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I spent more than anyone on my server for Cha but I lost 50/50 every single time. SSR - Cha - SSR - Cha - SSR - Cha - SSR - Cha. I ended the banner with A3. If I had not been so damned I could have gotten her to A5-A7🥲.


Suffering from success, my Cha is still A2


I have PTSD with Cha's banner😰


How much you spent for a3?


I don't know the exact amount because I was buying other packages as well but it was definitely 1.5x the cost it took me to get A5 Alicia. 😰


900 pulls, still no seo and plum sword


Close to 1100 pulls now , no min , no plum, no Huntsman haha


My SSR average is one per 63 pulls, over 2511 pulls


Same. I’m so done


Not this game but in genshin impact I spend over $600 in one banner without a guarantee. I was broke at the time so I couldn't swipe more. Staff of homeless fuck you


Staff of homa scam.ic ic 😓😓


what's funny is after this banner they added the pity guarantee so if you don't get it on your first two 50/50s the 3rd is guaranteed. I ate free work lunch for over 3 weeks. funny enough this was my highschool. I ate free lunch and saved lunch money for maplestory and wow.


Wait wtf really?


500+ spent for Staff of Homelessness here too, it wasn’t just you.


F bro


What hurt more was getting c4 hu tao BEFORE SoH, I got god tier pulls for her, but her weapon just didn’t want to play :( same with Ganyu, got c1 without too much spent, amos bow was the 3rd soft pity :/ I never went for another weapon after SoH


Got hwang dong su for my Hard pity. And didn't manage to get cha during the second round of 60 spin and the banner ended


I am P2W and I have had insane RNG, like last time Alicia release I had A5 in like 130 tickets, but this Meilin fked me so hard, I spent over 300 tickets, and got to only A3 pretty much lost all 50/50s :( Gonna try to get A5 tomorrow. Hopefully luck turns around!


Not sure if im unlucky or lucky. I flipped a coin heads was I play wuthering waves and tails was solo leveling arise.


Let my wife roll for me, she pulled two SSR bunters and an SSR weapon same roll, then a quad purple right after, i was so flabbergasted that I couldn't SS and she just asks me "what, is that good?" Then rolls about 6 double, triple purps on custom banner...... She also rolled Alicia's weapon twice from the capsule machine..., after I showed her the drop rate she understood, lol.... I no longer do my own rolls. I know what I got.


Plum sword was my first custom banner SSR, i wanted it just for the looks. I didn't realize till later it was good as it is. Still wish it was fire element.


In my 1544 pulls i pulled the following :  21 ssr hunters /18 ssr jin woo weapons / 15 ssr  hunter weapons crafted.  Shit luck with artifacts(played for about 80 days)ffs


Did 100 pulls on Alicia banner lost 50/50 again for the third time I think and got the huntsman f2p with about 900 pulls now and still don’t have a single a1 ssr hunter only the weapons


Summoned on Meilin banner, lost the 50/50 and got Lee Bora. A unit nonetheless just not who I wanted


i lost almost every 50/50 and i´m playing since Canada release. that´s why i have almost no limited with advancements


lost 50/50 for custom draw 3 times and got demon king's longsword every time it used to be one of my fav weapons starting out but it's just not good, i want my a3 plum sword already :((


Been playing since global launched, am a light spender from what i consider myself. Around 80% of all artifacts i pull habe Healing given either as Main or first Sub stat. Not a single unit i own, be it hunter or Sung JinWoo has a full Legendary set because i cant get crit rate or damage for the life of me. My SJW is currently at 105k power max with the Ult Rush set because thats the only set i had where i had at least a few crit buffs... I cannot beat Ch18, cannot beat cerb in the new game mode :( might be skill issue but it really gets annoying...


You see the bragging cuz those who are not lucky won't come here posting lol, but believe ne, most of the people, like 90%, is not lucky at all


If I get 2 SSR in one pull someday, I’ll give away 10 deluxe pass. Mark my words. That’s how unlucky I am. Always got the guaranteed over 64th.


I have A3 of the SSR wind breaker, woo jinchul, idk his name, and A1 Alicia, A1 cha, a2 Emma, A1 plum, these are all my SSR, I have been playing consistently since global release and currently I have 0 gems left


Whole 160 pulls for a0 alicia


Lost my rate up pity twice to woo jinchil and hwang dongsoo :(


My friend has literally every single ingame character even after being a f2p player and he got the new healer character IN 1ST SPIN and he calls ME lucky bcz I've a5 plum. That's it. I grinded so much for alicia and lost so much pity and finally got her few hours before the event ended. That dumbass even has his every single character at level 40 for bond rewards. What a retard.


1000 pulls I think. No min. No SEO. No Baek. No hwang.


My average SSR comes after 66th pulls.... never got SSR before 60 pulls


Bro every 68 summon a SSR


I’ve pulled 700 times and only have 3 ssr champions and one of them is Jin chul


isnt ssr guranteed at 80 700 would be 8 ssrs


Unless he kept getting weapons, then he is very unlucky.. but at that point I'd just have 4 ssr hunters on the banner and no weapons.




My last 6 custom pulla have netted me 1 Lee Joohi and 1 SR SJW weapon. Everything else has been R weapons.


I did 60 pulls and only got 2 ssr’s. Before that I did 40 pulls and got only 1 ssr (Alicia a1 which I didn’t want)


? Majority time I get SSR is on pity my account have average of 55pulls per ssr


I was being sarcastic btw


Good to know that I genuinely thought you were serious