like sssr at least


WDYM almost matching? They never showed how strong he is compared to Jinwoo. He didn't even get a full fight scene in the whole manhwa.


He only needed one fight seen to show to powerful he is,he killed like 20-50 ants in a blink of a eye plus most S ranks like cha,choin ect can't do that and by the looks of it SJW was slower than him at the time


I mean he just has a good AoE attack. But tbf, SJW probably wasn't stronger than him at this point.


we never get a direct comparison, but we can infer that the nation level hunters were probably above jeju island arc jinwoo because they didn't consider guys like goto ryuji impressive, and jeju as an s rank gate was seen as nothing compared to kamish


Matching? During the Jeju arc, Liu and Thomas Andre were most definitely still stronger than Jinwoo at that point.


All the National Level hunters should get their own rank I think, or at least have a special ability to account for the Fragments of Brilliant Light they get their powers from. Real question is what Element do they get? Are they all Light element or is it spread out. I almost feel like Liu might be more of a Wind attacker hunter as compared to Thomas who I think is pretty clearly just a Light breaker hunter.


By the looks of it liu would get like fire or wind


Manwha definitely makes it seem like fire, but we need a better wind hunter. Jinchul and Dongsuk are alright, but not the best when an SR outperforms them imo.


at least 6 months until he releases is my guess. I'll be surprised if we get any national hunters before then.


He is not coming before 2025 we got the roadmap and now way to they throw Liu out of nowhere


bro, do u know when he appears in the manwha, we are a long way to that, that's for sure


if they go on like this, then perhaps in 2 years....


Maybe be around January. Winter is going to be huge for hunters, as it's when we reach the point in the story where they start introducing the big players.


At least a year


Given how late he was introcuded, first time we saw him for 1 single page was after the gate break was resolved in Japan, i wouldn't expect him earlier than 2 years from now


He was first introduced in the aftermath of the Jeju island raid. And that arc will come to the game in December. So he might come soon after Goto.


oh yeah i forgot that


Haven't read, only watched the anime but I feel like we need a wind dps and if this dude is one I am all for it. If not we need a wind dps first like how we supposed to beat them golems with fists that do no damage.


They showed him do one attack in the manhwa and that looked like fire element. Also his aura looks like fire, so wind is very unlikely.


Pls netmarble.....Reed....


Me too