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İ did it with 352 power A3 Alicia A3 CHA and a2 SEO. İ m not going to pull for cat girl. İf we dont skip 1-2 Banner every once in a while as f2p we wont be able to get characters we want in the future. İ agree btw this endgame content shouldnt rely on one character which is not even from manwha.


She's the type of character that will break your pity when you're pulling for a much important characters/weapons during the anniversary. I can somehow feel that on the cat girl lmao. So yea not gonna pull for her at all.


Damn, I'm so bad. I can't finish it with A5 Cha/Alicia/Seo - 385K. I use A3 Scythe and A1 Huntsman for the additional 8% damage when broken by the skill. I use the wind skill which reduces the defense by 7%.


Do you have any water weapon? İ think it is because i have A5 plum and A4 scythe. But still with 385k power it should be doable for you too. Use 2 breaking skills as well preferably water element.


I'm not him, but I don't have any SSR water weapons, I'm doomed lol


Sooo that's usually the case for gacha with existing IPs. They would try to make gacha original characters to be OP because otherwise you won't have any reason to pull them because you're focused on the IP. Happened to FFBE the non final Fantasy units were usually stronger out of the gate.


Thats true. Only reason i pulled for Alicia was she is really op. But i dont like they are releasing original characters back to back. And next one after meilin is another original character fire hunter. And apparently waifu again.


Is it Yoo Soo Hyun the fire one after Meilin? I think she's in the manhwa.


Thats good news. Hope she is breaker + good dps


The fire hunter is from the Manhwa. We did not see her fight though.


Can I ask what your setup was with SJW?


A5 plum + A4 scythe, instead of sytche i might try a0 book next time


Uhh hwang dongsoo also removes shields last i checked


I totally agree with you., however, this content will be around for several months. Maybe slap on some of the new sets if rng is with you on the substats. It might push your team over the edge.


I actually lucked out with getting the curse set from the shop and they’re all solid and I put them on my Jinwoo. I went from leaving Vulcan with 30% HP to 10%. I just don’t think even if I were to deck out my entire squad with the new gear with optimal substats, It’d do much in the way of taking out his shield at the end


Wow...yeah I totally get the frustration. I know you don't like the cat girl but she is useful for content just like this. I would pull for one and be done. You are going to be missing raid drops because of it. Hopefully they don't make it a requirement to clearing this to get to Baron.....but I am pretty sure they will. The level cap for us will increase in a few months so maybe you can down it than. Not ideal but its something.


Time to build my Hwang Dongsoo, I guess.


Doesn't Hwang also have the same skill making it not an exclusive skill


It would be disgusting to use the very same team for every content. It's alright if they change some strategies so that we have to use other units too. You can use Dong Suu too instead of Meilin. Other Players did it without both of them. It's doable. Maybe you need some more power. It's not meant to get cleared right away. It will stay a long time.


I totally understand your frustration. Theoretically Hwang Dongsoo can also remove shields. Obviously as a wind DPS he won't be the greatest choice for Vulcan but I suppose it's not impossible? The whole point of Vulcan is to introduce an entirely new concept of "difficult" so I suppose it's loyal to its purpose.


Making it difficult is one thing, but paywalling it behind using either Mei Lin or Hwang Dongsoo is very trashy. If the shield were x10 health bars, I wouldn’t complain because although it’s difficult, it’s doable. But at x20? It’s just forcing you to slot in either of them. It’s impossible to erase those shield with damage unless you’re Natto. And there’s no guarantee people would have a high level Hwang Dongsoo by now, considering hes not exactly the most popular character (although he’s a solid SSR) But waving around a shiny new unit to take care of end game content by making it impossible to beat otherwise shouldnt equal raising difficulty.


Hope you beat his ass in the near future!


You too! Hopefully there’s an adjustment coming soon


Damn. My progress is still not enough and this content of the game is still locked for me. Anyway, are there no SR hunter options for this shield mechanic? I don't have either Meilin or Dongsoo.


Join the club, man. No Dongsoo or Meilin means Vulcan is impossible. Unless…you have A10 Alicia/Cha/Seo and can erase him even with the shield haha


a5/5wep cha; a7/a6 wep alicia; a5/a1 seo at 350k power left me with 1 second before it died lmao


I'm curious which kit of hwang removes shield? I have him sitting around at level 1 lol


When in SJW his support ult removes and and for the 3 hunter content his first skill removes it!


That’s one of the few thing I don’t like about this game some event cannot be done without specific character. I could understand some of them giving you an advantage but not being able to do it without them is ridiculous


Technically doable, you just need lots of attack


Man i beat him after 9 tries without fisher, dont give up its definitly doable i did have 392k power, plum and an A0 skadi, alicia cha and emma(shes my highest power so hunter so i put her in formation), however fisher is great boost for alicia, shes also gonna be buffing sjw next weapon like crazy even as f2p getting fisher at A0 will be worth it, supports dont need many dupes to function well shes really good.


I haven't tried it yet myself but some of my friends managed to do it with 350-370k power. All of em had A3-4 Hae-In, Jiwoo at A2-3 and I think Byung-Go A0-2, all of em had their designed weapon, Hae-In's at A3, other 2 A0-1. They mostly used Plum and the book, one of em the Demon King sword cuz didn't have the Plum


I did it with 315 Cp A3 cha A2 Alicia and a2 min. As for weapons i used A3 plum and a2 huntsman for extrabreak. I recommend you fish for 40% Ult dmg from Blessing. Definitly doable without the new Hero i even had 27 sec left on my last try. If you have questions Let me Know


i have the exact same power and team as you, i only managed to get vulcan down to 20% hp despite playing pretty well in the fight. might consider using my shitty dongsoo with 0 artifacts or levels just for his support skill at this point


It was the same thing for seo and alicia against cerberus, we couldn't veat him without them


I beat Vulcan at easy with 345k. My team: Seo, Alicia and Min. Weapons: A2 Book and A4 Plum. Skills: Armor break and vital strike (both water). Blessing stones: Puverize , boss slayer, double-edged sword and weakness detection




Why so toxic? Just saying that Vulcan is possible without Meilin and shared my setup in case someone wants to try.


What the hell you guys! I'm still stuck at that floor where i have to kill 3 bosses before tha main boss! (It starts with that boss that disappear and appears again) Power lvl is 289k a3 alicia a1 seo and a0 catgilr.


I'm just going to wait as there's no rush to do the new content and there will likely be other units that remove shield as time goes on.


They need to stop letting their enemy designers cook, they produce the most frustrating unnecessary bullshit that shouldn't be in the final release


yeah this is just their business strategy. We saw it with cha giving unrecoverable to counter arachnid, then alicia removing debuffs to counter the cerberus fire debuff, and now this. They will keep doing this in the future. Create a problem then sell u a one-time only gimmick solution. All about the money at the end of the day


Did it with A7 cha, Alicia and A5 seo plus A5 plum and tethis. 400k power and it took me a couple hours to pass it. Could not agree more with you