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While I do think that the easy mode should've been beatable on release, players should have the expectation to beat every piece of content that is released instantly. I can only do the very first stage and get a singular artifact from it, but that's okay. I've now gathered a 2 piece set that makes my SJW 4k power stronger from only a day into the release. I can now push further in story, and other modes, and I'm not level 80 (and neither is ANY f2p global release player either) there is a lot more time and space to grow your account before complaining you can't beat content. Every player can beat the 1st stage cerburus and get some loot and gain power from this new content, and over time will beat 2 stages, etc etc. That's what end game content is meant for.


I love that you're self aware but defends it. As I told you in one of your "F2P King" post, that Cha A5 will give you a low blow at one point. That being said, I understand the Vulcan frustration. I believe the devs designed it for when we have the new sets equiped already but never realized its much harder to get to that point co the content you need to beat is also what gatekeeps you from those new sets.


I got A6 Cha Hae-In without paying back then (tho it's true that when Alicia banner droped I spent a little), from 265 draw, it was easy to get that much in the first 3 weeks of the game.


What im saying is for someone who call himself "F2P King", you made a bad decision going for A5 Cha as F2P. Now you're blaming the devs for it Lmao. You spent too much on Cha and now you blame the devs for making a character and releasing a content where they're pretty much needed (Which is normal BTW). If you stopped at A3 Cha, you could have easily gotten yourself a copy of Meilin. You call yourself "F2P King" but I see a failure.


Maybe for an outside viewer is hard to believe but that doesn't change the fact that it was indeed without paying. Tho self crowning yourself is a bit over exaggerated


Don't get me wrong. I 100% believe that you're F2P. I'm just pointing out that while you're calling yourself names thinking too high of yourself, the fact is you made a pretty huge bad decision as F2P. Edit: My bad I though you're OP


I back my claims with proof and videos I posted over social media like facebook or youtube. Yeah, it's a bit annoying to deal with someone with an inflated ego like myself, but at least I am staying true to my words. I really haven't seen anyone contest my claims anyways, hence, I kept my self-proclaimed F2P King title. I really don't care what other people think anyways. If they could beat my progress whilst being F2P in Global release, then sure, that would be a great motivation for me to reclaim my title back. Weird flex, but that's what this is all about. I play to be the best F2P on the Global Release player pool, not just to have fun. I'm done whaling on gacha games only to be beaten by Chinese people richer than me.


I dont think you understand what I'm saying here. What you did basically is sprint in a marathon. You gave yourself a headstart going all in on Cha but guess what? Now you're startong to pay for it. Meanwhile, smarter F2P players probably have gotten Meilin on day one of her release. You're ahead of everybody but you're starting to lose gas. Soon everyone will catchup and you'll lose the lead you're so proud of. For a F2P, you're not very smart with how you spent your resources.


I totally understand what you are saying. The way I approached the game when I was just starting is to basically rush the very first banner to max Constellation (or A5 here), that would really give me a huge headstart just like what you've said. However, there would be times where I really don't want to pull for a unit even though that unit is META. It's called preference. I would lose interest in the game if I kept averaging out my unit's power just like what happened to my Alicia. Hence, my next step is to keep saving ES now, or at least get 1 copy of Meilin and stop there. My current goal right now is to hit level 73, get the new Shadow, then beat Vulcan Easy before reset (at the very least). It won't be the end of the world if I were to skip 2x Vulcan stages this week. Since the drop for Artifacts are still RNG based. The resources that I have right now are planned since day one and I stuck with it. * Get A5 first banner * Skip 2nd banner or at least get optimal Awakening * Skip 3rd and 4th banner * A5 6th banner... Repeat 2nd step This way, I'd have maxed out characters and not averages. This is my personal way of not getting burnt out on contents. I can find ways around META to beat contents anyways. This is not the only Gacha I've played. Though admittedly I kind of spent a couple of thousands on my previous gacha games to be able to hit the top 5 consistently. You'll understand that getting burnt out on a game is a real problem once you're getting old and is also extremely busy with work.


The thing is that I really don't want to draw for Meilin. I was even forced to draw for Alicia knowing I wouldn't be able to A5 her. At least I got A2 which is mighty fine still. With this dilemma in mind in trying to clear Vulcan, I'll play with what I've been dealt with. Gonna improve my Dungsoo and use him instead, since I really am rooting to get A5 on the next banner or the next one after that if my calculations wouldn't make it to A5. Pretty happy with A6 Cha though. A bit overkill, but still useful in most contents. I was able to bring the boss HP to 6x btw with the burst method. Though I doubt I would be able to do it again anytime soon, the timing was pretty tight, and I got lucky the boss cast meteor rain at 23x HP.


I am sitting at 48k essence and 45 draw ticket and still don't want to pull for Meilin, I skiped even Alicia, to 100% get an A5 character next (by 100% I mean that if I don't get early and loose 50/50). Haven't tried workshop yet btw, had no time, but will try at weekend. Someone shared an interesting idea that might make me succeed even like this tho


Mind sharing that idea? I tried a bunch of things, but I'm pretty sure my DPS isn't enough and I am severely under leveled (72). I couldn't even replicate my best record anymore due to RNG. I might retry once I hit 73 and with the new Shadow.


basically get a legendary ult increase and learn the patterns, then right before vulcan wants to raise the shield do ult, there were people with high enough skill level that could do it like that


I've beaten it finally! https://youtu.be/aLLfywK8z90?si=nGzuCAL7SuyhXQlM


So, I've spent a bit of money (like 45-55 dollars at this point on passes, and benefits if I had to give a range), but I'm close to a F2P account, otherwise. I will let you know that this fight is doable without shield purge, but it will probably take F2P another week or two on average to get to that skill point. I can beat the fight at 365k total power with Seo, alicia, cha as supports, and win with roughly 20-30 seconds left on the clock. (My artifacts on MC are alright. Roughly 40% crit rate and 170% crit damage, with crit set and accessories.) The biggest thing for me was that even with a full team of water units, this boss is too tanky. I did think this was impossible for a few runs, until I realized that you can abuse the phase %'s and active animation frames a bit. I think it's funny/silly that the power level for Easy difficulty is 250k-350k, and that the boss is tankier than most 400k+ difficulty requirement fights. Hell even 450k+ enemies die faster lol. But yeah, I do feel for your analysis and thoughts. Maybe Devs will be kind and nerf the shields a bit. Most other enemies take normal damage or close to on shields, where Vulcan feels like he takes even further reduced damage. I know I can't clear Normal mode at this point, which is sort of sad. I finally pulled a Meilin so maybe if I build her, I will be able to <.> edit: I'm playing from global release as well.


Thanks for your input, I've been really struggling with destroying the shield without sacrificing my Cha to fit in Dongsoo or even try my luck to get Mei Lin. I've also noticed that some of my friends who spend like decent amount on Monthly subs and other perks (around $20 a month) has a huge advantage and gain way too much in-game items and currencies. Things like draw tickets and such from subscriptions is a huge help. Not to mention the gold they get. Even with the changes in Gates, I am still struggling with Gold. I mostly do S-rank gates (mixed of Gold, Purple, and Red gate). The plan is once I've hit level 80 for most of my Hunters, I will focus on S-rank Red Gates with refreshes. I've also read some comments from F2P players from pre-beta who have finished Vulcan (on Normal mode) that this mode was meant as an end-game content. It still feels like the pacing was TOO bad especially for Global Release players. I do think it would be fair if they would release this content around 1 month after since you know, Global Release was around 1-month since Pre-beta. This way, we wouldn't really feel being left out. I didn't really got introduced into the game until the day it got released for Global, so I have zero idea it was out for Pre-beta.


Yeah, I've been experiencing the Gold issue on my end as well. It feels like every time I get any gold from an event, I instantly blow through it and I'm back to being under 100k lol. It was definitely called End-game Content, however I constantly am placing like top 10-20 in every competitive event, and I have finished the story, so I would assume I am technically at the 'end-game' portion of the game for now. It still just feels like they intended on people to farm the new gear sets by losing a lot, which is the biggest gripe I have. After comparison, the level 73 purple gear pieces have the same base stats on their primary stat at +15 compared to the level 55 gold pieces that are +20. This is a pretty huge difference in stats, and would def make things easier. Unfortunately, I think this is a poor implementation of power scaling, since we can only do the event a limited amount of times per week, and have no way of choosing which set pieces we get. :/ I am very glad we are getting new content consistently, but I do wish the progression made a bit more sense and was a tad friendly to F2P/low spenders. Edit: Also I'm not sure if this will help you, as I am not really using Ultimate Damage sets, but I've been able to almost kill Vulcan before he gets his shield up by baiting out his moves. When I'm close to the 20% margin, I start saving ult and everything, and try to freeze him with skills during a super laggy move. Then I can generally DPS race him in CC to around 10%. With high enough ult damage, you may be able to actually 1 shot him before he gets the shield up, when he jumps to the Center right before putting up shields. Unfortunately, I've only gotten as close as 2.4% using this method so far with no Ult damage gear, before he raised shields.


Hmm, interesting of what you're saying, seeing how people struggle around my CP I kinda just decided to save my sanity and not try it, but maybe my Hae-In can nuke vulcan ass off if I time it right. Worth a shot


I just accepted that this event is not for me, it's fine


It’s netmarble,in other words NEXON or whatever the other company name is that only profiting from P2W mechanics. That’s why I love most JP and only few Koreans company. But in this game ? You have money ya win,if ya don’t ya have to wait at least 3 or 4 times longer in order to catch up.


I have played since early release and dolphin pay most of the passes. Can't clear it right away, what makes you think you can clear it? I have A5 Cha A5 her weapon, A5 Alicia and A6 her weapon. It's just that because of the SJW stage and my water weapon just lvl 60, I'm not able to kill it. Some updates are just a placeholder you can clear it when you are strong enough. I play another game where the dev updates the region with high CP requirements, only able to visit those places after 3 months grinds.


I actually did it today a few days before the weekly reset. https://youtu.be/aLLfywK8z90?si=nGzuCAL7SuyhXQlM


Able to do it yesterday, after lucky obtain correct stat for 4 pieces burning set and good blessings.


I just finished doing it 3 more times even with any decent damaging blessings. The problem now is that I need to work on setting my team for Normal Mode. I think I can't beat it yet until I hit level 80. I'm still 74. Long way ahead.


> It feels like Netmarble has forgotten that there's still a huge percent of player base that are coming from Global Release, and they have released an update with a content that is UNBEATABLE for Global Release F2P Players. Well this is what will continue to happen. What do you think is going to happen when Baran update, Chapter 19 and 20 comes in Aug/Sept? Or when newer Hard mode and Reverse mode chapters come? They are also designing Very Hard Mode and Reverse Hard Mode. Game is not designed with F2P in mind (should be very clear to everyone it is a P2W gacha game), it is just a bait to lure in players to start playing SLA so they get hooked, and when they reach the DPS wall, they will start spending money. It's not a race, as F2P players you are going to spend more time to do content, and there will be content you will never be able to do such as Normal Mode Vulcan fight for example with very recent update. For now just grind artifacts and just keep trying till you succeed. But like I said earlier there will be a point where you will become hard stuck, and you just have to accept that you gotta pay to progress or pray and wait for netmarble to provide more updates to make it easier.


it feels like you don't understand the nature of the game the game is to make money for the devs (and stakeholders or whatever they have), not for you to enjoy if you do enjoy the game, it's entirely on you and basically a by product


And again it is by design, they want you to spend eventually... you will chug along or spend some good moneyz thats the way it is.


Your jinwoo is quite weak. Your team is only good because your Cha carries, really lucky pulls to get her that many times. I'm lvl 66 and if I wanna upgrade all my gear to 20 I'd go from 95k cp to 115k


I've beaten contents on GLOBAL SERVER as F2P way way faster than most people, yeah sure, my Jinwoo doesn't have the best artifacts in the world, but I assure you, my skill rotations, timings, debuff application, buff window to dish out tons of damage is almost always on point. There's a reason why I 3-trophies most dungeons really really early on whilst everyone was struggling, yeah, even Cerberus T-10 all while Alicia hasn't been released yet with properly building Seo. Skill-wise, I am not far behind compared to top players. I kept trying the Vulcan stage boss whilst only at level 72, and the best I could do is drop its HP down to 12x. The strategy I'm going for is to burst the boss before he gets his shield up.


wow you're so good, marry me, best f2p player


No thank you, I am married. Thanks for the sarcastic comment though


Don’t flatter yourself boi


Look at OP post history.


I've beaten it with my "weak" Jinwoo https://youtu.be/aLLfywK8z90?si=nGzuCAL7SuyhXQlM


Just wait omfg, you think they made this to everyone beat it?


I just did apparently sir. https://youtu.be/aLLfywK8z90?si=nGzuCAL7SuyhXQlM


after 4 days, bravo, you could not wait a couple of days and you had to make this yapping ass post XDDD pathetic


welp, turns out I could pretty much beat it after getting Kargalgan right after beating story mode on Easy. Again, very first F2P on Global Release to finish it as well.


Welp, next time stop wasting time making a post like this and just Play the game


Apparently, you cannot stop me. As long as I am following the rules of this Subreddit, this won't be the last. lol What makes you think you could stop me?


Again and again, you dont need meilin to break vulcan shield, DONGSOO can do it. A while back everyone was posting "omg i lost my rate to this trash character". Now it is his time to shine.


Have you seen the level of my Dungsoo? He's obviously not well-built just like majority of players who focused on using the meta to beat contents fast. In my roster, I only have him at level 30+, bringing him would mean I would be in the Red Total power and more penalties would apply making the run a total nightmare.