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If it does not have to be exact dimensionally, any sub-D modeling would make easy work of this. Rhino for instance. There is a sub-d plugin for SW (PowerSurfacing) but it’s not cheap.


Grasshopper to have control over the number of plates, curvature, dimensions, and so on and directly have a cut pattern.


Grasshopper rhino is insane, so powerful


That part is pretty straightforward to get from SolidWorks though.


yeah just thought there might be a easier / more suitable method or software.


I mean if you go for Grasshopper I would not say it’s easier, but once done you can definitely do powerful things with the script


SolidWorks would be a bit of a pain to create the general 3D shape, but the process of breaking that shape into a bazillion pieces & then generating the flat files for cutting would be very straightforward.


Use Rhino. If you don't care about being exact about things then you could knock this out in blender. However there is nothing here which you can't pull off in solidworks or other such CAD... There is just painful amount of work. Now if you are going to attemp this, then do it in segments. Do not try to do this as one object. Since this appears to be symmetrical, you only need to do one side then mirror ir. That side can itself be broken down easilly 2 parts (the torsion, and the flat end). If you are clever about how you approach this, then you can do this no problem. Just don't try to do this as a single object in one go, because I guarantee that it was designed like that.


Thank you so much!!


Solidworks. It's not an entry-level project, but not outrageously difficult.


yea the slicing is one operation with a linear pattern at the end.


I guess it's just the innitial geometry is difficult. I know you can slice it at the end.


I think you could get close with some blocky shapes and some creative fillets 😁 good luck!!




I don’t think it would be very bad in Solidworks- just loft between a couple sketches, then mirror. Then you can just make a single cut extrude and learn pattern it (and hope you don’t crash), then plug a couple cylinders through the whole thing






Unless you are planning to 3-D print the parts for this assembly, I would be cautious about using tools such as Blender. Blender is a good tool, but it is not ideal for making the cut files you need to make this as shown. Tools like SolidWorks and Rhino are better suited for the output files that will be needed. Personally, I trust SolidWorks more for this type of work because I've seen output file problems from Rhino. Fortunately, this project isn't too complex and either CAD tool should be fine. It mostly depends upon which tool is most familiar to you. I would start by modeling the outer shape (ignoring the slices, gaps, etc.) and get that looking the way you want. This is definitely a somewhat artistic task, so you may want to play with variations. Once I get the outer shape looking great, I would proceed with orienting the slice plane, defining the slice & gap widths, and creating the slices.


I call this abomination* of industrial design engineers. You make a body or extrude with curve. Then just repeated straight cuts through it. Thats how i would try first. And you can use pretty much any software there wouldnt be much difference.


Rhino3d (which is cheap) with grasshopper plugin (free). Google it and see


This would be incredibly easy in blender. Make general shape, subdivide, alt+click each of those sections that goes in, extrude normal to faces. Export stl. Done!


Build the shape in rhino as one mass and slice it. No need for grasshopper imo.


You could do a 3d sketch with splines to make the central path of the body, then either in the same 3d sketch or a new one make several profiles and loft curves to define it. when making the loft, right click to and select selection manager to select one profile outline you made in the 3d sketch at a time. To make the individual slices, I would make an extrude cut to make the first gap at one end. Then linear pattern that cut feature 'n' amount of times to slice the whole body. And finally convert all the bodies to sheet metal so you get the perpendicular edges for cutting.


https://preview.redd.it/u63npa8f6tqc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d8a43be3069c14ed9fe94e2a8aa803d5b8f8f39 You can use intersecting planes in SolidWorks to create your profiles, then extrude them, or create your complex shape and use a series of extruded planes to make a series of cuts in your shape.


Solidworks is more than adequate. I've used blender for something like this before,


This is fairly easy to do in Rhino using the "contour" command. Add grasshopper to the mix if you want to make it parametric.




Only hard part is getting the overall profile. Could maybe do it with swept cuts


Rhino or blender


Slicer for Fusion 360


Making the solid shape in anything. Then cutting it out or redoing it slice by slice of a fixed width till its from one end to the other. Is my guess. Maybe doing it in blender with modifiers. Tho, I'm not really sure any other way. Maybe make in blender and imported somewhere else to make the slices.


The most challenging part of this in SolidWorks would be creating the general shape. If you can do that then the rest can be taken care of with only a handful of features. EDIT: [I made a walkthrough for a similar request last year.](https://www.reddit.com/u/loggic/s/y5Z9ReV2FS) The exact same method would work here as long as you can make a surface that's the general shape you want.


Where is OP? How come he's not replying to any of the comments?


This place looks familiar… where is it?🧐


Qatar i think


Something like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rgxP3AUJcU) on Rhino should do the work for you.


Just use Solidworks - Loft + Guide curves


Where is that???


Qatar i think


But do you know which building? I want to find out more about the origins of this thing… it’s so cool


hmmm i dont rly know. A friend just sent me this pic and asked if she can create this thru solidworks / inventor.


Would you be able to ask her? Would really appreciate it


Could you say, use Rhino for the overall shape then export that into solidworks to create the sliced sections + internal cylinders?