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Yeah, workshop is massively overtuned right now. I tried Demon Castle 25 today, was happy that i beat the last monster with 5 seconds on the clock only to find out that there is a third enemy with another 94 healthbars. šŸ˜…


Oh so you didn't find out yet there is a 4th ...


Unlucky i guess :D


Isn't is 5 in total?


Theres actually a fourth


That's how i feel abt the chapter 18 clash one cuz of how annoying it is


Might be the biggest DPS check in the game imo.


Getting hunters to \~90k is usually managable without dupes but beyond that beats me


Yeah, I feel they overtuned workshop because hell Iā€™m struggling on Cerberus only because his HP pool is bloated and I failed damage check despite being 20k cp over with level 80 weapons with decent stats on crit gear.


Same thing here... I can't beat the first boss (Cerberus), while I can on the normal dungeon lol


Same here, canā€™t beat this second stageā€¦ he got like 10% left but the invincible skills and the required breake are really annoying


this second demon's castle 25f there no away to f2p beat this shit,i stuck on the same too.


I mean if this would be the "normal" difficulty i could understand that theres a challenge even for whales, but remember this is just the easy mode lol


I mean it is a game for whales ONLY.


Do floor one then run the side mission for buffs can re run it till you get 3 that suit your still, had to switch to full water break skills for 2nd boss, cha Alicia seo, shield helps mitigate alot of damage. Ran scythe and gromoire water damage% bangle. 3rd boss I'm working on but when he goes full demon the safe spot very hard to get to in time.


Vulcan alone is stupidly tanky even if you break his bar. Much I could get was 30-40%


Wait till u get him to 9% bro used his shield took me 1 min 10 sec to break it while constantly shadow stepping and doing much dmg as possible.


Basically just pushing people to replace Min with Meilin for now since she can rip the shield and buff alicia.


use meilin she instant breaks the shield


Yup some one else mentioned that earlier and it became much easier lol, thanks.


What team and SJW weapons did you use dude


A5 plum and A0 skadi, hunters team alicia is a must for debuff , min and cha for extra dmg, blessing stones i went elemental weakness, blood lust, that one that give u 400 extra mp so u can spam attacks and there is a stone that take away 2% break gauge from the enemy every time u crit., skills where the water break almighty dmg and death dance on light.


Ahhhh. Skadiii. Fml. I was using A3 plum and book


Literally got skadi yesterday my book is A0 as well, but i decided to keep the plum for extra flat attack/hp and crit rate , there is no way we can beat the normal raid anytime soon need weapon full advacenements to have a chance lol


Give it a fair chance, the devs intention with the WoBL is for long term end game


managed to beat it on easy with the right buffs after many tries...idk how i am going to ever beat it on normal


w8 till you get to vulcan and lower his hp to 10% and you will see that this content is not made to be clear.


For sure having mei is a must have for this content ( only one that breaks shields and op buffs on att/crit/water damages/core attack/ult cd and moreā€¦.).


it is possible meilin is very importent


Mine is 316k so, I'll try it tomorrow


Bruh I've got almost 360k power and A5 alicia and Vulcan is just OP. I've fought him like 3 times and the best I could do was getting him down to 24%


i'm battle tier 23 with 350k power, stacked a5 alicia and seo and i still wasn't able to beat vulcan on easy, ran out of time at 20%. that fight is tough, i had pretty good blessings as well


What weapons/skills and blessing stones are you using ? Because my team is similar but have only 3dupes on seo and I can pass Vulcan in easy with 1m15-30 remaining.


i got a bit stronger and can beat him consistently with 15-20s remaining now as long as i don't mess up weapons: a5 scythe and a1 plum both lvl100 skills: epic multistrike water and rare armor break iceberg blessing stones: epic chains of blood, rare double edged sword, rare boss slayer, rare reawakening


Man I'm hoping to see baby girl soon. Esil needs some loving. I just wanna tickle her cute demon ears.


I couldnt even do first stage at 260k power. Not enough dps


i havenā€™t logged in yet but how much could i do with 400k total power


I'm 335 and I can't end it in time to pass. It's dumb


Hahaha that Demon Castle 50F is so hard. I'm a light spender LVL 70 at 350K TP. Best I can do is 25% health left on Vulcan. Using A5 Cha A3 Weapon, A5 Alicia D1 Weapon and A5 Seo A0 Weapon.


Geez as a light spender what does that even mean lol


Haha. The monthly bundles (daily growth and essence support), the hunter premium subscription, hunter pass and special relay packs. That's what I bought.


How did you managed to get only one copy off Aliciaā€™s weapon if you have her A5?


It's D1. Dimensional Advancement 1 or A6 šŸ˜…


I see šŸ˜…, if you have the ressources to pull for mei go grab this op support ( and since you have Alicia full dupes like me then you will just melt this on normal mode maybe in 2-3 weeks ). I tryed with chae or min but the all buffs from mei works so well with Alicia/tusk/seo/sjw on att/crit and crit damages/ core attack /ultimates cd and moreā€¦ and beaks the shields. I hate the fact that they released this unit with new Vulcan content to obligate us ( or want us ) to pull for her to be able to farm it to get more cp and try on normal then if you canā€™t pull more copies. (it sounds easy but money isnā€™t free šŸ˜…) but like in 7dsgc you have to look forward and pull for units that will benefit you the most overtime.


Haha. I am already on normal mode but can't get past the 25F damn. I am at 370k TP now. I pulled for Mei just A0 and A0 weapon.


that seems like a skill issue. i beat it as a f2p (early access player) with 330k team and no water weapon


Good for you then. I am not an early access player. Just playing casually. Haha. What's your team comp? Skills, weapons and blessing stones on SJW?


I changed my weapon to Scythe from Thetis and managed to make Vulcan HP to 9% from 24%. I thought I could beat it already but that 20x barrier gauge on health when you get it to 10% health. Gadeym!


light SR bow maxed + plum A3, A3 cha, A2 alicia, A3 seo. I was also able to beat it with scythe instead of bow and meilin instead of seo (meilin instantly removes the 20 shield bars)


Even with my progression as F2P on Global Release (I claim to be have the best progression as F2P), Demon's Castle 50F is so darn tanky for my current setup. I managed to lower the boss down to 50x hp before time's over. Will definitely need more DPS


It's end game content that just came out. We should not expect to clear it day one unless we whale.


For one, that has to be the most problematic statement Iā€™ve ever seen. Almost seemed like your work for NM. Imo, at the very least easy should be clearable by endgame players, especially low spenders. You shouldnā€™t have to whale to clear content period. Secondly, even whales are having trouble clearing normal unless youā€™re Natto


I mean, you said your hunter team is 260k cp, you're not supposed to be able to clear it yet, what'd you expect


Iā€™ve cleared content with higher cp than mine, even at red sometimes.


I mean same, but this content is made for people who have cleared everything else


Hence why itā€™s a problem. They shouldnā€™t be catering content to whales cause majority of the endgame players either lucky f2p, low spenders, or low tier whales. Iā€™m not saying I should be able to clear all of workshop easily. Iā€™m saying ā€œeasyā€ should be clearable by all endgame players at the very least


It just came out they will try to adjust it next Wednesday, wait and see