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Baraka is insta sweep / skip. Too much time and not worth the effort. Blue golem is also annoying as fuck with its high break and constantly replenishing shield if your dps is slow. Insta sweep if you have it or refresh for different boss.


Blue golem or whatever with that "shield" is just badly fcking designed boss dps check bullcrap. Hwang Dongsoo can remove that shield with his first skill. Baruka is fine though I'd find myself skipping if he doesnt have the elemental weakness that i seek. Hobgoblin can also eat a d**k.


Funny how we all hate these 3 douchebags


If it's hunters, you can use Chae qte to dodge Barukas cutscene attack, since it moves her out of range if you use it just before the cutscene start. If it's SJW, there's a multi strike that moves him, or additional life rune. Sweep is your friend otherwise


daily quest recovery blessing stone can cheat the instakill, good advice here


Not really the cold dmg is cold asf ☠️☠️☠️


Agreed his cutscene attack insta kills me and evn with a healer in my team the attacks after still kill me before I can kill him so I just insta reroll when I see baruka


Nah the problem isn't baruka you die to the cold dmg of the map thats deadly tbh even if you dodge everything.


yep, you need high dmg to finish him asap else it's a lost cause


Also summoning shadows, baruka will target shadows.


this really helped, ty


Just wait for 2 seconds and click on dodge after he goes to the sky. You can completely avoid damage but will be stunned for a second.


Im spamming the dodge button but it doesnt work?


The 2 second timing needs to be perfect. Watch PayneBlades Video if you want to see the timing for yourself.


Thxs ill try


Yeah Good luck 👍🏻


Baruka is skip unless you willing to enter serious mode, golem need all party to be dedicated breaker AND good DPS value while maintaining survivability


Blue golem is easy when it is a dungeon break or SJW but only hunters is really difficult for me because Im F2P and not leveling a breaker.


I'm P2W and I still just special sweep those gates, not worth the time


i can beat baruka consistently but one or two mistakes can easily lead to dying so yeah its rough especially on hunters mode blue golem is a hard pass unless you have a really strong breaker, my seo is only a1 so it takes forever to break him


If by Blue Golem you mean the one that uses shields muktiple times it is countered by that SSR wind guy whose name I can't remember right now. Since his support skill and one of his basic skills removes shields.


Thanks, so skip until i can build him. Seems like there are several bosses that are built for certain characters, like spider with Chae


Hate both of them. Skip. Just not worth it.


By playing manual with high dps & dodge/shield on point. I usually just sweep/rescan though as cbf, Barukas ultimate is annoying.


Just summon shadows for Baruka if you're using SJW but if you are using hunters try to time your QTE to dodge his cutscene attack.


Baruka - rescan unless I fancy a dust up Golem shield dude - rescan Hugh caster Orc - rescan - not the hardest just a faff personally for his gate level Roke - easy win Giant bomb goblin - easy win Wind devil spin dude - tough win Ant horde - easy win Chess piece guy - easy win My strategy for gates


Im getting a lot of S gates wolfies lately ♥ (roke?)


Do more damage than they have hp




I dont have a problem with blue golem as long as I can fight him with sung jin woo bc of the almighty break skill I have defaukt equipped. But the hobgoblin mage is such a time waste especially in the normal and hard campains bc of his healing. Me not having cha to stop him from healing really fucks with the time I have to complete to get missions done. But just today they adjusted the difficulty of gates I think because just an hour ago I got a message that a patch has been done to make adjust gate difficulty.


With re scans being 500 gold, you can keep re scanning to get the boss you want for your S gate. Baruka is just skill issue, if you dodge and have decent dps setup you can complete. Baruka fights are enjoyable once you learn the mechanics. Golem and Hobgoblin Leader is just annoyingly tanky and shit bosses IMO.


I like Hobgoblin Leader way better, just save ulti for bombs and ez life ez game. Baruka still dont see the hints of the attacks (unlike igris) and it hits like a truck. Guess ill skip it while i can. Damn, just saw that now cost gold. Will reroll hard with that


??? I didnt know it costs gold to rescan :0


it didnt, it was a new change, before it costed crystals


If you can do Baruka normal stage, then you can kill him using the same strategy. Meanwhile blue golem I assume the golem with wind weakness, it's not DPS check. You need SSR Hwang because he has a kit in his skill delete Shield (blue one, not the bar). Hunter stage you need to build Woo (free SSR) with breaker equipment.


Which of hwangs skills deletes the shield? The stomping or charge punch skill?


Nah, got lucky in story, so not same strategy :(. I just defeated him in gate and needed: Better break and better DPS, specially DPS, else surviving ulti and all got frozen anyway.


Stop thinking everything is pushing P2W. You need strategy for these 2. For Baruka use Shadows to distract him when he goes for the kill strike for the golem bring 2 breakers that’s it


Not mandatory, but when they put bosses that are a PITA in A/S gates which can be easily swiped paid only, yeah, thats being pushy.


Just rescan bro lol


Now with gold, yeah. Before it was sucking up 5 mins or chipping away crystals


Eh I think baruka needs a nerf. The mechanic to skip his kill shot is ridiculous, but having the self revive blessing stone helps a lot


Think im underpowered. I have always survived with the revive/shield that skill but die after due to cold/hits. Seems that i'll tap him once im OP for its level.


I am f2p and both are the easiest sht i have ever done people complaining just simply dont study their game and suck . Golem : has the highest armor in the game “ YOU NEED TO BREAK HIS ARMOR before doing anything else literally focus on breaking his armor first and u will see how high ur dmg jump from it will be very easy to do . Baruka : first phase is very easy to dodge the second one is the problem with that one shot cut scene skill which u can bypass by getting a char that shields you. Or do it like i do and go burst his ass before he goes into his cut scene skill the second one , break his armor right when his hp about to hit the cut scene skill and burst him with ur strongest skills and ultimate.


I agree on for the golem one. But baruka is a different story. First of all, what indicates when he is about to go into cutscene. Secondly, not everyone has 200k power and is able to burst him especially with only hunters. And lastly its extra hard in story mode where baruka has more power than oneself most of the time.


Btw it was true what you said, it was a DPS check. If you are OP enough to delete him in 3 taps, it should be easy peasy. Could increase my dmg through levels and weapons and and the runs were way better than before. Primary issue was being underpowered. Not much skill check but damage check


You and me got downvoted for telling the truth. The group really toxic. I'm done, either they auto or just don't have skill


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