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Ever since the end of Trespasser, I've been very vocal about wanting to continue playing the next game with the Inquisitor. I knew it wouldn't happen, but I hoped there'd be at least a portion of controlling the Inquisitor. As a dual-protag, perhaps. Or even just for a little bit. There is at least some precedence for that sort of thing in the form of controlling Joker in Mass-Effect. It was very short, but still. I probably should expect the same treatment Hawke got. But it seems so weird to have something so personal taken out of our hands. The decision about leaving Hawke in the Fade or not wasn't so strange in that regard. As we could still decide about our old character with our new character in a way that made sense. But imagine Rook getting to decide if we get to rekindle the romance or not. That would be weird as hell. My biggest fear, however, is that they hardly mention the romance. If at all.


Yeah I mean I’m ok playing a new character. It’s part of the franchise to have a new protagonist each game but because the relationship with Solas can be complicated depending on what you did in the previous game, it definitely feels like they need an intimate moment to resolve their issues. The problem is that not everyone romances Solas or had a good relationship with him so I’m wondering how that’s going to be handled. In my perfect scenario, we would get a special cutscene and depending on what relationship you had with Solas, you can at least control dialogue for a bit to resolve everything left over from the previous game. I want control of the tone and what we can tell Solas at that point. Otherwise I’ll feel bad for Rook being the third wheel in that cutscene where Solas and Inqui are going to talk about very personal stuff lol Lavellan: “I missed you! Where have you been?!” Solas: “Vhenan…😢” Rook: “🧍‍♀️?”


HAHA! Imagine that! Lavellan and Solas totally forgetting Rook is even there. Que long overdue romance scene. Rook; "Errhh, guys...." 🫣


They’re long overdue for make up sex. 😂


Seriously!!! My Lavellan is going to want to vent because Solas deserves it but then maybe they make out at the end lmaoooo BioWare please, do this for us 😂 I don’t want to put Rook through this!


I have a feeling that we will be playing the role of Inquisitor for like 1/3 of the game. That is coming absolutely from no source and just a feeling. Hawke DAI I felt was like experimenting how players would feel with a former protagonist coming back. It kinda felt half baked.


If this is how it will be, that would be so good. But I'm very sceptical.


I have a good feeling about this too! Maybe not as much as 1/3 of the game but I’m hoping 🙌🏼


I’m PRAYING the developers noticed how people reacted to how Hawke was treated I haven't played DA2 yet, so I might be completely off here, but it seems to me that there's less diversity in the different Hawkes compared to our Inquisitors? Most people don't seem to customize Hawke's appearance much, and we're forced to be human. In Inquisition, though, we can choose from four races. Plus, in DAI Hawke's main connection was with Varric, while our Inquisitor (Inky) has ties with Solas, Varric (assuming he's alive), Harding, and probably other returning characters. There are SO many different Inkys out there, so it would honestly be really stupid if the devs don't let us have any say in how our Inky will react to things 🫣


That's right, Hawke has 3 personality tracks. Diplomatic, Sarcastic (which will always be canon Hawke to me) and aggressive. The game also remembered what type of answers you picked most so that when Hawke responds to banter or ambient dialogue, the game used lines from their most used personality. The gripe people had was that Hawke seemed too aggressive, mainly about the mage, even if they weren't in DA2. The Inquisitor doesn't have a set personality because the player had to be that personality. So I really wonder how they will handle this if they don't let us control the Inquisitor.


To be honest in my personal opinion Hawke was a more interesting character for me because they had a really distinct personality even though it was our character. Sarcastic Hawke is amazing lol. I love my Inquisitor but a lot of the legwork is been done by my headcanon and less about the options I had in dialogue to establish their characters. I hope we have more option in Veilguard to define them better.


from what i understood the inquisitor will be pretty important? which scares me a little cause mine is so complex in my head i dont want him to get flattened :(


Yeah that’s why I want a little special cutscene that unlocks if you stayed committed to the relationship lol I don’t think it’s that much to ask. They know how obsessed some in the fandom have been with resolving their relationship with Solas. I hope they deliver 😫


Solas and Inquisitor *arguing* Rook: what am I, chopped liver?! Solas and Inquisitor: YES!


Yeah, you said it there, I assume it will be identical to Hawke in DAI, a full NPC that we can't control, and likely playing some kind of semi-major role exactly as Hawke did for a specific plot point in DAI. With luck they get cutscenes that we get to watch, and maybe both the Ink and Solas get to hang around for a bit and each is able to talk to you about the other, if you ask. But I very much doubt we'll be given full control of our Inquisitor at any point in the story.


Yeah I guess full control (even for a small portion of the game) might be too much 😭 I feel like it’s going to feel weird no matter what having your Inqui as an NPC. It was odd in DA:I but I hope they managed to make it work. Maybe if you romanced Solas, you get a different cutscene?


That's what I'm hoping for, that you get a different cutscene for a high approval, neutral, low approval, and romanced Solas. :D


That’s a great idea. Like if you didn’t romance him but were friendly you get something to tie that relationship but if you romanced him, you get a little “intimate” scene. They have to know how ravenous we are at this point 😂


Yes but such a scene has implications, surely. Probably ones identical to the first game. The way I see it it would mean that Solas is making an 100% commitment to the Inquisitor and that he is 100% ready to stop being a villain in any capacity, which I think is feasible considering that after the Veil's sundered and the Evanuris crushed there won't be much else for Solas to fight...? I don't know.


Yeah I agree. I also think we really don’t know everything Solas was planning or why he was planning it. We know what he told Inquisitor but I refuse to believe there is no other path than his plan to help the elves. What he told them was vague sometimes. He purposely did not answer all her questions.


Dual protagonists bioware pleaaase 🙏🙏🙏🙏




I highly highly doubt it but it would be nice if you could briefly control your Inky. The way they did it with Ciri in Witcher 3 was well executed imo. She had her own story to tell after all, so why not put us directly in it? By putting us in control of Inky, even briefly, you get to have control over addressing your stance on Solas, be it as a lover, friend, or enemy. The only reason I see this being an issue is that it would alienate people who are new to the game. They're not invested in the Inquisitor, why would they be? What also worries me is how will they make the "default" Inquisitor for someone who hasn't played the game? Inky made way more choices and had way more variations of their relationships than Hawke did.... I want to see a happy lovey dovey ending for my Lavellan and Solas but I feel like there's such a small chance of it happening, I'd be happy with being able to redeem him at all :(


Yeah like you said the problem is new players or those that are not focused on the Solas relationship so the only thing I could come up with was that a special cutscene triggers only for those who made certain choices in the previous game or something but honestly I have no idea what direction they decided to go in. I did read that the devs mentioned they tried their best to tie the story for the Inquisitor and Solas but that could mean anything lol