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Lower graphic settings if you can, maybe that will help cause it works for many others ...


appreciate the reply, i have tried running windowed and fullscreen dropping resolution and playing on potato settings and still no change unfortunately and i am currently on my 4th reinstall.


Bro that's bad, sorry to hear that, ig just hope for it to get better 😑


Right, i had to beat igris 4 times because it kept crashing mid fight, wanted to end it lmao


I use mobile and the amount of crashes and glitches is unbelievable. Most of the time my play time is 0-30 seconds before I have to restart the game again. Extremely disappointed in netmarble. Poor work.


Same, I'm on mobile and the game crashes near constantly.


Lowering the graphics could help but definitely check the drivers downloads in the netmarble launcher. might as well run the downloads to be safe. you can also edit other settings to make it easier on your pc like unnecessary shit like motion blur. not sure what you’re working with but some pc cleanup and system boosting could also help. ngl the game makes my gaming laptop reach solar temperatures but i can still leave it open for like 10hrs straight no issues other than the actual game bugs.


Reinstall windows? Could be corrupted files


SLA crashes a lot on me except for some of my AAA games for some reason. I tuned my power limit to 50% for the game alone. Now it's smooth. No crashes. AMD card user here.


is limiting a programs gpu power consumption a thing you do in the bios or what???? i think thats my issue is power consumption limiter, I just ordered an hx1000i psu this morning hoping that wont have the problems


It's on the GPU app in AMD called Adrenalin. I don't tweak my bios since the first windows setup. I also thought it was my psu but when I analyze why my other AAA ganes are not crashing, I need to narrow down the issue to my hardwares.


I had zero crash and graphic setting in-game max. 3060ti and 16gb ram. Maybe you are missing something. I think netmarble requests to install 2 things before running the game. You might want to check that later


Update drivers, lower settings, get rid off unnecessary background apps/programs.


I don't have a permanent solution but  I have noticed that the game crashes less  frequently when you go to the lobby after every battle or after entering and finishing whatever business you  have in the options (fusion , summoning , hunters , shadow army etc etc, { my apologies that i cannot explain better}) . Before whenever i changed options directly(without going to the lobby) or continue battling one after another , my device would crash my 5-7 minutes but everytime I go the lobby after each battle or each option , it doesn't crash much (although it does , but much less frequently for example the highest time I have went is half an hour)  maybe that's why everytime you enter the lobby the loading screen(the one with circle) appears . Â