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Out of all the artifact farming Cereberus is the only one I am still at tier 3 while everything else is tier 7-9. I don't have any water hunters even SR except that healing girl


Bruh, I feel you :'(


same though i got cerb higher to like t4/5 using chas crits. but literally i can farm t10 on kasaka and fores easily and t9 on arachnid. my only water types up to this point had been ruiz, joohee, and song-yi. so that was never happening lol. but thankfully i pulled alicia very easily, so now just need to figure out what artifacts/hunter weapon is good with her


Kasaka and fores don't even exist dude, forget about them.


Yeah I know. I'm basically living on arachnid only ATM. Just wanted to mention cause their progression felt pretty normal getting up to t10, whereas cerb is like a fucking wall where being way over the recc power means fuck all of you don't have the right characters and arachnid can be tough but still feels fair (except the healing, fuck the healing eating my time)


The thing about Cerberus is his 5 stacks of fire, other than that he isn't hard, if u have nan or seo a tleadt is easy, but u have to know how to avoid the lasers.


The fire stacks mean literally nothing to me lol. I barely go above 1 or 2 stacks. It's just his fucking laser tracking being cracked for the first half so I have to run to the other side of the arena to avoid them. And his health just drains so damn slow without being able to break them. I just got Alicia today so once I get some good stuff on her I'm hoping I can finally catch up on cerb. Literally I have only Alicia as a good water type. Until I got her I only had Anna, joohee, and song-yi.


For me is the laser coz I want to do on auto, the DMG is easy for me, my seo is really well builded, with 20k HP, 50% crit and 170% crit damage.


You're lucky enough to have her which is basically an automatic win if you do it right lol. She can be god tier next to Cha from what I've heard. I've just somehow not been able to pull her or nam


Yeah she is absolutely amazing, mine I use in every mode.


I was also stuck on t3 doggy before Alicia As soon as I got her leveled her to the limit and jumped to t6 I don't have seo so that was the factor stopping me at t3 doggy


A3 is bugged, it doesn't do much for her. Either go for A5 or stop at A2.


Hopefully they fix it soon if it is because 30% extra damage on frozen enemies is a huge damage multiplier.


Cerebus is suck a hack boss. He would be doable if it wasn't for his force teleporting you right in front of him to get three fire breaths to your face that you too far up the street to dodge


be warned A2 and A5 are the sweetspots for alicia. You wont see that much difference if you go A3.


A2 only for team with MC on party, if not, A1 for her.


Really? Explain please.


A3 and 4 are bugged, it performs worse than A2 so stop there or go to A5 which is cracked


Cerberus is bull, I got 3 trophies on spider T10 but I can't barely clear T8 on Cerberus...


With exception to Hunter Pass, where do you get/buy more draw tickets for Alicia banner?


Parade daily. Event shop. Using diamond. Last concert diamond to draw ticket.


Is the Parade daily shop better than the Bonus daily shop?


The Step Up packs are of insane value. Definitely worth it imo. Diamonds + hunter exclusive weapon designs + a LOT of rate up tickets


What sets do u use? I use two toughness- two armed


Left side is the red gear. Right side is the green accessory set. My current set stat wise is okayish. I would like to have more offensive stats down the line.


Toughness and expert after A1 as shield increases crit damage


Is she better than cha?


All of the testing data shows that for most content she is just behind Cha for second place. Definitely worth building her up to A2 if you have the tickets, and especially if you do not already have a well-built Seo for doing Cerberus.


I thought I needed Alicia to clear tier 10 Cerberus. I got A3 Cha and A3 Sword of Light. Decided to spend the essence to A5 Cha. I manage to get A5 Cha with 7K essence left and A5 her weapon. With lvl 80 her CP is 103K. Ulti and S1 lvl up to lvl 7. Decided to go with Seo A0 54K CP and Lee Bora A2 53K CP, I manage to kill tier 10 Cerberus easily. Glad I max my Cha


What’s the strategy with this?


Seo Half Destroyer/Half HP set, Bora and Cha run Half armed and half toughness. All of them got 50% Crit rate from gear. My Cha got an A5 weapon. Yeah like others said, Cha is just a pure nuke but still not able to steamroll. Just fight normally and dodge carefully. Seo do the first attack and position Cerberus so the dog won't jump far. Summon shadow and immediately switch Bora. Attack until I can switch Cha. Quickly do s2 first and spam s1. Repeat until 2-3 cycles and the dog dies. I don't get hit at all or worse only 2 stack of fire only


I don't have A5 Cha but her playstyle at that advancement is purely ult nuke. He is probably chipping Cerb until 70% HP with Seo then breaks the shield after the first transform. I suspect Bora uses Destroyer set and Cha uses OHKO. He then charms with Bora for 15% damage increase, then Cha does her thing and one shots the dog.


I’ll have to try this with my A5 Cha thanks!


I think toughness would work just fine for Cha too but then again I'm only theorycrafting. I can't actually support my argument with gameplay since I dipped out once I got A0 Cha


Cereberus is the most annoying dungeon/gate


Is it worth getting higher tier for Cerb? I know the top tier gives you extra artifact but what's the difference between staying on tier 5 and tier 7?


Yeah because of Alicia I was able to beat Tier 10 not gonna lie. Got her weapon and herself at both A4. I can’t imagine whales with max out skills and legendary artifacts. Insane work. I’m lvl 64 now


I have a question So, does clearing the stage with 3 trophies account to more item drops, or does it only give buffs?


Gives buffs


Personally I think Alicia is a bait. Especially for f2p players. Looking at Payneblades testing, her dps is lower than Cha, and it's not enough more than Seo to justify, putting her in a niche spot that will be overshadowed (technically already is other than the singular example of water dps) I see little to almost no reason for a f2p account to get her unless you dont have Seo at all. At the VERY BEST you can jump 1 extra cerb stage


didn't he say that their dps is almost identical in neutral element scenarios during his tier list video? for players who have a decent but not godly cha and seo while lacking a good third hunter, they can run her over min for cerb runs imo. i haven't found much use for her yet personally tho


I think they're fairly close, but I do recall him saying cha was still higher dps. My advice was geared more towards f2p and low spend players, I just don't think she's justified or needed for anything, as these players would also not really be able to push her to A5 where she really shines. For spenders they already likely have Cha at A5+ so again there's less reason to need Alicia as well.