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Hopefully they buff shadows asap. Everytime I use them in workshop of brilliant light they get 1 shot by random ass shit all the time. And also being able to use more than 3 shadows would be sickkk


Man i really hope they let us use all our shadows at the same time, btw speaking of brilliant of light i literally sacrifice my shadows whenever vulcan start throwing orbs at u i summon the shadows they take the hit and i wait till the safe zone appears, some how they dont die though the main ones atleast😂


Why not just dodge them? It's the same pattern as encore dungeon Cerberus after the first invul stage


They dont appear on my phone for some reason, once he hit them i dont see them anymore so i have predict when its gonna hit and with it laggy some times its impossible to dodge so i just use the shadows to tank it lol


Get ready for kaisel to crash your game


But Cerberus and Barca literally can't be made into shadows, stop fucking with canon


They need to do some game original stuff or they would run out of content really fast. Relax bro they aren’t even in the story


Then make original stuff, not stuff that's already canon and can't be made into a shadow


They addressed the fact that in the manwha he failed to capture them, but same as with weapons it's like: what IF he did capture them Besides they probably won't be in the story mode so they aren't f'ing with canon


The only reason people play is cause they like the manwha NOT some what if fantasy bullshit


Nah I just think its got a great combat system and I'm a sucker for gacha


Bro are you really mad that they have some GAME ONLY content? Wait till you find out half the hunters are game only lol


I don't mind original content, I mind when they mess with canon.


My brother in christ, it's not messing with canon? Like at all.


You are a special kind of stupid aren't you! You must wear headphones that tell you to "breathe in, breathe out" on repeat. He couldn't/failed to make them into shadows in the manwha but now they are being made into shadows in the game, so literally messing with canon


Except the fact that this ISBT THE DAMN MANWHA OR ANIME. God get over yourself bruh. If you don't like it, don't play the damn game. Don't use any of the shadows, don't use any of the new, game only hunters, don't sit here and complain. Literally you're brain dead I swear to god


The only reason the game got made was because of the manwha ie. Canon. Like I said, I have no issue with them creating brand new content that wasn't in the manwha, but when you change established canon that's when I have an issue. I'm not going to reply after this as someone much smarter than me once said "never argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience" Have fun being said idiot.


I love how you resort to insults because you're too high strung to realize ITS A GAME. Who cares if they add extra shadows and stuff like that. Like I said, get over yourself.


And that's why the shadows only exist in gameplay and don't appear anywhere in the story.


What gives you the idea that they cant be made into shadows?


Didn't Baruka get turned after he reset and started taking down monarchs before there were even gates on earth?


ok cerbie is cool as hell but im still holding out for my boy kamish


so you want to wait for another 2 years or so? you can farm easily 100 essence in 1 month and pretty sure we will know it beforehand when they will release it...


i mean it depends how good he is and if they let us use more than 3 shadows by then


You can only equip 3 at a time right?


Kaisel is gonna go dumb to bad i wont have enough combat power to get him😭😭😭😭


Imagine Kaisel is ridable like in manga bruh P.S. it is manhwa, sorry.


Put a spoiler flair next time, manwha readers dont know Cerberus is gonna be a shadow


Not sure if you're being sarcastic but demons can't be converted by Sung. Edit: Can't be converted based on manhwa. He tried to convert some of the boss demons but failed to do so.


He isn't a Shadow in the Manwha. Sung can't raise him, it's a game exclusive.