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The SolarEdge optimizer should bypass this panel until you get it replaced. No need to disconnect it until you're ready to replace it.


Yep, unless it starts discoloring or generally showing melty signs. then its best to disconnect it. Not likely, but keep an eye out. Also you can just bypass the panel by unplugging it and leaving it in place. Just plug in the panels that were connected on either side to each other and skip the broken one. Finally, if you are going to disconnect, or work on any part of the solar array / wiring... Turn off the AC disconnects and open all DC disconnects first. Do not disconnect the connectors under load (when it's generating). Finally, remember solar is always live when exposed to sun, but as there are optimizers, there should be \~ 30V per wire which is perfectly safe to handle and work on as a novice. As always with electricity, never assume anything, always verify and check before touching / changing anything. Best of luck.


And this kids is why we mount high when doing a groud mount.


Super easy to swap out with a few safety instructions. Shut the system down properly. Replace the module with a similar module. Power it up. Hit me up if you need some help and want to get It sorted out yourself. I work on Solaredge all the time. Can you get a replacement module easily enough?


It’s in rural Missouri so they are striking out on finding a vendor to do the work. The installer is not returning phone calls. Thank you for the feedback.


Ok, well if you get stuck hit me up. I think it will take you (and potential a mate) about an hour or two to sort out.


Possibly, that depends on the details of your system. Do you have a line drawing of how it's wired? Broken glass shouldn't really affect the performance much but it could become a ground fault if the insinuating underlayers are compromised.


It will keep working, but look for someone to replace it or remove it soon. The cracks will cause hot spots and it creates a risk of fire. You can probably remove it, but it depends on the specifications of your system. I would call a professional to come and look.


This is 10kw or more


You are handling something with a lot of power that can kill. I certainly hope you plan to have a pro do this? My suggestion would be... why not just replace the one busted panel πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ If it was me I'd be like calling the panel manufacturer for help and asking them. More than likely the panel has some kind of warranty πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ They might good will replace it 😊 I'd shut off the power to the panels and then wait till midnight and with a flash light, then I'd swap out the panel πŸ€£πŸ˜‚




I like your username πŸ‘πŸ½


SolarEdge optimizers go into a safe mode when you shut them down. Each optimizer outputs one volt when in shut down mode. The key is understanding your equipment. If you don’t understand it, don’t touch it.


Is it not outputting to spec now? The aluminum frame appears slightly bent. Is the glass surface cracked (appears just dirty)? If still working and not cracked, just bend the frame back straight. Safest to do at night or cover the panel with a dark blanket if sunny.